on SteiiMisiiMlo -- H, . ' :- , ' -. - -L , ; price $4.00 Per Year. concord, n. a, Tuesday; june, 20 1899 THE WKONG BOTTLE. Awful Reswlts of Leaving Poison By Ifrdlclne. A special from Ashrrillo to the Charlotte Obfieryer says : A mistake in takinar a dosa ai medicine this morning cost the life of J P Marshall, of this city. Mr. Marshall thought , to take a dose- of paregoric, but instead poured out a dose of carbolio acid from a bottle that stood by the paregoric bottle. He dis covered the awful error in a mo ment after swallowing the draughtj and hurried up town to see a physician. On the way he fell and j was taken to J R. Oates' liyery stable. . Medical aid was summoned, but Mr. Marshall was beyond help and died in a few minutes. He, was about 40 years of age a tobacco buyer, and a well known man of this city. He was a natiye of Virginia. ILLICIT DISTILLING. ca of cmbarrns County's Bleu Found GnUtT t Defrauding tuo Gorern ment and Sentenced to Prison Four jfonths A Fino or On Hundred pllars Imposed On Him. Our readers will remember that a number of months ago revenue officers one night seized the dis tillery of Mr. "Billy'' Rhinehardt, in No. 9 township. The dis tillery was running at night and the etorekeeper had locked uyj the building that afternoon, show ing that the rules under which thise plants are conducted were beins: violated. The whiskey and the diBtillery were taken charge of by the officers and a case entered in the Federal court against Mr. Rhine hardt. His case was called last Saturday at the court in Char lotte but Mr. Rhinehardt failed to! ihow up. Marshall Hampton came over Saturday evening and arrested him and took, him to Charlotte Sunday morning for Jrial. The case was brought up Mon day and Mr. Rhinehardt sentenced for his illicit work. Most always in a case of this kindr the guilty one is sentenced to the peniten tiary and worked at hard labor but on account of Mr. Rhine hardt's age and the f act that he -has been suffering with rheuma tism quite much, he was given the four months sentence in our jail here and fined $100 He was brought here Monday evening and confined to jail. He was found guilty of giving false returns to - the goyernment, I Taking a Look at our mn . and of working at hours when I - When men in the interest of cot the storekeeper was not there. 1 ton mill work visit throughout bur State they generally give Conoord Th Hale Jlves Trouble. I a rail inn fni tWvgnf. (a ma nnv I "rw " j ww A mulecan never be depended I ten, too. Today (Tuesday Mesan. npon and you must never do any-J Caruthers. Tate, and Fisher, of thing behind his back. Today Jaekaon, Tenn., accompanied by laesday) a negro named Joyce I Mr. Stuart W Cramer, of Charlotte, neamerspoon Uaa tO'Deat niSl woro Kng mruugu our mum. male to get it alon? on the road The Fir.t cottou Bloom. at CHass but the long-eared The first cotton - bloom we have animal spied a goods box at I seen this year was sent us Monday viass and started down the road by Mr, Frank U Hartseil, of No. 10 use he was shot out of a gun. I township. Several Dersons had i aid ifce negro was in the bucrcrv and that they would . furnish the first wzg the best he could, but I one tnii year, put Mr. Hansen sent nothing can chancre a mule's ideas. I ni9 in ahead of the others. Good The crisis pa mo and kht n Aryrn I for Hr. Hartflell-and No. 10 town- ag thrown violently acainst the I ehiP- tire of One of the wheels And thth flpoV, ' . I n nontomory?a Hills "Call IRln nnan . inn ai aa hl An I i , v ' T. ' 1 lf.nn.. t-. J ttt:ii ra W lace knd hi R.nflAa tnnMrrt uuo, xvecu. . wiunoa, from him. Th nrn wA Wlv W 8 Bingham, Uorrison Fetzer and i w J I rr c n . a w one up but the mule is in irood ? ?j Ke , 10 jnoniv trim. - Jgomery connty to spend a week fishing and hunting. They will occupy the clnb house oyer there Single Copy 5 Cents FILIPINO TKEAOHBRY. ' " ' . Hill 5 and VVouna 25 from tuo Hear Cen. Frd Orout aud 1,800 XXcn Ar Fifi Amwican loldiers were killed and about 2b win wonndad by treaoheroua Filipinos on Mtni day morning. They pretended to be friendliti and fired on the rear of onr troopi. They got badly pnnlihed but it does not eompensata for the vioioui aot. Gen. 17htaton himself was under fire and in great danger. Troops will most probably ba forwarded to the Philippines and the situation will be met. Gei. Fred Grant with 1800 man arrived on the Sherman Monday. Gam. Hale and Funiton and most of the volunteers will leave the Islands loon. The Lost nan Snows Up. Mr. John Leisar, of China Grove, has turned up at McColl, S. C with relatives: of his wife. Mr. Leiser, It i i i will be remembered, left home some time since, and it was thought that he had ; become mentally unbals anced. A card asking for informa tion as to his whereabouts was pub lished but had no answers. Mr. Thorn, of China Grove tells us that Mr. Leiser went to McColl, S. C, where some of his wife's kin people live and that Mrs. Leiser has gone to join him. . We understand that Mr. Leiser's seemingly peculiar actions was earned by a fear of be ing unable to meet his expenses. Salisbury Sun. Mr, Romulus Deaton Dead. News has reached here of the death of ,Mr. Komnlns Deaton, of Mooresville, who died Monday even ing. Mr. Deaton was a promising young man 01 only