.3 . - , -. , -. - 5 ': , Price $4.00 Per Year. COMMENCEMENT BXEROI8E3 1 or Horth Carolina College to Be Held This Month Subjects ot the Grndn - atlnv Class. The following ii the programme, for the approaching commencement at North Carolina College : Sunday, May 28th,l0:30 p. m.-, Baccalaureate Sermon, Re?. BO Holland, D. D.,8t. Mark', chnrcb, Charlotte, , , Monday, , May 29th, 3 p. m,- Contest for Deolaimera Medal . 8 p. m - Junior Orationi and Cans test for Orator's Medal. Taesday; May 30tb, 10:30 a. m. Address before Literary Societiepj Hon. Theo, F Klntia, M. 0., Salis bury. "" '::V? ' 3 p.. m. Alnmni Address, Mr Jno. M Cook, A.M., Concord. 8 to 11 p. in; Campus Illuminai tion and Promenade. Wednesday, May 31st, 10;30 a. mi Commencement Day Exercises. The members of the graduating class will deliver addresses as fol low : Edward Fulea wider, Monroe, N. C, subject : Social Tendencies Jacob L Morgan, Poole, N. C, subl jectr: 13 Religion on the Decline?; Charles A Phillips, Concord, N . o, subject : The Modern Novel ; Victor 0 Rid en hour, M t. Pleasant, N C , auhjeot: The Anglo-Saxon Race. Music will bd furnished for all the exercises by th Davis Orchestfs, of Charlotte. JBrs. Goodman Insane. Mr. A H Newflom , tells us his daughter, Mrs. Ed. Goad man, of Cabarrus county, is insane at his home in this city. Her r raind re cently becAme unbalanced and sue now requires constant ' watching. Mrs. Goodman has a little child. An effort will probably be made to have her received at the State hos pital. Salisbury Sun. Attending the Classls. Several went from here this morn ing, to attend the Olassis of the Re formed church, which is in session at Lower Stone church in Rowan county. - Rev. and Mrs. J N Faust, Miss Fannie Lippard, Rev. Jas; Lippard and wife, R T Lippard and daughter, and Mies "Addie "Barrier are attending from tnis place. Gone to Attend Nynod. j Quite a number from Concord and in the county x have gone to Salis bury to attend the Lutheran Synod, which is -in session there. Among those who went this morning were R?Y. W B Oney and - wife, uRevsJ Chas. B Miller, H Q G;8pherer, ,SD Steffey, Prof .Jas. P Cook and Messrs Jno, Miller and Joe Walter. Tbe Dan(nters Meet.V The Dodson Ramseur Chapter of the Daughters rof the Confederacy Will meet' tomorrow at ,4 p. m., at the home of Mrs. Barrow. A full attendance is desired to complete arrangements for the exercises on the 10th -of May, Confederate Me morial Day. . ' v One of Those Mishaps. Runaway! are getting to be some What conftnon these days. Mr. W F Goodmans team took a run Wednesday evening, resulting in the dumping of a barrel of molasses near Gibson's corner en the ground. The .barrel, burst and . the. was made to look like a small' molasses feead-a-jjly thick 1 n . i - - . j , - : I 1 --i- i - .i j- TOMORROW NIGHf1. i . r Z "n,Kn" or Pythias to Royally ; " rtaln romorrowNJffht -Toasts to Be Given By Persona Ap pointed. - j j . . .. ; ; About two hundred invitations have been sent out to people of this town and a few at other places to atterd the'sixth anniversary of the KnightB of Pythias of this place to morrow night.' j " . v "" VThe hours are from 8 until 11 ofclock.-Tie cuesta wilf be deceived by committee in the Castle s Hail, which has been beauUinllycbrated with the colors of this lodge, From' here ; they jwill go to Oatqnhalli WhAa 12 L ' 1 f f I j' 1 "r j reiresnments creams, ca8iceset3-wiirbe8erye Aps propriate. toasts will be offered by appointed Knights. lrl J Jordan, jof j Charlotte, whose elocutionary qualities j are known by a number here, will be on hand abd give tis something good. Mr. Jordan forrrerly devoted his life to oharaoter impersonation, and was compelled to discon tinue travelling on aocount of his health. Mr. Joe