I v i. . ..... . . - 1 The fblloWiog change of schedule took ffcet March 12, lWp. V NOK? ABOUND. : Ho. 8 rriTcVat5 52am, "10 00 am,, "I 7-09 p m, -J M 8.51 p m, (flag) " '9.45 pm, 44 2 O0a.m(tieui t) 44 86 "12 V33 4 a .SOUTHBOUND. No. 37 arrives at 8 49 a nf (flag) 44 11 "li;ull 23am, 7 , y " oi p m, -85 u " 9Mit p m, (fl igr) 44 7.19 it in, At " ; v B4ya m. iireignij No. 35. whim running ahead of No. 7, i flagged if necessary for through travel S3Utk of harlotte, and is stopped for gtessengers arriving from Lynchburg or ZaeyeudL No.- 8(S stops regularly for passengers for Salisbury, High Point, ; Greensboro, lieidbville, Oanville and principal stations between Danville and Washington. No. 37 stops for pas sengers coming from J ynchburg or point) beyond, and to take on pas-.-seogers for regular stopping places aotitliof Newells. No. 33 stops to let ofiV pfcssengera from regular stopping graces south of Newells and to take on fj&gsetigers for regular stopping places, Oynch burg or beyond. - . Nbiv .... 33 and 34 stop at Concord for jguaeogers to or from the J. C. & A. Uivision Charlotte to Augusta and . crther jpoints in South Carolina, Georgia nd Florida, reached tnrougn uommoia ir 'Augusta Nos. 7. 8. 11 and 13 are the local trains d"eoHEect at Salisbury with trams of w. N. U. Division. : . TELEPHONE NO. 71. FUUNUKIl 1842. "SING THEIR OWN PRAISE." . jgL Retail Dealer . cannot sell a $500 iano for "$399," but as Manufacturers srecan sell a PIANO for $350 that a re iler cannot sell for less than $500. Visit our Wareroom before you buy 4rine Tuning. . . . . . . Phone 196 Chas.IM. Stieff, Piano Manufacturer, -Baltimore, lid. Efadtory Branch Wareroom, No. 213 N. TryonSt.,Charlotte,N.C. G.M. WILMOTH, Manager. Ernest McConnell Dai warned home from High Point, where be has been telegraphing -for several days On account of taking train orders his age interfered. HIS -FARMING ' RE POUT. Tit a vivnB .ff tti nrv x naanwtriH amv - .f rnrm hi li , Fnlr tiraud TH Vouta nnd ibe Prtflt nd tbe In- vestment,. Our townsman, Mr. O A Dry, irbo never spends money witbout know- ng heie in ta gon?, and who N wants to see r he far nier prog- per, bad handed ua hu report of the wheat madeat th' Fir Grounds by . - I bjin? frown in wn-ac -wm r whs s glad to hare Mr. Dry's annual report, both for its reading and for its pn fb wblch it, may prove. Fo! lowing i ra the fignrei: PI i wing 14 acres at $1 00 per acre ; : . . ' ;$14.00. Wnano 554.00. A oid v ' 4 40. 105 bushels of cotton eed at 10c per bushel 10 50. Ill loads of man are at $1 per load 1 11.60; 10 laborers at 60o. 6 00. DnlHnflr in wLieat 7 25. Harrowing .65. Ons horse and wacon 6 days at 50o, - 00. 20 bushels of wheat at 80a .16 00. Harvesting wh av 14.46. Threshing wheat 11.15. Hauling wheat to mill 2 00. EXOUR8ION TO ASHEVILXe Dy 242 v bnBhels of whtat . at 75o " By 8. raw $125 46 $181.87 1 15.00. Expense of crop $196 17. 125 54. 71.33 . T ( ...... Half of '-99 gone! If you want to be pleased, go to Brown's barber shop. Miss Flora Leak, of Winston, is Tititing Miss Mary King. S"OR 8 ALE two-BtoryhouBe on Kast Depot street, cheap. Apply to J A Pitts, Misa Mollie Fetzer, who has been staying at Reidsville, is visiting at Or. N D Fetzer's. Misa Cora Collins, of Asbeville arrived here Friday to visit her lister; Mrs. Lutr e-Saunders. Greensboro is now a dispensary town. ; The new ordinance went into eBect Friday night. Mr.. Jones. Yorke returned tiome yesterday evening, after being oat on.the road some time. The Salisbury Sun of Friday .states that the mayor of Lexington svas tined S3 35 for being drunk. Rev. C A Rose, of Franklin near Salisbury, is critically ill. Dr. A J Crowell, of Charlotte, was called there yesterday. ' cam Parish, of Raleigh, ar-;..-..wed here Friday, having come - trom Raleigh on his wheel. He stopped with his friend, Lois Cra Ten. 1 ' - juu neta ireeh bread or rolls you Cai get them at the Concord bakery. I will-bake every day this Robt. Ingram. Mr. J L Kendall and family, who .:e on South Main street have gone to Lmcplnton, where Mrs. Kendall -.will visit her relatives. Mr Cha9. Barrett ba3 gpne to harlotte, where he will take a tax- 2nKTm th6 Ada Mills. He .U be there about two months. he Woman's Pnr0;n -tt:s aurdh will iV nr. lM1M etz3r. Profit on investment It will be seen that Mr, Dry, hat made 5 09 per acre on his invest. ment. This year he mftder8ix ty one and onehalf buihU more than" htf did iikst year. He ejpectg to i arte uuuureu oasaeis on iit.M next jear, which can be crfihe increaaea tt the rate & did thif yeir. Now here is the point ilr. Dry wishes to make by his report v Land of this grade can be easily .boojht throughout nr o n&ty bt ear farmers at f 15 per acre. Thin' ftl the rates this field this ytar yisUed a farmer won Id pay for his land in three years. Another consideration is the fact that Hr. Dry hired his work done at the prices