' ' . - t ; '"'""""r -nfe-- i'eata. fc.t , j Prioe $4.U0 Jfer yar. I STOCKOLDERS MEETING. The Concord Cotton Seen Oil Company to Be the Name The Machinery Already Ordered Directors Elected. Some time ago the naoYement -was started and the names of persons of our town and connty were secured which means that tW enterprise is going to mat erialize, and that next year the! carloads of cotton seed which have heretofore been shipped &wav will be taken to the new mill and the farmers of our county will bring their cotton-to the ginnery to have their work finished in less; than half an hour. The stockholders met last Saturday afternoon in the office of the Odell Manufacturing Co.! viih Mr. Chas. McDonald as chairman and Mr. M L Buchanan as secretary. This stock, ito the amount o $30,000, of one hundred dollar shares, is subscribed by the men cf our town and county, quite a good amount of it being taken by farmers of different parts of our county, which means their pat ronage too, in the perfecting-of this enterprise, V : Incorporation papers will be obtained at once and the name will be The Concord Cotton Seed Oil Co. A committee consisting of Morrison 'H Caldwell, Jno. A Sims aDd "W R Odell, was ap pointed to form the by-laws for the organization and to , report at the next meeting. f f The following gentlemen were chosen as the directors : J M Odell, J S Harris, Martin Boger W JR Odell and D B Coltrane, and were given authority to make all purchases and deals deemed advisable by them. The purpose of this enterprise, as taken from the charter which will be obtained, will be to buy and sell cotton seed, and other produce, to gin cotton, manufac ture cotton goods, chemicals, oils foods, fertilizer, and other mer chandise, and selling same. Tb, company shall also have power to buy and sell real estate, to culti vate and improve same, to buy and sell cattle and other stock. The machinery for the new mill was also purchased that afternoon, consistingof the oil mill machinery, one 150-horse power engine, two 80-horse power boilers, one im proved Winship plant, consisting of four 70-saw gins, together with; the other necessary machinery,! such as pulleys, shafting, etc. j This machinery is claimed to be of the very latest models and it is the intention of the company to meet every want in this line of work. The capacity of the ma-j chinery is such-that from the time the cotton is taken by suction from the conveyance the bale will be back on the wagon, twenty minutes having expired. The business will necessarily have to be pushed but they will be ready for the first bale of cotton this year. Let's see nov' who vili be the first man to bring a CONCOHD, N. 'C., MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1899 CYCLONE OF SATURDAY.) GOING ON BICYCLES. ,1 Single Copy 5 Cents iff. "a.. I a ri r:.1...v..wo. tl M.u awecps two Gentlemen Sturt to av4..m 1 I , - m . g lowara Winston. Last Saturday will be remem bered as cyclone day by the! peo ple 4f Statesville. The storm brok upon them at 4.30 o'clock a. m., and was terrific. Miraculous! v. 1 I. T l howejyer, there was no loss of life or injury to person. There! was bail, rain and vivid lightning. Jjb only pasted about thirty minutes but destroyed ten or twelve jhouand dollars worth of pro perty The chief object destroyed was the Ashe Brother's tobacco factory. The Associate en Bicycles RMn Confined to Small Space of the Country. Wrtlten for the Standard. ' Erekine, J une UO : Farmers are up with their work Crops are looking well in this section. The health of the community is cam paratively good. Messrs. 0 P and J CooMle. h ave taken a Wilmington on their expect tp, spand a coast. fe' Uncl8 Sam McAu blacksmith,, while working in the uuiiiuluj ii.r. ieii uvercasn, Be- found a blsckberrv briar which formed church was unroofed and when measured proved to betwentv otherwise damaged. The other ! fet in length a lengthy briar, in destrjuctions I were chieflv barnR deed. But if you doubt this, eo to 1 jfc - a and I outhouses. About Mount "8 bouae and call for the briar. Ullaj Barberfs Station and Cleve- Little, Mary Kimmons, of Uon- land great damage was dine to cord; is visiti8 ber a ant, Mrs. Net- cropi The; hail in place! was tle " , shoelnouth deep. Its path bd as' T C9mm18IICemenit i to ci w;eL JL. i Bavidson college were attended by I E Field, of flying trip to wheels, asd week on the ay, the old far as Winston but' was chiefly marked strokes. by severe lightning Morpheus. toefher but The Marguerite Tea. i - The young folks of ourjtown, whole names come later, are tak ing the town these days, "their en joyment ceasing only when -they are Embraced within tbe arms of Every night th0y are on Saturday night it wasja special occasion for them, when Miss Mary Virginia Wads worth's parlors were thrown over to he Marguerite tea. The fortunate young lady attendants wer Misses Louise Wadsworth, Alice Cowels, Fay Brown, Mary Eila Cannon, Willie Ejurant, Mary Young, Jennie Gibson, Adeline Williamson, Grace Brown, it i Lizzie Montgomery, and Cassie Watson. Each attendant was T tendered a card on which was a conundrum and also a hand painted Marguerite, The table was beaiatifully decorated with j white Marguerites tied with yellow rib bon A prize was offered for the guessing of the conundrums, and Maty Ella Cannon, Alice Cowles, Cassie Watson and Louise j Wada worth guessed the same, but after casting lots, Louise Wadsworth gaiiied the prize which was pre sened by Frank MeansL JFay Brown gained the "booby" prize. