Price $4.00 Per Ysaiy CONCOKDj THE CLOSING HOURS. UordAii Ite-elecled General or the confederate Hosts J S Carr, Major general of the North Carolina Dlyl-jiloD-Kome Unpleasantness The business of the Confederate Reunion was finished Friday and there was a general pulling cut for home Friday evening and night. At a meeting of the North Goro liniana at their headquarters. Col, Julian S Carr was elected byunanU mous vote as Major General of the N. 0. Division. Gen, Derosett, who was accredited with great effioi" ency in working up the organization in the State to its present proportions had announced at the proper time his. desire; to be relieved of the care of the office. . , Col . Carr being escorted into the hall accepted the honor in a grace ful little. speech in which be ex pressed much pleasure in receiving the honor. : The brigadier generals, of whom there are four in the Sate, are aa follows : First Brigade, J G Hall. v Second Brigade, W L Lundon . Third Brigade, F M Barker. Fourth Brigade, J M Ray. Someone recognized the Hon. R T Bennett and called for a speech from him. r He responded in hia graceful way mixed characteristically with sarcasm for some things be did not like. His speech was roundly cheer ed. The lady sponsors were then, at their own- request, greeted indi Tidnally by the North Carolina vet erans, when all proceeded to join the general- body In the auditorium at 11 o'clock. Here the body was rather unwieldy, it was difficult to hear and there were persistent efs forts to make elcqaent speeches that the body was in no mood to hear. The committed on resolutions re ported a substitute for one presented previously by Gn. Stephen D Lee relative to the care of Confederate graves by the Federal Government . This was the tender point and- ft seemed that President McKinley's' words at Atlanta were about to be a rock on which the old Confederate ship which had been sailing fo smoothly would be torn and crip pled. The committee recommended the following for adoption, which carried by a respectable majority after a stormy discussion : "Your committee to. whom was referred the resolution introduced by General 8 D Lee, beg to. report the following with the recommendation that the same be adopted : 'The United Confederate Veterans in this annual reunion assembled desire to place upon record their sincere ap preciation of the utterances of the President of the TTnited States m Atlanta, in December, last, concern icg the assumption of the care of the graves of our Confederate dead, the national government. We appreciate every kmdley sentiment pressed and we shall welcome any" legislation which shall result in the -care of the graves of our comrades in Northern States by our govern nient. " 'In regard to our dead, whose remains are resting in the States Hich were represented in the Con federacy, and Maryland, the care of their final resting , places is a sacred trust,, dear to the hearts of Southern woman, and we believe that we can 8afely let it so remain.' " . It was a minister of the gospel (whose name we could not get) that Splayed the temper most at yari- N. C, MONDAY; MAY 15, 1899 ance with that f?ttl mnftiliatArv i we would expect from spiri J, that i one of the sacerdoial ranks There were some very TWO ACCIDENTS. extreme yiewa expieseed, quite clogging to the steady advance toward the era of good Reeling that has seemed t be evj?n now upon up. ! Thje general reorganization was ery pimple. The committee's res port Was adopted and G en . Gordon waa epijat the head, as he will ever be while he carries such high quali ties as commander. Louisville, Ky and Norfolk, Va., each applied for the reunion next year. It was soon seen that Louies ville Jwaa far in the lead and when it came to a vote it was made unanis that great city on the "erlous Reniilts In Either Case A Ilerse -Bccemes Frightened While Crossing a Bridge and Jumps Ofl-A 1 i Freight Train Strikes a Wagon. j Two accidents occurred in the vicinity of the depot today (Mon day). Both cases might have resulted more seriously, but for tunately did not. j !a man and wife, together with their five children were crossing the bridge; over the creek at the depot in a buggy. Their animal became frightened at a log Hoat ing in the water and j umped to one side of thebridge. A piece of iron, which served as part of a brace kept the buggy from pitch ing over into the water also. One of the children was thrown from the buggy but not from the yet known on what dace itbTidge' The man succeeded in for mous Ohio.! i Trie time for holding it is left with a committee to fix. therefore it . i .!.. - . , is no will he. ARfianinfT ,ro?fli Vila fomilTr irrili I 'I'M U.U lUUJtt 1 T T Jb kU f d . ' Anltr clloVlf. Jninw nnd rtlrw exercises Commencement at Elizabeth College. i f J J & .rriL L , . . his horse out of the water after jljuu uuuiiutjuceujeni; of El day, ?abUt college be?in on Fri- j f T.Dg " 80m' ' damage from i June 2nd, and close Wednesday, June 6th. Friday, night Senior Glass Day Exercises. Saturday night Annual meet ing ol literary socities. Sunday morning Baccalaure ate sermon. Surlday night Address before the Missionary society. Monday afternoon Art recep tion, j Monday night Address before the literacy societies. Wednesday' morning Com mencement exercises. it' Weoesday night Annual con cert and reception. Toungisian Drowned. Wil iam Tolbert, a yomng man living near the Yadkin riyer, on Mr. T A Lud wick's place below Trading Ford, was drowned Fri day about; noon by, falling into the riyer. ! He was Subject to spasm! and it is thought was seized with one while on the riyer bank looking after fish baskets. fie 'vas: missed ad his body was found soon afterwards, he having fallen in headforemost and his feet remaining above the water, kays the Salisbury Sun. 