1 m i i ' 1 . : ' i i : price' $4-00-Ier Tear rEOGEAMME ARRANGED. TWO 0004 ESOaPK. CONCORD, N. b., SATURDAY, APRIL 15189& 0j ,rbalninan to uut-Tho Gone- uey or the Conspl! Jnt. - trusty and lri oniinn or the run - v firi'I"" . -. - - - - cord'M Grretln to Her "Boys In m, f n . ' , Saperintendent B6n field reports The fo lowmg amngemeut has ; the loM;;if two coyi5f8 fr J been maae as 10 me meeting ol chain irAmr f, be soldiers next Saturday night. . Johnston and John The soldiers will be met at the jTbey were Tom MUkeup8on. He says Tom Johnston depot by tbe Concord band, trusty made so partly because he veterans, aDd discharged mem bers of Company ;L : March to conrt house. National' airs by cliorus of Concord's daughters. Welcome by J L - Growell, Mayor. ' ' Prayer by Kev. W G Alex ander. - Five minute speeches by Key. f D Arnold, H S Puryear, M H jH Caldwell ami Col. P B Means, busier. Mess call by J B Alexander, Line formed and march to Caton's ball where only the soldieisy veterans, speakers and the band will be admitted and served to supper. Impromptu toasts. - The following greeting has been sent to Company L by the manager of the reception com--. nntte : '. : coscoed's greeting to heu 'ijoys IN BLUE. "In bflialf of the dausrhters and good people of Concord we stretch forth our hands in glad veleomq to her returning sons. Well dT'O watched with anxious hearts -every step of your progress since with tearful eyes and loving prayers we bade you an aljectipn ate fare-vtll. In the midst of our ji53 at tbo approach of the tine' when we shall eladlv weK nQ I you back wo would not feet your tears of sorrow fnr a dead comrade and - heartfelt sym pathy for the bereaved mother tfliosa grief will be deepened by the thought of the vacant place in your ranks, North Carolina ex pects much of her sons, Concord expects more. We lake a joyful pnde jn the record you have made and wo feel assured that no seemingly word or act will brinS a blush of shame to ; a other's or sister's cheek, aa with proud and steady stop you bring nome again - the flag of your country that was presented by the vo vt hoi uvvxi uuugniero. Thrice welcome to Gnno.nrd nrl h reception that has been are- Fdrea t0 you by loying hands. had rheumatism link tVi 0i.niin; seemed to irritate t.fmrii ankles swelled toii Ilare for the shackles. He seemed quite permission of the times to go out. Single Copy 5 Cei ts About 9 o'clock was allowed to go return. Pink Makeupsbnl four years for stealing Ed. Louain's money) slipped out between the board wall and the! tint cloth over it unwell and asked guard eevera Sunday night he out and did not I. (who was on for on Monday morning fn the confusion 1 ' urn when the convicts jw.ere waked up at day light. Mr. W j F Hess was on guard and Superintendent Benfield and guardman Boat were yet asleep. 'I he r T !L8 a little- later. Mr. Benfield tel a couple tools whe These tools he kn at the rock- crusher i I:' - ii . The theory is that Tom Johnson treacherously slipped these tools and dropped .them over the wall to Men waktd just 8 us that he found re Makeupson lay. evy had been 'eft I Makeupson, who have eacaped sooner but found the guard too yigllant evidently would all the night and took the last chance Monday morn ing while the convicts were up and dhes, to slip out og just over the elfor health bsres put tic g oa their c through: 'the open wall which is mad fits. Till the gurd jqnla wake up the o'hers and at the Critical moment, i : Mil too, when the convicts were in the necesgary condition cf changing from the night to! the day arrane ment the prisoner! escaped beyond sigh His tracks for eome distance. Mr. Benfield sa trusty . tha" has coull b8 followed s ; this is the fourth i broken his trust SB under his admihis ration but that Makr.npsoD . is th first chamman th&t has escaped him. : Makenpson has the tchackles and about two links on each foot,' also the regulation pait.l Will Kot Suffer the Death Penalty. Esq. C A Pitts and Mr. W A teed to Havana. Dr' h M Archev lftffc annrlav