i It Price $4.00 Per Yjar. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES A Gocd Crowd of Friends of the Instl tntlon Present Mr. Geo. Bar ringer Wns the Declaliners Medal Senior ' Exerclam of the Seminary 4 . Vritten for The Standard. , , Mt. Pleasant, May 29. From 8 a. m. to 10 the art exhibit at tracted many people to the Seminary halls to see the work of the past year. All left im pressed with the ability and efficiency of the department. From 10 a., m. to 1 p. m. tne Senior exercises of the Seminary were held in the Lutheran church, filled to OTerflowing with ; an ap preciative audience. I would not, Mr. Editor, ' undertake to com ment on the essays of the class. All did well, in fact splendidly ; the literary merit of the produc tions, struck me so, was far above the avprae one hears on such occasions; - - v Six of the graduates appeared on the programme with essays on the following iubjects : ... Salu tatory, "Esse Quam , Yideri," by Miss Myrtle Salome Patterson; "The Hearthstone of Genius," by Miss Elizabeth Katherine Monte; "American Humorists," by Miss Mamie J Miller; "Victory of Woman's Education," by Miss Kosa M Miller; "The U. S. of the 20th Century;" by Miss Hattie A Weddington; "7ill the. 20th Cen tury Change the Position of Wo man in theHome'7 and'Valedictory by Miss Toinetta Wise Lath an, and those, who presented no papers, are among the Seniors ; Misses Florence " Long, Kattie Amelia Smith, Lillie Amelia Black welder, Annie Belle Eddleman and Min nie Fellers.- The awarding of diplomas by Principal Miller was th6 occasion for a strikingly strong addrees by Dr.! Millet to the,,claB, while encirculmg- the chancel made a picture of sublime beauty. Rev. Riser then, presented a medal to Miss Lathan for scholarship and deportment; Dr. B C Holland presented meaai ior jDipie xusiory to Miss Pearl Remjleman, and Rey. Dr. JCox presented " the Senior Prize Essay medal to Miss Hattie Weddington, , principal Miller maae r an nouncement for the 'next sessibn; taking occasion to express grati tude for a loyal support and patronage : in the past; The showing indeed is gratifying t6 every one who is identified with the educational institution at Mt. Pleasant. 1, There wire no flowers". 1 This evening ;at ,3 o'olook in the churoh, with music by the Charlotte Orchestra, the contest ior Declaimer's medal offered by the Alumni association, came off. Those who participated were .Murry.Xqn, Geo- Barringer, Earnest Foil, Lewis Miller, Carl Cook and Albert :; Widenhouse. The yonen-auittd them selves with great credit; each one deserved a medal, but only one could be. given ; .The committee after special mention of Earnest Foil, awarded the medal to Geo. Barringer,! son of Senator C D' Barringer. I Mr. LofU n T.mi- tit tain, S. O.; whdis in attendance upon commencement, made the report for the judges. 'Mr. Lathan took occasion, to refer to his travels and then, said : "I hare never seen a more f delightful place than Mt. Pleasant and ; her warm-hearted hospitable people in this magnificent moral atmos phere are! unexcelled." This, quite ,, naturally, since recent events was greeted with applause in which the many visistors joined heartily. ,y : ; ' ' . . . V' In this connection, it might be news to a part of the church Jo say that these people, encouraged by many expressions of sympathy and support from loyal Lutherans of different parts of the Synod are determined that unwise and precipitate action Bhair not de stroy the college. The work planted here by .the men who sacrificed and the 'men of God, who built wisely when the churoh was weaker numerically; and financial ly, shall go on. Thb' grieyed at the snap-action, it is now certain that the college will continue at its present site. May good, at last, come from evil. Ministers of the NQrth'Caro lina Synod present : Bev. Biser, member of Seminary. Board; Bey. 0 A Brown, member of Seminary Board;: Bev.: Dr. Cox, : President 01 Seminary Board. Dr. Holland, late ' of Charleslon,; and now rpastbr rof .St'Marks Charlotte, is here., He delivered a, strong and much enjoyed dis course Baecalaureate Sermon on Sunday to the graduating classes. His theme was; "We Would See Jesus." As I close this, Mr. Editor, the oratorical contest among the Jtimo'rs is Rping on. Fixing for Baseball. Oar boys are getting; ont their last year's ' uniform! preparatory to haying their usual snmmer enjoy ment this season. 