.' ; j. - " ' ' j v-.' '' : ' " -T vii ' ! : . ' ; y ' I I oathern altway .SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT SIAUCO 12, 1809. ' J This condensed schedule is pub lished as information, and is .subject to change without notice " to the public : Trains leave Concord N. C 6.52A. M. No.' 8,- daily, for Bich niond; con nects at Greensboro for Ealeish and Go'dsboro; at Gbldsboro for Norfolk, at JJanviile for Washington and points North, at Salisbury for Asheville, Knoxville aDd points West. ! 7. 19 A. M No; 33, the New York and Florida Express, carries Pullman Sleep-in"- Cars between New York and Aiken. S. 0., New York and-Tampa, Fla., and Norfolk to Charlotte. 8;49 A. M. No. 37, daily, Wash i ington and Southwestern limited for ? Atlanta, Birmingham. Memphis, Mont gomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis, Dining car, yestibuled coach, between Washington and Atlanta. t 10:00 A. M. No. 36, daily, for Wash ington, Richmond, Raleigh, and all "points N orth Carries Pullman drawing room buffet sleeper, New Orleans to NewYoik; Miama, Florida, to New York: Pullman tourist cars from San 1 rancisco via New Orleans and South er inPucific Mondnys and Thursdays. 11 :23 A. M.No. 11, daily for Atlanta and till points Souti . Solid train, Rich mond to Atlanta. 7:09 P. M.No. IS daily, for Rich mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, Raleigh, Norfolk, and all points North. Carries sleeper i ram Charlotte to Norfolk. 8;51P. M. No 7, daily, from Rich mond, Washington, Goldsboro, Selma, Raleigh, Greensboro Knoxville and Asheville to' Charlotte, N. C. 8: 51 P. M.No. 3S, dailv, Washington and Southwestern limited, for Wash ington and all points North. Through Pullman car. Memphis to 'New York; New Orleans to Ne"V York. Also carries vestibuled coach aid dining car. Close connection at Greensboro with "sleeper for Norfolk. 9.20 P. M.No. 35, daily, foi Atlanta and New Orleans, carries Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans. , New York to Miami, Fla., (via Columbia and -I aiekson yille) and Charlotte to Atlanta. AUo Pullman tourist car Washington to San-Fraricisco, via New Orleans Wed nesday and Saturday. "" 8.45 P. M.No. 34, daily,' the New York and Florida Express, carries Pull man Sleeping Cars between Aiken, 55. C. and ,-New York. Tampa, Fla, and New York and Charlotte to Richmond; . First sections of Tegular through or local freight trains rcariy passengers only to points where they stop according to schedule. , , , ! Frank S. Gannon, !! Third Yice-Pres. find Gen'l. Man. . Washington, 1). C. j John: M. Culp, Traffic iManajrer. Washington, D, C. W. A. Turk, GfcTi'l. Pass. Agent, l . Washington, D. C. S. H. Hardwick, Ass't. Gen'l. P. Ag't: Atlanta, ua. W. H. Tayloe, Ass't. Gen'l. P. Ag't., Louisville. Ky. Gowan Duseilbery, Local Agent, ! , ' : Concord, Nl C. TASTELES IS JUST AS GOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50cts. n. L GALiTiA, Ills., Not. 16, 1893. h Paris Medichne Co., St. Louis, Mo. i i SSSJi?men:ve sol1 last year, 6001 bottles of GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and have bought three Krosa already this year. In all our ex. perienoe of 14 years, Jn the drug business, hava never sold an article that gave such'unlversal satla Xactioa as jour Tonic Yours truly, AB3YEY, CABS &CO All dealers gncrantee Groves Taste less uniii Tonio to cure chills, fever and malaria in all its forms- All town taxes mustbe paidat once, or cost will be added. Jno. K. Pattersox. Town Tar Collector id! lili mm W l& VlEs Fat p?ss PURIFIEB SENT PEEE A Cure for Blood ana s&m UJis- eases, Eczema, Pimples, Scrof ula. Blood Poison, Cancer, Etc. If you Jiave tried sarsaparillas, riatent medicines, !nd doctered, and still have old, president sores, pimples. distreings eruptions' of the skin, painful sorfs on hands arm al or les, itchiDpr sensation, irritatingcl skin troubles, eczema, scrof ula, ulcers, contagious blood poison, fever sores, . mercurial rheumatism, catarrh, boils, face covered with jlittle sores, cancer or any blood taiut, j then give B. B. p a trial, because B, Bj H. Botanic Blp6d Balm is mado- forj just such cases.