f f A SCHOOL FOR THE STO(MMSERS OF CABARRUS COUNTY. tJool Amonnf of Interest Taken By Our People An Original Paper of yrortli by Mr. C.C. Moore Expert nieiiiN fflnile. At the afternoon session .of -(the' Dairymen's Association -Dr. -jJD.1 tfeia rurncr pxeaiueu ana was in his usual vein of enthusiasm J for the cause. He ' " responded brief ly to the welcome extended and said that the parties coming from distant parts did so at; no : little personal sacrifice but it was done in the interests of-the dairying on which agricultural : progress rests. . . , ii.j , ; ' He said that no , man, should keep a poor cow now. It is prac tical for every one to have. a. cow in good keeping.; . v ' At this stage Dr Curtice treated the subject, "Dome liecent Leg islation and ; Its'' Effect on the '" Dairy Industry. It was elaborate and minute. We can not repro duce it to advantage. X'J VJ The part prominently interest ing to , our;?iamgJsi1it&o tick is a source or' vehicle of the diseases called distemper, Texas feyer, yellow water, etei It is a mistake that cows die from change - of t"climate rom North to South or from crossing the Blue Ridge. If the cow comes in contact with the u ticks-,she X is liable to sicken and die,;, . If . not Ehe will experience A nOj dis advantage from the change. - . m t m m mm , ine ticKs are giving way where the stock law exists and where cows are nokpastured in woods. We will gradually get rid of quarantine legislation as we get rid of ticks.? -.xtfi'k fylA We hope; to refer,' at t some future time to more of the, sub stance of Dr.Curtice's address. In deed the oil bath processxhas ; al ready appeared in ouij columns. lnere was "an interesting piper read on "Know vour cow" that we omit for the'ipresent. We regard -Mr. Modrefi fpaper it such pra'ctioal impbrfa.uca; ia our farmers that we will give it. as a whole. He BaidVJ 0-Oi v "There is a r something , thatr draws a man to dairy work, what it is that iu duces one, to stick taa ork that is so exacting and that requires 465 days work each 154 montns, cbuntincr Sundays. thanksgiving, 20th of Mayxdy 4th, Christmas and New Years. I do not know-fwhat holds us but it s true that once a man gets into me work he is a prisoner for lile. I as a boy spent tny days, sell- goods and. book-keep H my business life at mefebanV ing my business life at mer eha Qising I had the financial mapage- for five vears of a; firm kib H a business of $120,000 yearly; at times I thought it impossible to pull through panicky years and ?hile doing this work I thought the hardest to manage to a bug les of anything I should every attempt. That was easy compared to work for the past nine years. I have found more tight Pces to pull oyer - in ? a little business," aggregating vo.000 per year, and harder 0fk to get over them than I found in all my: former occupa- price $4.00 Per Year, 8TBTE DAIRYMEN corxcdiiD. N. One time I had employed a VOUnw 1 TYto- :f -. TV j i ... 3 ! PgljaxUhtLin FebriaVy, 1.1 lhe vonny iairymg is an, expense from SSS?? l,io m;n7 w: r::'"1 "'",luu ums leatcea away.) yne threat cost of this work is leedintT. i,,A dairvman ni-tof at-nA-r, feeding. A dairvman mnat RhiHv the feed question and just -as lone as he makes all; food riee&fulthere. is -hope'jof suecess:' T6;buy;cow food to prodace: milk .or butter will break quite a rich man. - 1 "What - shall ' ai !; uian" glant to produce food for. .milk: isows i ? I can speak only f rbm'experience, so far as feedinir for milk la' hTi, ) cerned. "Butte'rl rnakins TfmaV;Te-i quire different feeding. I do ubt . - wr ' W make butter so can not speak; on that line. ' "Corn 'is mv: favoritelit is at home and, will produce more cow feed on any land ih an i: any. plant Iiiave tried : m week or ten dava from Marnli' 1 t . to August -1st if land is in. condi tion.' , i.. ;- . , . V. "Our firsf plan ting In Marcli is ot improved Golden dent anda variety.,will.grow to good feeding condition in 90 days. Owing to the wet snrinar we