price $4.00 Per.Ysar. CONCORD, N. 0., THURSDAY, APRIL 93, 189!) ABOUT THE PHILIPPINES.' A HON W COMING. I tIentnant Gilmere nnd Bleu nay Be ( The Henrters Lu Back XfM Prltfe SBfe-IWton' toss of 14 Oen Rot i their Work Accomplished the Credited-Yolnntee8 Cemlnjc Uomel ll . The news fom.the Philippines Written for The are more hopeful that Lieutenant The Jnlia Ma2,der Olub spent Giimore and his thirteen men ft om m08k "htf! ninK with ;Mr, 1 vWnwn firir- 8 Gjbeon on Tuesday, JApril lilo ------ :-TO-- .IbtH, Prof. Holland Thomson Rate a most entertaining tilk on "Jfroaroent American Women Miss Hagrnderf read her charmin little hook,; fMi8aJ Ayr of Virginia," to a rery appreciative audience. Hrti Gibson serveda l&f elegant supper and the wkole evaniojg' passed ers. The modes of the Filipinos do not forbid such presumption. Thare is a rumor through Filipin0 source that Geri. Law ton got 140 men captured by the natives in his efforts to co-operate nih Lieutenant Giimore at Baler but it is not credited as it has not been cabled by Gen. Gtis. The volunteers are soon to be returned to the United States and mustered out. When the 1 troops now on the way or assigned to duty there arrive Gen. Otis will have about 30,000 troops which seeais satisfactory to him. The Administration will prob ably not call for any of the 35,000 soldiers authorized by for th& firgt of i "I - a . 1 h J confess to oe organized ai its discretion. ; was withovt a flaw. This being the: last meeting for the season the ladies look back with ; priae at the work accompliohed I! during the year,! and look "forward with renewed vigor and zeal to the coming season. While the season is completed the ladies are so loth to eeparate that A 1 T fi may concluded and learn to unite on erf more If Single Copy 5 Cents : short locals: -r He Ol4a( Hed Any More. A verv - subdued-lnnkinir hnv years, .with a of about thirteen long scratch, on. his nose and an air of general dejection came to WHERE FARMING PAYS. A Few Jample Retarns to North Car olina Farmers in the Last Year. The Courier, Asheboro, N. CM published the following : . "Ur. W L Kivette, a farmer in Liberty township, made a remarka ble yield on three-fonrtha of an acre of land, last year. He first thoroughly prepared his J and and then used an ordinary amount of fertilizer,, beginning work the last of February, f On March1' 1st he planted Irish potatoes. After dig ging thef potatoes the land was guess you don't need to lick him owed in peas r and German millet, for it, aa the boy the played After marketing this; crop, he trooant with an' him fell out; and planted another crop of Irish pota- .the boy licked him,: and a man 1 him an' licked his teacher in one of 4 public schools, and a note before taking his seat and becoming deeply absorbed' in his book. The note . read It II: T t-i juibs : raease excuse James for not being thare yester day. He played trooant, but i the Boston handed hef toes. The crops cost him $62.50 and 1 they sassed caueht Mr Kivette realized $191.70, making him, an' the driver of a sled they viwu pruui ui lump on in ItMrAd Mm W ThAn Mr. W L ylorftovall N. his,- licked ' him,' an' I had to C the Southern Railway, gives . . an account in the Constitution, At- , . . vi;. j i : v ? , . - u. . , me for telling his pa, so you need lanta, Ga., of his experience in di- .... , . ;' . J,. " a;KA .fPL.:ni..,:.-. hoi. uck mm unui riexi time. . not from famoas men and of forty acres of land W vwr aav Russ. ne tninKs ne Detter iseep ' t V I -J O" I i i . a, ',4 . women, but from old mother nature him a net profit of $61811. His Hyuuui noremu3r- "arPers 111 Other Wfirdfl a niOTtif in nrv hnH I frnrfl inrlnr?Ar1 wVioo tnrnat nnto. zaar. . " i r """.v- r 1 'r toes, sugar beets (fed to cows),, oats, hay, sorghum, wjaol peas, Irish pr- tatoes and tobacco, and other PERSONAL POINTERS. Parents Meeting. Next Mondayr at a quarter to 4 oclock there will be a meeting for parents, and patrons of the graded schools at the . central building.