" ' 5 I '' ''' 4' I 1 J - ' t - - i . . . ' - -r- - i - ii - . t price $4.00 Per Year. OONCOKD, N. O., FKI DA 5c, JUNE 16, 1899 . i . WE MET DEFEAT. Single Copy 5 Cents MORE BUILDINGS. A pine Game of Baseball It Was The j Statesville Boys Proved Too Much lor j US in tne First Game. . Te will have to confess that ;re were surprised at the result of tEe game Thursday between our baseball team and the Statesville bojs. But this is the first game of tbe seaBon and our boys have n0t jet become familiar with each other's part to play. The battery for Statesville was jjalone and Turner. Our battery vfts Han gum and (graves. It vas somewhat a battle" between the pitchers. Our boys made two runs, while the Statesville boys made four. We were jubilant over the pros pec's when the telegrams came gating that Mangum scored us one run in the first inning, and that Statesville only ciphered. In the second inning Caldwell scored us one run and Statesyille tailed to be in it again. But here the tide turned and the Tredell boys made a run. This must have been a time-when the grand stand fairly shook with applause. From this point our boys seem to have had all they could do to hold their opponents- down. In. the fourth inning the enemy gained two more scores. But now came the beautiful part of the playing, the fifth and rsixth innings amounting to nothing more than a hard struggle to keep each other from getting anything but ciphers on the scorer's, book. In the eighth the Statesville boys scored their last run, neither side having gained a run in the last inning. . No doubt this was one of the most enjoyable games that our hoys will take part in this season, though the score should have been reversed for us. It is cer tain that neither side was playing "rotten" ball. This is the kind of baseball the grand stands likes to face. But we are expecting a victory today. Billy Weddington will be in the box and probably Rich mond Keid behind JLe bat. If our team beats today then the Statesville boys will have to come here to play the third game. Unless other arrangements are made this evening the boys ill be home tonight' On Interest at Two Places. Concord this afternoon has two nines on the diamond struggling for a victory. If our next nine tad an enemy to face they would out tugging for their share, too. r Our second nine went td Charlotte this morning to meet the boys of that place, this after noon in Latta Park. They went away this morning feeling con sent that they will conquer,; It good news, sure, if the Messages from both games this evening giTe Ug a, victory.. Geo. chraond is manager of the nine 111 Charlotte this afternoon. THE BEST PKESCRIPTION EOR ' , CHILLS ' I fever is a ftottle of Grove's Taste ess Chill Tonic. Never ; fails to cure; oen hy experiment with - worthless stations? Price 50 cents. 'Your In r Town the the Different. Parts .i 1 Bound of the Carpenter's Tool Is Heard-Seme Being: Built and Oth ers Contracted For. I l 1 Scenes from the Sunrise Land. At the hour of halfspast eight on are being Despite the fact that houses. alraoHv nnt.Arl oiouiou, pun eaco wees ine con tractors inform us thai more work is in thejdistance. One fact is no ticeable among the contractors now and it is that the price jof lumber is on the increase each week. Contractors Propet and Caldwell are as busy as bees these days and cannot Btp p for hot weajther, for our people must have a place to sheK t )r. Mr. Edl Cline is having two new transported numbers of? gro"fes Many a yoii vn I " I Thursday, evening a party of voung talk business iovks found themselves suddenly business to the sunrise land. As and couples they passed from the Quiet street nf f!nnfnr.1 across the line which divides it from Mr. J C Gibson's home, the every day look of things passed away and in the twinkliDg of an eye they were wandering under soft Japanese moons orreclming under the wide spread Japanese embrella on soft couches and rugs. Merry words and light laughter bore witness to happy hearts. Very soon the bright eyes weres basy scanning the cards whioh held the puzz ing questions to he 1 vy''v vu vuo icai Ul UlO j --. muuj jaiucu lUO WliUJc property on South Main street 'number