. - . - " - . ...... " ' V ' " .. " '''4 ' I l'r ' ' I j prioe $4.00 Per Yar, "PROGRAM ARRANGED. Xbc Jfpetins: of the htnte llairy men's sso'iain Here Next Tnesdaj nd Wednesday at tbe Court House. The following is the program as arranged for the meeting next Tuesday and Wednesday of the State Dairymen's Association at the court house. The first session "will be opened at 10 a. m. with prayer by Eev. J. E. Thompson, of Central Methodist church. , 7 Address of Welcome, M. B. Stickley, Esq., Concord, N. C. Response, President Dr. Ried Parker, Trinity, N. 0. -Dairying is Progressive, Henry E. Alvard, Washington, D. jCfr Dairying in the Piedmont Belt, Dis cussion to be opened by Dr. J. J. Mott or W. M. Dulin, Esq., Statesville, N. C. Markets for Dairy Products, Discus Eion opened by the Seoretary. Adjourn to afternoon. AFTERNOON SESSION 2:30 P. M. - Question Box, If a box is provided ballot box or paste-board box to hold queries in writing) this will be the first thing for afternoon' meeting. Torasre Crops for Cows, Discussion opened by C. C. Moore,-Esq., Char lotte. N.C iSome Recent Legislation and Its Effect on the Dairy Industry, Cooper Curtice, M. D., D. V. S., State Vet erinarian, Raleigh, N. 0. Discussion. Dairying as a Specialty, A. H. Prince, B. S., Stftgyille, N. C. Discussion. Adjourn to 9.30 a. m 28th. The Separator will be run at the morning session . . ',- J Announcement : All those interested in reorganizing the Nortn . Carolina Swine Breeders' Association will meet at 8.30 p. m7at the hotel. Those who are not already members can become so by paying inmemberehip fee (f 2.00), and they will then be. entitled to participate in election of officers and the deliberations of the Association. FIEST SESSION, 28TH INST. Question Box. The1 Centrifugal. Separator. J. M. Johnson, M. S., West Raleigh, N. C. Churning. This is expected to be done by an undergraduate of the ' Agricultural and Mechanical College. The Babcock Test. By the Secretary. , Handling Milk on the Farm, j M. Johnson, M. S. Cheese Making for North Carolina. W E. Emery, M. S., WestRal eigb, X. C. . Adjourn to 2,30 p. m. Question Box. The Significance of th&Separator and tester in Dairy Operations by the secretary. Which is Best for the Piedmont Se-tion-Indiyidual or Co-operative Dairy- ? Or ahou Vii bo , Proprietary. Open for Discussion. 'bey 5ieet Here Mext Week. Beginning: on Friday night, fte 30th, the Woman's Missionary Society of the Western North Carolina Conference will meet tare and continue over Sunday. This conference means that We a good number of people ll pay Concord a visit from the Cerent parts of Western North Carolina. Of-: this meeting tbe Crlotte Newshas this to say : Vrom present indications this -c-iiug will be more largely at tended than any previous one. Pecial rates haye been secured 011 aH railroads and these rates can ba obtained from any local ent. Concord will open wide er doors to receive her quests. er hospitality knows no bounds nd the delegates who attend tbis etbgiii? be thoroughly im faesse(i ith this. Already ninety tWn have been se&fc in statiDg tat they will attend. O ONCOKD, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JUNE, 21 189 Single Copy 5 Cents --uw,w uoysMere. I T? Ym iTdtxt ihis afternoon the Concord ium. Select Party $2.50 for Round Trip For the Benefit mf Mont Amoena Seminary. On Thursday, July 6th, I will personally conduct an excursion to AebeYille, the profits cf which will go to Mont Amoena Female Semin ary. The train will start from Concord at 7 a. m.f returning the next day, leaving Asbeville at 1 30 p. m. The excursion will take pas Bangers from Concord, China Grove, Salisbury, Barber Junction and Cleveland. Positively only 280 tickets will be sold . These will be oa sale at Cook & Foil, Mt Pleasant; Dry & Miller, tJoncord; Patterson Manufacturing Co., China Grove, and O M & H-M Brown, Salisbury. When all of the seats of the five cars are engaged by the sale of the 280 tickets, positively, not another ticket will be sold, as a select crowd is desired. The excursion is planned to secure a first-class party, and te derive as much pleasure from it as traveling on a regular train. I have been to Asheville and have secured special favors from the livery stablesj and hotels. The beautiful Oaks hotel has given our party a rate of $1.25 per day. Board may be had cheaper at tbe boarding houses. A card will be issued on the train giving addresses of the boy and the Cheraw team are crossing Jmts. A game will also be played tomorrow evening. ?The Palmetto boys arrived this morning a,nd are in good-looting trim for a heavy game. They are a nice, sociable Rooking set ot young men and our boys will see that they enjoy themselves in the hands of Concord people. Mr. J W Malloy is captain of the team, Mr. Edward Mclver man ager, and their president, Mr. W P Polluck, also acoompanied them. To add to the "rooting" force Messrs. E C Finlayson, H G Cauthen and G T Bullardcame along with the boys. The following is the line-up of the visiting team : Hudgens c, Hall p, E Malloy lb, Powell 2b, Saunders 3b, Evans ss, H A Finlayson If, G W Duvallrf, J W Malloy cf. Subs, Tomlinson and B Finlayson. Little Jinks Finlayson, in full baseball uniform, with the name of his team prominent, acts as their mascot, and he's a good one, too. Arrested But Sot Utility. Two young men are wanted in Burlington on the charge of assault with intent to kill. Chief of Policed boarding houses, hotels and livery Harris had received a telegram to look out for two young men on wheels. Their description was also given. Tuesday afternoon two young men who answered the de scription btruck town on wheels. Mr. Harris found that they were strangers here and from the de scription thought it best to hold them. He then notified the chief of