i i :4 i i i 7 : ; r. ; ; I ,4 " ...... price $4.00 Per Ysar, OONCOKD, N. C, SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1899 NO VICTORY. -Tic Concord and Statesville Teams Fall to Gain a Victory from Each Other Not as Good a Game as the Day Be-forc-Some Trouble Arose. Our baseball team returned l$mo Friday night from States ville after playing a two days cnagement on the diamond. Oar boys were defeated in the game on Thursday but on Friday neither team gained the victory, as the score stood 1 1 to 11. The following scores were made by innings : In the first inning Concord scored two runs, and Statesville gained one run. In the second neither scored, neither v as there a run 1 scored in the third inning. The StateBville boys made three 'runs on us in the fourth inning, and we failed to show anything. Ai this juncture a row ensued by a young man of the States Tille team calling one of our boys something that is not admired and the Iredell boy experienced the blows of a young man who is probably skilled in bag punching. A row followed and somewhat of a disturbance ensued. We are glad to know that our boys had reason to complain and even gome of the Statesville team were honest enough to censure their players for such conduct. ' In the fifth inning both sides scored several runs, and m the end of the sixth Concord had 9 and Statesville 6. No runs were made in the seventh. In tho eighth Statesville scored two and Concord followed suit, making us 11 to 8. But in the ninth inning the Iredell boSmade three runs, and neither could claim the vio tory. The tie -was not played off as the boys barely had time to catch the train. Our boys are not much elated over the treatment received by their brother players A while in their hands, but nevertheless every effort will be made to get them here and they will be treated like every other ball team mad to feel that they, are at home and that "rooting" has noplace ex cept on the diamond. ? Called Meeting of the Board. ' ' T " There will be a called meeting of the Board of Directors of Korth Carolina College next Wednesday : to considerate resign nation of President Scherer. If the resignation be accepted the Board will also proceed r tcv make necessary provisions !br filling tie place lor the next session. , - .-"' . . .. 1 Beats the Ift-lonaiKe. Mr. A C Thomas, of Marysville Tex., has fopnd a more valuable discovery thanjlhas yet been made to the Klondike. For years he suf fered untold agony from consump?, tion, accompanied by hemorrhages: &nd was absolutely cured ,by,Dr,' "ig a New v Discovery 1oi Gon fiumption, Coughs and Colda, He declares that gold isof little yalue in comparison with this marvelous cnre; would have it, even if it cost hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and lung affections., are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con enmptioh. Trial bottles free at P tier's drug store. Regular, size 50 cents and $1.00. Guaranteed to A FORTUNATE FIND. I red was notified ing the a wo Y.ean' Term WeRr Cnpt uroiim Back to the Ctaatn (Sang-captnred In Cbarlotte-IIe , la One the lunty Nome If orlt Yet. On the 20tli day of last October Joe i: 0rr, a negro, who was sen tenced to the chain gang for two years for the larceny of some clothes, maide his escape ; one night fromShe tent. Nothing was ever more heard from the negro since that lime, except by some officers, and some days ago Mr. Robt. Benfield, superintendent of the chain gang, that a negro answer- description of Joe-Orr. was in Charlotte, One who remembered the ne gro well went j to Charlotte after him and identified him and he as put on the gang again Friday, and unless he makes his escape again he will be there for some time yet. !j H He has only given the oounty two months and twenty days of his valuable services and the road master will use him for twenty one months and ten days yet. Joe has been in , Charlotte for several months, but says that he stayed about Concord for a week " ... y i ! i . or more after he escaped then NOT FAR OFF. went to one Virginia. of the large mines in , J -I 1 1 ' i With the Churches Tomorrow. 