i ArriTal of rraiu. We eee from the ObWrver that a The following change of schedule took cfect March 12, 1899. - NOKTHBOUND. ; The Grand Jury's Iteport. T ui ,au9n naa Dee poratedat Charms w. o r'. , . -h-K-- uauueu tied So. 8 arrives at 5 52 a m, , Lowi on. , r- J , in -v ine raii iw of ia8t week'8 I i , ; I ! I : ! ; " ' .UV(Ulp. coon.: 12 u " 7-09 d m! " 84 44 9.45 p mi SOUTHBOUND. v, 37 arrives at 8 49 a m, (flag:) u ii " , "1123 am, V 35 " 9.20 pm. (flas) . 33 " 44 7 19 a in, 61 " " 849a m, (freight) Xo. 3o. when running ahead of. No. 7, !s4-ise 'hecessary for through travel south of;i harlotte, and is .stopped for passengers arriving from Lynchburg or beyoud. Na. Sii stops regularly for passengers for Salisbury, High Point, Greensboro, Keidsville, Danyilie and principal stations between Danyilie and Washington. No. 37 stops lor pas sengers coming from .Lynchburg or points beyond, and to take on pas otun-' ' wwo o.vif.h of Nevells. No. stna t, i sengers ior rumr stopping places 01' v-"- w V A W V off passengers from regular stopping places south of Newells and to take on pASst-ngers for regular stopping places, Lyiicaburg or beyond . Xos. oo and 34. scop at Concord for passengers to or from the C. C. & A. division Charlotte to Augusta --aud other points in South Carolina,' Georgia and Florida, reached througU Columbia or Augusta. - Xos. 7, 8, 11 and 12 are the local trains nd connect at Salisbury with trams of VV. i. Division: - l ELKPHONE NO. 71. .FOUXOCI) 1842. ; "SING THEIR OWN PRAISE." There are uiauy tnedium-grade Piaujj fold to Duyera who would prefer a firn clisa Piano were it uoi for tue high pne the retnir deakr ia obud to for a tiraUoUa Piano. Fjr 57 yeara S CIEFF Piauo, wuwiua, ouu arc o nil direct from KactoryT nnd the buyer s-jcurei a-fir'iC-cU P.ioo for, the price you py the re tun dealer for a tn'dium-jjrid, or, more likely, a PtANO. It aaaeuc or dealer tells you this la an agency, hi? otoer etatemeuts will ber iaveiitijjatioa . Odttloijue for the nkinff. rim Tuning ... .'Phone 196. Chas. M. Stieff, i Piano Manufacturer, BAltimore,- Md. Factory Branch Wareroom, No. 213 N. Tryon St.,Charlotte,N.C. CH. WILMOTH, Hanager. - b'hort Locals. Oae-third ot '99 gone. Mis? Carrie R ich wine, of Salis bury, spent Sunday at Mr. Geo. W Brown's. Miss Barbara Coughenour has gins to Rowan county to visit her relatives. The bleachery is shut down this week on account of repairs bein? made on the boiler. MUs Constance Cline and Mies Huth McLinn, teachers at Elizabeth college, spent Sunday here. Mrs. H IT Adams, of Monroe, is spndiag this week with her daugh ter, Mrs. W C Houston. . Miss Sophia Paul has returned to Gastonia, after spending some time bere with home folks. : Policeman Eagle, . of Charlotte, .attended the funeral of his mother, iIra- Diel Eagle, Sunday. Mrs, Belle Brown, of Mooiesville, D&3 returned home, after spending aweek here with her niece, Mrs. D Cannon. : Mr. Joseph Neisler, of Rock Hill, BPent Sunday here, having been cHed here by the death of his 8l8ter. Mrs. Daniel Eagle. Mr. Ben Craven, who for a week 6r caore has been canvassing this P'ce in the interest of the Raleigh fr0' as left He went to Charlotte Irop here. iftao 6oodman returned home aturday ni8ht from Raleigh, wo'kin ere for several 'Tim. He is employed at the lim93offi09 again. rat or. Mr. Marvin Stnoot epent Sunday at his home in Salisburv. tt;d mother, Mrs V panied hid he B SmOOt. nnnnm e and will spend J E S moot's. some time at Dri Mr. Dawson Starwood, who in em. ptoye as j a bo'ok-ketper in Win ston, passed tkroush here laat Saturday o his way to his home m Stanly county to visit hid rela tives Mr 8. M E Houston has returned to Monroe after ppnding Sunday . W C Houst on. with