i t price MBS. ' , h--V J, . UUIHUUKU. N. 0., TUESDAY, APRIL 18. 1899 l I R,Uift finnv K rw H. L. 1 lilib DhD. A ThoronSWysEWe Perform- QT ATT PAV TXT ntlADTA I 1 L' i 1 i K .- , : I rp. Joaw. et lireneboro. has ar- Ki- ! -F71 i T7 i i aw A A V A t . " r.An.i,nEu0rPHMi ; xuu m urine otar ouree en- non-Ti.e Remains Takea to tertaunnants at the Y. AL 0. A. Jffney. r building last nigh; proved to be The Sad news of the death of ?ne of the most jthoroughly en ; ti t. Porta f, ;. joyable of the season. Mr. Alba Mr8, ,r , , I Hejwood, impersonator, vocalkt , ouu '.uuiuunsc, . irua iur. xiaroi rharlotte, to wmcn place she ffADt a week or more ago for .-the f Tlia Drescher, Mr. Sosssmon lias a Oennine Case in the Home of 13 People. Chatlotte again haa a ca e of BmallTjox. Mr. W A Sassamon, a travel case, day n ng salesman, has developed a He came to Charlotte Satur-. ghf a week ago and stopped baTingi died about 6 o'clock ineBray, basso, I Miss Flora U8al hme of Mr' Djf , i t uii ' 1 !. n , Dixon.. He became unwell arid violiniste, and Miss i"' iffftS t : ' thought he was taking grip, but it rtrVX7rl fn Va nntln'nrr ahrkrf rf a purpose of having an opera-. large audience for several geBUinecaSe of smallpox. He: will be nlaoed in tha nest mi.. - : - . . 1 i programme was long and house as soon as it is finished. Elsie Reimer,,piamste, entertained performed on Friday but on nriftv rnorninff she began to varied and the frequent oppor- Thereare 13inmateaof the Dixon . 1, nrnrino.l V .um.o gxou UOjr WUUU Wore I UUUSo, auu W0116 UOl HUSpeClinGJ ID ra j. Parks, formerly Miss muio apjjrcuiaiuu uy me uihoobo ui uuuibh luertJ was ei- iH,e Thompson, of Gaffney, S. audience! after his first appear- pcsure, but beinR in the early stage n -..rrln fn-TSIr TT L Porta ttUUOv 18 uenainiy an enwr- "'j10ttl AO 10i"- prupor ahnut three years ago. Mrs. PrtlU01 "UUBO-c4 wouiu o " . 7 . ; ' Parks had lived here only about bard to find. Beginning with Will e rarK . . ' . .... . Har tonV "TVo ir.oTtr Hnif'? There 18 llttll matter. le alarm felt over the l-l raade lovinc friends and went from Srave P and from her death was a shock to all Of the idiculona f pathetic, Mr. Sara Caldwell Dies Suddenly. them. The shock falls most -"J"B-a mm auu Mr. Sam Caldwell, who lives near heavily on the husband who is making them feeljhis moods. The Newelle, was found dead in his robbed of his loved one and ' the Pfrody on 4The Eaven'' was yard Monday. His death was a flue to whom he showed his most amusing, ana the old 8 hock to his family and .the people devoted affections. 1 He was at man's stones, 'KingryV Mill," thereabout. He was related to tl e 8 ster, Mrs. rived here to visit her Eugene Sloan. Ai the Roanoke baseball team is playing several games in the State this week, the family expect "Billy" Weddington a home Sunday, though it is not a certainty. We notice in the Atlantaj Journal that Mr. Brevard Montgomery, of Mr. Chap. G married on to Mies Ada Gadsden, Ala., son of Montgomery, will be the 28th of this month Pope, of that place. The wedding will be a church ceremonial, sol emnized at twilight. A quantity of whiskey, together with) the worm, kettle, etc., which was seized some months ago by revenue officers down in No. 9 township, has'been shipped to Salisbury- to Deputy Collector Mills Since the seizure it has been de- posited in the basemaat of the Pat- terBoh store. Shirt Waists in all sizes ; Plain, Cord and Fancyl eflects. Its a new lotLiust eome m and the correct thino: her bedside when she breathed Ler last. . :' . The remains were taken to Gaffney today (Tuesday) for burial. "The Dear Old and others, wer0 as natural and a st0p-son of Mrs. Sarah Caldwell, sweet as a clover day. Mies Drescher he following Country Band" persons here of that name. He was pleasing .selections on her violin, and showed a complete mastery of that favorite instrument. While . :ui J i -i Mi. i j i 1 uusaiuiu lauKiut; iuo nro auu uii-ji thusiasra sometimes found in