did not nlant Chfi f earTinui April 22nd. Gen try planted that day is now ready to tassel- out -although the land Jias lib tbeen't wetsince planted. We spend much time preparing land for crops and think the extra work is good pay. "Plant with drill in rows 3 1-2 feet; plants in drill 6 to 10 inches. When land will-work tbe:bmas hairow is draeged over every week .untiivcpra is:6 inches high, : : If : rain f aJJs the harrow is run over as, soon: as landr drys i enough io hold up- a horse Qtter culture is with filobe's 1 E cultitator 1 ' un less beason of raiathe-l-grass starts, on row,a small plow is then used to caver the grass:: : 1 : : ! "We try to plant corn every Saturday. This plan gives soil ing for cows from July 1st to November 1st; to leed wej cut 3 or 4 inches from ground with a short handle, hoe, vat barn w cut to 1 incfh ltngit fabo feed Jabout 2 bushels; toIM fcfllw . oaily. If weather as iayorably t the corn harvesVeri1 lhalf day cutting enough to feed 10 days. Sometimes a' 11otH wQI ripen taster than vwe feed, .we iat and shock loi "winter feeding.j Corn for silo 4s planted yery much as ' ior ' soiling except that nlant 9 to 10 auarts. 8by beans, per acre i4 me rows with corn variety, are so wn . ;he orn har vMeips e the row .spatyii.igSJrfee silo corn beans; , peas, weds and farmers would strip fodder we cut for silo,, findingv lagofrom corn neatTy Vipe Vo Be better for milk making than that cut at roasting ear stage. It w4 had to fevpW&IanM except on ana naa to.cnpps int uu, earn' Would oe our choicer A variety is best, however, and a lot Vr llntsyrWer no food we f pretty with a lot oriorage have found is better than sdrghumi ows are fond of it, the X&ilk js sweetest I ever drank, the -crop is easy grown, not at all checked by drought and if planted in April two feedings are had from one;plant- ing. Milo mase, Kafiier, Pop corn and Pearl millet are all good and are cultivated as'the sore hum crop. The cows enjoy an unexpected change; -for their pleasure-we grow several of these crops each year any which may ripen (Continped on Second Page.) - a, Wednesday. ,iune, 2s At Sixteen -Games are now . . . Only one Day, to i be Missed in the Prorram w Arranged. - - Our boyg are in for " baseball this 'f aDd they 0ow npoD their bulletin sixteen games with- I out stopping but one day. Some of the games, will "be played heie ! but th e most of them will be played on otner diamonds. 6 ine ionowing schedule is now made out: . .- ..) I O4 iMonday our j boys will go to Charlotte and play -a game with the Charlotte team.4 :': c On Tuesday and Wednesday, the tn" onJ the Cheraw dia- mond our boys will meet the de feated brothers of last week. ; V t On Thursday and Friday, the 6h and 7th, our ya will be back 1st Charlotte and at Latta Park -will i fight with the " King V Moun tain wurtnerng . Mountain tem whl0 team has defeated the x&ouniain isianas noys. : On the 10th, 11th and 12;h, we will be at Union, .8. .C. playing against the :'tea.m;.the.re. On the followingbThursday,. Fri dayrandiSaturday they will be on the diamond of the Piedmont learn. During ; the next . week we will play: , at leastipnel iame-j.With ithe Mountain Islanders and the States ville boys;; iA.s7 to ; on f which dia monds the gamevtwill be1 it is not definitely fixed .but Out people will see at least one ofithe, games here.: A game had, been planned, with thet Wade8)orp t leam i but. At ; ;h as bten downed asiihe financial- side of this docs notrghow 'up'weli. Would Not -Suffer So Again for Fifty X 'times heFricer" X I awoke last niht with severe trains in my stomach. I never felt so badly in all my life. When I came down to worK tnis morning I felt SQweakT"cbuld hardly work. ' I went to Miller & Mc- Cnrdv s druer store and thev re- com mended Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It -worked -4ike magieani r one dose fixedt me all c right. -It per- tainly !i$the finest thing 1 ever used for stomach-roublei -L shall not be without"itmmy home hfirafter. for' I ; should.