1 Their nine is be. ing decided upon as fastis possible. By the way, Jaok Johnson, who played wifH nd against our boys Usijje&u: illlline up with the Pel- zer boys, this yea. , Jaok I Frost, we all remember him, is captain of the Piedmont: nine (this year, v IIow the Ba,lli:l Vaf' Orande. . Due inquiry has been jnade as to tfie -groiinding of Hhe Ealeigh at CharleitpQ and it is foutid that the channel is subject to changes and to IkTslFwacf aclue.Kr There is some . uta,;(Capt; Coghlen for not hiring a local licensed pilot, but the je port does not recommend 'any unistiment or repremand, and the incident will doubtless serve only to increase caution. ' For Over Flltyi Tears Mrs. Winslow's Soothing '.-3yrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc- the gutis, allays aU pain; cures wind colic, ndr the1 best remedy for Diarrhoea.' r Xf will relieVe1 tfieof little sufferer mmbdiatry. i Sold by druggists in every part of the world, Tnrenty-fiye eents a bottle.1 Be 'shf e and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Sooth ing Syrop," and take no other kind. CONCOBD, K. C, TIJS DA X MAY 30, MRS. GOODNIGHT DEAD. ; weaves Husband and ScTcn Child- ren A Daughter and Brother in Concord-Was 6Q Years ot Age. - I Mrs. C M B Goodnight, whose serius illness we noted Monday, died this Tuesday. . She was 60 years of aee and leaves a husband and seyen living chilclrn, three daughters and four sons. ?One of the daughters is the wife of our townsman, Mr. Will C Goodman. Another is the wife of our citizen, Mr. A I J Scott, of near Concord. The deceased was a sister of our townsman, MrlW L Bell. j She' was a member of the Bethpage , Presbyterian church andr will be buried at the old Bethpage church amid the pre ceding members of her own family -tomorrow at 12 o'clock. Her pastor, Rev. Mr. Pharr will oflBciate at the funeral. Access te nifftaer Caltlvatlen. i.A; danciogi school will begin as soon as the requisite number is obs taiuer -.rThe school will be under the ooatrol and exclusive direction of a proficient oorps pf expert teach ers AH the essentials of good danc ing wiil' be taught. Both laities and gentlemen wil be eligible. The perwjmeilof the school, is sufficient to drive away, the cause and burden of a cloudy f life, i Pleasant hours will be in store for the pupils. - For tsrms and ethfr ; information , apply Y- hnwH irans: uannonr jr. Agent for the Society Dancing C ub: Took a Position With Ttim. ; Mr. Sam Sloop, of onr town, who has been employed in the putting in and repairing of telephones, has acs cepted a position with the Postal Telegraph l Co., .'whioh icame -here some days ago. Mr. E MoNish is now doing the telephone work in connection with his eleetrio and water worxs business. light Mrs. "Wiley JLyles pead. ! On Monday Mrs. Wiley LyleS, an aged widor of No. 5 township, died. She leaves one grown child. She had reached the period' of old jage, being 83 years old. The remains were interred - today (Tassday) in the graveyard at Mt. Oarmel church. ' ifo cube, no: pay! - -I ' ! That is the way all druggists sell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonio. for chills and Malaria. It is simply. Iron) and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children lOveit. . Adults refer jt to bitter, nan- seating Tonics. t Price, 50o.; , Each lawyer enters into a solemn compact with the State that he will