' ' ' ' -' "- ; 1 "' ' -i - '' ' - " ' ' . . -: : ' ff'-.;. . -"V . -Vr ... , : , -v ; -:-r .-. V' y -: v y' t'; i 'y'" ' '''..;' 4 ' Price $4.00 Per Year. . . . ; i I ' - RESHAPED AN IDIOT'S HEAD. Hellevne Kurireona Rt-move Parts of Child's skull and Patch It With Celluloid. Prof. Wolsey, assisted by Drs. Christain, Wilson and Nutt re- 7 shaped the skull of at idiot child at Bellevue yesterday in the hope that it develop intelligence. Half a hundred medical men. who wit nessed the f operation believe the result sought for will be obtained. The subject was Lee Freedman, three years old, whose parents live at 416 West Fifty-third street. On April 28th the child was brought to Bellevue by its mother, who told the hospital doc tors that it had n ever Jshown any signs of intelligence. The doc tors have been dieting the child, preparing it for the operation. They concluded that the brain of the child was too large for the skull and that parts of the skull should be removed to ease the brain. Yesterday Prof. Wolsey made an incison in the scalp at the base of the skull and peeled the scalp as far as the forehead, Two pieces of the skull were then cut out, one on the right side behind the ear being; triangular in shape, each side of the triangle measur ing three inches. A smaller piece of the skull on the left side was removed. This measured one and three-fourth inches along each side of the triangle. From each Opening the doctors removed substances which seemed to have pressed . against the brain, and then proceeded to build up the openings in the skull, using strips of celluloid and J making; of it a lattice work resembling the caning used in chair Beats. When this work was done the scalp was sewed back in place, and the child was removed from the -.-. operating table to a cot. The doctors said last night that it was getting along nicely. 'This is the first time celluoid has been used in an operation of this kind,' said the doctor. "I have heard of cases where thin gold was used in the building up prpcess, but it broke at times. The celluloid willbe more effec tive.": YlSur. of 6th. ' Would Not Suffer So Again for Fifty Times the Price r I awoke last night with severe pains in my stomach. I neverffelt so badly in all my life. When I came down to work this t morning 1" felt so weak I could ; hardly work. I went to Miller & Mc- Curdy's drug store and they re commended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It worked like magic and one dose fixed me all right. It cer tainly is the finest thing I ever U8el for stomach trouble. shall not be without it in my home hereafter, for I should not care to endure ; the- sufferings of last night again for fifty- times its price; G H Wileon,: Ijiyerymant . Bnrgettstown Washington Co. Pa. - This remedy i3 for sale by M L Marsh & Co., druggist. CHANGES TO TiP. at atiT! I e4 I A-- The lown Cnrt Room to B En largedOffices for: he' Chler f Police and Mayor The Firemen;to Occupy Booms In the Gibson Build ing: Veils' for Town Prisoners to Bo Provided Later. ! '. 1 ' ' When an interesting trial is held at the mayor's court in the city hall one lully realizes that there is not ample room for the crowd and it is always a "jam ming together" of all kinds. It has . 1 ' I i ! been decided that the city hal be remodeled now soon. The mayors court will be held in the rear part of the hall but all of the first story will be used as the court room with the excep tion of two offices in front one on each side as you enter the hall. One office will be occupied by the mayor and the other by the chief of police. An alley will also be provided for the entrance of the hall up-stairs. It is also the intentio n of -the Board to later provide a place for the keeping of prisoners. Probably cells will be placed in the basement and if not they will be built in some way to the building. Arrangements have already been made tor quarters for the firemen, vrho receive their hall, electric lights, water works, and exemption from town tax from the town. Their main hall for the i reels a d attachments will be in the Gibson building where the armory of the former military company was, on, the ground floor in the rear of Gibson s drug store. The two rooms upstairs over the hall will also be occupied by them. The Jfame of the Connty Wrc. At the last Leglislature a law was passed that the wills be re corded in alphabetical order in the Clerk's office of each county. The new book for the purpose, printed by a Charleston house, was sent here and was here sev eral cays before a serious error was noticed in it. At the top of every page in the book in bold letters should be the name of the county. In this book the word "Cabanus"- appears where it should be "Cabarrus." This book is, 01 course, worthless to the county and will be returned. " i - S ' : ' ; It Shows Well for Onr County, I "I I !" " It is the remark of many these days that our farmers j are realiz ing the benefit of improvement on their farms in the connty,- and one m3rKed reason is tbe fact that iur hardware stores are now!OOUnter: Shrt Waists, Ladies Vesfcl disposing of a number of reapers. Last year the Cabarrus farmers1 purchased oyer twenty ? of them and already this year orer that I . r - : number has been placed on the , farmt of our best farmers, and the , click of the reaper is now fast i ftino- tfi) nlane of the tiresome - f . ( swinging of the cradle through oar fields. Dnel-len's Armea bit the