iouthcrn ailway SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT APRIL THE 11TH, 1899 Thiscondenedschedulfeispub' Mch?A ac information, and IS 111 v subject to change without notice to the public: Trains leave Concord N C 5.52 A. M.-Nq. 8, daily, for Rich mond; Sonnects at Greensboro for Raleigh and Goldsboro; at Goldsboro for Norfolk, at Danville for Washington and points -North, at Salisbury for AshevillerKnoxyille and points West. 7. 19 A M No. 33, the New York and 1 Florida Express, carries Pullman Sleep in Cars between New York and Aiken. Sb., New York and Tampa, Fla., and Norfolk to Charlotte. 8;49A;M. No. 37. daily, Wash inton and Southwestern limited lor AtlantaBirmingham, Memphis, Mont gomery. Mobile and New Orleans,' and all points South and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis, Dining car, yestibuled coach, between Washington and Atlanta. f ' 10:00 A. M. No. 86, daily,, for Wash iSfeton. Richmond, Raleigh and all points North. Carries Pullman drawing room buffet sleeper, New Orleans to New Yoik; Miama, Jacksonville to New ork: Pullman tourist cars from San Francisco via New Orleans and South ern Pacific Mondays and Thursdays. 11:23 A. M. No. 11, daily for Atlanta and all points SoutL. Solid train, Rich mond to Atlanta. 7:09 P. M. No. 12, daily, for Rich mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, Raleigh, Norfolk, and all points North. 8;51 P. M. -No 7, daily, from Rich mond, Washington, Goldsboro, Selma, Raleigh, Greensboro Knoxville and Asheville to Charlotte, N. C. 8: 51 P. M. No. 38, dailv, Washington and South western limited, for Wash ington and all points North. Through Pullman car. Memphis to New tYork; New Orleans to New York. Also carries vestibuled coach and dining car. Close connection at Greensboro with sleeper toY Norfolk. 9.20 P. M. No, 35, daily, foi Atlanta aud New Orleans, carries Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans. New ""York to Jacksonville and Charlotte to . Atlanta. Also Pullman tourist car Washington to San Francisco, via New -Orleans Wednesday and Saturday. 9.45 P. M: No. 34, daily, the New York and Florida Express, carries Pull man Sleeping Cars between Aiken, U. C. and New York. Tampa, Fla, and Nqw York and Charlotte to Richmond. "Car ries sleepers Charlotte to Norfolk yia Greensboro. . First sections of TesrtQar through or local freight trains cany passengers only to points where they stop according to schedule. i ' . -... Frank S. Gannon Third Vice-Pres. and Gen'l. Man. , Washington, D. C. John M. Culp, Traffio Manager, Washington, D, C. W. A. Turk, Gen'l. Pass-Agent, Washington D. C. Oowan Dusenbery, Local , Agent, uoncora, jx. u. n 13 JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. VARDANTED. PRICE 60 cto. Paris Medicine Co.; St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: We sold last yeai OALA.TZA.IU8., Nov. IS, 2893. 8t. Louis. MnJ old last year. 600 bottlM f VttUVjfi s TASTlCL.ICSS CXI ILL TONIC and h uuuku inrw RTOB8 eireaay tnis year. In all oir e irrenw v it jeRre, m me Qnig busmess, have I never sold an art if 1a tht I "oouui UU1 vcrsu uub taction as your Tonic Yours truly, 1'-oaotL'?r - ASSY, CABS &C0 All dealers guarantee Groves Taste less Chill Tonio to care chills, fever aid malaria in all 1 - its form? W ANTELV-To buy 100,000 pounds of old cast-iron scrap, de livered at the foundry at once, for 'which we will pay a fair price. No burnt iron wanted, alfof. Concord Foundry Co. weaKneea easily ctireQ I Will s-. my-m ft u3 irj u y, , rmmrn ii I iii ii- ii UodauBtftf Aoldlers. When thecaptatn of Company E, Corps of Engineers, at West Point, an nounced that thirty-five volunteers were wanted for service in the Philip pines eyery man in the company step ped forward to contest for the places. The captain selected unmarried men. The incident is only mentioned as showing that the hardships of our boys in the tropics of the far East fcave not served to daunt those who remain at home. Philadelphia Record. A G rent Enterprise, j A P Rhyne, the cctton manufactrr r i i of Mt. Holly, N. C, has arranged to build a modern brick business structure there, which will be occupied bythe Masons, the Knights of Pythias and . - -r !. i the Knights of Honor, also a new bank capitalized at $100,000 called the Rhyne National Bank, with Mr. Rhyne as i ' S i President, whieh will open for business I S . : as soon as the business is completed. Textile Excelsior. I BLOOD PURIFIER SENT FREE A