1 1. i Services tomorrow morning and tomorrow nisght by Rev. J S Nel son at Central M. E. church, i 'ih ! ' " Holv Communion will be held at Forest Hill -Methodist church tomorrow morning by - the pastor, Rev. J D Arnold. Regular ser- vices at night. -. . i p j . ... Regular services both tomorrow morningl and night at Ep worth Methodist church by the pastor, Rev. T W Smith. There will be regular services at to- St. James' ! Lutheran church morrow morning and 'night the pastor, Bev. C B Miller. - EeviW B Priejr Owill conduct services at St. Andrews Lutheran cnurcti tomorrow afierhdon at 4 o'clock. ! Sunday school at 9.30 o'clock. j,!. ; Regular services' at Trinity Re formed church tomorrow, both xnbrhing'M night, by, the pas- 'J' N Faust. Sun- at 10 o by tor. Rev. day' School . Rev, B Jiacy Hoge will hold services! tomorrow at the Baptist churchpTiierevwill be? services both morning and night. Sub- tibrll'aAre Yet Carnal.'? Subject for 8 p. "The Task1 Masters." :,f.: will ne held tomor- Services m.. row morning ai rillo o'olock and tomorrow evening at 7.30 o'clock 6y the pastbr, Rev. J V Davis. Sunday sKbol at 10 o'cfbck. I li for Ooehlen's atdim baito. rrn,A Raaf.' RaIva in the world Outa, Bruices, Borei, Ulcere, palt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter.Ohapped Hnndi, Chilblains, Oorni and; all Stin Eruptions, and positively cnrea o;iA or tin tiftv reouired. It is guaranteed to, rive: pUtifactnfqr kfi"--- .MnaeMfriTii1firi. Price 25 cents per I ti?ri, iUUiiV - V ww i - Tm.m--i.ii.i kvs. "7l ZZZ TJTV- . " rf ibox Jfor sale at,r ftei! store, k The Time Will Soon be Here When An other Whistle Will Be Heard In Those Parts Probably a New Store House. Forest Hill, June 17. Miss Nora Waddell came home Friday to spend her vacation after attendT ing the Normal school at Ashe- yiiie. : .vj;;:jV::n;. ; Mr. Thos. H Cook, has gone to J amesto wn for a few days. Mr. Thos. y Smith, Jr., has accepted i a position as salesman in the Company store. :: - Mr. J M Mabery has moved his stock of goods to the room recently occupied by Mr.1 Jno. Cline. We understand that the two Messrs. Clines will very soon build a new store house. ji We are glad tb see Mr. H M Barrow up again after an attack of sickness. j : The boilers from: the Lookout Boiler Mfg. Co. have arrived and are being unloaded from the cars. They will be placed as quickly as possible in mill No. 5. It will not be long until! another whistle can be heard meaning more busi ness for Concord. i vn are nisoi, JiroiBer, Mr. John Wilber Jenkins, who is. now conducting a column in the Charlotte; News entitled "At the Pencil's Point," and in reiterating the improvements be ing made in North Carolina, says the following ; about our town : "Concord, with its two large mills, is keeping step with the proceesion, and more building is going on there than ever before." - . He'll Go Again How. j The Charlotte.News in speaking ot the ball games between the Junior teams of this plaoe and Charlotte, says : "It was such a severe drubbing j that Capt. As bury, of the Charlotte team, had to go to the country for a few days rest so as to be able to pull himself together." Give him another vacation, now. THE BEST PKOKIPTION EOR CHILLS , and lever is a Ibottle of Grove's Taste less Ohill Tonic. Never .fails to cure; Then why .experim ent .with- worthless imitations? ' ''Price 50 cents. Your monevhftck if it f ails to cure. Atteridmir A Wltnesses. Xepnard Boyd and J L Boeer are in!Charl6tte today attending Federal' court. ' They 'are ' wit nesSei'J in the-1 case against a young man named Gobble, of this place, wto is charged with rais ing a bill. ' i m A Card of Thanks. I wish to say that I feel under lasting obligations for what Chamberlain's Cough remedy has done for our family. We have used;r jtsti1- many cases of cojaghs, lung (troubles and whoop ing cough, and it has always given thejmfilpgyfect satisfaction, .. we ieil greatly indebted to the manu factures of this remedy4, : and wish them to please accept on. hearty thinks. Kespectf uHyr Mrs. S Doty, Des Moines, Iowa. ? For sale by M L Marsh & Co., drug- month and all exnenses atanteed sellingfmerchants ArcticRefrigerating arhirtM-frti- irooliner: refrieerators: eQaranteed 75 pes ;ceOT.clreafranhanrice. Exclusive territory assigned. Arctic Refrigerating Co., Cincinnati, O. 1 . 