'4 ! .. i fjlf ': price $4.00 PerYw. itJKG'IOAL REPORT. Battle rnme-lS2 Died of Italtu , 817 otPioae. A ery interesting official report teen Kcde fronT'the enrgical r'tre-t in the Philippines cover jrg the period between February 'h ren tbe Filipinos attacked the iiitric?n? to March 31st. IV. says () - number of United States til ' j M.n''kii-od'or who have dud from .-n U r;:?2:ved since February 4th fllSS- ri'"e total number cf .i-pund ? ul-o: the sscie period and not iMin the above is 847. Of i;- :': !. w'asds many of the pas iiLii -'- returned to duty; T1 port cays the effect 'of., the. bastl'a ??'33 rjr.rveouo Many who S;e'j;.i iiarJIy able to do eemrncn duty were o?i the firing Hns when the e n-gsseineut became general. -The worst of the wounded and the sieJr, who it wza thought could not recovenn the island have been sent home and the rtport expresses the hope that many of tbeiatter will folly recoyer through the change of climatic influences. ' . The reporV esya the surgeons were not caught unprepared when the attack was made and were in entire readiness. "The medical officers of this com mand, says the report, had been making preparations for a possible attack on our forces, and when it did icome were ready for all emer gencies. The first aid packages hare proven to be of the greatest possible value ; indeed, our whole equipment reflects the highest honor for our department. Litters, pouches and medical and surgical chests were in readiness, essily prepared articles of food, stimulants and water were on hand, and our ambulance corns pany (reassemled for the work) did, and is still doing excellent work. The Signal Corps put the hospitals in cemmnaication with the troop3 at the f rontj and thus we were able to send supplies at a moment's no tice, "Tho eupply,cf food for this com mand has bee,n good from the time of arriving here. Of coarse there may have been som$ defects, but these were few. The issues for the trcopa for ten days are ; Fresh beef, seven days; bacon, two days ; salmon, one day ; potatoes, onions and toma toes daily, 75, 15 and 10 "per cent .respectively. Two ounces each of nee, oatmeal and dried fruits are issued when desired iniieu of four onncrs of fresh beef on days when fresh beef is issuing- ' - "Smallpox began to appear in ihi3 command," the report says, "about 'mber the 3d. , Since that time we have never been entirely free from it, although our cases greatly diminished for a season. The en tire EigHthCorpsh-iB been vaccinated OTtr '.and over again. Many of our caeea.of Emallpox haye been of the 'most virulent type and although the ntmpat care was' taken, of them death was not to be prevented in quite a Qumber. We have every reason to Jope'for a cessation of this disease, because our surgeons will never cea?e to labor with that in view. The total number of smallpox cases to date is 151; deaths, : 77 ; cases of varioloid, 85 ; deaths none. "Two hundred 'and fifty-six' funded Filipitov including four women, were received into the hes P'Jal during February and March. Uftheae forty-five, including two died. These people received , ue best of care and treatment and ?pm to- appreciate the efforts made m their behalf." . . - - i : ' - ' CONCORD, N. LAYING OFF KOAD. The Jurvmen Appointed by Sheriff Peck To Lay Oft, Roafls Their Be Handed to the Commissioners at Their Next Meeting-. Sherjflj Peck appointed five per sons' ag jury merj to lay off the route of the now rbadl from the lands of Mr. Robb Phtfer to Mr. Robert Holdbrooksj in the northwestern part of the dourity. The jurymen performed tieir amy Wednesday, he rennrt han nnt but at present been bandetj li. The following parsons compos; i tho jury : Frank lin Fagart E K Misenheimer, Robt. Ciiae, Wi ey Earnhardt and W L Morris The jury, which laid off the pro posed ne w road pom Pharr'o mill to Rocky Rive:1 Wednesday, were the following peisfna: J W Morris, M M GillonJ A F Heglar, C C Cald- wen and j W Black welder. They made tho fdilo icg report, which will be handed to the countv com- miseioners at thfeir next meeting: "Commencing at'' bridge and striking old road in front of store and following old road to Frank Teeter's runnicg between his home and barn and then straight to a large oak on line between Mrs. Vir ginia Erwirfl land and Mrs. Plott'a and with tfeeir line to Mr. Wm. McEachern'p and through his land to Mr. Jackson Linker's shop and straight to place for bridge on creek and then wrth line as surveyed to, agreeing to kllojv Mrs. Erwin ten Call for Mass Meetiri nr We, the Qndersigned, recognizing the great the locatioji mpprtnce of securing of Korth Carolina Ool- lege in our midst, hereby call a mass meeting of dur citizens to be held in the court piouse Friday evening, May 20th, at 8 p'clock for the purs uuee ui uituueaiuii' iuv uiatier ana oi formulating plahs for action. George W Means, Mayor. J M 0 Jell, W R Opel . J W Oannan. D B Uohrane, P B Flzeij, D P Diyvalult, Elamiinfl, W G Meank ; D D Jdhnjon, J B Sfjerriill, Jno. 4-jciipe, iJ D Djuval, A M Erowp, Dr. R S Young, O A Dry, O B Magotier, J D Barrier, Q B Milled His Forearm TQrn Off. v On Wednesday at China Grove, Pleasant Ktchiie, son of Mr. Milas Ketcnie, nafet Mth a bad accident His arm wis caught in the bolt at the corn jnail and was torn off above the elbofv. The wound is not thought to be fatal. ; For MlTer Filtyi fears Mrs. Winsllw'sj Soothing Syrap has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child" ren while tething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and j is the ; best remedy for Diarrhoea, j It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, T wenty-five sents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "itrs. Winslows Sooth ing Syrup,? and take no other kind. C, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1899 Little Miss Ruth Gibson Gets tlie Prize. Craven Bros., one of our furni ture firms some time ago offered a beautiful Tunior range to the girl under 14 years of age who made the most words out of the words r "Buck's I Stovna and Ranges.',' The little girls have been puzzling their brains to get the largest number, and the figures below will jshow that they have been laboring diligently, too. Misses Laura Leslie, Jfauline Means, Mary Louis Harris and Fannie Hill acted as the commit tee to decide and. they rendered the following figures : Ruth Gibson - ... 