AILY STANDARD JOHN D. BAERIER & SON, j Editors and Proprietors. OFFICE - IN , BEICK ROW. 1 HE STANDARD is published evcrv day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by J nes. Kates 01 ou inscription : One year.-;. . . . . . .'. . . . $4.Q0 8is monthB .......... . . Three months.. One month Single copy. .j ........ J . THE WEEKCaT STANDARD our-page, eight-dolunin paper. I It a larger circulation in Cabarrus than other paper. Price $1,00 per annum in advance. Advertising Rates : Terms for r regular advertisements made known on application. I Address all communications to THE STANDARD Concord. N. 0. 200 itio .35 .(J5 is a has I any CONCORD, N. 0., MAY 19, 1899. JfOT BUTLER'S WAT. The national reorganization cpnrJ tnittee of the People's party met in Kansas City on the 16th to decide on a policy for 1900. Mr. Frank Bnrkhead, of Missippi, presided ai d, executors. Boswell P. Flower's Will. Watertawn N. Y , May 18. The will ot the late exG-oy ernor Flower was filed for probate today. He left bes quests of $40,000 to each of his brothers and sisters or their heirs ; $25,000 to Frederick 8 Flower: $10,000 to his former cashier, Ransom S Paltisoii ; $10,000 in trust to St. Thomas parish, New York, for the benefit of parish house, erect ed in memory of his son, who died in 1880 ; $10,000 to Trim ty parish, Water town, for the benefit of the poor; $6, ( 00 to his namesakes, Rbswell Flower George, of this city, and ;'5,000 to Koswell FlowerMundy, of Chicago. Tne residue is left to his widow and daughter, share and share 'alike. Mrs, Sarah M Flower is executrix. His son-inNlaw,John B Taylor, and Anson R Fioer are T 1 that in his speech, said ; "To the mistaken policy wticlr led to diBastrons results m the cam J paign we may trace the cause of alL contention and want of j haruit ny which existed in the reform ran kd since that unfortunate hoar when a majority of our representatives' con emea to go outsiae oi ine party t end a candidate for .President Surely so one now, Democrat or publican at heart, will contend the campaign of '96 should be dup4 licated. It would seem from this SenatorButler's outlining of policy is not to be the order. He was going to have the Populist national con- vention meet before any other and ' : i ! . I nominate Mr. Bryan and somebody else (himself we suppose) so that the Democrats could be held responsible for the defeat of free eoina&e if do not fall in and follow bis lead that .1 THE HAGUE CONFERENCE hej! ing The great international con?en4 tion is in session at The Haga i i i , (capitol of Holland.) We have; ye to see any confidence expressed the outcome of this meeting. I. was the Czar of Russia that mad the call and the announced purpose was to enter upon some plan by which to cease the enormoas expen-j ditare on our armies and! navies! made necessary by the reluctance to be outclassed by other nations, the original purpose expressed tiii Governor Flower had made a practice of giying away one tenth of his income. His gifts, however, always far ex ceed his regular tithe Dars ing the last year it is learned from the best authority that he gave away directly or indin rectly over $1,000,000. i JtHllioui GivenlAway. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know! of one concern in thH land who "are not afraid to be generous to the needy and sufler ing. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this preat medicine; and bave the satis faction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hoplesfl cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call at P. B. Fetzer'a drug store and get a trial bottle free. Reg ular size 50e. and $1. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. I ll REE P'S. Ho, boys! I'd like io say to you, ! As if I were yonr father, With earnest mind and good intent A word or rbree words, rather. Pluck, Purpose, SPtWverance they ; ! I call tnem sifnply kloriouBf For they who have and use Jthem well j Shall surely be victorious. I Purpose sees something tojbe done i For our own good or neighbor's ; Pluck dares to do i and in faith For the great object labors: But Pluck and Purpose botn are vain, j Ad teaches many a story ; Ti8 Perseverance wins the And leads the boys to g B William dy, ory. Cowan. hard to conceive of anything but a dismal failure, but it may lead to I system of international arbitration1 for the adjustment of dispitues without recourse to arms. If made1 & stepping stone to this desirable end the fruits. meeting may bear Hemember the meeting night in the court house ' i per call. By the way, the! ' - - ' 1 , 1 ! and W C Con ell were, by some inadvertence, left out of the, call yesterday, A full, spon taneous effort is desirable that the most intelligent and !ju dicious action may be. taken,! -as.. well as the complete grasp ing of every opportunity fered. ot4 Setnmed to His First Loje. : ' i - ExSenator Peffer has gone back to the Republican: party saying that Democracy has eliminated the Populist party and that finances have justed themselves. ad The Maryland Steel Company has just shipped 250 tons of of steel rails for the Australian government. Sorely "our infant industries" is no longer a plea for tariff