5S400PerYW OONCOliD, N. C, MONDAY, .MAY 1. 1699 ' V--,! .... v,., " MISTRIAL. X Hew Trial IVllI lie Ulven in the Cae f Cliaa. Myers ru the Conerd Lumber Company-The Jnry Ctold Aot Aree. On Friday morniog the court started on the case of Chas. A Myers T8 the Concord Lumber Co., wherein Myers is aueing for $5,000 damages ou acoount of his hand having been cat off while working in the machine shop. The case was continued all of Friday and Saturday nntil about 1.30 o'clock, the jury Was given the case. No terdict was rendered in the afternoon. Judge Shaw delivered a second charge to them at 6.30 that renin?. They could not yet agree and at 8 o'clock Judge Shaw called them into the court room. They replied that they could render no yerdict and that there seemed to be no chance for agreement, so a mis trial was made of it. The vote stood 8 and 4 in favor of the Lumber com pany. Francis Phifer, a negro girl J who was convicted of stealing fifty-five cents, waa released Saturday evening on pajment of the costs. j Chas. Moore, who was indicted for an affray, was granted a new trial at the next term of court. Election Tomorrow. The municipal election comes off tomorrow beginning, at sun rise in the morning and closing at sundown. ; That there be no forgetting, the following are the poll dfficers : Ward 1 J B Caldwell Register, W F A Propst and Dr. W C Huston judges. -. Ward 2 Jas. N Brown Reg istrar, Jas. C Fink and P G Cook judges. ' Ward 3 Jno. R Patterson Reg istrar, G L Patterson and G G Richmond judges. Ward 4-KL Craven Registrar, Wm. Blume and G M Lore judges. - Notwithitanding there was some suspicion of mistake or irregularity we are assured that all is regular and entirely order in proceedure. Mrs. Daniel Eagic Dead7 . Mrs. Eagle, an eld lady, of Can- nonville, died last Saturday after noon. She was the widow of Mr. Daniel Eagle, the wagon maker, who died six years ago: Mrs. Eagle was the mother of Mrs. A L Good man, of Cannon ville. The funeral was preached Sunday afternoon in the Cannonville Pres byterian church by Rev. W C Aler ander. The remains were laid in the Presbyterian cemetery. Mrs. Barnhardt Paralyzed. For quite a long while Mrs. Jane Barnhardt, of Charlotte, has been in a critical condition and death would not be a surprise. " To add to her feeble condition she was stricken with paralysis this (Monday) afternoon. : '" ' For Over FlJtyl rears Mrs. Winslow's toothing 3yrup has been used for lover fifty years' by millions of mothers for- their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes j the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is thi best remedy for " Will . relieve tne poor httle sufferer immediately. Sold by drniraiaf a 5n "Sw? I 1l..wL Ti .... mm' I Tirenty-five eentsqttle,0Brjj na ask for "Mr8: Winslowa Sooth FILIPINOS. War to Go On If 'Wot Promptly cepted. A diBpatqh to Waahintfon fromk" 'r B Rnn n,i. sf k . I iSriS pinos the general declined to recog nize the Filipino Congress but of fered general amnesty on surrender and a laying down of arms. It is understood 'that little delay in the prosecution jof the war will be al lowed if there is not a prompt com pliance witti the terms Tfcese oia Terrapins in l. a Town hip. j : Wheat and oats are looking fine in some places. The farmers are very busy now. some are others are done planting while not. . - I. Gardens are beginning to look like there would be something to eat some day. A few nights ago Mrs. Mandy Barnhardt, who lives near Mt. Gilead cnurch, woke up and smelled something burning. She searched her room but found nothing and went back to bed still smelling it. She thought of having laid a box of matches on the bed iri the other room. She i jj went in there and found that the rats had cut a hole in the box, causing trie fire, which caught and burned the bed