DAILY STA1A D JO dN D. BARRIER & SON, Editors and Proprietors. OFFICE - IN - BRICK - ROW. 1HE STANDARD is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by ries. Rates of Subscription : One year. ......... .:.'.!;. .$4.00 Six months. -. ...... 200 Three months........... 100 One month. ... . . . ...... .35 Single copy. '-. ...... ... . .05 THE WEEKLY STANDARD is a our-page, eight-coluuin paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus thau any other puper. Price $1,00 per annum in advanoo. " ' . AdveJtising Rats Terms for regulir.' adyertisements made known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N-0 . L(IMbiHE ISLAND. Otkr Troops la Fine Condition tire Appreciate Onr Motives I m- ,.jg...- .. - ' ' f " provements Progressing Not a flood Place to Get ttich Quickly. CONCORD, Ni C, APRIL; 1, U399. "WHEN THE BOYS COME HOME AGAIN. The following; beautiful poem, from thft pen of Mrs. Sallie Lanien appears in the States villa Land mark. It was, written for Company E, First N. 6. Regiment, but is equally applicable to all, and we are sure will touch a most hearty responsive chord in the bosoms of our readers : Just last May we watched them . sadly, ' : .f As they marched our boys grown men ! Now (oh, words we echo gladly!) They are coming home again 1 Hark I I hear soma fair young maiden (Shame it were to call her vain I) Whisper, glancing in her mirror, "He is coming home again !" . Listen to the shouting school-boys, Racing home across the plain, "Don't you kcow we'll have a 'hot time7 When the boys come home again" J6y fully th mothers labor, Bike and trim, and 121,906! and f clean; 'All must look its brighteit, fairest, When my boy comes home again l" . I . , -. . Cornel For loving, arms will meet you ! CoinM For bright eyes will be fairer I ' ! All our hearts go out to greet you ; Home again, boys 1 Home again 1 Yet, forget not, in our gladness, Those who weep, in lonely pain ; Can "the tumult and the snouting? Give them back their dead again? Smiles..we,ll bring to greet our sol diers, - Tears to rapurn our heroes dead I Thanks we offer to the Giver, That our boys come home again ! It is anndpnced That Tien Wheeler will resign his toihtar commission if he is hot to Wet to "go to the Phil ippines where he can do some fight ing. It seems the old war horse's . . . - .. 1 mettle warms up as he advances inj years instead of ebbing as ia the' usual order. : Tor Over Filtyl Years Sirs. Win8low's Soothing Hyrap has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect sue cess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy, for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor -little sufferer immediately. oid by vdruggist8 in every part of the world. Twenty-five rents a bottle. Be scire And ask for "Vlrs. Winslows 800th ins: bjrup' and take no other kind. F )U RENT-tA six-room house on South Main Street; I ; JilF. HUBLBY, S ecr e t ary of s W ar fAlger has come in lor no email aegree ofj adverse criticism in con nectidn with our late war. We know this rx ncn more clearly than we know the IcrfnV&a of which he is guilty! He has recently made a visit to Cuba and Porto Rico where he studied the situation from a local standpoint. Thefollow ii i j J- ing interview given out through the Associated Press at least makes some mighty good reading. The Secretary said ; t i had no adequate idea of the wonderful possibilities of Cuba and Porto Rico., .before my personal inyestigation, kitti, I return to Washington with renewed faith. All that I ever imagined has been more than realized. Under no cir it' I cumstances would I now c6n Sent to the surrender of Porto Rico, which is now bur terri nor would I place the tory, slightest check upon the great work which is being 'done in Cuba. The duty we have taken upon ourselves of hold- ing Cuba in trust fbr civ,ilizaN noble one i -, i tion is a to J! IS li44The problems are meeting satisfactory solution and I see iid reason to fear tie future. None of the serious, questions which nave already arisen, or will arise, aTe insurmountable, Havana is beginning to feel the benefits of American con trpl and the advance and de i 1 - yelopment will be ehormous. find so little distress on the lands. The amount of ras tions for distributing among the people is rapidly decrease ing and as fast as the people get employment they will cease to be dependent upon us for food, Tnero is Jno intens tion of inviting pauperism on the island. i ii i - i . I f 'I believe it is a mistake to belieye that fortunes can be made quickly in Ouia, though there is a great deal of Ameri- caa money investea mere. Time is needed to secure return from capital, as for every thing ese. Th people oi Cuba see ttiztitie United States is act, ing with justice and modera tion1 with the chief end of im ijrjpvlng conditions, j I feel en couraged because j of the friendly feeling manifested in my talks with leading oitizens. j u