protection in the iron line. A Clever Trick. It certainly looka like lit, but there ia reallv no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Electric Bitters. This med icine tones up the whole evstem, acts as a stimulant to - Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It Cures constipation, headache, fainting spells, sleepless ness and melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and re stores the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at P B Fetzer's drug store. ; A Town balltin aday. Mountain Yiew, Washita county, Oklahoma Territory, is a record breaker for rapid growth. On Monday the 9th inat., it was a mere forest but it was surveyed and 800 people settled on it the same day. A mayor, alderman and treasurer were elected and all : the municipal machinery was set in motion. The explanation is that it is within I a profitable mining region and most of these people were in camp near the place they selected for a town and when it was laid out they made a rush. Fish in Hot Water. A fisbritj naturally a cold-blooded animal; but if you take a fish and keep him in slightly tepid water for a month or so he will soon get used to it, and be perfectly healthy. Then if yon like, yoa can iDcrea&e the water's temperature. The fish will not pay any attention to the change if it be mdt gradually, and will eat a good deal more than in quite cold water . Increase the heat still more, and he wiii develop a strong appe tite, and .his skin will look clean and glossy. You may goon with this treatment for any length of time, always slightly adding to the heat of the water and giving the fish more and more to eat, until the water is as hot as yonr hand can bear. If you then put the fiah in a radiated aquarium that ip an so quarium with heat playing on a part of it, so that onehalf the water if i i colder than the other the fidh will keep to i the hot part and bisk in it u is saia mac a nan win even live h ! . i I ! little wirile without outward die comfort in water not a great dea below boiling point. A fish c-rtain ly seems to derive benefit from lir ing in hot water, and is better eat iog after such a life when Public Opinion. it is dead. Beats tbe Klondike. Mr, A C Thomas, of Marysville Tex, has found a more valuable discovery than has yet been made initio Klondike. For years he suf fered untold agony from consump tion, accompanied by hemorrhages; and was absolutely cured by Dr, King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs "and Colds. He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this marvelous cure; would have it, even if lit cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat andlung aflection8 are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Trial bottles free at P h Fetzer's drug store. Regular size 50 cants and $1 00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. Cows to the Pastures. Gen. Ludlow has issued an order i i that will move the cows out of the residences in Havana and put them in tne country, where tbey can pro dupe healthy milk. 1 1 NO CURE, NO PAT. That is the way all druggists sell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic for chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless formL Children love it. Adults refer it to nitter, nan- seating Tonics. Price, 50c. I ! wKA44 50 YEARS' V Xf EXPERIENCE it W ! A- ' 9 Trade Marks rrvtx- Copyrights 4c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention Is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receiva tpectai notice, without charge. In the THE RACKET. i Scientific Jfnierican. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. L,ar?est cir culation of any scientific journal, j Terms, $3 a year ; four months, L Sold by all newsdealers. HUIIII & Co.36,B'. Hew York Branch Office, 625 F Si-Washington, D. C, I - I- . : " ease of "Thite Organdie rem nants, from 1 to 8 yds, at 80c per pound. These goods aver age you about 5 to 7 l-2c. per yd They are worth 10 to 25c. when bought regular. 1 case Printed Lawn remnants at -7 l-2c. per yd, worth 10 to 12 l-gc We have just received a nice a?! sortment (of pretty Fans from 5c. to $2.88 each. New lot of Colored Umbrellas and Parasols. Ladies Bleached Gauze Vests, 5c. up. Gents' Undershirts, 15c. up. Drawers, made like Scribbing. ers, at 60c. A nice lot of Gents' Colored Shirts Hoc. up. j White Shirts 25c. up. $1 ones for 50c. Dress Skirts 28c. up; Bonnets 25c. j Shirt Waists 20c. up. Nice Or i gandie Waists for 45c. Respectfully, F Tf you are not a subscriber to 3U ibe. The Standard j. now is the time to subscr THE STAHDAR If you have anything to sell 4 . you can make it known through j The Standard, t is published every day Sunday ex- cepted) and delivered at your door for only 10 c per week or 35c- per month prints home and other news that is of interest to our readers and to make V THE STANDARD it grow better we must have the pat- ... ronage of the people -- imf . Giye us a trial when you make your next order for j Job Work. Work ready when promised. Xlf you wantSto buyj anything J you lean call for itlthrough? lne btandard. .H i - Advertising rates Jin I The Standard made known on application-? Y ! -1 J 1 " r