price $4.UU rer lear. SUFBEMAOY QUESTIONED. A CtInnjnnlcatln In Regard to the 5ortti Carolina College Qnestlen Instances Cited In the Argument. Me. Editor I presume you haye consoled yourself with the Idea that jou have produced sufficient evis dence to convince the moat skeptical that Synod is supreme and intensely goYereigo. Now I will make one more effort for the defendant and then I am done. Now, let us analzze the evidence produced by the plan tiff m this case and see what it proves. Sometimes evidence proves too much. You quote liberally from the constitution of Synod to prove Synod's sovereign ty, and then you introduce seyeral practical illustrations to corroborate the testimony of the constitution. 1. That I F Patterson willed pod some money, and said money aa loaned out on mortgage, and therefore Synod is sovereign . Now I think if you will consult the min utes of Synod you will find that Synod had her treasurer incorporated purposely to discharge legally that which you claim that Synod has the right to discharge, which is another evidence of Synod's supremacy. Next is the assertion that Synod sold a lot and an organ in Lexing ton. She did collect money from the church and took private subs scriptions and bought a lot and an wgan in Lexington with a view of organizing a church at that place, and building a house of worship, but after a year or so she discovered that the organ was about: all 'the number she could get, and she cons eluded to sell out and reinvest. Therefore she is sovereign and has a right to command the church and the church must obey. Again, Mr. Blackwelder willed of after his wife's death, if I am not mistaken. Mr. A D Misenheimtr married the widow and was usinjt said lands. Synod did not4know how long before she would come in to position of the lands and she wanted to sell her interest and the question at issue was could Synod toll what she only Tiacl in proipect, and the court decided she could and therefore Synod has a right to legiss late for the church without any in struction! whatever, but the last reference to Synod's authority cars tainly fixes her supremacy beyond a ioubt. She recominenaV to ' the Tarions churches that they coni j tribute to a Home Mission fund, which is used' to raid weak congrega tions or mission points to build Bouses of worship, etc. Now it happened, that St. An drewa' church was a mission . point nd that St. James at Cofcord aided tois mission to a considerable tteunt, and St. James was not as tojal to Synod at that time as some f its members would have; every other Lutheran to be now, andin V compromise of matters, Synod agreed t0 give her note tot St. James for the amount claimed against St . An. ewB, ancV now Synod owns St Ans drewe church. Maybe she does, if so, on the same line of reasoning she 0iSt. James, too, and St. Marks fc Charlotte and St. Johns at Salit JQrv and every other church she individually .helped Ho build. "11, 'I am, thankful .she does hot n Holy Trinity at Mt. Pleasant, St. Johns in Cabarrus, old Organ m Rowan or old Frieden in . Ala ce, notwithstanding the treasurer I m t, ! i , - he v did, but he came back and said he didn't. Well, 1 guess those old churches were built before Synod adopted the constitution that "makes her so intensely sovereign nd gives her power to override State laws, abolish charters of incorporation, command churches and cut them off from the house of Isreal for not obeying her commands. Ai ;v-' Mt. Pleasant being1 outside of the pale of ciTilization, built Holy Trinity and did not ask or receive aid from Synod or anyone else, and thanks, she is free and can do like 8t. James a few years ago, if neoess sary, for what she conceives to be right, withdraw from Synod until that sovereign body recognizes her rights. Ton say Concord should be Mt. Pleaaant's second choice. Now what induced you to think that I can't conceive. I believe I can assert, without fear of soccesaful 'contra diction, that N. 0. College would have been on a railroad long ere this had it not been fojj opposition by a large majority of the business men of Concord, some of them declaring that the people of that section should come .to town in -jtheir wagons for the next fifty years, and who now would assist in robbing the people of Mt. Pleasant and vicinity of fifty thousand dollars and more of values to gratify the prejudice of men from Tennessee, Virginia and South Caro lina, who came here to pastures green but in a short time will not be seen within the borders of the If. 0. Synod. Mt Pleasant hai a right to expert better things. The ingratitude manifested by some of the advocates of removal of the . college is too . bad to consider. Mr. Editor;; your should: :haye quoted one other section of that sovereign making constitution,which declares that it shall be the duty of every: minister in the N. O. 8ynod to labor for the upbuilding of her institutions of learning. j : If it is rights if lit is honest, if it is. Christian, to -demand obedience from the laity it should be equally so from the ministry iv Vs n Now I am done. I;have neither time nor inclination to enter into further controversy on this question. I am willing to let the ohuroh and the publio take: the question and by that rule (not found in the constitu tion of Synod) . that commands that we should do to others as . we would have others do to us. HO McAllister. Beats tne Jklondllce. - Mr. A C Thomas, of Marysville Te.;lias found a more valuable discovery thanjlhas yet teen made in the Klondike. For years he suf fered untold agony from Joonsump tion, accompanied by hemorrhages; and was absolutely cured by Dr. King's" fteV Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this tr)arvelous cure; would have it, ever41if it cost a hundred dollars a bottldi Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and lung affections are positively cured by Drr King's New f Disco very for C6h sumption. Trial bottles free at P B Fetzer'fl :-drug store'i Regular size 50 cents and ' $100.