Be8t;8alTe.in4.wpxJd for Cutai Bruisea, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhenm, Fever SorescTtter phapped j Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all S in Eruptions, and positively cures Piles .or:? no pay . required. It is guaranteed to give statisf action or monev refunded. , Price 25 cents per box Vor sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store. V CONCOKD, N. 0., THUKSDAY, JUNE WOKK COMPLETED. W.C T. 17 Convention Winds Up Its : Session. : The State Convention of the W. C. T. U., just brought to a close last night, is voted the most suc cessful of any ever held. The attendance of delegates was not only larger, but the interest was greater, while the local at tendance was most cheering. Last night was the contest by the College "Y's" participated in by.Miss Haithcock, of Albemarle; Miss Blair, of Guilford College; Miss Kowe,of G. F. College, and Miss Eagan, of High Point. The latter, Miss Bagan, won the prize, $5.00 worth of books. Each of the others was also pre sented with a book, though it was not on the program. Miss Ken a Worth, of Wilming ton, read a most interesting paper on Scientific Temperance. The delegates then listened to an ad dress from Prof. Crowel), of the High Point Graded School, and a most interesting address it was, after, which the convention ad journed. Greensboro Becord of the 6th. A Clever Trlcftc. It certainly looks like it, but there is really no v trick about it. Anybody can try it who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Electric Bitters. This med lcine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures constipation, headache, fainting spells, sleepless ness and melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and re stores the system to its natural vigor. Try E'ectric Bitters and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at P B Fetzer's drug store. Waterspout Uoei GreatJamage. A waterspout wrecked a cotton mill at Marble FaIls,Texas, on the 7th. The Colorado river was a raging flood, carrying away houses and everything about it. WE HAVE JUST BOUGHT Mr. Q W Ould's complete line of SAMPLES of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Have marked them in plain figures and placed thgm on sepai ate counters to be known as our SAMPLE COUNTERS. You can buy everything on this counter at exactly WHOLESALE PKICES. Below we giye you an idea of what is on this Mits, Belts, Combs, Baby Caps, Purses, - ,... , a J lu -uujs.a, vjuxbcub, Kuarxa, viiuvec, Cuff Buttons, Waist Sets, Overalls, TH'on's Hon7A RTiith. TTmtrrAlln. Pdro. 0ounterpane8j Lap Kobes, Collars, ' ... ' ; ' Ami' Suspenders, Hose, Kent's and Ladies' Handkerchiefs, Towels and Napkins. There is some of the above goods out of our regular line of goods but had to take all ox tnem to get tne ones we wanted and we can , save yciu money on any of the above goods that we can fit you in. Ask to see our line of Ladies' Fine Hose. Bern ember, if after buying anything in stock, if you wish to return it your money will be refunded. The choice goods will be picked out first, so come in and make your selec tions. SWINK&iWHITE. 8, 1899 PERSOlMAL POINTERS. Miss Margaret Cannon went over to Charlotte this morning. Mr. H L Parks returned home this morning from Albemarlt. Mr. Will Day vault is spending the afternoon in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. S J Durham re turned home this morning. Rev. McKibben, D. D., of Cin cinnati, is spending today with Dr.! D J Satterfield. Misses Abbott and McLinn, "who haye been teaching at Eliza beth college, are visiting Misses Nannie Alexander and Constance Cline. Mr. WG Means went to Mt. Pleasant this afternoon. From theit he has gone to Misenheimer's springs. Messrs. Fred Odell, Wm. Mont gomery, and Tom Smith returned home this morning from Trinity college. Mr. Robt. Burke, of1 the firm of Stone & Burke here, is spending several days with his parents at Bessemer. Mr. Jas. C Gibson,' cashier of the Savings bank, went to Raleigh this morning to attend the meeting of the State Bankers. Misses Lettie and Julia Gray, who have been spending some time with Mrs. L D Duval will be with Ms. W G Boshamer for several days. IFRSH -LIT 0F Tomatoes Cantaloupes and AT mm "H -w i Parinei lie eye ro- ijromint'lU.v day is Ilco- : et Hood-? -ii r S. J. E The Melencholy Days Have Come, the hottest of the year. buy : Refrigerators, Ice Chests, Water Coolers - , i - and Mosquito Canopies from Bell, Harris & Company and keep cool. If you, need, anything in Furniture or House Furnish ing Goods for Sitting Boom, Parlor or Kitchenwe. have it by the car load, bought before the rise r Come and see us and we will do you good. 1 i, TT A Single Copy 5 Cents WHITE P K's. Ne lot of white corded P K's in plain and fancy weaves at considerably lower prices than yon have been paying. They are fresh new goods which we bought at closing out prices and now the advantage is yours. You must see these goods to appreciate their quality. Plain and fancy white R K we had in early spring at 16 and 16c. The remnants will be closed out at 10c. per yard, .New lot of plain white Lawns and narrow Laces. H.L PARKS Company. xou win want to iiaye your shirt waist laundered carefully i and perfectly. Lanndrving as we do it will make your waiJi as neat and becoming as a more expen sive garment. Concord Steal Laundry & Dye foits Phone 5o. 2. Rblrts Repaired Free m m. R3RIS &; GO. s 1 r i l F s fir v i ! . V 1