- The following is : the program : Tobacco and cigarettes Prof. Petty f ' " School libraries and their use i3iiS3 Laura Leslie. Habits in relation to school Miss Little. Monthly reports Miss Means. Eyes, their use and absence Miss Hill. Tardiness Miss Strieker. Kindness to animals Miss Harris. Nature study Miss Dpdson Irregular attendance Cole. ' jv Truthfulness Miss Hoover, Mies Stith, sister of Col. Fred Stith, is spending today with him. Mr. Baxter Parks returned home last night froin GafTney, S C. Miss Laura Efird, of China Teteraxs Benefit Fund. . ii One man in our community products of his farm were eggs and whose heart moves him toward chickens, hogs' and park, eheep and the cause in which his father butter. He writes tat he has done served and which we will com- no better than others can do in the memorate on the 10th of May in same line, and that hie farm is no Charleston has'-generously started better, adapted? to stock-raising than Grove, passed through here today a fund with which to en&ble in- thousands of farms in Worth Uaro- on ner wayito Mt. rieasant. dieent yeteraris to attend that lina ana in iaaif, ana norm 4-Dr. Houston and wife returned fhft Georgia.; home this morning from Greens 1if in fcAMlnUftf'Thi. fltmU The 8tatesville 51ade ays : "We boro Dr. Houston and Mr. J L ard that will appear frequenty to fl0tSf " 11 ln th? pas cf 8 Hartsell went to attend a meeting which those likeminded -wflirTrr r""s".t ,7rT"V' 01 09 wma """TO 01 109 Shirt Waists in all sizes ; Plain Cord and Fancy efiects. Its a new lot just come in and ;the correct thing for an early spring Waist. , They are well made, nicely tucked and the correct style. The price of the waist complete is only 75c. just what the material would ordinarily cost you. Our ready to wear Waists and Skirts are money savers . H..L PARKS which inrlnrtftfl nn tn nnhlishthftl a L- 4U.i aW r Aruaoum. fallowing : There were five families amounts it is give. U: X . ; A Jones Yorke . their pleasure i to living on juag0 Furches Chipley's Miss Kuth Worth, of Raleigh, farm, eeven miles north of Statec - $25:00 yiue, dnriDg The year 1898, and hn??" T nPT l" ! ... j o con ui-.i- day with her friends, Mrs. Dr. Tracy A Rare Bird. loeyraieeu uou DusaeiB ui uoro, - .W.. k n.: Mr.W L W necoff treated n8 to 386. buahels of wheat, 12 bales of Tu""""- . a view Of a lining heron on the .?P"on and also a quant ty of oats, . q dson Btreets Wednesday. ' He shot it, Borgh and other small cr deayor meeting. -aso11, , . , i , i . "One of these tenants, Andrew w fi Mtr merely crippling it in the wing ... , 7 . , QfVX iiirB. v rr i: Whittv with nnA norRft: raiftd 8(K ' : r- WhUt: with nnA horHfli raised 80Q and thus captured it. It is a rare hnfihelg af corn. 65 bushels of Anna bird for these parts and there wheat. U bales of cottenV and a were few who .conld name it. it auantity of peas, sorghum, pump- Care of school reports Miss meets the pictorial description of kin8 turnips and other small Smith. itne naturausr jSave mat mo neuit crops. Visitors and the school Miss i8 barT: regulation length. Ora rTnnvftr Mr. At Jones pLorKe Dougnc it as consultation Held. Proper school punishment a starter to his ayiary. MlSS Lena Leslie. i I nicbmoikcl Beld Joins rbem. A NEW LOT & Company Wonder' If He Saw This.. -:- OF -:- Drs. Sam Montgomery and L N Burleysbn, of this place, together These DaDers will be each four Roanoke's defeat Wednesday with Di. J W Long, of Salisbury, minutes long. Parents are re- in the hands of the TJniyersity held a consultation today (Thurs quested to come promptly at 3,45 showed that something was lack- day) as to the conditionf