HOT TIME IN GREENSBORO. The B"bw Gi tp in Pmeke Saturday A Total i,omu Greensboro had a period of intense ixcitpment Saturday. At 12:20 tome one obserted that the Ben bow Hotel waa on fire. The origin will probably never be known but the first appearance was on the upper floor. The fire department responded quickly but the pressure was too low at first to reach the fiamei with the hose and the fire engine broke down. Thus the magnificent fire story building was doomed: Winston was called on and responded most -promptly and did good senrice. No other buildings were ' lost. There was little breeie and this was moat fortunate for the city. The fire beginning aboye waB fav orable to earing life and property. Tber were no serious accidents and most of the contents of the building were removed, though some Yaluable trunks, ete., were lost. The building was a total loss to its owner. Gapt. J B Fisher. There was no insurance on it. He bought it in 1892 for $50,000 and had never had it insured. The hotel is to be rebuilt at once, though probably a still finer build -ing wl take the place. As Greensboro stood helpless against the flames Winston and Durham were called on for help. Each responded and Durham's fire fighters were alongside the track waiting to bound the train when they received a message that they would &ot be needed, but the engi neer at Winston was dispatched by an official to touch only the high places. The trip of 29 miles was made in 35 minutes. The Ncaitn Opns Then. Get ready for the opening: of the baseball season. Wednesday and Thursday are the days, and the Cheraw boys will be here to handle our boys if they can. Our baseball people are look ing forward to the games, and it is expected that we will have a victory lrom them. ' This will be the first time our people will have seen the boys on the diamond this year. A (ierman Cablegram. Operator McConnell receiyed a message last Saturday that was Tery different from any of the past. It was a cablegram from Dear Dresden, in Germany, and was addressed to an unknown party at Jttt. Pleasant. The en tire message was in German and was missent. Deputy Marshall Hampton arrived here last Saturday eyen- iag iroin Federal court at Char lotte haying come after Mr. W D Hhinehardt, of our county, who Med to answer when called S iturday. There is a charge of illicit distilling against him. . T"he Little Child Dead. Mrs. Quantz and Mr. Jno. K yatterson spent Sunday in Salis bury, having been called there by the death of the ten months old child of their lister, -Mrs. Nelson Earnhardt. It died Friday even injr. CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to ttire. 25c. The erennin has L B.O. FOR FARMERS ESPECIALLY. Erery Farmer la Cabarrus County Will Do Well to De Here Rtxt Woek and Attend the nee tings No Ex pne Connected With It for tne At tendants. ' Let not the people of our county forget that on Tuesday and Wednes day of next week, the 27th and 28th, that the Dairymen's Association and the 8winebreeder'8 Association of this State will meet here. There is no reason why our farmers should not turn oat to these meetings for new ideas will be given yon as to the most successful plans of work ia this line, and your presence will probably at the last prove beneficial to you and to the county, for pross perons ceunty. ter has farmers make a prosperous I The following circular lets been issued by the secretary and treasurer of the' organization, Mr. Frank E Emery: 'The North Carolina State Dairy men's Association will meet in Con cord, N. p., on June 27ih and.2Stb, 1899. There is expected a full pro gram for two days and some discus sions of dairy affairs in the South, and in this State in particular, which will be well worth the time spent in attendance by farmers who have be gun, or who are contemplating a start in this branch of farming. It is time for more farmers than have yet done so to withdraw from cropping their lands continually for I'mnn art nvnna" nnH I nr tr mama branch of animal husbandry for re Dairying is the foremost of lief. these and paves the way for the next best, 8 wine husbandry. Indeed, these two are intimately linked by the large amount of the produots in successful dairying, whioh the pig can tarn to the best possible account. It is better to grow forage and soiling crops, and care for animalp, whioh are enriching the farm and paying for what they use and your time, than to be growing cotton or tobacco, under the present outlook. The Atlantic Symphony Quartette. Mr. Chas. J Woodell, advance agent for the Atlantic Symphony Quartette, was here today mak ing arrangements for the company to appear j here next Monday night. ! One of the members of the quartette will sing in one of our churches next Sunday. One of jTnelr flflne Gone. Our basebfll boys haye lost one of their number after beginning only their series of games. Mr. Er nest Graves, who had intended to stay with us the summer, accepted a positon at Chapel Hill and has returned there. Mr. Pete Force is expected heie tonight to j take his place in the nine. A Card of Thanks. I w sh to sav that I feel under lasting ! obligations for what Chamberlain's Cough remedy has done for our family. We have used it in so many cases of coughs, lung troubles and whoop ing cough, and it has