Rltcb Dead. - Mr. and Mrs. , T L.Bitoh had news Wednesday of the -death of their son', Mr. Joe, Kitch, wWoi occurred (April 13th m Corsicaaa; Texas. -They have - no particularaL Mr. i Bitch was reared in Charf lottei He left here several rears ago for Brooklyn and lived there until going West. He leaves a 1 ! ' wife and several children. Chart lotte Observer. u ' " - Mr. , Bitch was known, at this Elace. He was a nephd w of Mrs! j Friendly belligerents. We Clij the following, txQm, an exenange tnat looks very much like : it but ' we wonder how the! two triendly sentinels ;happedr to be able to. under stand each other! Letj it go, however, it is good reading j "In a letter to an Ottawa, county (Kan.) paper: one of the members of Gen. Mc Arthur's brigade writes from Manila : Night before last I was on picket duty all night 4 and yesterday morning I ,t found . .that the negro picket was within : a hundred yards of me. :After a little talk we: both laid down our guns and met between the lines and had a little visit. He said the people in J their army did ijiot want to fight us but they had to or their fifficeis wbnldviiii them. He also said ihajb' he had not had a bite to eat for -three days. J I gave him what hardtack' Ihad with me, and it 'did , me more good to see him eat it than if T had eaten it my self When we parted we shook hands, and, he cried like a baby." A Call Jdeeting. , There will be a call meeting: of the stockholders of the CaVarrueOonn tffBnlldifig, Loan and'J3vingB As- eociation in the court hpase Tuesday evening May the 9 th at 8 o'clock, by order of the President . i i . i . Ii D Uoltrane, Wee. ana Treaa, yf R Odell, Pres. X THE BEST PRESCRIPTION EOR ....... A tJQOTDS: anoV fever ia a bottle of Grove's Tas toONCORD. N. C, THURSDAY MAY i - . . A OA8E OF LOOK JAW. Bsnnie Levy Jn a Baa Condition Tbe Result of a Wound In His Foot. On the 20th day of last month, Bennie, son of Mr. i and Mrs. Sol Levy, who live on West Depot street, ran a splinter aboqt an inch or more into his foot. Since that time the splinter had remained in his foot until Wednesday evening, when physicians were called and the caase of the trouble removed i but the worst was not over, for the boy was seized wiih leckjaw that Afternoon. ' Thoughjhia ' case is a most -serious one, all hopes are not giyen np for "his recovery. His jaws are not tightly locked but the teeth are nearly together. His con stitution is as strong as one could expect, and shows scarcely. j no weakness IIs Iiocated His Horse. Mr. Pratt, of Charlotte, who about a week beforehand ;lost his horse, was here Wednesday. He has succeeded in rinding his animal. It had strayed to Mr. Marshal Dorton's in No. 10 town ship. Mr. Pratt had sent an order to Mr. Dorton to' let another gentleman bring the mare to Charlotte, but lest there might be some crookedness about the mat ter, Mr. Dorton would not let the animaljgo until the rightful owner oomes after it. ITniTerHlty.Snmmer NcWbol. The sixth session of the Uni versity Summer School for teach ers will begin on June 20th. next and elose on the 15th of July following. The faculty will inf elude more than twenty promi nent and successful teachers who will give daily instructions in all of the primary jand academic studies. Among the North Caro lina instructors who will take part are Prof. Coker, of Golds-f boro; Snpt. Graham, oflCharlotte; Supt.: Mangum, of Wilson; Suptl Meses, of Ealeigh; Supt. Grima ley, of Greensboro; Prof. Claxton, of the State Normal and : Indus tral v College; .Dr. Linscott, Dr. Baskerville, Dx. t Mangum, and Piof. Troy of the University. This faculty is the best ever assembled in the Slouthf for j Summer School work and teachers wishing to de vote special study should not i fail to