-'and it cures to stay qured those stubborn blood diseases that f ther milder me4idines fail even to benefit. All above) ritimed troubles are evidence of bad, diseased blood in the body.! and B. B. B. cures because it forces all the poison or iimpuritv or blood humors put of the body ibones and entire system. To rem'ove all doubt of its to cure, we offer to send to any sufferer a sample bottle of B. B. B. absolutely jfree. B. B. B, is I an old, well-tried remedy, hence we know that itcures to stay qured fpr the people cured by B. B. B. years ago are well to-day 'and free from all blood, impurities. X ii si ! ' Cnncer, 1 ItleediPir, ntlntr Sores. i Ca ncerj 61 Nose, lip, face, earor neck, external pri internal cancer, oleeainjr, eating sores, are all cured by B. B. B. , the most powerful blood purifier niade. All drnggists sell BB. B: at $lf per large bottld For trial bottle oi B. 15. B , Address BLOOD BALM CO., Mitchell Street, Atlanta, Ga., and a sample bottle will be sent by return mail. .Describe your symptoms and free personal medical advice will be given, j i EI.TS CJIKAM BAIiM is a pooltlvocnre. Apply iQto the fcosiri'.s. It is quickly absorbe. 50 Icents at Drnetts or-by mail ; samples 10c. byjmalL LY BliOTllISIiS, S Warren u. New YotdCit. Any one wishing Life Insurance will do welltb write me. giving date of birth, and et a copy of a Life Insur ance" Policy showing the lowest rate and best guarantee of any company in the State jf I represent the Travelers Insurance (ompany, of Hartford, jDon neticutt. land can write AccidentlEm- ployera Liability and Sick Benefit policies., j "WMlter Brem, celveijOtte, n. o. SALE OF Ml PROPERTY FOR TAXES. As Tax Collector for the town of Con cord and by authority of Section 51, laws of North Carolina, 1897, Chapter 1G9. 1 will sell at the Court House jdoor in Concord,5 N. C, on "Friday, thej 5th day ot May;. lSU'J, the following tracts or lots of land, in said town, f6r the taxes due thereon, viz: Ward 1. G acres adjoining Jno. Bulla and R. B., Jesse Misenheimer owner 1 lot on Valley St., C W Sides owner i l.Jot near Buffalo Mills, J H Wil liams owner J Ward 2. Hot on Jfcast Depot St., WC J Caton bwner 1 lot near J Presbyterian Chapel, Daniel Stiller owner ;; I .'. Ward 3. 1 lot. residence. AndvEnrv nwnpr B2.ll 6.8G 4.97 111.54 1.83 3.05 1.16 1 lot rWr Klkin lot, Marian Foard owner Ward 4. 1 lot in L'ovesTown, Walter Alex ander owhe: 1 lot in Lbve ToVn, Joseph Bru ner ownpr 1 lot in Love TownMadk Boerer owner I 1 lot on, owner Broad St,. Sam Black 1 , 1 lot on j Broad St., Geo.Cagle i owner Hot on Broad St., Eobt. Coltrt owner .i. 1 lot in Coleburg, Allen Freeman owner h i . 1 lot at Harris lot, , Bobt. Kenedy . owner l 1 lot on Spring St Hannah Linn : owner ( 1 lot on Young St., Hammitt Mont gomery owner 1 lot, residence, Amos Partee owner if 1 lot in Love Town, Amzi Bobin son owner I 1 lot near TC Strieker, A M Shu man owner Sale to commence at 11 oVlrvlr JNO. K.. PATTERSON I Town Tax Collector. WANTED To buv 10d ,000 pounds of old cast-iron scraDhde- livered atthe foundry at once, for which we will pay a fair nrice. No m . ! is . oornt iron wanted. BLOOD j ' Ml ill j i - i fl! . j .- altt: Concord Foundry Co, THE FABMER'S MUTUAL Slet Saturday officers J Elected ne- TDtta of One Per Cent Assessed ordered rreasrtrer f Pay R F Wal lace Adjourned to Meet the Third Katurday in Autrnst- J The Farmer's Mutual Fire Insurance Association of Cabar rus met ia the court house Satur day, the 15th, according to Call. The usual routine of business was transacted including the election of officers which wa largely a re-election. ; The organization as it stands is as follows: ; Zeb A Morris, President; Jas. C Gibson, Secretary and Treas urer. . The Supervisors are for town ships : 5 No. 1 J L Staiford. No. 2 W F Cannon. . , No. 3 G C Goodman. No. 4-W D Gillon. No. 5 William Propst. No. G Geo. E Ritchie. No. 7Geo. W Dry. No. 8 II C Blackwelder. No. 9 Jno. L Barnhardt. No. 10 Dan'l. W Turner. No. 11 S W White. No. 12 W M Blume. The association parsed an act to assess the policy holders one tenth ot one per cent on the amount insured to create a fund by which to meet more promptly any loss that may occur. It also authorized the treasurer to pay fro:u funds rlow on hand the balance due R F Wallace on his loss which by the j way is the first lire that the association has i - - f had. - j The meeting had the pleasing indication that the Farmer's Mu tual Fire Insurance! Association of Cabarrus is a tiviDg, sub stantial, "vigorous institution whp?e. benefits are being ap preciated and grasped by 'those whodesiro insuranco at actual cost and are willing to help in a sub stantial way to bear the burderjs' ot their unfortunate fellowmen. The association adjourned, to meet onj the third Saturday, in August next. NO CURE. NO PAY. That is" the way all drnggists sell Grovel Tasteless Chill Tonic for chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adalts refer it tobitter, nau seating Tonics. Price, 50c. Synod Meets the Fourth of Next Month.