always given the most perfect satisfaction, we feel greatly indebted to tho manu factures of this remedy and wish them to please accept oui hearty thanks Bespectfully, Mrs. S Doty,1 Des Moines, Iowa. For sale dvm jj iuarsn cz uo., arug- uuinuuuu, jn. U., MONDAY JUNE 19, THE TEACHERS' ASSttHRT.V Pror. D Matt Thompson. President Superintendent Hebane CnJIersed. The Teachers9 Assembly At More head has closed one of its best meet ings. Prof. D Matt Thompson, of &tatesville, was elected president. By a standing vote the Assembly endorsed the administration of 8upt. Mebane and thanked him' for his ef forts to have the office of State Superintendent above the plane of politics. A resolution expressing pleasure at the progress of local, taxation was adopted and its further extension was urged. ;l ' The teachers dispersed for their homes today. Tne Standard to Cnange Quarters. The room in the Morris building formerly occupied by Mr i J T Pounds has been rented by The 8tandard and it is hoped that we will get m our new quarters by the first of next month. In our present quarters sufficient room i lacking and besides the owners intend, as ebon as possible, to tear away the old brick row and put np some buildings that will be a credit to our town. This movement may not mas terialize, though, this year. PERSONAL POINTER!! Mr. N F Yorke spent today in Salisbury. Rev. H N Miller and wife spent today here. Mr. Sam L Smith, of Charlotte, ii here today. Mr. Gray Barber, of Charlotte, spent yesterday herer .' r. Editor Jno. B Sherrill spent this afternoon in Charlotte. . Mr. H M Barrow returned home this morning from Kings Mountain Mayor Means went back to Charlotte this morning to attend Federal court. Mr. D B Coltrane returned home from Bessemer this morning, after spending Sunday. i Mr. Geo. L Nightingale returned to Charlotte this morning, after spending Saturday and Sunday here. Prof. Jas. PCook has returned home from Morehead City, where he attended the meeting of the teachers. To the Citizens of Concord : We, the undersigned Policemen for the town of Concord, will visit your premises in a few days, and all premises not found in good sanitary condition will be reported to the Mayor. Take dne notice and attend to this matter at once and save cost. Jaa. F Harris, John R Cruse, Eli T Goldston, Sanitary Policemen. June 20th, 1899. nftrtAofma asnra niamnii tA A Fresh line OF . ! ; 1 FANCY I I CAKES I I AT I I J. Mil 3STOTIOB3! 1899 A Htw flpcmea f TThcit. Seyeral have already been in The Standard ofBce viewing i a specimen of wheat from Mr. J M Eoger's field beyond Enocnville. This is a new kind . of wheat somewhat resembling a bearded wheat but has a muffled appear anoe and a fine looking head. ir. Rogers atarted this kind of wheat with only three heads and has been increasing until now he has five shocks. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION EOR CHILLS and fever is a pottle of Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. Never fails to cure; Then why experiment, with worthless imitations? Price 60 cents. Your money back if it fails to cure. A CLEARANCE SALE. All thin goods go regardless of their Cost. Commencing Tuesday morning and lasting till Saturday night, the economic buyers oi CoDcprd: will reap a harvest. A clearance sale indeed this. will be. Watch this space closely and Tisitthe store daily, as many genuine bargains will be on the counters that we can't put in the paper. ORGANDIES. These hot weather fa right now. The price is cut, and that very deep. The styles are of the best. For this week all fine pure Silk Organdie, sold 75c. a yard, now 49c A good variety of 40c. colored Otgandies, very sheer, to close at 25c, AU 25c, Organdies goatl5c. Hund reds of yards of Lawns at 5, 71 and 10c. A s:reat showing in Belt Buckles, etc. To morrow 500 gold plated one piece Beauty riNS, the 2 for 5c. kind, at lc. each. The 5c; kind 2 for 5c. Black Beauty Pins 2 for 5c. SILKS. All our fine Waist Silks embraced in this Sale. All dollar Silks go at 73c: 75c. Waist Silks, sale price, 49c. 50c. Waist Silks, all Pure Silk, 25c; yard. The newest Patterns and the finest of Fabrics are represented m this CLEAN UP SALE. A warm time in Thin Goods tomorrow. H-1 PARKS & CO. The Melencholy Days Have Come, the hottest of the year. BUY V ' 'I Refrigerators, Ice Chests, Water Coolers and Mosquito Bell, Harris and keep cool. If you need anything in Furniture or House Furnish ing Goodsfor Sitting JRoom, Parlor or Kitchen we have it by the car load, bought before the rise Come and see us and Single Copy 5 Cents He Wm Vmmnd If muting. Will Gobble, a young man of our town, claiming to be a detec tive, and who stands charged with raising a bill, was called for trial at Federal court laBt Saturday but was found wanting. Prob ably 'the young man thought it best to skip his bond than to at tend the trial. Buekleni Arniea a aire. The Beat Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, andl positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give eUtigf action or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box Fur sale at P B Fetzt's Drug stcre. hn Canopies from . & Company we will do you good. on each tablet. I gist. ea&actvs In 20 mttmte One cent a 3r-r

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