atteUd. , The charges are low and there i will be reduced rates :over all railroads. For jcircular giying full particulars M. U. o. JNO Die, JSupt., Chapel Hill, N. C. ; , Sugar and Tea In Soutn Carolina, f Secretary of Agriculture Wilson hat made a trip to South. Carolinaf and' seems 1 greatly pleased with the .ftu&cturing progress of the State He1 is 'strongly, of the opinion, tod. that beet sugar and 'tea .can' be pro ductd in he.tclimatiQ ..belt of the State, to, gpod adyantage r 2 Wor Over FiltyiTears MrB. Win slow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child" reu while teething,-with perfect suol cess. It soothes the child,' softens the ffuci&j allafs all pain; cures win cblfc, and ' is1 1 the - besFremedy -Fox Diarrhoea. Ir-irlir relieve 'the poor Pwefhtyfif e'sehtsja bbtttelil;Be aar4 4, J 1899 CUBANS NOT PROMISING. Msjr Grant Says Tkev Am k vit for Self-Government. Major Grant, paymaster in the CJ. S. Volunteer service thinks the Cubans a very unpromising peo ple, altogether unfit for self government;, He has had oppor tunities for studying the Cuban and the Porto Bican and finds the latter much the higher grade sf being. He thinks Porto Bico a Taluable possession and promis- mg fine deyelopment. Another ITew, York Marder. Another murder case will create lively interest inrNew York. James Neale Plumb shot and killed Alex ander Masterton at the Burlington hotel on the3rd, inst. It was pre meditated ud deHberate;i?seems. Both ara prominent enough to bt noted. Plunib claims that Master ton had hounded him for years and had injured him. ' ; 1 ' Baekien's Amies saire. The Best balve in the world for Outs, . BruiBes, Sores, TJlcers, Salt Rheum, Sevier Sores; Tetter Chapped Hands, Ohiiblains, Corns and all Skin 'Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay", required. It is gaaranteed to give sUtisf action or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer'a Drag store.' ' PERSONAL POINTERS. Miss Margaret McCall is spend ing the afternoon in Charlotte. ; Rev.Jdoqse, of Pineville, who wag formerly; pastor of Ep worth church here, is here today. ! ; Miss Sodie .Harris went up to Salisbury, thia morning to visit at the home of Mr. M L Ritoh. f i Mr. C A Pamplin, of AeheborO, who rormerly was employed at the depot rhere will arrive tomorrow night to attend the reception. of the Knights of Pythias. . FIRST1IT " PldiEAPRLES IN TODAY AT Goods you had best come quick s. imm. live Bays ,. ;A JL ti- j, ' Single Copy 5 Cents . 1 Mil 1 oi jmW ARRIVALS Beauty Pins, - i - ". 1 : SashBucKles Sash and Bib- Ibons Waist Sets Etc. Come and see the New Arrivals in the Hvli. PARRS & mpany To Our Customers. On acpount of the extra work and expense required to keep and collect small acs counts, we have decided to adopt a j Cash System, beginning June 1. For the conveni en ce of those who prefer it, we will sell, at a discount of 5 per cent., cdu pon books in denominatioDS of $1,00 and up. We believe this will prove highly satis factory and cerfsinly more convenient to you We solicit your pajtronage and promise to do our utmost to please you. Qur work is equal to the best. The "above will be strictly enforced. ' Respectfully, Concord .Steal Lamiflry & Dye Worts H K Bldenbour, J O. Pnrcell, Proprietor. fflanagrer. Phone JfoT 3. '' Shirts Repaired Free. If you don't like her don't bny her flovAO VAn Anno( DAvaa TTfn-w VinjT ' " And that saves yonr costs. f See OUT American Queen. We i are ; havine duite a rush these days on goods bpugh; before the RISEr If you need anything in Furniture Neck Millinery . i t I Department Co Trial Free. J 11 ! it 'f 'I it 3 i nnf. Innd. t Cnmft anri aao na i -Gri itrtonr tad restless Or. Kestaratrro fx u: I 7 f

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