that they were forced to The new buildings are near the col- ored church. Lumber is being obtained for an other story on the picker room at pm to t. tiO I lO hoHlQ mi I In Tirl ill L JUJ. w VUUUii WD LUHiO. uiiL Will D6 draw for th'e first prize which fell on this job as soon I L commenced as poesiblei In three months from now'one will scarcely realize when the transformation of that field near the Scond Presbyterian church took place. Mr, Chas. Wagoner is having a number o ' houses built, near there and Contractor Caldwell is putting two more on the same field for the Cannon Manufacturing Co. One is a two-story a cottage. As soon lumber can well will building and the other as the necessary bills of be obtained, Mr. Cald- commence on the resi dence of Mr. Jno. Leslie on West Depot street. The plans have been completed and when finished this building will be one fair to look upon. Mrs. SO Alexander is also making preparations to have a nice residence I uilt on Mill street almost opposite the home of Mr. Manlus Goodman. Work has not yet commenced on Mr. Geo. W Brown's two buildings on South Main street. Deals In Dirt. Mr. John P Allison has now die- posed of what property he owned on West Corbin street Mr. Jno. M Hendrix has purchased the lot just below the home of Mr. M L Buch anan and there in the is now living will build a residence fall. Mrs. Cobb, who in the house pur. chased some days ago by Mr. D B Castor, has bought the house and lot where , Mr. . R H vtGrifliri now lives. She! will not move into her house for some time yet, & she will visit her relatives for some ve ks. it. An, nrr. The young man from Spencer who was arrested .Wednesday, even ing for beating his w&y on a freight train and was sent to the chaingang to work his! fine and costs, secured the money and was released Thurs day ' to Jimmie Cannon, who promptly and gallantly presented it an opal Miss Lottie Gray. The uwjvy prize, a ltmon pig, was awarded without question to Frank -Means. Those who enjoyed this little peep at a foreign land were: Miss Adiene Williamson, Archie Brown; Miss Willie Durant, Jimmie Cannon; Miss Mary Yoong, Alvin Watson; Miss , Louise Wadsworth, Willie Fetzar; ; "Miss Alice Cowles, Robert Youngj-Miss Mary Ella Can non, Leonard Brown;' Miss Mary Virginia Wadsworth, Jnnkin Reed; Mies Lottie Gray, Frank Means; Miss Cassie Watson, Henry Craven; Miss Fay $rbwn, George Montgom ery; Miss Jenny Gibson, Qhn Hoover. George Richmond, Leonard Boyd, William andj Richard Gibson. The entertaiument was fn honor of Miss AdleneWilliamaon and other young girl visitors. X. Bliss Pattle Shankle Married. We notice in the Stanly Enterprise that that town had a marriage on Tuesday morning, the 13th, the parties being Mr. C A Armstrong, of Troy, who is at present clerk of the court of Montgomery county and who is an Australian by birth, and Miss Pattie Shankle, daughter of Mr. C A Shankle, of Albemarle. The bride is known by quite a num ber of our readers, Mr. Shankle haying lived at Mt. Pleasant for JHealal Pabulum. It's the business of business to when there isn't any th who aspires to be come an A. M. is in after years glad to settle down as the village P. M. A Kentuckian says hs under stands that oil is sometimes used tn calm troubled can't understand is why any one should trouble The parable tratea modern waters, but what he water. of the eower illus advertising. "Some seed fell by the wayside." This ii good money spent for ads on barns 'Some seed fell on This is circulars 4lBut some fell on rought forth, some a Borne sixty fold, some This is newspapi and fences. stony ground and handbills. ground and b hundred fold, thirty fold." advertising. A duck which faithfnllv atnolc tn business during the summer and laid several doz-ns of large fawn colored eggs, 'complained that she wasn't appreciated. "See that hen over there," said the duck, "she hasn't laid as many eggs as I have nor as big, but she has books written about her and her honor, whi word about me you is' said a standing near, the public wha verses composed in e nobody is saying a "The trouble with wise rooster that wae "that you don't tell lay an egg ani waadle off without saying a worot