- Guaranteed -to cure or price refandedjs on i u-.v u ,UC40 ouu bbiu i ouAar riHM 11 rsi i w k in h CONCORD, N. 0., MHTJRS DAY, JUNE 15, DAY. Enemy Driven With Loss to Both Slde.s. Gen. Lawton and forces pressed upon the Filipinos on Wednesday, crossing the Zos pate river, and drew the ene my; They secured two heavy smooth bdre cannon and con siderable quantities of animus nijtion.The lattei was destroyed The enemy, it seems, retreated injgood order to Imus where they are concentrated. There were ten Americans killed Wednesday and about 40, wounded. The great loss was in forcing their way across the river. Fifty of the Filipinos were left dead on the field and it is believed that this was only a small part of their losses. r hey 'Are Off for Two nays. Our baseball boys left this ... morning on the early train for Statesvillo where theywili play today and tomorrow. Messrs. Bernard Fetzer, R L Keesler, Joe Hill, Geo: Patterson and Ed Moss accompanied the boys. iWe will hear from the game this evening but too late for the paper, but an account of the game will be furnished for to- morrow s issut. GlTlnr Trouble Tet.. We' hear some complaint still on North Main street on account of ; the offensive odor arising from tne sewerage. it is-also a source of displeasure to the people on North Church street. We feel r " " :. t. ... - confident that the matter will be looked into. . - BuklMl Araiea aaiTo. The Best Salve' in the world for Outs, Bruises, A Sores, Ulcers,! Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped Hands," Ohilblains, Corns and all S kin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles; or no pay required, lit is guaranteed to give statisf action or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug tore, ' - " " COME in and look over our COMTER. WE still have some rare bargains for you, especially t: 111 ' - 'u -y: r Parasols audi Towels; . n ; Swink & White. BARGAIN Hose 1899 AFTER THE STORM. c Pinned Down Then Drowned. Herman, Neb., June 14 At least thirteen persons were killed and as manv dangerously injured in the tornado and flood which devastated this town last evening.1 About 100 others are dangerously injured, hav ing' suffered broken limbs or bad bruises. Few, in fact, of the 800 in habitants of the village escaped without some injury. A cloudburst the passage of the wind storm, and some of those who lost their lives were drowned in the tor rents of water which swept through the streets and among the wreckage of stores and dwellings. There were persons who might have been res cued but that they were pinned down in the ruins, and the water rose 'above them. Five hundred persons are home less, hundreds are destitute and re lief lias been asked of the large towns of the State. Most of the homeless are cared for temporarily at Blair, and the railroad company has run in a number of box cars to house the destitute for a time, bringing provisions from Omaha. i Change or Advertisements, E McNish does any kind of pipe fitting. See his ad. See change in the ad." of G W Patterson today. He is offering nice lemons, etc. . ; v . ; y r We call the attention, of our readers to the ohange made today in the advertisement of Messrs. Swink & White. Homewbat Uneven. The oolored teams of Salisbury and Concord had a great game of baseball Wednesday evening on our diamond, but the Salisbury team was handled easily, resulting in a score of 23 to 3 in the Concord team's favor. Tellow Jaundice Cured. Suffering : humanity should be supplied with every means possible for its relief. It is with pleasure we publish the following: "This is to certify that I was a terrible suf ferer from Yellow Jaundice for over six monthB. and was treated by some of the best, physicians in our city and to no avail. JUr. .Bell, our druggist, recommended Electric Bitters; and aftertaking two bottles I was entirely cured. I now take great f pleasure in recommending them to any person 4 Buffering from this terrible malady. T am grate fully yours, M. A. Hogarty, Lex ington, Ky . Sold by P B Fetzer's Drug store. The Melencholy Days Have Come, the hottest of the year. . BUY ' r Refrigerators, Ice Chests, Water Coolers and Mosquito ; f i . .. ... Z It-., ; ,.' - , ' Bell, Harris & Company c ' dhd keep cook I If you need anything in Furniture or House Furnish irig Goods for -Sitting - Room, Parlor or 'Kitchen we have it it the mr loadybought before the rise Conie and see us ahd we will do you good. ibigIjXi, ihJiriris & CO Single Copy 5 Cents PERSON Ah POINTERS. -t o -ICapt. Edward Hill speLt last night in Charlotte. Mr. 8 B Alexander, Jr.f of Charlotte, spent this morning here. t Mr. Richard Eames, of New . London, is spending today at Mr, Morrison Caldwell's. . Miss Bessie Little, who bag baen visiting Mr. and Mrs. R K Black, will return to Hickory to night Mr. D J Bostian went to Albe marle this morning to spend two days with his brother, Mr. Jno. W Bostian. . rMr. Prue White and wife are expected to spend Sunday at Mr. 8moot Day vault's on their return to Greenville from ther bridal trip. -- Has a Traveling Position. Mr. Julian Smith, of Charles ton, who last ear attended school at North Carolina Col lege and who intended spending his vacation there, haj accepted a position traveling for tha American Tobacco Co. : Tomatoes and AT Laundry Excellence. A Laundry that will do up your linen jnst as yon want it, just when you want it should deserve you patronage. 'i hat is just what we do. If we don'ft you have only to tell us the fault' and we make it right.. I Don't think that because you do not hare a large bundle everv week wa don't want vonr work. .Tnst let nn kno9 and we will get your bundle, no mat er now small, it will ba property .Laun dered, tool ' ' . ; : and DCJE WORKS. 'Phone No. 2. 0 Canopies from mm LOT-OF Cantaloupes S.J,ERTOS STEAM iir

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