that will constitute tho chorus artists, she nevertheless evidenced; field on a June wnP died at this place some months ago,! and was also closely related to Mr.jCaidwell Query, of Cannon-ville. gave some very the Members of the Cher us Next Saturday Nlffht. The manager of the reception pives us tho following names next Saturday night at tho court great precision, house when our soldier boys re-1 was no doubt te 4flrn home. This is the only Mr. DeBray has notice-that will be given and it is voice and sings llamestlr requested that all will folly. f .serve. The persons whose names j made and his appear below are requested to hearty applause and her music chnically perfect. $ mellow basso easily and grace- Attention Veterans! It is earnestly requested that all members of Camp No. 212 Confederate veterans assemble at the Firemans Hall on next Saturday night, April 22ud, at 7 o'clock for the purpose of escort ing; the members of Company L His selections were well from the depot to the court house songs received and from there to supper. Miss Reimer is Ample quarters will be pro- meet Thursday night at. the an accomplished pianiste and vided for the veterans and a fine home of Mr. W A Smith with Mr. gaye several brilliant numbers H M Barrow to practice, the among them being the "Faust different songs. Following are Fantasie," Liszt. Miss Reimer the names; , Misses Georgia also played alljj of the accom Brown, Mollie Dry, Cora Coch- paniments. Charlqston News and rane, 1 JNeally Russell, Susie Courier. ' i Mabroy, Hallie Earnhardt, Mag- call for Democrat lrlniairle. supper is in store for you. D. A. Caldwell, Commander. Jas. R. Ervin, Adjutant. Etiry-Moore Weddins:. With our thanks we acknowledge gie ClaytoD, Lilly Cook, Laura All voters in tne town ot Concord the invitation to attend the mar PT) C Trio "T"rtTr y i cj TT .1 nr Tl V-f f VTT uiiv., luoxumcj juiiu " - i 7no supporteu iiib jtJiaocianu riage ui irxiaa xsaioj uij, KJtLaJ btate ana uounty ucKei m ine oiiira. ju j ur, iu, i. uuu. i Mont- ast election are! hereby invited to Mpore. The ceremony will take Josie attend primary meeting at the place in the Methodist church at Fatti polling places in their respective G&stonia on the evening of the 26th Add Ttiese to Tonr ljlst ! - The following telephone sub ecribers have been added and pa trons will please add names : J L Hartsell, Res. 124. J E Smoot, Res. 125. A M Brown, Res. 126. i Concord Ice and Foe1! Co. 127. PERSONAL POINTERS. for an early Waist. They made, nicely I and the corre spring are wen tucked ct stvle. The price of the waist complete is o It 75c, just what the material w onld ordinarily cost. yon. j Our ready to wear Waists and Skirts are Mr. R A Brown j returned home last night from Rock Hill, where he is building an addition to the Highland Park mill. Mr. J A Means, of Charlotte, is here today. Mr. Means is a member . ii of the Ritchie Hardware Co., of this place. 1 1 Mr. Ed. McDuffey, who several years ago run a drug store here in the room now occupied by Dr. D D Johnson, is here today, for the first time in about twelve years. money savers. wentrto Char- to accompany Mr. Hugh Parks lottd this morning the relatives to Gaffney to attend the funeral of Mrs. Parkp. Mr. Bax ter Parks went over to Charlotte last night. : 1 1 I H.IL PARKS & Company ell, Lida Smith, Julia Maude Brown , Lizzie :" ?omery, Louise Means, Hill, , Jennje Gibson, Adams, Cleste Boykmi Ruth warcis on Tuesday ( night April Caldwell, Gertrude Caldwell, 25th at 8 o'clock, for the purpose ucy Lore Bessie Sims, Mattie 0f nominating a Democratic Cook. Plord Harris. Marv Lewis Harris. Ada Cravon. Lon Stuart. I f I1 ri a a r! air in ?VTav TjP. Julia Barrow, Nannie Alexander, these nrimariea choose delegates Addle Patterson, Leila King, to meet in convention at the Kate MorrisoD, Kathcririo Good- court house on the following on, Mary EUa.' Cannon, .Ciwrfe 1 W7 iqoq JLIila .pui J-u, iuyi1 Watson, Belle Means, Mrs. Gowan asenbury, Mrs. J