Cure for Blood and Skin I Dis eases, Eczema, Pimples, Scrof ula, Blood Poison, Cancer, Etc. If you have tried sarsaparillas, patent edicines, and doctered, and still i have Old, presistent sores, pimples. distresings eruptions of the skin, painful sores on hands arms or legs, itching sensation. irritating skin troubles, eczema, scrof ula, ulcers, contagious blood poison, fever sores, mercurial rheumatism. catarrh, boils, face covered with little sores, cancer or any blood taiut. I then give B. B. B a trial, because B. B. B. Botanic Blood Balm is mado for just such cases, and it cures to stay cured those stubborn blood diseases that other milder medicines fail even to benefit. All above named troubles are evidence Of bad, diseased blood in the body, and B. B. B. cures because it forces all the poison or im puritv or blood humors out Of the body, bones and entire system. To remove all doubt of its to cure, we qffer to send to any sufferer a sample bottle of B. B. B. absolutely free. B. B. B, is an old, well-tried remedy hence we know that itcures to stayjcured for the people cured by B. B. Bfc years ago are well to-day -and free from all blood impurities. f Cancer, Bleedlnsr, Eating: Sores. Ca ncer of Nose, lip. face, earor neck. external, or internal cancer, bleedins. eating sores, are all cured by B. B. B., the most powerful blood purifier made. All druggists sell B. B. B: at $1 Der large bottle. For trial bottle ! of B. B. B., address BLOOD BALM CO., J-rm buuicoo -XJfJXJ I in. 1 till il .1 Vt Ol A . I. 3 . iuiicueii oireei, quanta, . ua., 4 ana sample bottle will be .sent, JbyT re.turii mail." "TJe'scfibe "your symptoms and free, personal medical advice will be Agents Wanted For "Thfl T.ife and Achievements of Admiral Dewey, V the world's greatest naval hero. By Murat Halstead, the life-long friend and admirer of the -nation's idol. Bigcest and best book; over 600 pages, 8x10 inches; nearly 100 pages halftone illus trations; map in colors. Only $1.50. Enormous demand, j Big commissions. Outfit free. Chance of a lifetime. Write quick. The Dominion Company. Cax ton BldgrChicago: . ; raphophone IVew Selected Music. M. PTJlRCELL. SALE OF TOWN PRQB5RTJ FOR TABS. for ih&town oCCon- lawaof No jth , Caroling .1897, Chapter iMjl mil fcell i tietCburt House door in Concord; N:t);, on ?riday,"tfie 5th day of May. 1899,Lhelfollowing tracts or j lots of land, in said town, for the taxes -dne-thereoxi, rizi ...... ' j--,., wr if .... 6 cries fdjoiningr Jnor Bulla an( ?B. B.. Jesse Misenheinier owner $2.11 ! Ward 8. 1 lot on East Depoi St, 10 J i : Caton owner j 11.54 1 lot in ljove.Town, Walter Alex- ander owner, l 1 lot in Love Town, Joseph Bru- ner owner I 1 lot in Love Town, Mack Boger owner' . ' " J ' 1 lot, on Broad St., Sam Black owner ' ; 1 ' ; f " 1 lot on Broad St., Geo. Cagle 4.48 i 8.85 3.27 1.06 .91 8.26 1.16 1.34 1.63 1.16 1 !:. 1.20 .77 owner g 1 lot on Broad St Bobt. Coltrane owner . , 1 lot in Coieburg, Allen Freeman owner T ' ' 1 lot at Harrisjlot, Bobt. Kenedy owner i . 1 lot onYoung St.,Hammitt Mont gomery owner I 1 lot, residence, Amos Partee owner -. i. . 1 lot in Lore Town, Amzi Kobin- son owner If lot near T 0 Strieker, A M Shu man owner- I Sale to commence at 11 o'clock. "Departing: Glory." .t ........ -w." ' Mr. Adam Nuesman has pur chased from Cook & Foil of Mount Pleasant, a stcjre building, lately occupied by that prince of racket men, W G Barringer, Eeq. The retirement from! the marts of trade of this genial "W. G.", the boyf. pet name for him, and his return ing to his first and fondest love (Horseology) fetches to his numer ous friends a sadness that roils up into choking lumps within their bosoms. la passing, it is well to say that Mr. Nuesman is putting in a new bottom, ap the active business here- trfore conducted there from the wiiatfcd George present writings Withers down '0 has been enough to th9 house's foundation and! bot tom parte. Thierstore building baa a fioe basement lor perishable goods, or words to that effect. - Donations to Mt. Lnlte'a Douse. The .Raleigh lW pays that Mr. J M Odeli has contributed $25 to ward the building of the Home for the Aged and Messrs Cannons Incurable. The haTe also con tributed to the same object. CURE A COLD: IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine iablets. All drngrgrists refund money if it fails to cure. 2oc. The genuin has L. B. Q. on each tablet. He Is Slightly Better." i - Mr. John Sossamon, thft victim of insanity, who is confined in the jail, changed for tike better Monday night.