but that Bister of mine never layi one without letting everybody in tile neighborhood know it. If you wanit to cut any ice in this community you must learn to advertise." Boyce's Hustler. . fs". - NO CURE, NO PAT. II That is the Wav all druggists sell Grove's TastelesfJ Chill Tonic for chills and Malaria, it is simply Iron land Quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults refer it to bitter, nau seating Tonics. Price, 50c. Yellow Jaundice Cured. Suffering humanity should be supplied with every means possible for its relief. t is with pleasure we publish the : following: "This is to certify that Ij was a terrible suf ferer from Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and was treated by some of the best physicians in nnr nit.v and'tri inn avail TV Roll our druggist, recommended Electric i mm nr. . m ..I rs. . A X A I - A. 1 111 took place at Y.oU o clock in the " .iiu iaiiiug iwo ooiues a wao ouuimy uureu. x now tas;e A Card of Ihanks. I wish to say that I feel under lasting obligations for ;what done for our used it in coughs, lung Twenty-Six Sink With the Ship. f The Brifish ship Loch Sloy was lost recently near Kangaroo Island. There were thirty people aboard and but four members of the crew escaped. -,. , ; Beats the Ilondlhe. Mr.-A C Thomas, of Marysville Tex,, has found a, more valuable discovery thanhas yet been made in the Klondike. For years he suf fered untold agony from .consump- tion, accompanied by hemorrhages; and was ab8ollitely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumDtion.4 Coughs and Colds. He declares that gold is' of little value in 0onipari8on with this marvelous nnrp?;Wonld havepit.JleVen if ii cost itii M i m7 i EiLi u Ha-L ww -r tw m- v - m onnahJ and it has always givehitf hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma AJg jp-j y f - - i . - j : family. We have! so many : casetj vi troubles and whoop- feel greatly indebtt9 tniuanup factures of ttis remedy ndmBh them to please accept oui hearty thanks. Respectfully, " Mrs. S Doty, Des! Moines, Iowa. For caiR UV JUL XI JU.1P w ww., D "1 i I Bronchitis and all throat and lung fatfections are 1 positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Trial bottles free at P h Fetzer's drug store. Regular size 50 cents and' $100. Guaranteed to I cure or price refunded. 'Phone No. 2. great pleasure j in recommending them to any person suffering from this terrible malady; am crate- fHE on,. pully yours, M. A. Hogarty, Lex- ( ?romireii..y 'ngton, Ky." Sold by P B Fetzer's 1 iay is Hoo.i . Called from Wilmington. 4 Rev. JB Lauy Hoge, pastor ot the Baptist chrircb herp, has just received a call from South Side Baptist church of Wilmington. Pastor Hose, of course, has not. given the matter consideration Attention, Pjtnians I Regular meeting of Concord. Lodgs No. 51 K. of P., tonight at 8 o'clock. Work in 3rd rank. R. L. McConnell, C. a PERSON AL POINTERS. Pink Misenheimer returned home this morning from New Lon don. Mrs. Misenheimer will not return before Monday. Mrs. Tom Barringer arrived yesterday evening from Charlotte. She is here with her t upband, wh is in quite feeble health. They are at the home of Mr. John Wallace. A Mi line OF ! CAKES I AT 11 Laundry Excellence. A Laundry that will do up your lincca justas you want it, just when you wast. it, should deserve your patronage. That is just what we do. If we doa'fc you have only to tell us the fault and we make it right. Don't think that because you do not have a large bundle every week we don't want your work. Just let us kn csr and we will get your bundle, no mat er how small. It will ba property Laun dered, too. in 1H and DCJE WORKS. ?n rj -a Purlnet ..ic eye o- The elencholv Davs HavC ome, the hottest; of the year. BUY Refrigerators, Ice Chests. Water Coolers Mosquito Canopies from AND Harris & Company Bell and keep cool. If you n&ed anything in Furniture or Mouse Furnish ing Goodsf or Sitting Room, Parlor or Kitcheniaz have it by the car load, bought before the rise Come and see us and we will do y ou good. ir - ; VI t t M hi 5 1 a -i (i , tt a jaxs & CO. back if it fails to cure. gist. . . ? V

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