Karl o'clock. : O. S. C inc. somewheka On that night Johnson, His condition Wednee; I t - - I J nrnom n A haninn Marl the services of Richmond Beid, PJ nltffBB wuw uo Atitratrfirl and COUVUiBiuu. early train today Durham, where they TENNESSEE HAMS of this nlace Wednesday h) left on the to play on the firtt At the Slayer's Office. A trial was on afternoon wherein a young man , rjhursday)for as fined two dollars; for striking pjav the Trinity team. 1 Richmond a young boy at Oannonville. was engaged Two white men were captured base for them Wednesday night by Policeman 4 ' For 0 veVFiu" rears Harris off of No. 38, they hay- Mr8 Winslow' Soothing 3y rap has been beating their way. Be- been- used ' for over fifty years by ing unable to giye bond for their millions of mothers for their child pearance at trial next morning, ren while teething, with perfeot sue were lodged in jaU. At the I cess. It sooths the omw, soiiens the gums, anaya an ico "'" colic, and isp the - best1 remedy for Diarrhoea, . It will relieve the poor tittle sufferer Immediately. Sold by drueeists in eyerjpart W the world, Twenty-five sents a bottle. Be sure abTc for 'krsWinsi0ws Sooth- , HUM j , J ping Syrup, ana taKe no, omer Amu sell the trial the next' morning- each one as fined $3.15. Bneklen'i Arnica bbiti The Best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, ; Sores, Ulcers, Salt gneum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped fB, ; Chilblains, r Corns and all ?n Eruptions,' and positively cures, p8 or jno ifeaTtt guaranteed to srive atatisf action or . tooney refunded; rice Sff cents' per 001 For sale at P B Fetzerprug, WANTED Agent to Ideart)ot)ler in thi locality. Good wagee.for,good service. ; write fa f H.I A. Smith, poncord. Unless some change is made soon . . 1!i! ii AS tO niS COnamon, au operauuu Will be performed. The skull wf S not found to be fractured. rH;:. ' j Index t New AaTerllsements. 1 Tennessee Hams S J Ervin. Lkdies' Taffetta : Silk-.: Waists " Cannon & Fetzer Co. At the Opera- House Tomorrow Wignt-AiDa xiey wuuu. Word Buildinfe Contest, Buck's;; Stoves and RangesCraven Bros. S. J. ERVIN'S. 4 dungeon beneath the castle moat If I had a saw, a file, or any- 4. thing,' ' he moaned as he looked j at the solid iron 1 bars across tne solitary window. I Then a thought 4 1t 1 I 1 J. 1 ..J strncK mm, nis iace Drigmeueu like a CriDDle Creek conflagration. Bapidly running over his supply i. of collars, which, had just come 4f from the laundry, he selected one T fitted to his purpose: Five - min utes later, the great middle bar of f the window, dextrously severed j . 11 III . 1 i il. n Innit r oy me saw iiiiu ugo ui tuo j sun dered collar, fell apart. He was free." ! If he had had his collars Laun dered at the Concord Laundry he would be in jail yet. !We have a deyice for ironing the "edge of collars and 'cnftY and I . J I A . A. i 4. v rexurn i mem 10, you wiui per- fectly smooth edge, try us, J Inquire ' about the Cleaning1 4 Concord Steam Laundry & Dye jr . ..... Work. ; X- 4.' - 'Phone No. 2. $ SHIRTS REPAIRED FREE. X i L T t AKNOUNCEMENT. I hereby annaunce. Money Talhs ! ! . I wc have just boueht out - A-STOVE HOUSE at a PRICE- Roarlir HAftTT nps fh work. List to select from. Everyone is acquainted with our Famous LineJof Star .Leader; Xron 1 JUng, Times, iappy -rimes, South Iand, JElmo ana others, - vve oougnt xo sen. Give us a look; We will dq the rest. S myself a can didate for the oftce of MayoTj of Von-i fi 4 1 . rna. u f "T i r ath fir t.iihl j cora. suojoi.i DmooraUeonventionni - m 3 w r2& TIRE 0 MOTHERS nnd nei in food's Saiiaparflwuich gives, Bell, Harris & Co m pany i Have you seen our '..TIRED1 MAN'S GriArK-A n I x. t 1 $ 'A I i i 1 I ' ) f t i x i - V: . ' . ' ' V ' . : J r- in t 1 1 " 1 '"f

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