'X-ll ..... Taken to Morganton. Fortunately a place was secured in the insane asylum at Morganton for Mr. John Sossamon, who more than a week ago lost his mind and After tak is now badly deranged. ing him to; the county home last Friday he iore his bed clothing to pieces and tears his clothes f rem his body. Want to Can tbe Strawberries. The strawberry; raisers about Wilmington seem to have an over stockjof these luscious berries and are calling for canneries to relieve them of the stock. BnelLlen's Arnica saire The Blest Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sore, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Ohapped Hands, Chilblains, Oorni and all 8 tin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or! no , pay required. It is guaranteed to give statisf action or mone v refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P, B Fetzer's Drug store. breaking. The other accident, which was enly slight, was a case ot a freight train striking a wagon, breaking the hind axle. The driver, a boy, seemsHo haye been to blame on account of pulling his mule to one side. While this is only a slight accident, it is one of those things which calls for carefulness on jthe part of people going over the railroad crossing when cars are in motion about on the yard. A IjOveljr Trip for Them. On last Saturday night in the hall at Mt. Am cena Seminary, our home talent played "The Little Kebel" for the benefit of the seminary. A good audience, con sisting mostly of the ladies of the seminary turned out. The au dience, judging from the applause, was pleased with the play and enjoyed it very much. The members, of the company spent Saturday night in Mt. Pleasant and attended services on Sunday morning at St. John's church. They arrived here Sun day afternoon. AN EPIDEMIC OF WHOOPING j ! COUGH. 11. : , Last winter;, during an epidemic of whooping chough my children con tracted the disease, having severe coughing spells N We had used Cham berlain's Cough Remedy very succesful ly for croup and naturally turned to it at that time and found it relieved the cough and effected a complete cure John L Clifford, Proprietor Norwood House, Norwood N. Y. This remedy is fox! tale by M. L. Marsh & Co. Jews Stnst Met Oat. Bibtous troubles exist in Kussia about the Jews nd this scattered people have been ordered to quit St. Petersburg. Mrs. been Pure Plymouth Rock Eggf, 15 for 50c. Truman Chapman. For OTer FlHy Years Winslow's Soothing Syrup hajs used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five sents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Sooth ing Syrup," and take no other kind. i- As an illustration of what the American girl can do when she hustles, a $9,000,000 chewing gum trustee been formed. Single Copy 5 Cents Jurors from Cabarrus to the Federal Court. j ; - , '. The following jurors from Ca barrus county1! kave been drawn to serve at the Federal court in Charlotte, beginning the 13th of next month : J L Peck, Jas. F Alexander, colored, J C Mc Eachern, J S McKinley , A J Scott, Joseph W Lentz, M T Tucker, and J R White.. Mnch Water and Excitement. Rev. M G G Scherer and wife, of Mt. Pleasant, had somewhat of a dangerous experience last Saturday as they were returning home from Inochville. I While' crossing Coddle creek, which was yery full, the horse lay down or fell into a hole'. No danger, more than a good amount of excitement resulted. . i - i ATTENTION. - - m. mm PARENTS ! Weiave a fall me NO CURE, NO PAY. That is the way all drucrsrista sell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic for chills and Malaria. It is simply! Iron and (Quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults refer it to bitter, nau seating Tonics. Price, 50o. PERSONAL PIONTERS. Mr. T B Rice, of Greensboro, is here today. Mr. Will Powe, of Greensboro, ia here today. Mr. Fletcher Smith arrived Saturday night and spent Sunday here! He left this morning. Mr. Julius Smith, one of the students at Mt. Pleasant, who re turned to his home at Charleston during the reunion, returned home this morning. Mbs Belle Eddleman, one cf the students of Mont Amoeoa eemi nary, is spending today with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Kimball. She will return to China Grove tonight. of little Gent's Shoes, just the thing for your ooy. iney are made like men's Shoes and 7ill wear like old time leather. Best: mater ials are alway used ia their make-up u.116 they will stand hard knocks. The leathers are of tan and black yici, also tan Russian; calf: The prices are $1.25, $1.48 and $1.98. They are just the Shoes you are looking for, drop iu and seelthem. the H. L. PARKS Company. FIKST LITi OF I ' i -' PINEAPPLES- II " ! IN TODAY AT jfSI ' i s! j. mm. i I : . ! To Our Customers. On account of ifhw extra wo-rk: and expense required to keep and collect small acs counts, we have decided to adopt a j Cash System j beginning June 1. Vor the convenience of those who pref ar it, we will sell, j at a discount of 5 per cput., cou pon books in den ominat ions of $1,00 and up. We believe this will prove lrlrhly satis factory and cercairHy more convenient to yoi K f solicit your patronage und promise to do our utmost to lipase you. Our work is equal to the best. The above: will he strictly enforced. ; Respectfully,. Concord Steam LannOry & Dye forts U IS Aldebbonr, J UL Parcellj rropnetor. (Manager. Phone Ao. 2. i Snlrls Repaired Free. Five Days Trial Free. If you don't like her don't buy her. Saves your carpet, saves your back. 'And that saves your costs. See OUT American Queen. We are a having quite rush these j days on goods bought before j the RISE. the H If you need anything Furniture in ouse Goods til you had best come quick. Furnishing you can't rest, at prices that will make you laugh out loud. fg2Uome ana see us. & CO.