-:J -Or' II ; ! I " - f -. jT 1- , - . . " . 'j . . '' : ' . ' ' j l . - - I ' ' . 'it Arrival of Trains trhm following change of schedule took l1-. a 10 1 QQQ . effect Juarcu a, NORTHBOUND. vfl" 8 arrives at 5 52 a m, V 36 " "10.00 am, 12 " " 7 09 pm, 3S V " " 8.61 pm,(flag) 54 02 ft AK v it " 2,00 a m (lreigj t) i SOUTHBOUND. arrives at 8.49 a m, (flag) 11 f 7 -135 '133 it n a m, " 8.51 pm, " 9.20 pm, (flag) --7.19 am. it m i 61 tt " 8 49 a m(freight) Vo. 35. when running ahead of No. 7. is flawed it neceasary lor mrougn travel EmtS'of Charlotte, and is stopped for oassengers arriving from Lynchburg or herond. No. 36 stops regularly for T,assen?ers for Salisbury, High Point, Greensboro, Beidsville, Danville and principal stations between Danville and Washington. No. 37 stops for pas enerj coming from Lynchburg or ooints beyond, and to take on pas iencrers. for regular stopping places south of Ne wells. No. 38 stops to let off passengers from regular stopping places south of Newells and to take on passengers for regular stopping places, lynchbur or beyond. Kosv 33 and 34 stop at Concord for passengers to or from the C. C. fc A. jjirision Charlotte' to Augusta and other points in South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, reached through Columbia or Augusta. Nos. 7, 8, 11 and 12 are the local trains nd connect at Salisbury with trains of W. H. 0. Division. TELEPHONE NO. 71. iFOVNOED 1842. ; "SING THEIR OWN PRAISE." There are mauy medium -grade Pianod told to buyers who would pr.fer a fir-t-cl88 Prano were it not for lie high price the retail dealer is' obliged to ak for a "tirsuclass Piano. For 57 years SflEFF Pianos have had no superior, and are sold direct from Factory, nnd the buyer lecares a firat-cUas Piano for the price you pay the retail dealer for a medium-grade, or, more likely, a cheap PIANO. If an agent or dealer tella you this is an agency, .his .other statements will bear investigation . , Catalogue for the ski jr. . Fine Tuning. 'Phone 196. iChas. M. Stieff, Piano Manufacturer, Baltimore, Sid. . - Factory Branch Wareroom, No. 213 N. Tryon St.,Charlotte,N.C. C. H. WILMOTH, flanager. Short Locals. Marshall ITabrej has gone to ReidsTille. ' ' M-3. Charles Stone came oyer from CharlotU Monday evening to Tiiit her parents. Misi Adah Craven is attendinc thi commencement exercises of Guilford college. Mrs. S F Starrette has returned to Mooresville, after spending some tine at Capt. Alexander's. - , Mrs. John A Sims and Mias Bee file Sims retvrned borne Monday aiternoon from Harrisburg. Mr. George F. Barnhardt, of No. 9 township, spent sereral days this week in High Point on a busineea trip. -.- : ' " The hlsachery started again Mon aay afternoon, after a week's shut down on account of repairs to the boiler. Mr. Ed, Hall has started out on work for the McCormick reapers this season. He has gone to dewberry. Ground was broken Monday for ie new Cannon mill. The con tacts lor the wood and brick work faave not yet been awarded. Messrs.' John A Cline and Tom - hite, of this, place, and Mr. Robt. Uwje, of -No. 5 township, accom panied the veterans to Charleston. ; Mr. Joseph Jackson has arrived Concord to work at the barber 8hopatthe St. Cloud hotel, Mr. ackson is a performer on the cornet; Shave at Brown's barber shop next door to Cori. flt-Ki. H Just received a case of white organdy remnants, at The Jacket. Come a-runniog. . - (. Kowan County Superior Court is on. this week. The criminal and civil docket is full. Attorney Cald well, of Concord, is in attendance. Mr, D J Bo8ttaBi has gone to Lin coln oounty and will return in a ie vr days, j Mrs. Bostian, who 'has been on a visit! to friends, and rela tives, acctmpaBying him. The Concord delegation tn th North Carolina Glassi. at lJw, Stone church, Rowan county, have returned. The Classis meets next year at Btulabj Davidson county. Caldwell Propst. son of Mr. Will Propst, met with an accident today y a Dade Daii stnkiDg him on the nose and bursting a blood vein. He bled nnnniriAroKlw k iL; serious resulted. I . The firm of R T7 Safrit & Co., who have been runniag a machine shop in No. 5 township, have dis- . -1 1 J ! : r . . y Ji PW,TW copartnerBnip. The busir ness will be continued by Mr. J J Barringer. Up to the time of going to press none of the Soliciting committee for North Carolina College's ( new location has been run over by she Lffers or hungry bidders. ' Don't all come at once. ' A change in the Yadkin railroad schedule has been made. Parties who go the capital oi the State of Stanly via steam' route, will lie over in Salisbury until 1:30 jp m, instead of 12:30, as heretofore. I Mayor Means! You have started right. Put it to the fellow when he answers for his drunk; he needs yanking! justas much as the artistic blind-tigeritej whom he encourages by his patronage. No buyer, no seller. J ; Mr. H McNamara, who has been giving the Concord streets a spring cleaning,! got through in time for him to nurse! a spell of lame back, which; in turn prevents him from seeing Charleston with the other 65 year old boyi. Death at the Test House. i I . i j ! ! i Mary Billings, the negro woman who has bees confined at the ptst house for some- time on account of her disease, smallpox, died yeaters day afternoon about 4 o'clock. The womanihas been very ill since she was taken to the house of deten tion, and i on several