considerably. On last Monday while Mr. O Suther Was ploughing along he noticed a jdry land terrapin. , Old looking as it was, he picked it up and found the initials of one of his sisters "M. V. S.n and another name, the initials being "C. fll R." and the date of 1869. This is i the second old terrapin he has found. jThe other one had the name'of his brother who died in he Confederate war on it. Both were on his father's farm not more than four hundred yards apart where he and his sisters and brothers played when children. Whose Cfalckens Are 1 tie jr. Mr. H R Strieker, of No. 4 township, tells us that on Satur- his brother, Mr. Charles Strieker. j . , ' discovered a cotton basket sitting not far from His house in the old field near the railroad. A bad . i ... ' odor came from the basket. With pole he pushed the basked ever and, through a slit in the centre of a sack stretched over the basket, four living,1 or rather half living, chickens came out. On examination he fonnd six dead ones that were considerably de composed. , Mr. .. Strieker's sense of hnmanity promptejd him to I take up the liying chickens and oarry mem name ana ieea mem, though pulsive, the job was rather re Mr.1 Strieker's' theory is that some two weeks ago the hands of the railroad, material train had made a-j raid in some one's roost and failed o get them disposecl'ortilfWdere'd away. - ' - : , He-says thay.wero; fine large gpecimens and does not teconize the stock as belonging to his near . . . I I . . . "'i ir ft r- v BEST PRESCREPTION FOR THE 1 ST ' ; 'v '4 1 : " OHHiLS 4eqm$owoyfe?ii3jBaSi to cure; 1 Then why; experiment witj worthless and fever is a bottle of iirove'a Taste-1 v? Price 60 cents. 2 our DEMURRER S USTAINED. Judge Brown l'nrns Uer. Oattls JDown On the Damage Salt. TU mn aaa: j i - uaius aRainst ur. KUgo. Messes. B N Duke, W B Odell and others was argued last Friday and Saturday before Judge Brown at Oxford on a demurrer by the plaintiffs. A telegram at noon today says that Judge Brown sustained the demurrer. By 'phone we learn front Judge Montgomery that the demurrer was entered into by de fendants because of matter embraced in the charges not ac tionable, j j ? i Rev. Gattis may now carry the case to the Supreme court. If Judge Brown's decision should be reversed the case j will then come back to a jury. If his decision should be affirmed then Rey. Gatis must re-shape his charges and proceed as at tjrst if he wishes still to prosecute the suit. i Oar Boys net Defeat. The "Hobson Slugger8,, as they term themselves, came over from Charlotte last Saturday and played agacae of baseball with our small boys. The boys had a number of spectatorsenough to pay expenses from the gate receipts. The game, sometimes, was interesting and the young boys put up a very good game. The -Charlotte boys made their runs at the beginning of the game, but our boys beganklo. climb up on the latter part ef the game. The game resulted in our boys be ing defeated, j The score stood 17 to 10. Our boys are going over to Charlotte next Saturday and they say that they are going to capture the "Sluggers." Dr. Archer Home From Havana. Dr. L M A rchey returned home Sunday morning from Havana,1 where he went to recover his money stolen some mouths ago. Here gained all of it except about 290j which he will also get af er the trial when the horse and cab is sold. The cab-driver who found the money will very probably get about nine years in prison. Dr. Archey came home by way1 of New York and spent a short while with Dr. Jno. Reid, and alsq stopped in Washing ton to receive his money yet due him for services as assistant eor geon in the army. He could not return home via Savannah on ac count of smallpox. A Call Meeting.,, There will be a call meeting of the stockholders of the Cabarrus Conn ty Building