- , Wo have received official notice that the Lutheran Synod will meet on the 4th of next month at Salis bury. This is the regular time for holding it, but other dates bad been set on account of the repairing of the church there. Delegates are urgently requested' to notify the pastor, Rev. L E Buiby, giving names and number of lay delegates, so that places of entertainment msy be provided. All the delegates are expected to arrive at 10 a. m.v Thursday, said, trains coming from North, South and West. REMARKABLE CURE i OF THE "RHEUMATISM. Kenna, Jackson conntv. W. Va.. Aisout three years ago my wife had an attack of rheumatism which confined her toher bed for oyer a month and rendered her unable to walk ft sten without assistance, her limbs being swollen todouble their normal size. Mr. S -Maodpx insisted on my using Chamberlain'sPain Balm. I purchased a fitty cent bottleand used it according to the directions Nmd the next morn ing she walked tobreakfast without assistance m any manlier, and she has not had a similar attack since.-i-A. B Parsons, For sale by M. L Marsh & Co., Druggist. HOOD'S s&TOapunia has over i over aain proved by its enrei, when all other preparations failed, thai 1 1 r $: '- J-:. r . : - j: - The Kind You Have Always in use for over, SO years, and sonal Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations periments that triile witli Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, Whaft is CAST Castoria is a substitute for and Soothinsr Syrups. It is i . 7 CT v contains neither Opium, substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worm and allays FeYerishness. Itcures Diarrhoe x and "Wind Colic. It relicres Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving The Children's Panacea The Mothers Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA Bears tho The Kind You Have Always Bought in Use For Over 30 Years. I THI CCNTAUR COMPANY, TT BE STORE i i And New Goods. "WE are daily adding to oar stock of New Hardware the latest and most complete line of Farming Machinery. ; WE haye the Bonnie Binder which can not be excelled. It is fimpli'dity itself, easy to operate, light draft and guaranteed to do the work. VE also have the Chain-Gear Mower which can not be beaten. Good work and light draft, THE TIGER DISC PLOW is the latest patent. THE TIGER DISC HARROWS and Hay Rakes. Avery's Com Drills and Syracuse Chilled Plows. -All these goods we now have on ex hibition. iWe are also adding Buggies and Harness to our stock. Don't forget our line of Mastic Paints and Oils. , . All Building Material-Blinds, Doors, Sash, Glass, etc. AU nice, clean stock just from factory. Ritchie Hardware Co. Next to the Racket Store. nl Mini hi Offers tho business publio a reliable, per manent, conservative and accommodat ing banking instution. We solicit your patronage with the honorable treatment and assurance of due appreciation of your patronage. If v?e can serve you any time we will be glad to haye you come and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS. - - - - - . Capital and Surplus - $70,000. D. B Coltkane, Chashier, j J M. Odell, President, STATE OF OHIO. City op Toledo, t a Lucas County, ) Frank J. Cheney makes oatfi thai he is the senior partner of the firm of F J Cheney & Co., doing business m iheCity of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said fim will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for! each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's. Catarrh Cure. Frank J Cheney. Sworn to before me afid subcribs ed in my presence, the 6th dayof December, A.jD. 1886. seal, ! A. w:gleason; (cr) M Notary Public Hail's Oxitarrh Cure is "taken ins ternally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfces of the sytem, Send for testimonials, free. F.J, CHENEY & CO., - - , ' H I Toledo. O. Sold by druggists, 75c, Bought, and which has been has borne; the signature of has been made under his per supervision since its infancy.. no one to deceive you in this and Substitutes are but Ex ana endanger tne health of Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Pleasant. I It Harmless i i ! ! Morphine nO,r otl'.er Narcotic healthy and natural sleep. Signature of MURRAY 8TRCCT. NEW YORK CITY, ! i n i l ii iHlii 3 M ODELL MANUFACTURING CO MANUFiCTURERS OF Fine Ginghams, OutiDg Cloths, plaids, Sheeting and Salt Bj DEALER IN GENERAL - MERCHANDISE. ! 0 - BUYERS OF mnNTP v pp nnnri? OF ALL VW Will XX X X XVXJXV U KIMI and 4-foot wood always wanted. Best prices for sam'ur, - - - - We invite an inspec tion of all the goods we manufacture. - Joncord N. C O A n sii i i ! HI Jr. I "I-

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