occasions it was thought . she was in a dying condition, he, however, revived, and it was hought Saturday, she had' even chahcos for recovery. A change for the Worse took place early yesterday morning and she never rallied. Besides having the disease she I was very much de mentedCharlotte News, i Cabirrus Has Two Confederate Flags. We were under the ' impression that there . - but one : Confederate flag in Cabarrus oounty which was in the service, namely, that; of the 8th. Mr. J"phn R Bradford has jast half of the! 20th Regimental flag, which he proposes to have in the parade in Charleston on the 10th. It is a Utile tattered and therein tells the story the more forcibly. Become Warlike, True to his heart's desires and hanxering ( to be a soldier again (for a few days only), the old man of The Standard joined the other veterans on the Charleston trip. During his absence, the young man will wear the old man's shoes. Now's the time to subscribe and r : i Some Inspection Needed, It appears that now is the time for the sanitary officer of Concord to use his means of detecting things that are not altogether lovely about in places, -j. " : Is there a law against hog pens withia a short distance of th streei! Already there has been some complaint about an offensive manner of caring for hogs in cer. tain quarters! , Several evenings recently seme1 parties on West Cor bin street have been driven from their piazzas on account of foul odors from localities that should be looked afterj If necessary, let the hog stay but let him stay in a wav so as not cause thy neighbor to sin. Tbev Hare Dlscontlhned Bnsinens A number of our people who have made the acquaintance of Messrs. Pridmore auct Wood, who two months azo oDened nn a business in the Litaker building have discontinued their business here and are having their coods shipped to Union, 8. C. These gentlemen have been conducting a five and ten cnt counter busi ness here, but found their trade was not justifiable to keep them here. Possibly though, these gentlemen will open up a business here later; perhaps not before next September. ! Bneklen's Armoa aiT. The best baiTe in crh world for Outs, Bruises, 8ores, Ulcers, Salt Rheuml Fever 8ors, Tttr Chapped Hands, Pr Chilblains, Corns and all S rin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It i guaranteed to givestatisfaotioz: ot tnonev refnnied. Price 25 cents tier b'ji For aal at P B Petzer's Drug Offers SUDerior nonrsAH in Mnoin A .f Literature. Expression Culture.. Mr. Emil Graram, manager nuu wiupirionjx- oi iue oonarwanKa uon servatoryof INew York, will ha th M. rector Of the School of Mnain tnia son. He will be assisted by the leading wacuers oi ine ocnarwen&a Conserva tory and also by some of the most prominent Artists of New Ynrr i Th rates in Asheville will be 25 per cent less uian tne ew x or k prices from the same instructors . . . For raes and farther particulars, j Addr,. ArcMlialEl L Jones, t I i . President. AsneVllIe. N. C. All kinds of furniture re-upholstered. ......... Carpets cleaned and re-laid. Matresses made to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. (f- Headquarters at MORRIS HOUSE. ;, CT. HTTTT THE LATEST FAD I . . . ." ' --; Nethersole Silver Bracelets ' 75c. to $4.00. AT W. C. CorrelFs The Jeweler. 4Ehe place to get your nice fresh Bread, Rolls, Uoughnuts, Buns, Crullers, Cakes and Pies. I nake a specialty of anything in my line. Give me a call. 1EIIS flMffi Sill id coinir. II 111. WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE t - - - AQ,LISH-B5slERlCES-BEStniIING! i .- f 4 ! , - ".!"- -- - ' "i - : ! V : Brand new Scotch Zephyrs. Whole s ale fl pric e Our price Fine Lawns. Worth 8 1-3 and 10c. I ' ' 'I Our price -1 - Wife to give her attention to the Spring. We had niture and House you want Framed bring it- ere and we will Frame it for you in bet--style at a- Lower Price than you can get it for elsewhere. Remember we i ; i - k G. W. PATTERSON can please you with all kinds of GROCERIES ! We have line, New York Seed Irish Potatoes Peerless, Burbank, etc., etc. Our Cream Cheese is very fine. We offer special . prices on nice lot of Mo lasses, Sorghams and Syrups. Our stock of Flour is the best on the market. OUR STOCK OF CROCKFRY, Tin ware, Wood ware, l)rv Goods, Shoes, Hats, Leather, etc., is complete. BRING IN YOUR CORN, Oats, lggs etc., and get best prices. j Jacob Reed's Goods, the celebrated clothiers of Philadelphia. We. guarantee fit. stvle and entire satisfaction. Spring and summer samples now in. We bffer a new Hartford Bicycle at less than factory price. Anyone wanting a good MULE will do well to see us. G W Patterson S5c. g4 : ! i i. if- Re - f urnishincj of your home this . - . . ' that in mind when we put in this fine line of Fur Furnishings. If you have a ... .......... ...... . . - ' ' - a '- . : do Undertaking:. . M. L. Brown :&;BKo: LIVERY, FEED AND SALE . ; 8TABLES. Just in rear oi St. Cloud Hotel. Om nibuses meet I air passenger trains. Outfits of ali, kinds furnished promptly and' at reasonable prices;. Hordes and muiee always on hand or Bale. Brbedere of thoroughbred Poland Cina Hoors tf SMALL-POX Is reported at different points in the State. Our Health Policies covers thisj disease as well as typhoid fever and a good , number of other diseases flesh is heir to . Get one. 1MJ at once. J. FrHurley. advertise. PHONE 122.