her eon, D She !hi tsjast returned from Fiorids, where Hhe has been pp ending ti e winter. Mr W A W ikint-on, who for a has been, a pales- u umber of year i -1, r i man in the store of the Odell Man ufacturing Co., Las severed bis con nection with that place. j Mr. Joseph Goodman left Mon day night for Augusta, where he K as accepted a position as a pnar- macist at the place whtre he was employed once before. Col; and Mra J J H Long passed through town today to visit their daughter, jMrs.j Chaa. 5lcCrary, of Arnold, Daviddon county. They will be gone f r a week. ! i . : i r - Mr, J U Parcell, who gives the graphophone coriCtg and is a dealr in that lint, gave one of his entertainments' at Mt. Pleasant last Saturday night 'for the benefit of the Pi Sigma Phi society. He Returned to the Chaingranjr. Will Jack8oo, a negro, who only a fjiw days agaj was brought from the chaingangjto jail; has now been given another Sentence to the gang for thirty days. He was confined to jail in a de fault of a bond to keep, the became a He broke with the I : I. I peace. On Sunday he little gay" in his cell. i up a water bucket and wire hoorn managed to tear the regi -.ter off of the heater J . j'f " T v and also broke one of the window gla ees. He was tried for the of fence and given a thirty-days' job on the road. T I consider it not onlv a nleasnra hnt a duty I owe to my neighbors to tell about the wonderful cure effected m mv cao by the j timely) use of Chamber lam'd Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I was taken very badly with flux and procured a bottle of this remedy. A few doses' of it effected a permament cure. Ij take pleasure in reccomend ing it tb j others suffering from that dreadful disease. J. W. Ijynch, Dorr, W. Va. This remedy is sold by M. L. Marsn & uo. -i He Is Improving Rapidly. Each dav Carl Johnson, who is in tho1 Whitehead -Long sani- torium, oontinnes to improve and was able to walk oat on 'the streets Sunday. He will be home in a week orl more. ; . THE LATEST FAD II I r : . Nethersole Silver Bracelets to $4.00. The place to get your -nice ; fresh Bread, Rolls, Uoughnuts, Buns, Crullers, Cakes and Pies. I make a specialty of anything in my line. Give me a ca : 75c. W. C. Cotrell's j The Jeweler, . THE CQUGORD BflKERY t vskA mm i . all bills sent by the solicitor as far H9 Xtrgk ! nnnl A procure witnesses. Mad I nrBnf- ments ot all things so far as known tons. '"; ' ' ! - j' ! 'Visited the jail in a body. Found it in good sanitary condition Talked with prisoners who eaid that they were well frfj and cared for. Would sugge3t some repairs to be done on ; right hand front cell on window facing, also that the win dow sap h be arranged eo the lower part of the sash can be raised. Would suggest some: spit-boxes be placed in the.diff?rent celis. "Visited the dififerent cOices of the court house and found them well kept "' " 1 ,f I - ", 1 ! -.'Visited county home by com mittee and found the home and inmates well kept buildings and bedding cjBan. Faund 27 inmates health good as could be expected. Would suggest that some repairs be made on plastering in the rrom of the buildings and j that the roof ing be repaired. Found the stock and farm in good condition." The President on tbe Raleigh J i . i. president McKinlev visited th ; Raleigh Friday morning at PhilaD delphia and bad a formal: reception, where he made tbe following . im- i . I pre88ive address : j "Captaio Coghlan and men of the Raleigh : Ic gives me great pleasure very great pleasure to bid yon welcome home aad to congratulate each one of you on the beroio part plajed in. the great battle on the first day of May at Manila, which w8 a most glorious trmmph of American arms, and made a new