Rht ou his Wav to Havana Rnonrl- : ml - "J fsm u rchev ofl.n i - -l , j uuuu ion now jnany aays 11 Will tftV , . frn B Daoney the cab driver who picked it I T tL carriage seat, but if 0 ine DOyS irom cava r,u . . Joyner returned Home last Satur- Cuta S aive ln the world for tomm S"Be9' Sore8' Ulcers, Salt Htud? r?Z?r Sores Tetter Chapped 8 OhxlblaiM, Corng and all u r.rni.: - . uuuds, and DOSitivelv nnrfti or 110 Pay required. It is STS 'faction or V U' rnCe 235 CentS PW itore Kaie at li Petse'a Drug '- fit day night from Washington after attending as witnesses the trial of Keesler Keed, coll for the kill- . if ing of a negro woman. " The jury returned a yerdict of guilty in the case yet they asked for mercy for ReNe8, hence he will not suffer the p Bhalty of death. The verdict of the; jury shows that they found him guilty of the act yet tney nna tnari mere is some- tnmg wrong wnerin xeea deserving of mercy. There two suppositions now on tnac ne win geci and the other is a new trial. - is is is a liie sentence that he will get If troubled with frheumatism give Ohamberlaip's Pain-Balm a trial. It will not cost you a. cent if it does no good. One applicaion will relieve the pain. It also cures sprains and bruises in one third I the time required Iby any other treatment. Cutsjl fiburns, frostbites, miinsfiv. nains in I the side and chest, A " ' j glandular and other swellings are quick ly cured by applying it. Every bottle warranted, rncei 35 ana ou cts. JU Li Marsh & Co. AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH Interest lncroHSPs--unla.y KfKhttho Best or Al...Room Keed d for the Comers. The meeting at the Baptist church are increasing in interest and jthe want of a much larger auditjorium is needded to accom modate the audience. Saturday nighi's lecture was highiy enjoyed but jthat of Sunday night is ek teemjed the climax thus far. It was -Sabbath night and the levity of other nights was left off of cqurse. flhe songs with the canvas scenes to illustrate the senti ment were deeply impres pressire as auxiliary to the points of tJ e lecture. The subject tonight is, "Wine and Woman" or Woman Sustains Cun 'The Relation to the Drink se." was the at h and entd All ojr Them Are Artists. Tiie following criticism of the Alba Hey wood Company, which! is to appear here on Friday night,! is frocr the Fort Worth, Tex.. .-Daily Register : The largeat house of the season greeted Alba Hey wood and his excellent company at the Opera House last night in the Y. MM0. A. Course. Nearlv everv statin the house was occupied, and the audience estimated at 1,300 people. From beginning he had his audience 6 mercy, but it was soon evident the audience had no mercy on him, as the encores were so oft repeated that he was compelled for the third fourth time to respond. His roretation of "Pce'a Rtveu" was novul, his pa'helic work was good, but perhaps his Siliy Billy" was the most catcby of his evening's work. As a character actor he star da ahead of any that has been hea-d in this city. Miga Flora Dre'scher was a favorite with the audpnee. It is safe to say that no better violinist has been heard! in Fort Worth. MiseEliseReimer'a work as a pianist was exceptionally gobd. Mr. D.iBrav'd baas eoloa wer; much appreciated. Ail together it Was the JJmcet" enjoyable entertainment in jthe coune. It will provoke a smile with the patrons of the Ijcenrr: to even suggest the probability! of this company's being in the regular course next season . is getting HE'S AT FORTRESS MONROE . Clarence Brown Kecorrrs from the Fever Sufficiently to Be Brought to ( Fortress Monroe Improvement Be- in&r Made. Written for The Standard. Mr. A E Walter rather fishy. He had some 22 pounders on the market this morning. Miss Ida Poteat, of Enochville, is spending the day with friends. Mr. Kennett is hoppinsr around ou ajcrutch from the j effects of a dog pulling him fromlhigrwheel. Capt. J M Odell is improving his residence by adding a beau tiful "bay window." Mrs. J F Brown the news that her has received &On, Clarence