eyer gaw anywhere a finer body of men ! than the American 'soldiersJJJ now in care then as hp w, there would have been comparatively little sickness in camps. Of course, the tropical Climate is enerya, t ng and trying at best, but vith pat experience the sick list will be minimized. I - was deeply impressed ana more man graiiueu xi iuo intense lqyalty shown toward, the United States in the pub lic demonstrations which marked our progress across Porto Rico,, Dhe poorer class of Porto Ricans live under conditions that an American laborer would not accept; Their houses are extremely poor and they live literally from hand to mouth. Ameris can ownership of the island will mean a great advance in their condition and1 they api preciate this fact. Eventually we shall necessarily devise lrgislatioh for the island, but at present the system of com bining military control, which is supreme, with civil admin istration, is working admira bly." if We give no rewards an offer of J thiskind is the meanest of decep tions. Our plan is to give every one a chance to try! the merit of Ely's Cream Balm the original Balm for the cure of Catarrh, Hay Fever and Cold in the Hsad, by mailing for 10 cents a trial size to test its curative powerB. We mail the 50-cent size also and the druggist keeps it. Test i it and you are sure to continue the ireaimem. lieiiei is immediate ana a cure louowsj XLiy urotners. oo Warren etreet, New York. m- Vigilance Needed. ; The News and Obseryer says that Raleigh has five cases of smallpox in the pest house. Beside it seems that city has famished three cases to Monroe. The latter town, how over, would thank Raleigh to keep her infected subjects at home. There seems some probability that the Raleigh board of health might do well to be a little more vigilant. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION CHILLS EOR and fever is a bottle of Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. ! ever fails to cure; Then why experiment with worthless mitations? Price, 50 cents. Your money back if it! fails to cure. These aire like princes, - i - athletic in build, and bronzed and hearty in appearance. They seem contented and the llmted States haa eiyery reas son to be proud of tnem. I'Our officers and toeli have earned to be soldiers . and haw to care for themselves, showing a great contrast to thb new raw recruitsjthat were B"1??1 gaered jpnder the C1 for troops when war was declared. Had they had this Bcdaced Ball r ad Bates. . For the occasions mentioned be low the Southern wilf sell tickets at the following red need, rates: Annual reunion of th6 United Confederate Veterans at Charles ton, 8. C on May 10 to' 13, $4.80 for round trip. . - Converse Musical Festival at Spartanburg, $. C, on April 25-27, $4 20 for round trip. Meeting of Yadkin f presbytery at Lexington, on April 19 Lb, $2.00 for round trip. I Epworth League,. Convention at Greensboro on April 27 to 30, $3.65 for round trip. .- District Meeting of Knights of Pythias at Hickory on April 83 85 forround trip. Southern Baptist and Auxjlp&y conveLtions, at Louisville, Ky,, on May 8 to 11, $17.29 for .round trip. Esq. H,C.McAllirHurt. ' Several accidents havein the past several years ocreovto Mr. H C McAllisterof Mt. Pleasant, and still another was his lot last. Saturday, when he fell from a scaffold whiia doing some work on the form Cook & Foil store. A gash was ci in his forhead and he was othefi wise hurt, but not seriously. FOR RENT Six-room house on Spring street, after May 1st. Call on 1 s i : I THE RACKET -f FIRST FLOOR 7 styles of Toilet Soaps from 1 to 10c. i 270 Cakes at lc worth 2c. . Turkish Bath Soap 3 cakes for 5o. ' j Smyrna Boquet 3o, worth 5c. .. , . , . . . I : m fJnld Hrfiflm and Glvcerine (I 3 cakes in a box, at 12o per box. ' I , DimeLeader Soap, 3 cakes in a box, only 4o per box. R at 5c per cake or 14c a box. y kinds of highly scented Soaps worth 10 to 25e per cake. Harnees Soaps 3c pei at 8c cake. at 25c 100 inch sheeting per yard, Nice assortment of Towels and Table Linen. Beauty Pins 2 1-2 and 5c each; ! 4 SECOND FLOOR 1 t New lot of Novelties for the kitchen in today at i, 2 3 anil 4c. j Lamps, Wicks, Ghinmeys anii Burners. j Tumblers at 2 cents. Cups and Sau'cers 40c per set up. -Plates at 35 cents and up; Pitchers and Bowels 78 add 98c. gQ marbles or lc. Big assortment of tops at Eubber Neck Tops at 4c. QEE3 b . . ;y.- Respectfully, D..J. iBQSTIAk R THE u SUBSCRIBER TO- A STANDARD. ft Home Paper Containing Home and .Other IMews That is of fnter est to Our Readers. 1 r-t- Mai mm m. D III YOUR SIIBSEBIRTIBII In order that a Japer may thrive in our city it must have the hearty co-operation and patronage of its people. Price Of Daily Standabd : Pne year ...' Six months Three months One 'month Oneweek . . - - - Single copy $4.00 2.00 1.00 35c. 10c. 5c. Try as With your next order forjob Printing. 2 2 0 experience, or used the self N. F. Yorke. ''X y