-hayine become more ration al. He seemed io partly realize his condition and stated to Jailer Townsend that night "that he was in a terrible fi AN EPIDEMIC OF WHOOPING COUGH. ! Last winter during an epidemic of whooping chough my children con tracted the disease, having seyere coughing spells We had used Cham berlain's Oough Remedy very, snccesful lv for croup and naturallvtorned to it at that time and found it relieved the cough and effected a complete cure John LJ Clifford, Proprietor Norwood House, Norwood N. Y. This remedy is lor sale by 21. L. Marsh & Co. ma m m mm A Tlew ef War. Mrs. Henpeck (visiting her first hus band's grave) Yes, here lies a hero. You would not be my husband today had he not been killed in the war, Mr. Henpeck (fiercely) Yes, what a curse war is. Exchange, Free Pills Send your address to H. E. Buck len & Co., Chicago; and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. Xhese pills are easy in action and aie particularly effect ive in the 'cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guar anteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely Vegetable. They o not weaken by their action,, but by. giv ing tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the bystem. Reg- uiar size zoc. per dox, boia by r B Jvetzer. i . Reduced Railroad Rates. For the occasions mentioned be low the Southern willselj tickets at the following reduced rates'.' Medical Society at Asheville. Tickets on sale 24, and 25, 28, 29 and 30. Fare for round trfp f 5.55. : Cotton Spinners' Association at Charlotte,-, on; sale 9th, lOtb'and 11th. Fare for round trip ll05.1 . Meeting of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian! Church in the United States at Richmond, on sale 16th and 17th; Round trip 88 00., If troubled "with rheumatism, give Chamberlain's Pain-Balm'a trial. twill not cost you a cent if it does no good. One applicaion will relieye the pain. It'also curesjsprainsrand bruises in one third thettime required by any other treatment. Outs, burns, frostbites quinsey,' rainsin the side and chest, glandular and other swellings are quick ly cured by applying it. Every bottle warranted. Price, 25 and 50 cts.M ii ff. ..:J:':,M1 fiMffllilfl- AyegcMblPttparfionJbrAs; similating th&food andReula ting thaStnmaEhs andEkmoaof EromolEsTJnnXriW tiess and RestContMcs neither OpnimIorphin0 nor IfiDEral ot Narg oxxd AbtJmna IKrm Seed - ' rfarifod Sugar Aocrfect Remedy forC&nsfipa- rion, Somtoinach.Diarjhoca, Worms .Convulsions Jeverisa ness aid LOSS OP SlB TacSinule Signature off NEW YORK. EXACT COPT OF WHAEEEB. i i v , . mil C Just Received One Car Load of Old Hickory Wagons at Ritchie H a r d ware Co . Next to the Racket Store. Rational Bank Offero the business nnblfe a reliable, mr, manent, conseryative and accommodat ing banking instution. ; f r We solicit your, patronage, with the assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage:! If "we can serye you any time we will be glad to have you come and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOiklEES, - - 'I7i . . Capital ani Snrpiis. I L Mooo. ACojffBJvjqs, Chashier, ; J. M. OdeiiL, President, I STATE OF OHIO. Uity op Toledo,. Lucas County. C BS Frank T. Chenej; makes oath thai tisBni6r partner ; of tliefirni 9 FJ Cheney f&Oodoingbnflinesa in the City of .Toledo,,. County and State aforesaid: and that said fim will pay the sum'of One Hundred Dollars for each and eyery case of uaiarrn mat cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Curei o 7 ": . "Fbasx J Cheney. Sworn to before me and subcribv ed in my presence, the 6th day 61 December, A.JD. 1886.: ' SEAL, i A. W!GTiR A RfYNT (wlTrV. u r, Rotary PhblicJ Hall's Cutarrh Cure is taken ins fcctuttujr ana acis anrectiy on the blood and mucous surfces of the sytem, Send for testimonials, free F. J, CHENEY & CO.! Sold by druggists, 75c. ToIedoi0- The Kind You Have Always Bought - f You Have TWC CEWTAUW COMPANY. NCW VOBK CITY. a ODELL' 2V1ANUFACTURINQ CO. MANUFA.CTUREB8 OF Fine Ginghams, Outing Cloths, - Plaids, Sheeting i ' : and Salt Bags. r dealer IN- GENERAL - MERCHANDISE. . BUYERS OF OF GODNTRY PRODUCE S and 4-foot wood always wanted. Best prices for. samtr, - We invite an inspec tion of all the goods we manufacture. - - JoncordN. 0 Bears the fW Kind Always Bought. inn ill f JNO. K. PATTERSON : , Town Tax Collector . "i : . h ; . i ... . - . . Marsh & Co.