-Tiot1 cafe to endure; ecCu5?P? M last price. tx 11 VV nsonj juiyeryman "RnrfTfittstown. ' 'Washington r Co. Patthia' jeme jylBoiorisiie by WIi Marahr ;Goxi 'druggist. f.':J The'jfegro AlmoslFIew,-c. ,:J c- TueBanighto ntfir In, the nart of town! inhabited entirely by the colored people They were in search of anegro who is wanted on ; the. chaingang. Another negro, his name not known, saw th officers and at once pulled his hat and ran for his life. Why"he-ranheotacefsdb hbf know and could not learn his name. Saveral shots were fired at him but it is notupposedthat any caught up with nlpa. '" " . Millions Given Away. It is" certainly gratifying to the public to know of ojoe concern in t.h lnvi-whnLlarF, not afraid-to be generous t(y the needy and suffer ing. c The proprietors of DrKing's New Discoyery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given avray over ten million 4rial boftles of this great medicine; and have the satis faction of knowingit has absolutely cured thousands of hopflless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all -diseases of- the Throat Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call at r. i5. Fetzer s arug store and get a trial bottle free. Reg ular size 50c and jsi. Jvery ooiue j guaranteed, or price refunded f J isog BADLY DONE UP. rom Jonnson Who Escaped from ne Chain Ganc is Bronght Dekn Bad ShapeHe was Shot, and Cntby Borne Kesrro. . ; . i On the 9thr day of April a - negro named Tern Johnson made his escape from the chaingang, lacking wenty-one days of finishing his three years sentence. ' On last jSunday Tom it seems got intfj trouble again by stealing from a riero in Mecklenburg.-Tomi wafl followed by the owner of the stolea goods to Mooresville. Know ing tbat the negro was wanted here on the chain gang officers started out after the negro, accompanied by the colored owner of the clothes, jonnson was headed oil bv the negro searcher and they had a con flict befort the oflBcers arrived on the scene.'- Johnson must have fought ram pantly to save being caught by the officers and had a lively, time. As a result of the attempted ar rest th e officers came an4 found Johnson lyingjon the aground with :gasBWiQ.hisrishl:t,rm and pack; and was shot m the left - arm 'and left: thigh', v - - r Johnson was brought here to jail Tuesday evening, andwill be Jtpi there until nis wounds are better. No bullet was lodged . in : his arm but one is still in his hip. CURB A OOIiD IIT ONE DAT- Take Laxative llJromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. : 25o. - Toe eentnn -nas iLi. ts: ut on eaqnxapiet. -A: (1 ; VICTOR and v t n : 1 ' ... xt D J Xj 1 REDUCED FROM snaicncn to For Seventeen" Years theStandard of excellence ip1 cohstriicv tion. style and finish. - New '99 Models,- The chance of a lifetime -to getthecBEST Wheei at a--nominal Phice. yorfce, - z fx - - To The Womams' Missionary .Con- ferenoe of, the:M. E. Church : We bid y bu welcome, and may joy and peace attend your coun- ens. .....i - x.....;. - i.: While within bur gates we ask that you" givelthe Furniture Store of BELL, HARRIS & GO. a call and use us to your advantage. . Bell, Harris 'Single Copy 5 Cents PEESONAL POINTERS. TMr. Jno. Fisher, of Albemarle,, was here today. "Mr. Robt. -Keesler m in Cbaf lotte thi? atternoon. : Mr. X Vf H uneucker, of Salis bury, is here today. - - - -- T-Misa Maggie Bays, of Charlotte i4visiuh at"Judge Montgomery's. Mrs. Grier and daughter,' of Lexington, arrived here this morn ing to 'visit Miss Claude Fisher. Mr, L J Foil, of -Mt. Pleasant,, was here today. His son, Fred Foil, went ovei to Charlotte to visit Mr JhorFoii: Miss Minnie FelTers arrived here this morning from Rowan county. to visit Miss Hattie Wed dington. She will return to her home jn South CarAliDa tonight. AT I J. VICTORIA r Xj nn, OTtii: & Go & - - A4::,:Cv::v.;-:::-; & A Fii'li line fefe S?5 Comp any

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