1 ' ' " . .' . , .: .Agents Wonted to drum stores, factories, mines, etc. Several agents earn feo weekly cash. Free outfit. Rubber Co., 243 Pearl, New ork. PEESOiL POINTERS, Single Copy 5 Cents Miss Kate Garrett, of Kinr is visiting at Mr. H M isarrow's. - H Mies Miriam Foil went to Mt. Pleasant this afternoon Sunday. to spend Mayor Means returned home this morning, a ter attending Fed eral court at Charlotte. Mr. M J Freeman returned home this merning, after being on the road for several weeks. Mesari Gel L Patterson and J oe Hill returned home this morn ing from their Statesville trip. Mr. D B cltrane went to Beg semer this morning to spend Snnday with his dauber, Mrs. Garrison. Billy Weddmgton returned home this morning, I having ipent last night with relatives at Ofiina Grove. Mr. Press Freeze, who has been sick a short wWle at his father's, in the country, was able to be here to day. - r : Mrs. W d j Hammer, of Ashe boro, arrived here this morning to l visit her friend,! Miss Laura Leslie. Mrs. Hammer ii the wife of Editor hammer: of the Asheboro Courier. Mr. and Ills. Prue White ar rived here last night and are stop ping at Mr. femoot' Day vault's; They will return to Greenville to morrow morning, after enjoying their bridal tour. .. v ........ . . The pleasures of gone of our younger girls hi is ceased now, three of their Charlotte friends; Misses Willie Durant, Alice Cowles, and Louise Wadswoi th 'having returned home this morning. i OF , X (IifiSj i Laurels Won from Charlotte. Our second nine, termed "Wheeler's " Cavalry," returned home Friday night in high glee, having taken the baseball honors from the Charlotte team of the same calibre. Only a few peo ple! witnessed the game and the gate receipts amounted to only $6.25, but our boys got the whole amount which helped to defray the expenses. Charlotte lost in a score of 10 to 9. . Our boys say that they had to play against the young men instead of the boys but nevertheless played them well. NO CURE, NO PAT. .That is the way all drnggists sell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic for chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Qmnine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults 1 refer it to bitter, nau seating Tonics. , Price, 50c. r "Fellow Jaundice Cared. ; .Suffering humanity should be supplied with every means possible for its relief. It is with pleasure we publish the following: "This is to certify that I was a terrible suf ferer from Yellow Jaundice for oyer six months, and was treated by some of the best physicians in our city and to nb avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, recommended Electric Bitters; and after, taking two bottles I was entirely cured. I now take great pleasure in recommending them to any person suffering from this terrible malady. 1 am grate fully yours, M. A. Hogarty, Lex ngton, Ky Sold by P B Fetzer's Drug store. Laundry Excellence. A Laundry that will do nn vnnr linm just as you want it, just when you want it should deserve your patronage. That is just what we do. If we don't you have only to tell us the fault and we make it right. K Don't think that because you do not have -a large bundle every week we don't want your work. Just let us kntow and we willet your bundle, no mat er how small. It will ba property Latin dered, too. GOB STEAM liiy and DCJE WORKS. Phone No. 2. Tl EONLYj Tno JWd .Arffie brdiniriehtry Ih f leuiilic eye to day i Hood' Saysafiari !a: -Therefore . fiet opcTs, and ON Y MOO P', Tfie .Merenoholy Days Have Come, fie hottest of the year. BUY Bell f i i In bIefrigerato, Ice Chests. Water Coolers and' Mosquito Canopies from Harris & Company and keep cool. If you need anything .inlurniture or Mouse Furnish- inGjOfidsr'for Sitting Bo(,Tarlp)r EUcJimive. have it by, the car-load, oougtit oejore t(ie rise j Come qjid see us arid we will do you good, j iLt'HAEEIS &d CO. e !! 1 ill u I i i I J . t i i i I or price refunded, - " T vjT -