- j. - . i .-- ! . 1'-" v I i u ii1 n if ii' m in i i1 ' - i -ir ! wxwv .u,!,, JUNE 10. 1899 -' -T - L t; rrr . - -f v u tents i it . - Prioe $4.00 Per Tear; KICKED BY A HORSE. Death rrae to CUas. Petrea mf Oar 4 out? Caused by a. florae Klekfnr Ilim Soma Days Before. On Tuesday, the 6th, Chas. Petrea, a young man of No. 7 township, son ol Mr. Morton Pe trea, was kicked by a horse while ploughing m the field, just when he was turning the animal to start back across the field. I It was a heavy blow dealt by the animal and the hoof struck the young man in the stomach; and it proved to be the fatal blow, life having ceased Thursday night. The body was interred Friday. Mr. Pelrea was a compara tively young man of about 25 years. A. year or two ago he mar ried Miss Fannit Krimminger. Vflta the Churches Tomorrow. Regular services at Trinitv Re formed church tomorrow, both morning and night, by the pas tor, Rev. J N Faust. Subject for morning, "The True Origin of Our Salvation." Subject fornight, "Going Toward Sodom." Sun day School at 10 o'clock. Ther will be regular services at St. James' Lutheran church to morrow morning and night by the paBtor,-Rev. O B Miller. j ifaoal 'sefyieW will be held at Forest Hill Methodist church to. orrow mbruiDg and night by the pastor, Rev. J D Arnold. ' Regular services both tomorrow morning and night at Ep worth Methodist church' by the pastor, Rev. T W Smith. Rfegular, services will be held at Central Methodist church both tomorrow morning and' night; by the pastor, Rev. JvE Thompson. Rev. W B Oney will conduct services, at St. Andrews Lutheran church tomorrow nignt at 7.30 o'clock. : Sunday school at 9.30 . i t o'clock.. 1 Rev. 5 F Conrad, ot Charlotte,1 will preach at the Baptist church tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. The pastor, Rev. B Lacy Hoge,' will preach tomoirow night at -8 o'clock. His subject will b, "The Root of Bitterness." this being the third series of Practical Talk. At ; the First Presbyterian church tomorrow morning at " 11 o'clock the Children's Day ex ercises will be observed .. ; The offering will be for Foreign" Mis- Rinnn - .-.',! V 1 h jf ,atmnii(i Friday Rf jrbt, Un account of the oppressive weather presumably only a small crowd turned out Friday night to hearKRev. S F Conrad's enter- X : HIE . I taipment In Caton's hall. The eveln program, which was full length, consisted of choice pro ductions .on trie graphophone,Edi soni last; machine of thMj kind, whlh ismuch louder than the gramophone, and had there been a larger crowd in the hall it would have proved better for the finan cial; part and also for the ma. chine as the latter is well capable tilling a crowded .house. A of Near raiif TvnnVI. For several davs onr . fAVnD. L i-r " i FeD nenry iitz and H A Grae- er, nave been earnestly endeav- ing to supply the lemonade mKing people and each has ell performedhis part, but the rrmvu. ucuauie too fitroncr i aay (aaturday) when Mr. Ritz vmouuviou a Biana near nis an- ;onist and dealt it! out at the for all you too if you other man raes M "five a An fa I - cm arms and in OTA :t." But tnft w w it lid pot be oujtdone but at once panbramio city, gmng mg view the was of New principal a 1 so lolk ait huckster's license "and -York , erWq his tub of ice, lemons and build-: 8uiaK knd earnestly requested all Another Family to Hove Hero. Mr. G R P Miller, of Mt. Pleas ant,ho is employed here by, Mr,. B. A. v Caldwell, will moye his family to this place about the first of next month. IJe and h:s lamily, - together withMr. "Jno; IJ Cook and wife, have rented one of Mrs.; Burkhead's residences on West Depot street the one which has been remodelled and painted t t . y " i t The evening could not help but wageksking nothing! of them but be well spent for both carta are . t6 reWn the diDbersi from machines 'of the first- Thiwent on for a while but olas order, and are deserving of a'00 my people began to gather arounmakmg it a nuisance and good house. Tho Sewerage Trouble Over (la . i i It has been a source of much talk, and rightly so too, on ac- cornt of the imperfection of the sewerage at several places in . in j . j town. It seems that the principal trouble is the insufficient amount of water in the very a offensive MS ? i manholes, pipes, making it to live near the which are covered but ar not air tight. Though the trouble has not! been remored the people of those parts of town lire at pleast free now from the offen sive orders, as Mayor Means has had the coverings of the manholes lowered and then well -covered with dirt, f The worst places are on JN orth Main' street and ' Spring street. the feyor called to a ht, compelling the matter them to so A House Party On. Mies Mary Virginia Wadtworth oujujmg ine pleasure ef giving a number of her! friend a house wmo& began Friday even, ing. The young girls will from wly dawn to late Bun8et enjoy a week at the hands of Miss Mary Virginia, who will see that nn KO.b uniati8fied...The attendants are Misses Alin nri. j L. -wwfTioo KUU ouise Wadaworth. nf pw.i.u. and Misses Mary Ella Cannon and Fay Brown, of thi. place. The party i on for a week. tLafit fall I SDrained inv left hip while ! handling some heavy boxes. The doctor I called on said at first that it was a slight strain ana wouia soon oe well, but it grew worse and the doctor then said j I had rheumatism. It continued to, grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. Il went to a drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I tried it and one-half of a 50-ceut bottle cured me entirelyj I now recommend it to all my friends. B A Babcock, Erie, Pa. It is lor sale druggist.. by M -L Marsh & Co., i i A. Mill Han Killed at Gastenta. 