i l'J'Uil'W'T" f m 1 !L tnm- jr"Jii.nuliM . W"..Mli..;w :,,-.m.. . - ' . - . u, m . 1 1 fcte.. -rm.it I,.,, ui,i,h-M.iiiiiii.i,iii -'.''.' '. ii- ii i ui.iinni iWHrtrlfr V r an.". 1 1 i ' --1.ir,ni--i unm-i , ' :ir"j--i rr-i - - i- -." - . - -i - "" , , . . , ...... . ' V .::!;! f A. ,1 : K t till f I i s? A i JgzZSY1"'' Z. Price $4.00 Per Yar. MOKE STREET BUSINESS. Another One Asks for Damages to Property On South Main Street 1 he Contract of last Board Claimed Net to Have Been Complied With By the Present One New Unitorms for the Policemen. w The town fathers held their regular monthly meeting Tuesday night. Mr. G W L Sherrill asked for damages to his property on South Main street ; done by the cuttiiig down of the street some time ago. The matter was referred to the street committee. . . i Col. P B Means claimecf that the present Board was not fully h .maw .n. nni . a n ia n ma 3 a by the preceding Board as to the work on his, property damaged by the cutting down of South Main btreet. The matter was referred to Messrs Geo. W Brown and G T Crowell for action. The sewerage question, which question is these days being talfced quite much by the people in some parts of the town, was discussed and the matter has been referred to the electric light and water works committee for them to inyestigate and re port at the next meeting. The city tax collector, Mr. Sam -Tirvm . was allowed two and one- half per cent for collecting taxes. Two and one-halt per cent is al lowed for the collecting of the school fund. Last year the LeneraF and interest fund was collected for one and one-half per cent. . It was ordered that .regulation uniforms be purchased for the policemen at once. If the police men serre as much as six months the cost of the uniforms will be paid by the town, otherwise the man who wears it must pay for it. Tb Edison Concert tirand. Rev. S F Conrad, of Charlotte, will give thj people of Concord an opportunty to hear the Edison Concert Grand at the Opera House Friday night, and also to see his Stereopticon Panorama of New York City. The Concert Grand is the latest of the loud reproducing Tailing Macliines. The reproduction is as clear and distinct as the original. A fine selection ; of the most popular music is promised and all may anticipate an enjoyable enter tainment. ; Mr. Conrad has the Oxveren Licht and will erive a realistic view of all the great streets and many of the promi nent placesjin New York City. The whole to conclude with the beau- scenes entitled "Rock of Ages. Admission will be at popular prices. Doors open at 7.30. Entertainment begins at 8 o'clock. . b in - i Planning f Attendattae Tonrnament. An effort will be made to have the firemen of this nlace attend the tournament in Greensboro from Aus gist 14. Mayor Mtans has pre t posed, unsolicited, to pay the rail road fare and hotel bill of any one of the merijberi. NO CURE, NO PAY. That ia 7the way all "drnggista sell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonip for chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form Children love it. Adults refer it to bitter, nau seating Tonics. Price, 50o. J CONCOUD, More Work of the County Commis . ' signers, ; Messrs Dowd & King, of Char- v.v,, ,,v.0 paii ex. 4 u iur ine ... i I JL iw m at me laii nnttinor in , r sewerage pipes, drainage ..pipes, etC.. ; . '. Messrs C McDonald, J M Alex- ander, and Geo. C Goodman were ; appomted advisory board of pen- sions. They are to report at the July, meetine. . The Board was unable to finish all of its work this month on account of the delay in regard to road matters. They will meet' l agaur-t next Monday, when the t jury box will be purKed,. the;jnrj lor the July tejm of court drawn, auu me laxos ior tne coming year i t'i i I levied, besides some action prob able about the proposed roads to wards Kocky Kivr. M.r. Elizabeth TVbiteDead. On Tuesday nighi at her home ' - near Sossamon's Springs, an aged lady of our county died, who has numbers of relatives of that name in our county. It was Mrs. Elizabeth White, the widow of Mr. McCamy White. Mrs. White-ttad reached the old age of 73 years,andwas a grand-daughter ef one of the original Cabarrus Blaok Bovs, who set fire to the powder wagons near here as they were on their way to Hillsboro. She was the mother of John White, flail White, and Bobert White, of this county. The fun eral was preached at the home to day (Wednesday). The National Union. This is a fraternal organization or working on the Natural Premium or Step Bate Plan. By this way everyone pays his own insurance. The new or recent member doesn't pay the insurance of the old member. This organiza tion had only nine assessments in 1898. The greatest annual cost at age of 25 has been $5.00; age 30 $6.00; age 35 $7.00; age 40 $8.00; age 45 , $10.00; age 50 $12.00. Its headquarters are at Tbleda Ohio. It is 18 years old. B A Collier, Gen. Deputy, is m the city for the purpose of organizing a council. He invites investigation. THE BEST PKESORIPTION EOR CHILLS and fever is abottle of Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic.v Never fails to cure; Then why experiment -with worthless imitations? 9 Price 50 cents. Your money back if it fails to cure. f Would Not St ffer So Again foP Fifty Times the Price. I awoke last night with severe pains in my stomacn. I never felt so badly m all my life. When I came down to work this morning I felt so-weak I could hardly work. XJwent to Miller & Mc Curdy'sfdrug store and they re commended Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy. It worked Jike magic and one do3e fixed me all right. It cer tainly is the finest thing I ever used for stomach trouble. 