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION EOR CHILLS and fever is a bottle of Grove's Taste less jChill Tonic. Never fails to cure; Then why experiment with worthless imitations? Price 50 cents.! Your money hack if it fails to cure. q lite a number of people of our CDmm unity. Notwithstanding the dust, the day wag enjoyed by ft!!. The students acquitted themselves with much honor, which was shown by the brilliant oratons .made by them. Twenty-three in-number graduated. Music was furnished by the Statesville band. All went well with the pleasure-seekers, until returning home, when suddenly a cloud, unobosrred by pouring forth torrents compelled them to seek shelter in a barn. With soiled dresses and limp collars, their only consolation was that they could at least return home without any da'st. But to their displeasure, when traveling only a shor distance, found the rain had D3en confined to small spaee, which they were in. Thlnki Him Very Dead. The following clipped from an exchange makes one smile to think a I hnV W71 cVi nan .1. - a mil . subject need not be mentioned as it only meaiurea the author, and it is charity even to with-hold his name. We only copy it as an unique flight of mind and phrase, ology to fit it. The subject will stand out bold on history's page when the author will hardly be a celebrity: "Why the idea of nib coming again would r make a clam laugh. He is so dead that the solemn trappings of the grave would-be too gay for him so inexpressibly de ceased that there is no divino pro vision for his resurrection and judgmeat. There never was a man so comprehensively, minutely and elaborately defunct, so diligently and indomitably passed away, so evenly and excellently asleep in Isreal, so immeasurably departed, so supremely, eminently no more, so consummately gone before than this concientioui and pains taking deadster, this straight-out, middle-of-the-road remains." them, began of rain, which For OYear Fl.tyj Tears Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrnp has been used for over! fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, Twenty-five eents a bottle. Be sare and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Sooth ing Sjymp," and take jno other kind. PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. 6 L Nightingale, of Char lotte, spent yesterday here. -Mr.' W D Carmichael, of Dur ham, spent yesterday here. Mr. Z I Walser, of Lexington, spent yesterday here. Jay Sims returned home yes terday to spend a few days with his parenis. Mr. Claude Moss, of Charlotte, spent yesterday here with his friend, Mr. Connelly. Mr. H P Deaton went to Mor ganton Sunday night where he will probably accept a position on a newspaper there. Miss Minnie Gray, of Charlotte, is expected here this evening to spend some time with Mrs, L D Duval. LOT Tomatoes IF 19 to Ci o o o S3 & Laundry Excellence, land OUR i Sample Counter Would Not Suffer So Again for Fifty jj Times the Price. awoke last" night with severe pains in my stomach. I never felt so badly m all my life. When I came aown to worK tnis morning X felt so weak I could hardly work. I went to Miller & Mc Ourdy's drug store and they re commended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy. j It iworked! Jike magic and one docje fixed me all right, it cer tainly is the finest thing I ever used for stomach trouble. I shall no be without it in my home hefeafter, for I should not care to !endure the sufferings pt last niebt again for fifty times its price. UH Wilson, uiyeryman, was surrounded all day Friday and Sat urday with custo mers looking for bar- bale of cotton to wown and have WrCTAHHtnwn. Washinstdn Co.. gains. they were pointed. have some left. 'A few Scrivens Drawers 50 cents. . i Ask them if disafD- We still of them pairs of at Gantelonpes AT s. j. mm A Laundry that will do up your linen just as you -want it, just when you want it, ' should deserye your patronage. That is just what we do If wg dnn'f you Lave only to tell us the fault and we make it right. Don't think that because you do. not hare a large bundle every week we don't want your work. Just let us tu ow and we will get your bundle, no mat er how small. It will ba DroDertv Laun dered, too. cimn steam mmr and DCJE WORKS. 'Phone No. 2. The Melencholy Days Have Come, the hottest of the year. ' BUY Refrigerators, Ice Chests. Water Coolers and Mosquito Canopies from if Bell, Harris & Company and keep cool. If you need anything in Furniture or House Furnish ing Goods for Sitting Boom, Parlor or Kitchen-we haveitby the car load, bougHt before the rise Cojne and see us and we will do you good. ZBIOLID, HABBIS & CO. . i m 1 the fiist cotton in the new gin CI JflllY J Nl -1 ra This remeay is jor saie uy nerv. M OD Marsh & Co., druggfet. into iw jiii 0

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