uphold the majesty of the law and by example and precept teach others so to do . Judge Conner at Ohapel Hill. ;.u ! v - Tlie Sure LaGrippe Cnra. There is no use surTerine from this dreadful malady, if you1 will only get ihe a right' remedy. You are having pain all through, your liver is out of- order, have no appe- tite, no life or ambition, have a bad .com, in iaci ar qompieieiy UBea up. Electric Bitters is the only remedy that will give you prompt and! sure relief. They act directly on your 'Liver. Stomach and Kidneysj tone tup the whole Bystem and make you "feel like a. hew being. They are 'guaranteed to cure' or price re- mnded. Fdrjsale at P B Fetzer's drug store, dnly 50 cents per bottle. c 1899 l ri r t A SAD LESSON . One Friend Snoots Another Without . JDne Precaution. j A distressing effair oocurred near Beidsville Saturday night,' teaching a lesson against a reckless firing Mr. without investigating first.'! William Burton, knowing that his friend, Geo. Estes ,waa . a home would It was asleep. alone, concluded that he spend the night with him. near midnight and. Eatea was Burton finding ltj duffioult tb awake him, went to his window and rattled it. Estes, who t ad been, somewhat cautioned about burglars inlAhe neighborhood, took up bis pistol and i i fired, striking his friend in the neck, nearly cutting the jugular vein. The wound may prove fatal. PEESOHAL POINTERS. Mrs. R A Brown is spending today in Salisbury. - j .Mr.R J Lippard is spending today at Lexington. Misss Mary Dale Craige is visit ing her relatives in Salisbury. Mies 'Mamie Good, who stays out at Mr. Shakespeare Harris,l went to Charlotte this morning te visit, ' Dr. Sam Stevens, of China Grove, passed through here, this morning en his way home from Monroe., . ; - Mr. Deberry Fisher, the clever clerk at the St. Cloud, is spending today an tolnwrVw at his home at Mt Pleasant. , . r-Dr. R C Holland returned to Charlotte last night. ; He delivered the baccalaureate sermon at Mount Pleasant St nday. m -1 ; PIHEJU9 IN AT i.).- Sir! F U'R EM ' . - t i LITPOIF TODAY i t HOT TTMES NITURE STORE Bel arris Is what those hustling boys have ? l.f! ose iamous Two car loads of FURNITURE, and last, 'We are in a position to give you all along: the line, will make you g "When in need of anything in I I r- B13LL, HABEIS & Single Copy 5 Certs -GREAT SALE OF mm mts Two Days Only, Wednesday and Thurs, May 31st and June 1st. aNPARfiLLEDILBRRGRlNs Wasli bilks, a variety of colors, for these two da vs ouly, at 25c. a yard. This is just half price. Fine Taffettas in fancy patterns, fine qnality, form erly 75c. a yard, for these two days only 59c. Foulards, very wide, in Navy blue and white, for this sale 59c. $1.00 Silks will be sold or 78o a yard. We will also make a gieat showing of Lawn 8 and fine Organdies. One lot of $1, Kid Gloyes in iv ian ana DiacK, win be m the Vsale at 75c. a pair. k Great showing: of black and lancy Parasols Supply your qiik wants at a saving of one half and one-third price. H.L. PARKS & any, To Our Customers. On account of the extra required to I smail acs decided to work and expense keep and collect counts, we have "I X. Cash System, beginning June 1., For the convenien ce of those who prefer it, we will sell, at a disconnt 6t 5 per cent. t cbu pon boofes mdenomrnutions of $1,00 arid'iipr'JJWe'lelieve this will prove highly satis factory ,J and ' ceYtixin ! y more convenient to you A Te solicit your patronage md. ( promise tQ do 'our utmost to please you. O'nfwbrk is equnl to iLe best. I The' above rwi)l be strictly enforced,, Respectfully.. Concord Steam Laundry & Dye forts U Ridenbbnr, . J II Pnroell, , - Proprietor. Jtlanafer. Pbone .No. .2. , Hbirts Repaired Free. & Company been experiencing for the past days. but not least, a car of MOKPHEOUS fa Comp prices that, in spite of the steady advanced our line we will be pleased to ' . , r ' i ' . I -' i ,' -