1 On Friday morning at Gastohia. Mr. Wm: Gl Browii, : assistant su- uastonia Ctoane:orAppolntmeMt. Key. S F Conrad will . wwiiament with u n r, , i c vwacori WeitD.pot itreet, inBted of tkt nou9, tonight. Tfci.ffin giv. nity to hear thi. achievement in the r.imHi.nt j - -r--1 Ui M M m T 't t iai PEE80N A L POINTERS. vuoii regular places 01 up - v , bosine. It fanned amnsc hoJthiiin r6tUra6d ment i least and showed the de- . ' termini spirit of theicompetitorsi M.r- W Buahnell, of Connco Both ud the town $1 - and tie Cn1B,?ere toda7 to a"nd the coetslr loud and boisterous h meting of the new oil """"I . 1 , afternoon. Would it Suffer So Ajrain for Fifty Mitsna TClla j fvr. - Wn. Mf,luu uu iary Times the Price. Williams arrived here this morn- 1 ae last night with severe in trom Salisbury and are yisitinif so oa( m all my life. When I 'AO uuea ai ine sanitorium. there camewn to work this morning nd sne esPcially : aided muoh to T felso weak I could hardly wwd! carin8 ' Karl Johascn durl workl went to Miller & Mc 1B 1,18 Btay there. Curdydrug store and thev re- commied Chamberlain's Colic , CR C;JM" II Cholend Diarrhoea Remedy. If iTQO UaP U it wohi Jike magic and one doae fil me all right. It cer- WHITE P L Si tainly the finest thing I ever nekloa's Arniea saiTo The Best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped Hands, ' Chilblains, Corns land-all 8 kin Eruptions anji positively cure Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed :.td fgive'i&tatiif action or monev.refunded. PricejSS cents per bbi ' For sale afP'B Mlbf Drug Btcre, -, :'?y erintendent at the mill, "was shot and killed bv a 1 v " ! - 1 - 1 " man tiamed Craton ' Medlin. The difficulty arose about the wages $i eof eilin's children. Brownr also had a pistol but cirew it too late, but fired several shots at his antagonist before h tell himielf. Medfin escaped at jbnoe bii was captured and Joiged in jail. ; j For Over Flitii Tear Mrs. Winslow's Soothing j Syrup has jbeen used for oyer fifty years by 'millions of mothers ftr their child !reu while teething, w;th perfect sui, cess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain,1 cures wind Icolio, and.ifl remedy lor biarrhoea, " It 'will relieve the jbor nfflo An ffprer immediately , JSoJdby drtgs in every ParJthe wofl Tirntyffiye senU a pottle, f.pe ter ing Byrup," nd take no used fetomach trouble. I shall not bithout it in my home nereaic for I should not care to endt the sufferings of last nignt in for fifty times its . f-r "TTT 1 pnuo.cL wiison, j .Liyeryman, BurgetWn, Washington f!o.. Pa. T remedy is for sale by; iix jj mi ac L'o., druggist. WEVE JUST BOUGHT . -i' . 1 6 Mr. U- juld's complete line of BAMPLEf DRY GOODS AND NOTION Have marked them m plain figttnd placed them on separ- .1. i. . , ; , I - aw uuuiiiio oe Known as our SAMPLETNTEES. You can buy everything this counter at exactly WHOLE PRICES. Below we t . .... i . . , - . ... giye . you Idea of what is on this counter: 8 Waists, Ladies Vests Mits3eltiL bs, Baby Caps, Purses, Bill Bookirsets, Scarfs, Gloves, Cuff -utttekt Sets, Overalls, Meil'S ' 6aU irf s TT mkrollAo Tio i X 1 ' Sols, County Lap Robes, Collars, Guffs, 'Fani. Combs. HatPin. m lomaioes New lot of white cordedJP K's in plain and fancy weaves at considerably lower prices than you have been paying. They are esh new goods which we bought at closing out prices i - and now the advantage is yours. Yon must see these I- ! . goods to appreciate their quality, Plain and fancy" white R K we had in early spring at 15 and 16c. The remnants will be closed out at j 10c. per yard. iNew lot of plain Lawns and narrow Laces. i - H. Company. PARKS sir nusr beauty. and flantftlftiinftR rJhJ i AT-r5'' ' s.j.eiws. The ' M You will wantfc to have vnnr shirt waist laundered carefully and perfectly, ; Laundrying as we do it will make your waist as neat and becoming as a more expen sive garment. Concori Steam Laiilrz & Bye forts Phone 5o. 3. Shirts Repaired Free elehchbly Days Have Come, the hottest. of the year. BUY Guffs, "Pan e..Qomb8, Hat) Pins, i Suspenders, Gents and Ladles' KEERIGERATORS, ICE CHESTS WATER CflOT FR T Handkerchi'owels and Ni.a ! ! ' x v-'VJUijiirvo Handkerchioweis anj . Napkins. rThere is sdnhe aboye goods out of our regular kf goods but had to take all'-of to get the ones we wanted arid 1 save Jfbu 'taoney on any of the abaods that we can fit fill ' "'Afek 'Snii SiL yv'- T.i'!li and Mosquito Canopies from Bell, Harris A and keep Company cool. rine Hose. r iber, if after buyinff . 1 7, - . . . -i-.: -jj . ; , inVowiioreW VyM Wlurrdtiire or House Furnish .Df on (inmni 1 J Ti tloiis. NK" & WHITE. i r ' other kind IfcZiS ins Goods-for Sitting 'SoomL Partor-mic;-,..- have it by the carload, loughPbef ore the rise. ' Come and' see us arid weiMl do you good.