Loan and Savings As sociation in the.coart house Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, by order of the President. ; : -JL'D Coltrane,. Sec. and Treas. win :oaeU;.Er 2nd.7air8:o,cl6ck: By order of W. M.u; --jJijPClSkSec . i t - WaWted For! ) he Life and Achievements of Admiral Dewey, j 1.1 .l'n min.toor naoAl ' ham, Kit . MnratmisteBd,toelifepnfflriendanaL adniirerof thenation's Jdol; C and best booki over m. ve inches; nearly(10P, pages JiaUtpn adniirer of the1' nation's idol; Biggest narres. ; 8x10. tratibns; map m coiox. vmjm x.v. Ontfil free. Change of.a Jifejipie, te i quick.lflThe 'Dominion Company, Cax- J m nwvivvn mm a u i w m i iim. :k 1111 111 imuiun. i lt -;DpecwiCoaimuDioaHon oza g. w u tokespdgeo3ai,'A.;F.;& !' Q HENRY MTJRPH'S RASH ACT. l Takes Carbolic Acid and Will Di Slowly. We learn that Mr. Henry Murph, who lives on Mr. N M Barnhardt's farm in No 5 townehip, attempted to commit suicide last Saturday by drinking carbolic acid. As we hear, the case he took the bottle and went to am out house, where he did the rash deed. He was found liviB g bn t unable to speak. Dr? Flowe was, called t in 1 but the deadly drug had probably got too well on its effects for remedy. He i not expected 10 recover. Escapes from the Chain Gang. Jim Sides, a negro, who was put on the chaiagaing at - the January term 'of court for fighting, made his escape last Sunday night. Only a short while ago he was made a trusty. Tie guards, Messrs. Will Kerns and (Will Blackwelder had an idea where they would find him. Sunday night they came very near capturing him at a negro house on the suburbs' of town, but the negro ran. Seven shots were fired at him but nothing was heard from him. He is a yellow negro, gray eyes, about 5 feet land 10 inches high. CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. Thegenuin has L. B. Q. on each tablet. PERSONAL POINTERS. MessrsJ D J Miller and Hugh Smith, of Spencer, spent yesterday at Mr. Geo. W Brown's. ; ; Mrs. Robt. R Gibson returned home this morning, after spending several days in Salisbury. , She went' to attend the marriage of Mis? Mar gery Overman. Mrs. H M Barrow returned home this morning from Greens boro, where she has been attending the Epworth League and Sunday School conference. Fresh Florida Squashes, Strawberries, Cabbage nd Beans at ; S. J ERVIN'S. iiViS-v-'nx' I -. . 1 I . m I wO . r. I M - T . 1 ; M Wc have ju bought, out -' " , , Jk) STOVIB HOUSE at a PRICE. r 3eady AStt 4oe the Fprk.- List to select from. eryone'lstU&lv1 ?nr Famous, Line ,pt. (' rtar-Xieaderf'liX)n-JiiO,ximes, nappy xiiubb, b C S6nthOiandimitandiothers We honght to sell jriye us a iook.( -..ryva Myxf wyx?oi . ax. w 71 Beir, Harris , u1G juu ovcu ym; i H. nn fa art rlf V I TI RED MA a - NEW ARRIVALS OF SashBuc&les i ; Sash and Neck Rib- ; i Bdns Waist I ! Sets, Etc; I Come and) see the New Arrivals in the Department H.L PARKS Company. To Our Customers. On, account of the extra workand expense rpqmred to keep and collect small acs counts, we have decided to adopt a j Cash System, beginning June 1. I For the convenience of those who prefer it, wp win sell, at a discount of 5 per cent., con pon books in denominations of SI, 00 and: up. We believe this will prove highly; satis factory and certainly more convenient to yon We solicit your patronage and promise to do our utniost to please you; Our work is equal to the best. The above will be strictly enforced; Respectfully, Concord Steal Launiry & Dye forte U B Aidenboor, J XX Parcell, Proprietor. nnnnger. Phone Ho. 2. Whirls Repaired Free. & Company. In p (Url Ai x .. - ; Ji c j "0 Beauty Pins, Millinery if W 1 !- i I Ii u 1 t M ; ill I i -1 X - - I; If "ig oyrup," and take no other. NMkmt:faflitooi!xfc ton ld?unicaso. I . s f i : St: ' -': --- - " i . ' "':'' ' I - t .- i , ' " j n