1 shall not be without it in my home hereafter, for I should not care to endure the sufferings of last night aeain for fifty times its tirice.G H Wilson, Liyeryman, fenrerettstown. Washington Co., Pa. This jemedy i3 for sale by M L Marsh & Co., druggist. N; O.i WEDNES DA ; JUNE 7, An Object Lesson. The adyantaae of good roads in exnenclina trfvl i aVi-u-. hir o. ftnmnftr:flnn n fi-0 f j t. tr u K,Ja'"J w.,o UUgUBU, BUU lUHHLSkU i- 1 i ... . . ' . . an ancnm xeninn recently traveled from Claveland io New "V.l, J" 1 f ft1 .! that consumed by a French horse- Iobs carriage in going from Paris to Bordeaux, 385 miles. The Fronahman made thirty miles an hour, the American a little over fifteen; miles. Presumably the American machine was as e;ood as the French, for no better ma- an is de fl.hrnfl.l than Atrioa ninHnna Thfl AittmtM -., nn cet in hyQI 6l the Frenoh to. mobile ia due to the superiority 0t French roads. France pro- - ... . . duces the best civil engineers in the world, the sountry has been settled for centuries, although the era of good road-making doesn,t date back much more 1.1 l XT... . man a century, witn tne strong national bias toward science and art, it is. not strange that France has superior roads. Gomez Glys Cbansel and Depart. General Gomez has issued his last manifesto and said goodsbye. He is going to his home in San Domins go to live quietly among bis friends. His counsels to" the Cubans la peace and progress that Cuban independ ence may be the more quickly se cured. The old hero seems the most level-headed of all the tribe. v Ammunition- Too. Raleigh not only has the gun caps tared at Manila, but has a lot of ammunition, which is in the mose nm. There are 150 shells weighing 1J pounds each. The balls are pointed tteel and covered with cop per. They explode, tooi when they strike something firm. . Let So 31 is take be Hade. It is evident the selection of a president for the A. and M. College is arousing very great interest. This is as it should be. It ii an import ant position. Upon the wise seleo tion of the gentleman to fill it very muoh depends. . We sincerely hope no mistake may be made. Raleigh Post. 4 Yonnff Man to the Chain Gang. aH fi On Toesday night Policeman Goldston arrested a young man for beating his way on the train. On trial he gave bis name as Charles Savin, of Charlotte. He was un able to pay the fine and the costs and hence goes to the chain gang to work for the payment of them. A Clever Trick. It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right ayvay by taking Electric Bitters. This med icine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures constipation, headache, fainting spells, sleepless ness and melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and re stores the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 5Qc a bottle at P B Fetzer's drug store. j 1899 . i I ' .... I Peace In Samoa. Peace again reigns in Samoa and the crusty Germans submit grace- fnllx. to . t?-i:.u J-a a .... decision that Malietoa Tanus is ! ting. The Mattaafans aresniren-l daring their arms and the rdbellion is slopped. The Sacuoan commis sion did an effectual work and now all is serene and lovely. Fiske's History Condemned. The Grand Camp of Confederate Veterans of Virginia has passed a resolution condemning Fiske's Hit -tory as unfair to the South and unfit to be taught iq Southern schools. AotleetoXo.il. I will sit to enlist taxes in Con cord on Saturday, the 17th. E F Faggart. . PERSOM A L POINTERS. Mr. D B Shaw, of Charlotte, was here today. Miss Constance Cline, who hi s been'teachingat Elizabeth college, retuned home this morning. Rev. and Mrs. C B Miller re turned home this morning from Elizabeth college commencement. . Misses Ella Walter and Ida Blume, and Ralph Cline returned home this morning frem Elizabeth. Mr. 8 A Thome went to Dur ham this morning to attend a part of the commencement. Mr. Thome is an alumnus of this college. Messrs. Harry Hobson, Luther Brows, and Clarence Rosebrc, of Cleveland, spent today here. The latter is a first cousin of Lieut. Richard Hebson. LOT OF Tomatoes and AT s. i wm ZTendache etopped in 20 minutes toy Vr. Uiies' Fus Pixia. he oeot a dose. ' I Cantelonpes The Melencholy Days Have Come, the hottest of the year. BUY Refrigerators, Ice Chests, Water Coolers and Mosquito Canopies from Bell, Harris & Company and keep cool. If you need anything in Furniture or House Furnish in Goods for Sitting Room, Parlor or Eitchen-wQ have it by the car load, bought before the rise Come and see us and SiDgle Copy 5 Cents TPE KIT isthat which we have on Ladies' Oxford Ties in tan and black, vesting and plain top. The prices are 98c. 1.25, 1.48, 2.00 and 2.50. These are strict ly high gradde Ox fords and you have only to try them to get a fit best as to comfort and your purse. We've some new styles; no trouble to show them. 12 inches make a foot bnt we have shoe to fit 2 feet. H.L PARKS & Company. You will want to have youij shirt waist laundered carefully; and perfectly. Lann drying as wo do it will make your waist as neat and becoming as a more expen- siye garment. Concord Steam Laundry & Dye f ors Phone No. 2. Shirts Repaired Free we will do you good A SI II .All 811 WAIST BEAUTY. i i) i: r 4 i, i I;; 'J V i1 . VI

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