and glorious page in American history. I assure you that when I give yon welcome, I am only speaking the hearty welcome of seventy-five mil Hana of American citizens. I honor yon all for your splendid services to our country. This feeling not only extends to your great admiral whom we all love and! honor, bat to the humblest member of tho crew who was in that great fiht at Manila. I give yon all a warm and generous welcome and many thanks." After giving the President and Secretary three rousing cheers tbe naval "boys" pleased them with the following yell :j ,. j j . "Who are we ? Can't you. see ? We are members of the new navee. RahrahrabRaleigh I" Tn nasi Wear Mbmated Doilerj. Mismated stockings are the latest new things to attract the attention of the fair sex. To be ultra fashs lonable one stocking must differ from the other in color. For instance, the left stonking may be black with a sprinkling of red. silk polka dots and the right stocking of red with black silk polka dots.' A pale bine itooking with ! bronze clooka has a mate of bronza with pale bine clooks. J And bo the combinations go . i Only tne similarity oi aecoracion in me stockings announces the fact to the uninitiated that they have anything in common. The riotous fancy of the moment also stripes the hosiery in harlequin fashion.' The stockings are divided into halves and quarters, the brilliant oo'ors presenting sharp contrasts. Sometimes the upper halves alone indulge in the motley color,' leaving! the boot in sombsr tonei of black, blae or brown. The stockings come in the finest weave o caihmere or in lace! patterns of lisle ihreadi Thoy range in price from 8eventysfi f e cents to $2. New York World, i k Valuable Commission Offered Free small samples. Protected ground. (Several salesmen earn 25 weekly. Season approaching. Following orders credited. Rubber Co., 243 Pearl St., New- York. itime 4i We have acted on NEW ' 0& Lad CORDED ONE LOT OF 1 ies' Q. K. Suits fail to see them. 00 1 -t no en -THE White - Enamel Line BEST EVER MADE. M. L. Brown & BRo. LIVERY, FEED A.ND SALS STABLES -" I Just in rear oi St. Cloud Hotel; Om nibuses meet jail passenger trains Outfits of all kinds furnished promptly and at reasonable prices Horses and mutes always on band or sale. Breeidera of thoroughbred Poland China H.-orp , t SMALL-POX Is repprted.at different : points irr the State. ' Our Health Policies cover this disease; as well as typhoirfTe fiurnber of other, diseases flesh is heir to . Get one at once. . . . . J. R Hurley. 1 LOT OF " i '' FaOHTS. in Blue an B.White. en It does not take a great deal of push: to shove oe of our Baby Carriages but think now much i easier1 it is! than 1 I carrying the baby. and comfortable times on one ojdur Couches. TVe have tjue finest HOUSE" FURNISHINGS ever shown in this town. 1 wm G. W. PATTERSON .can1 please ycu w;th all kinds of GROCERIES ! We have tine, (New York Seed Irish Potatoes Pee.rljess, Burbank, etc., etc Our Cream Cneese is very fine. W offerj special prices on' nice lot of Mo lasses, Sorghams and Syrups. Our stock of Floor is the best on the market. OUR STOCK OFCROCK.FRY, Tin- ware, WoodwarS, l)r. . Goods, Sliottt, nam, ljeacner. tc is complete. BRING! IN YOUR CORN. Oats. Eggs, etc.,' and get best prices. Jacob Reed's Goods- .1 . ! the cele brated clothiers of Philadelphia.-; We guarantee fit, style anid entire satisfaction. ' Spring andlsummer samples now in r We offer a new Hartford. Bicycle at less than factory price; , ; ' Anyone wanting a good MULE wilt do well to see ns. G W Pattersoa i I - I . i il . ' : i :. ' - ,' v--. i n ' :'.'"-',! - - - ! ' ' '. . ' '' .-- . ,' ; ,' . j? ' - ' '. " " i t - ...

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