price $4.00 Per Yoar. (The UTCH-STMG OH THE OUTSIDE. Ciarlcstpn Preparing for 40,000 Guests. I ,,0oo veterans to Be r-ei ana Quar- tcrdAll Others Provided for at Re- sonatle Rates. ... i Charleston, S. C, April 19. The lomniittee on information has pre--, ijared an official statement as to the accommodations that Van be. far nighed during the Confederate re union whiph takes place in Charles ton, May 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. The gtatement shows that the commit tee is prepared to furnish board and lodging for 40,000 visitors at very reasonable rates. -The accommoda inns are much better than those c53ally offered on euch crowded oo casions ny uuy uny, oecaufo Cbarlestonians, realizing the need of sustaining a long-enjoyed repu tation for hospitality, nave thrown open tbeir homes for the entertain sent of the visitors... The prices that will be charged during the re union are very reasonableand any attempt at extortion will be given publicity enough to makeit inef fectual. -The prices arranged for by the committee are as follows : Lodging and three meals from $1 io 8250 per day; lodging, breakfast and eupper, SI to $1 50 a day; lodg ing and breakfast, 75 cents to SI a day; lodgings in parties of from 4 to , 50 in room or ball,' 50 cents to $1. - Dormitories fer men have been opened at convenient poiats about the city, where sleeping quarters can be secured at 50 cents a night. At some of them breakfast will be served at the cost of 50 cents. X For the accommodation of ladies Wy, ail' the-public school build ings, with every convenience, will ha converted into comfortable dor mitories. Thty will be in charge of committees from the ladies' aux iliary association, day and night. Breakfast will also be furnished for 50 cents, and light lunches can be - had fur from 10 cents to 25 cents all hours of the day. All who intend visiting the city during the reunion should apply by. mail or in person to Chairman R P Evans, of the committee of information, and thus secure comfortable nlaces at the schedule prices, i The committee on restaurants, in addition to the i large hotels and boarding houses, ; has prepared for -famishing 18,000 -meals a day at an average cost of 35 cents a meal. These temporary restaurants will furnish goodfmeals and will be lo cated at convenient points about - the city. There will be no lack of accommodations, and at reasonable prices. In addition to the accom nidations will be provided by the committee on information at the tea named, the Confederate exec utive committee will provide abse iQely free quarters and food for 2,000 eld Confederate soldiers. brans' Benefit Fnn. One man in our community whose heart moves him toward cause in which his father 8erXed and which we will com morate on the 10th of May in Charleston has generously started a fund with which to enable in ent veterans to attend that great occasion. We open the llst in the columns of The Stand ar that will appear frequenty to those likeminded will ease attach their names and the founts it is their pleasure to Jones Yorke. . . . . . . $25.00 J CONCOKD, Ice Factory Is Now Dolus Bnslnesa. was at grst stated that yuucoru would soon hayo anice laotory, some were inclined to u tu veracity oi tne state- .-wjwwcMijj. A good two miles drive ;ut through the northern part of town lands one where the ice for LUCllL U11I IT. la nrTrr so -r-an lif-w I oncora is now mada. A nice new building has been erected and everything about the buildine has been arranged most especially for convenience. While outside all is fair one can Well imagine a rainy day to hear the "pitter pat- tor" of the water as it comes in , , hot water and ammonia. Here you BOO ilia trtni- JnTMnnnLnlAil iUni I luo uoiiiuuowttfcou kuttu " " uiuftvp iuo. i From the time a gallon of water is taken into the condensers it takes about sixty hours for it to lorm itself into j a cake of ice. After running in full blast a 200-pound piecejj of ice will be taken from the cans every forty minutes and the same can again letters sent him, that we are ex filled with water. This will con- pecting his company tomorrow tinue both day jand night and night and it he knew to -the con every forty minutes with the ex- trary or learns differently he will ception of Sunday. The first lot of water was put in "Wednessay and on Thursday afternoon the i water was 1 almost half frozen. This lot was not filtered and will be used only - ( I drink. Hereafter all of the water XJL AXOOOAUat LU1LUBVO MUVft V I is taten tnrougujj niters oi cnar- coai,quanz, ana sponge uoioro going into the reervoir. It is a temptation to the bystander to taste such clear f ater. The capacity j of the factory is I ii three and one-half tons per day. By the convenient arrangement of the building and machinery it 4.1-.! Ma. -w vr v .. ! . . .. ! ,i Drietor.Mr. Tas. F Day vault, that one man1 will be !able to conduct the business there, while in most similar enterprises two and three men are employed at the establishment, i The first ice was taken out to day (Friday), though this was taken from the edges of the can, it requiring about twelye hours - more to freeze throughout. Concord now has an ice factory. A Change at the pnot. Mr. Rogers hite, at present, ; oa fiAlrftf acrent at the nt. in the niace of Mr. AVill Bingham, who connection with :lU bi.U'nl- nlnflQ iii r K B Harris is temporarily work ing in the freight department m place of Mr. White. For Over FiityTear Mrs. Winslow's Soothing 3yrup has been used for jpver fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It Boothesj! the child, softens the gams, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, Trrenty-five eents a bottle. Be sare and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Sooth ing Syrup," and i iake no other kind. WANTED. Agent to sell the Ideal Cooker in tjbis locality. Good crfifl for ffood service. Write xf i! H. A. Smith, Concord. N. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1899 Dr. Tracy's Lectures. T)v Tvimi'i) : iAan mi J Ljght wa, alone the of temoer. anoe horn a solentifio atandoo nt It was espeeially interestine to 8ta- dents of physiology. I idb uouae was not bo crowded as it sometimes is. Those wishing to attend and refrained from dread of the rush and pack; will probably find mu i ; .. , room tonight, as1 the great rush seems to hive suoaided. The lecture ani illustrations tos night will be 'Ten Nights in a Bar Boom," compiled' from the famous moralist, T 8 Arthur. The subject 18 0De 01 a drawipg power and will doubtless be thoroughly er joyed Thi, ia regular silver offeriog 8ht, remember jrotiitiisr Known tothe Contrary. -1 1 i cnmrnmi rr hoap nnr Ple disbelieving' the statement that our soldiers will arrive-here tomorrow night, their basis for the unbelief baing thej fact that the: Charlotte companies will arrive on Sunday morning. Capt. Edward Will w11 knows frnm of course notify us at once. Trinity Uaina the Ylctory, On Wednesday the University : team Dear tne itoanoKe team in a score of 16 to 1. and in the came Thnreday between Roanoke and Til i 2 . a nv. msx-mn. Tft A m nuii j icatuo tiio name; ouuio n aa An v M; ti- uiuuw u y tyMO jLJ.iuJ.iy urot jlv seems that Eoanoke is nothing to handIe in tho hands 0f these teams. AFire at Jforwood. The house in which Dr. T A Hathcock was living in at Nor ' ! """ nrnn n ri . auuu' iu ouuuaJ Ifc flftnaht; in thA ftnnK room. w - w w - Nearly all the furnishings were savea. ine ounaing was ownea by.Mr. D A Dumas and is an en- tire loss, estimated at some $700 or more. Stanly Enterprise. Paralyzed While In Chnrch. Mrs. Harrison Eudy, of Mill- ingport, was stricken with paraly sis Sunday during services at the church there; and is now in a yery critical condition. Stanly Enter- prise. . . Winston Wants Them A grain. We were shown a letter today K'om a gentleman in Winston to Mr, i -"V-- nraisa for his entertainment and they want him to return They say that one of hia numbers alone was worth their two dollars. Remember no one will be given a seat during the rendition of any part. - BacKlen's Arnica aire. The Best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give etatisfaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per bcx For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store. j '.-.'I'' I ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Mayor of Con cord, subject to; the action of the Democratic Convention. v r Geobge W. Means, f They Are Here. . The Alba Hevwood pmnnanv . I r-r j arrived here this morning to ive Concord a specimen of their qualities in the opera house to night. Every one whip has heard this company speaks inkhe highest praise of it. The performance is to begin at 8.15 o'clock. Let the people be there promptly. PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr, H L Parks returned home today. i Mrs. J M Odell returned home this morning after, visiting her sister, Mrs. S E White. Mj. H B Adams, of Monroe, is visiting his daughters, Mrs. Dr. Houston and Miss Pattie Adams. i i Mr. Eli Lentz returned to Nor wood today after spending several days at the home of his son, Mr. A E Lentz, i - Mrs. Jas. McEachern and chil dren came over from Charlotte this morning.! They are visiting at the home of Mr. Jas N Brown. I I Mr. Sid Ludwig, of Mt. Pleas- ant. will assist our band tomorrow night in the exercises at the court house and hail when the soldiers arrive. Miss Jennie Gourley, one of the teachers out at Patterson's mill, is in Salisbury today meeting of the Chris Association. attending the tian Endeavor Messrs. Will Goldston and R E Scarboro returned this morning from Bessemer. They have come home to help welcome the soldiers tomorrow night. j ! Drs, Montgomery and Burley- son and Mr. Will j Johnson ac companied Karl Johnson to Salie bury this morning, will probably Btay. Mr. Johnson A N EW LOT V. TENNESSEE HAMS -:- AT S. J. ERVIN'S. m m m m a m m m m a a a a a a a a I Money talks i i ; We have just bought out A STOVE HOUSE at a PRICE. Ready CASH does the work. List to select from. Everyone is acquainted with our Famous Line of Star Leader, Iron King, Times, Happy Times, South Land, Elmo and others. We bought to sell. 8 0 Giye us a look. We will Bell, Harris Hare jou seen our ITIRED MAN S (JHA1K I i I '. - i j , Single Copjy 5 Cents t4 li ' Shirt, Waists in all sizes ; Plain. Cord and 1 - : l Fancy eflects. Its a new lot just come in ! i . and the correct thing I for an early spring Waist. ; They are well tucked madet nicely and the correct style. ! ' i The price of the waist I J i complete is oply 75c just what the material would ordinarily cost 1 yon. , ' i I Our ready to wear Waists and Skirts are money savers. . H.L PARKS Wonder If He Saw This. f He was immnned in the darkest v duDgreon beneath the castle moat. 'If I had a saw, a! file, or any- . thing," he moaned, as he looked at the solid iron bars across the solitary window. Then a thought struck him, , his face brightened" like a Cripple Creek cocflagration. Rapidly running over hi supply of collars, which had just come from the laundry, he selected one fitted to his purpose. Five min utes later the great middle bar of the window, dextrously severed by the' saw like edge of the laun dered collar, fell apart. He was free. If he had had his collars Laun dered at the Concord Laundry he would be in jail yet. We have a device for ironing the edge of collars and cuffs and return them to you with a per fectly smooth edge, try us. Inquire about the Cleaning Club. Concord' Stenni Lanndry & Dye Works, 'Phone X 2. 5 SHIRTS REPAIRED FREE. m w 4 ' i ml m do the rest. & Company. w w if Company

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