4,123 Nellie Herrincr - - . 2351 Julia Alexander - - 2,370 Julia Barrow - . . 2,369 Burtha Hill - . . 2,143 Carrie Fetrea - . - 2,015 Mary Lc iiifeingham - - 1,620 Agnes P., Kj,iig - - - 1,538 Ella Bell Wienhouso I - - 1,386 Ophelia Fisher - - - 1,180 Carrie B Graeber - - 920 The Junior ran 30 as shown by the figures, was awarded to little Miss Ruth Gibson, daughter of Mr. W W Gibson. It Is a Certainty Now. ' ' j j ! It is now a faot to be depended upon that Concord will have her cotton seed oil mill and ginnery, as the subscription list is now almost completed. The amount of tie stock is $30,000, and $27,000 has been subscribed and there is no doubt but that the remaing $3,000 will be subscribed. -This establish ment promises to be of the most up todate make, being equipped with the latest of macninery. The time will soon be here when a farmer can bring his cotton to town and after giving-bis horses a rest of fifteen or twenty minutes will be loaded with hig cotton al ready baled for the market. ! i :i Several persona are making bids for the machinery, and the contract for the ! mcuinery of the ginnery will be let soon. Three 1 rainbeatcrs Ciscliarsed. Three1 persons have bid the chaingang an adieu hoping never to see it again. All three were put on for beating the trains. One who had been j sentenced to ten days paid himself off by selling his watch. Thewede served his 37 days and a r esro also served his sentence out. They have gone their way rejoicing that they are off. Honors lor the llero. New York Gityl it feems, 13 going to spend! at least $150,000 to give suitable reception. Admiral Dewey a The President ha the jeweled sword locked up in a sdp rrady to present, to the hi ro t adifable time. 1 j Ital Cyclone. A cyclofe gtruck Calbsburg,i Iowa, Tuesday and beside doing great damage to property killed three persons and seriously injured four, some of whom will probably die. ! Spain 'she had a little lamb, the slickest lamb around. She sold the lamb to Uncle Sam for 20 millions down: then Sam he took it by the tail to lead it home, you know, the mutton rare turned out a bear, 1 and Sain he can't let go. Durham Sun. ! Pure for 50c. Plymouth Rock Eggs, 15 Truman Chapman. ISIDROIS TAKEN. Men Lavton Onnlnrra s.. Filipino Capital. i Gen Lawton has taken Isidro the second Filioino caoital and is pressing the enemy before him and they must soon take to the mountains where food is hardly obtainable or surrender. ; Indeed many of the wealthy are returning home and laborers are returning to their rice fields. These show their submission and respect to the Americans by taking off their hats qs the trains pass along. The fewest number of casualties have occurred in the late opera tions. They Cfime to See Concord. Two railroad officials, Mr. J H Drake, of Richmond, Assistant General Freight A?ent, and Mr. G R Browder, of Raleigh, Divis ion Freight Agent, spent Wednes day afternoon here. Knowing from the reports going through their hands that a good amount of business was done at this place, they came down to look at our our different place. They visited busy parts and expressed them selves as much surprised as to the size of the place PJ BRSOMAL PIONTERS. Mr. D B Coltrane went to Nor wood this morning. Mr. L D Duval and wife went over to Charlotte this morning. I Prof. C S Coler, superintendent of our graded schools went out to Mt. Pleasant this afternoon and will deliver a lecture tonight before the Athanasum of the college. I LOT IN TODAY AT Goods you had best come quick, j PINEAPPLES ! S.J. ERVIN'S.' I I iFiw' Days STOVES till you can't rest, at prices j i out loud. Come and see us. : BiGXiXi, "FT A BBIS Sc CO. Single Copy "5 Cer ts ATTENTION 3ARENTS! liaye a full We of litt line -l WAX U O just tjhe thing for your boy. They ,1 !tl9Il'S Sir- wnl Vaar like old tiai 1 LI. . -Wk lals are alway used iu their they hard niakeup will stand the knocks. The leathbrs are of tan and black vici, also tan Russian calf. The prices are $1.25, S1.48 and SI. 98. They are just the Shoes you are looking for, drop m and seelthem. ? H.L PARKS Company. To Cjur Customers. On account of the extra work and expense required to keep nd collect small acs we have decided to counts adopt a Cash System, beginning June 1. ! For jhe convenience of those who prefar it, we will sell, at a disco-unt of 5 per cent., cou pon books in derioininations of SI, 00 Jand np. this will prove We believe highly satis- xaciory ana certainly more convenient to you solicit your patronage j and promise J! J ' . . m i to do dur ntmos?to pipage you. Our w ork is eqai.io the best, above will be stiictlv The enforcsd. lw-spccLf ully, Coucord Steara Lannflry & Dye foils K K Kldenhonr, J n lnrcell, riropvietor. MaiiKper. I'hone So. 2. Sliiris Repaired free. fP4 r 1! m Li you cion't like her don't buy her. Saves your carpet, saves vour back. An i that saves your costs. onr American Qacep, are having quite a ru3h these days on ixoods bought before the RISE. i 1 Pi- i-L ' . TI you need anything ia the Furniture OB- Ho bse Furnishing that will make y ou laugh

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