about S3 years of age. His remains were interred today (Tuesday.) ' Misses Rose'WH leford and Jessie Deaton, and Mrs. Elliott attended the funeral. Mr. Deaton was a nephew of Mn. M. G Deaton, of this place. Auohr Tnlru Basoasau for 17s. Mr. Peter Forces of Selma, Ala., who attended sohool at Hebane the past year arrived here Monday night to spend the lummer months wi h onr btys playing haieball. He will be stationed on third base, Mr. Force has a title of a "Rongh Rider," having belonged to Roese yelt's command during our recent war. Mr. Foroe is stopping with ilr. Joe JTisher. The Jallca t If an Marries. Mr. Huston Goodnight, who has the distinction of being the tallest man in Cabarrus county, paid .Register Johnson a visit to day (Tuesday) which cost hun three dollars but a joyful mission. He came after license to marry Mrs. Minnie Brumley, of No. 3 township. m ATuroo Tnousand Dollar Doal. On Monday a land deal took placs inrolving 3,000. The property in No. 3 township, known as the Laird Alexander .traot which belonged to Messrs. Z A, W L and f? W Morris, and Mr. Vic Caldwell, was boight hy Mr. W L Morris, the other three interested persons haying re ceived $1,000 apieeo. Would Wot . Suffer So Again .for Fifty Times the Price. I awoke last nukt with se vere pains in my stomach. I never felt, so badly in all my life? When Ti came down to work this mornin$c I felt so weak I could hardly work. I went to Miller & Mc Curdy's drug store and they re commended Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.. It worked Jike magic and one dose fixed me all right. It cer tainly is the finest thing I ever: used for stomach trouble. 1 shall not be without it in my home hereafter, for I should not care to endure the sufferings of last night again for fifty times its Srice. G H Wilson, Liveryman, lorgettstown, Washington Co., Pa. This . remedy is for sale bv ai u juarsn & jo., druggist. i ' : CLEARANCE A Card of Thanks. I wish to say that I feel under lasting obligations for what Uhamberlain s Uough remedy has done for our family. v e have used it in so many cases of coughs, lung troubles and whooo- ing cough, and it has always given the most perfect satisfaction, we feei crre&tfv indahted to fcfiM mann- factures of this remedy and wish them to please accept oui hearty thanks. KesDectf nil v. - Mrs. S - j f . Doty, Des Moines, Iowa. For sale by M L Marsh & Go., drng- gist. PERSON A L POINTERS. Craeber SnaJke Bitten. day last week, Myrtie, tbo daughter of Mr. Henry . atber of Eo wan county, was THE BEST- PRESCRIPTION EOR -OHILLS bitten hv o oiMA.v.AAri V I and fever ia a!bottle of GroTe'a Tflste- ortly after the occurrence she OTonio. Never fails . to enre; - I Than r h-rr avnanmATit TBifh tvnvthlAoo Tour 1- voijr iranuc DUt nas re- imitations?! Price 50 cents. "Yered considerably from the I money hack if it fails to cure. Mr. J D Barrier spent today in Charlotte. Mr. Will Day vault is spending tbis afternoon in Charlotte. Rev. il G G Soberer and wife of Mt. Pleasant, spent today here. OF ekleai Arniea hit. Wlm tteir,flou We, the .imdeniened Policemen for BW"' iniB-ea 8orea, Ulcers, Salt the town of Concord, will visit your w cam, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped premises in a few days, and all premises fui, Ohilblaina. Corn and all not fonnd in good sanitary condition Bria nJL.:l0lm U0 ,ana al1 mil be renorted to the Mavor. .Take Pil es 1: Iin nair rDfttiirart Tr is I A r J JM&. .w I UUUt) UUU BOTO VU0h 'u to finve statisf action or . , - - eiunaed. Price 25 cents per Jor aale at P B Fetzer'a Drug Jas. F Harris. John R Cruse, ' Eli T Gtoldston, Sanitary Policemen. FANCY 1 Pi H TZTI rt m w a AT SALE ! All thin goods go regardless of their Cost. Commencing Tuesday morning and lasting till Saturday night, the economic buyers oi CoDcprd will reap a harvest. A clearance sale indeed this. will be. Watch this space closely and visit the store daily, as many genuine bargains will be on the counters that we canTt put in the paper. ORGANDIES. These hot weather fabrics are most needed nght now. The price is cut, and that very deep. The styles are of the best. For this week all fine pure Silk Organdie, sold 75c. a yard, now 49c " A good variety of 40c. colored Organdies, very sheer, to close at 25c, All 25c. Organdies go at 15c. Hund reds of yards of Lawns at 5, 71 and 10c. A great showing -in Belt Buckles, etc. To morrow 500 gold plated one piece Beauty rnvs, the 2 for 5c. kind, at lc each. The 5o. mna ipr oc. .Black Beauty Pins 2 for 5c. SILKS. All our fine Waist Silks embraced in this oaie. Aii aouar biiks go at 73c. 75c waist Silks, sale price, 49c. 50c. Waist Silks, aU Pure Silk, 25c. yard. The newest Patterns and the finest of Fabrics are represented in this CLEAN TJP SALE. A warm, time in Thin Goods tomorrow. H. L. PARKS & CO. V I IJ TTTir PI The Melencholy Days Have Come, the hottest of the year. : BUY . ' Refrigerators, Ice Chests. Water Coolers. and Mosquito Canopies from Bell, Harris & Company j J and keep cool. If you need anything in Furniture or House FurnisJi- in$ Goodsfor ISitting Boom, Parlor or Kitchen w& have it by the car, load, bought before the rise ' Come andseeusla BiGIli32i, DHAEEIS &c CO. June 20thJ 1899.

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