BrowD, has arrived at Fortress remembered te sick with was unable Monroe. It will be that he has been qui fever at Havana and to lejaye with the boys. Private bterihen Frazier, also of Company L, is also at Fortress Shirt. Waists' in ail j, sizes ; Plain, Cord and Fancy efiectsi Its a : i ' new lot just come in .correct; thing early spring They are well tucked and the for an ' - . j Waist. Monroe, PERSONAL POINTERS. of Charlotte, Mr. C L Smith, spentjesterday here. Mies Fannie Littles returned home this morning, after spending Sunday in Charlotte. Mr. W R Harris Montgomery county, He will be gone for- several days. Mr. Chae. M. Srown, of Salis bury, came dowii last SaturJay night. He and Mrs. Brown -will return home tonight.' j Dr. R S Young went- out to Mt. Pleasant this afternoon, haviDg been called tasee Mr, Wesley Ker erly, who received a Wound on fcis head some days ago, and whesa col dition is not impro veil aa much sa could be expected, j made, nicely and the correct style. The price of the waist complete is o just what the . IJ' foul material iri'Jy cost would brdinaj: yon. Our rpfl.nv tttoot. went to Troy, J this momiDf.. waists' and Skirls are mon by savers' Hi P I i tympany. Green Mountain i flapleJ Syrup. Wonder If He nKb o-r Hi 4 ocioiie us oat. file, or nny- he looked Her School Closed. II I Miss Beasie Sims returned home lasi Saturdav nisht-'from Hrrripu Lbuig, where she has been teachicg sehool at the Teeter school house the last four months. The clos- exerciees of the' school wera for ma given last Friday night. The! ex ercisea were compUuGentod verv i mqch and her work during the past months is a credit to hor. At Bocky River Next Sunday. Rev. P F Price, of the Southern Presbyterian Mission in China, will preach at Rocky River church next Sunday, and at the First Presbyte rian church here next Sunday night. icURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All; druggists reiuna money ii ii iaus to cufe. 25o. Tnegenuin has L. B. 6. oni each tablet. . . .. ! Tn olmnat atptv n Ale'hhoTnOod tnAra is iome one whose life has been saved hviinhftmberlain's Coho Cholera! and Diarrhoea Remedy, or who has been cured of chronic diarrhoea by the use of that medicine Such persons make o r Aint n,f foil in cr nf if. tpIiptipvpt nnrwS-r- tunity offers, hoping that it may be the means of saving other lives. Fori sale j byjM. L. Marsh & Co., Druggist, j .. Quart Bottles at 30 cents. Pint Bottles at 20 cents. Sweet Pickles 5 i He wasi immuned X duDg:eon beneath ti i i nna a Haw. n 4 thinor hp. mniTPil ' Tat the so id irou bakb'ioss the solitary window. THen a thouprht struck him. his fa L hrighttned v like a Cripple Creek dor fla-tion xtapiaiy running o of collars, which from the laundry, 1. j fitted to jhis purpose! utes later me errtat 4 r. bupply i just come J selected onp Five min- Of per Bottle 10 cents. Canned Kornlet! at 20 cents per can. ; Ervin & Morrison OR0CER5 - i iiii in rft. t i ii - i . i . r5 the window, dextr'uslv severed - ihe ..iun- X v tv jH'un iirv ho " iilllllf UiIS JUKI 5 hv the saw likp rlcrd A dered collar, fell ai . t tt. : i " ! j sxe was iree. f If he had had hie v 1 it ' v aerea at tne Doncoi u jaui .j. would be in jail yet v we nave a aevic T the edge of collars dnu 4. return them to you with a per- v. try us. ' the Cleanini? ff ctlv smooth f t T inquire about Club. I 1 V Concord Steam Lahniirv nwo I worn 9 'Phone No 2. X SHIRTS REPAIRED FREE. u 1 I i To . . . ' - j - - - ' We extend a WELCOME and ash that while i in our city you make make the FUEjj ITURE STORE of BELL, HARRIS COMPANY Read quarters. Jfe will take pleasure in showing you through the best staak of Furniture to M found in North Carolina We bufi in CAR LOTS for SPOT CASK and we can give you prices that will convince you that we are procession. Come and see us and you will do us good- Bell, Harris & at the head, of the Company. H if m I'.- VM mm it : ; 1 y 1 fi f i. ri 1 .. . 1 . 4' w . " Hi . 1 f V. r-4'H ::f $ 1 Jf - x

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