F Yorke, Mrs. S I Woodhouse. ''cy'Te Gone After the Smgro. Sheriff Clyburne, of Lancaster coty, S. C, arrived here last ght to : get a negro who is Wanted in that county for the BtegHng and selling of-two cows. Sef has gone to a mine near Gold Hill ; in this county to get tte negro and will verv probably return with him late this afternoon.. Jas. C. Fink, Member at large, Dem. Ex. Com. Smali-pox rast;;and Loose In Kalelffh Raleigh is haying -quite a tussle with small-pox. There are four new cases in the pest house, but r I CPKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Jlf? laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. onirKSists refund money if it fails to each,tablet. it is they, get loose secretly a menace VUf. 2fP, Th v r. n n m Un fc 1-511 II I I I Ill&n MMm MJm the worst of and go about to everybody. Baeklen'i Arnica waire The Best Salve in the world for Tliniaa HoreS. UlCefs. Sftlt pm. Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped Hands, Ohilblaine, Corns and all Rmntions. and positively cures Piles or no f pay required. It is cnaranteed to give satisfaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box rQT sale ai r .-x itore,V of this month. Mis3 h.ury has a faiimber of acquaintances here, hav ing livsd at this place. ! A P-P.nts Wanted -For 4tThe Life and Achievemenfs of Admiral Dewey," the world's greatest naval hero. By Murat Halstead, the life-long friend and aumirer 01 iuo uawuu fcsu and best book; over, 500 pages, 8x10 inches; nearly 100 pages halftone illus trations; mp in colors, Only; p. 50. Enormous Remand. I3ig. commissionH. Ontfit free. Chance or a nienme. vvrue quick. The Dominion Company, Cax ton Bldg.,; Chicago. ab- Dr, Tracy's jLecmres. nr Tranv'fl lectures are sorbing the interest of the citizens of Concord as nothing else has for a long while. : Many must tnm awav for want of room and those who get a place come Artrlv to be in it again. I The sutJiect for tonight 5s, "The Relation of the Young Woman to the Drink Curse." I In almost every neighborhood there Is some one whose life has been saved by Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy, or who has been bured of chronic diarrhoea by the use of that medicine. Such persons make DoiDt of telling vi ii wxniiCyc tunity offers, hoping that it may De tne means of saving other lives. For sale by M. L. Marsh & Co., Druggist, Green Mountain Syrup. flaple Wonier If He Saw This, He was immunedan the darkest dungeon beneath the castle moat. "If I had a saw, a file, or anyT '4 thing," he moaned as he looked at the solid iron bars across thf j solitary window. Then a thought 4. struck him, his face brightened Quart Bottles at 3f) cents. Pint Bottles at 20 cents. Sweet Pickles per Bottle 10 oents. Canned Kornlet at 20 cents per can Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5 v. lil, 1-I-rvl-K CivnaM nATifloirrof inn I lliO a ViXUlJlCi JX OGMk un 1 iiiiu"- l T : " I 1,... 1 V 4. XVapiUiy ruiimug wvfr ins auyi if it ,t ! 1 i -i t l 01 coJiars, wnicn naa jusi coxuo from the laundry, he selected one fitted to his purpose. Five min utes later the great! middle bar of the window, dextrously severed by the saw like edge of the laun dered collar, fell apart. He was free. iConcord Steam Laundry A Dye worn 9. Phone.ilSo 2. X SHIRTS KEPAlBED FBEE. If hejhad had his collars Laun dered at the Concdrd Laundry he would be in jail yt. We have a device for ironing the edge of collars and cuffs and return! them to you with a per fectly smooth edge, try ust Inquire Club. I about the Cleaning ifi! -A z v - - - " r , , . .. m m m 4 m m m W Money Talks I pRieE. We have just bought out ! A STOVh HUUbb at a "Rpftflv O ASH does the work. List to select from. Everyone is acquainted with our Famous Line of Star Leader, Iron King, Times,! Happy Times, Smith Tfltid. h mo and otners. we Dousni xoiseu. Give us a look, we will do the rest. Have Bell, Harris & Company. you seen our I TIRED MAN'S CHAIR? n .i: .v. . l m m