police of Burlington, who wired back at once to hold them until Tuesday night when he would be here to identify them. The officer came and viewed the young men, but they were not the persons wanted. These young men are from Danville and had come here after work in the cotton mills. They were released that night. PERSON A L POINTERS. -Hal jBarnhardt, of Pioneer Mills, spent today here. Billy jWeddington went over to Newells this morning on a busi ness trip. Mrs. K L Craven and Mies Fannie Strioker went over to Char lotte this morning. ; Mr Robt Monroe and Mr J M Monroe, Jr., of Salisbury, spent this afternoon here. Mf. r M White, of Charlotte, came over yesterday evening-to visit at Mr. Geo. M Lore's. II!'1 OF tfANui ICAKES AT S. I mi stables which give our party favors. Every arrangement has been made to make the excursion the most pleasant one possible. If yon miss if you miss an opportunity that 8e Mom comes. You are invited at once to secure your ticket for th!3 select excursion. You help a good cause by bo doing. You can not take advantage of this excursion after all the tickets have been sold. Therefore, secure at once your ticket. Respectfully, ' Henderson N Miller, President Mont Amoena Female Seminary, Mt. Pleasant, N. O. mm Free Pills Send your address to H. E. Bucb len & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularlyeffect ive in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guar anteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giv ing tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Reg ular size 25c. per box. Sold by P B Fetzer. w Criminal Maniac of 3 Tears. - New York has a case of a little girl 5 years old that has an insane desire to commit murder. Her name is Jennie Fiero. Her mother says she has attempted to kill every member of the family and that her hand was caught just in time o prevent her from plunging a butcher knife into the side of the baby. She tried to kill ner 9year-old brother in the same way. Jennie has been admitted to the asylum. Baeklen't Arnica sarre,. The Best Salve iri the world for Outs, ' Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pav required. It is i 'I guaranteed to give statisfaction or monev rerun del. rnce cents per box; For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store, ' Depot at JSewton Buried. The Son them's depot at Newton was burned Monday morniDg about 2 o'olock. It was entirely consumed . Fortunately the depot did not cons tain very muoa freight. The rec ords were lost. The fire is believed to have been the work of an incen diary. , - To the Citizens of Concosd : We, the undersigned Policemen for tne town of Concord, will visit your premises in a few days, and all premises not found in good sanitary condition will be reported to the Mayor. Take due notice and attend to this matter at once and save cost. Jas. F Harris, J ohn R Cruse. Eli T Goldston, Would Not Suffer So Again for Fifty Times trie Price. I awoke last night with severe pains in my 6tomach. I never felt so badly m all my life. When. I came down to work this morning I" felt so weak I could hardly work. I went to Miller & Mc Curdy's drug store and they re- commended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It worked like magic and one dose fixed me all right. It cer tainly is the finest thing I ever used for stomach trouble. I shall not be without it. in my home hereafter, for I should jnot c&xo to endure the sufferings of last ni?ht again for 'fifty times its price. G H Wilpon, Liveryman,. Burgettstown, Washington Co., x a. xuis remeuy 13 . ior saie uy ai u luarsn & uo, drupgist. JUST THREE tlIOR E DAYS if j OF THE Clearance Carnival. M The Organdie and Silk sales in force till Saturday night, just three more days. The matchless values W offered in hot.weather Fabrics have brought crowds of Q buyers. Why shouln't it. Aren't the values tempt Q ing. Eyerybody says so. Better be prompt if you S would share in the economies for the NEXT THREE yjj.Kj. v ion iuo oiure uauy lesc you mignt miss just the thing you want. 1 1 WHITE THUKSDAY we have termed White Day and you will think so when you come. . The prices are little but so are the lots. Be quick! You'will miss one of the greatest While Goods chances ever offered you unless you are here early tomorrow morning. The prices run like this about 400 yards of checked Muslins at 2 l-2c. Everything in checked Muslins will be reduced. Two pieces of yery fine Lace Swiss for curtains, formerly 12 l-2c, sale price 7 ls2c. yard. Plain White India Linens, 15c. qiiality at 10c yard, 10c. goods at 7 1-2 and 5c. quality at 2 l-2c. yard. Seven colors in plain, solid Organdies, your choice at a saving. White P. K's go in white sar, intact everything in white goods. One piece of pure white China Silk, beautiful quality, 29c. . Coats' '90s yard spool cotton. 3 for 10c. The above prices are positively for one day, rhurs day only. Prudent women will take the hint. NEED RIBBONS? Buy them now and Save Money. On some you will save a third and some a half. Sav ing is not to be sneezed at. The Ribbons are new, perfect and fashionable. We will have them arranged) priced and in waiting for you early Thursday morn ing. Enough said. They will be flyers. Ribbon sale ONE DAY ONLY THURSDAY. H. L. PARKS & CO. i X X X X X X 'X X X X X .X X X X X X X X X X X X x - - , I X The Melencholy Days Have Come, the hottest of the year; BUY ' j ' Refrigerators, Ice Chests, Water Coolers , and Mosquito Canopies from " ' : ! -Bell, Harris & Company and keep cool. L If you need anything in Furniture or House Furnish in Goods for ISitting Boom, Parlor or Kitchen wo have it by the car load, bought before tJre rise- Come and see us and we will do you good. 3S3LIj ,TT A BBIS & GO. ! 1 t i 1 i f t - -1 if ; , i 1 s i 5 'II :,' : V- . . y -