t'f teaai here in town Select Prty82.50 for ISotiud Trip-' For the Beneflt f 2Iqdi Anioena Seminary. On Thuredar, July 6r.b. I will personally conduct an txcursiQh to Asbeville, the profi s f which will go to Mont Amoeua Female Sernin ary . The train wilt start from Concord at 7 a. m f retnrning h- next djiy, leaving Abeyule l 1 30 p. m. The excursion will take p i. sangers from Concord, China Grov-. Salisbury,. r Barber Junction and Cleveland. Positively only 80 tickets will be sold. These will be O'f sate at Cook & PoiU Mt Pleasant; Dry & Miller, Concord; Pattereon Manufacturing . Co., : China . Grove, and O M & H M Brown,, Salisbury . When all of the sea's of .the fi?e cars are engaged by the aMe of the 280 lickete, positivelyi hot .unnther. ticket will by Bofd, as a eelvct crowd is desired; The excursion jh planned to secure a firat-ciaaa party, and U derive as mxich pleasure from it as traveling on a regular train.: I have been to Asherille and have secured special. faora ,f rom the livery stables .. ana - hotels . - The beautiful Oaka hotel has given- our party a rate of $1 25 per day. Board may be had cheaper at tbe boarding houses. A card will be issued on the train giving addi esses of the boardiog bouses, hotels and livery stables which give our party favors. Every arrangement has been made to make the excursion the most pleasant one possible ."' If yon miss it. you miss an opportunity that eeldom comes. Yon are invited at once to secure your ticket for this select excursion You help a good cause by &p doing. Ton, can not Uke advatag of ; thii excursion af ter ' all; ticket s haVe been goldi Therefbrevburtf yootickatV xv . JKsptfully; x v. oenueruon viviauir, Stewart, -Mtr KeaMit, N. : I 5" Died of Menlnetis. - -; The 2 J-y ear-old dadghf er of Mr. Will Walter, of near'Gfcsf died Thursday night ofmeningetis. She was ' buried Friday evening at Smith's chapel. The bereaved parehta have the (tcbridolence I of every parental heart. SEE--THE FOR:. v i " '" . . .- fcAT W.feC. Correirs Ifc A O' Thomas, of Mamville Texhd found ? ' nwrK valuable W E ARE GOING TO CLOSE OUT OUR REGARDLESS OF COST. as is is for 25 cents. Worth soc NOW TS YOUR TIME f- v discovery than haSyef beri made in the Klondike. - FoPyeara he shf fered untold agony from consamr oniscpQi6d. by hemorrhages; arM jtrcabcolatelcw King's iNer-Diecei in cqmparisoii with' this marvelbuB cure;' would, have it, even if it cost a hattidred dollars a bottle.) Asthma, iiroiichitis and all throat and lung aflections are positivelxi cured .hy Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Trial bottles free at P b Fetzer'a drug store. Regular size 50 cents and $1 00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. All kinds of refreshing Drinks : Sodas, ; : MIEk Shakes, I Ice. Creainni Sodas -c sand Sherbets, we keep, , Nice creams always on hand at our parlor opposite St Cloud hotel. At Central SI. E. Cbnrch Tomorrow. Tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock Rev. GLJS Datwiler, of Gastoniai will deliver the annual sermon be fore the Woman's Missionary con fereace. An excellent program of musio has been arranged for the occasion. V Tomorrow afternoon the Light Bearers of Central Methodist church will give an entertainment: There will be no services in that church tomorrow night. ! fellow Jaundice Cured. Suffering humanity should be supplied with every means possible for its relief. It is with pleasure we publish the following: "This is to certify that I was a terrible suf ferer from Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and was treated by some of the best physicians-N in our city and to no avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist; recommended Electric Bitters: and after taking two bottles I was entirely cured. I now take great pleasure in recommending them to any person suffering from this terrible malady. T am grate fully yours, M. A. Hogarty, Lex ington, Ky." Sold by P B Fetzer's Drug store. 1JVE ON YOXTR PORCH IN StJMMEK. As much ai , you . can and gain nealth and strength thereby. . Fnrnuh your piazza, with such comfortable porch Rockers Reed and Willow Chairs and a good; Hammock to recline in iroia our handsome stock and yon will enjoy your summer comfort.: ' : ee pur handsome Rug8 and FJoor Coverings. No doubt about the prices being Bock Bottom . UNDERTAKING - DEPARTMENT. Best Eqnipod Prompt Attention and BEST SERVICE. are siispiim', Oarilla m:iki:' a- 5-c are cae cures Uj irsaparilla, and yet thej atural . Hood's Sa-rs? Gv W. Patterson can please you with NICE LEMONS, Fresh Butter on Ice, Quaker Oats, Hominy, Chipped Beef, Canned Corn. Tomatoes, and Peaches. Soda, Baking Powders, Starch Cheese, Crackers, Lard, Hams, Pic nic Hams, Breakfast Strips, Green aDd Parched Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Soap, Peas, Meal, Corn, Shipstuff, Oats, Oil, Flour, Molasses, Salt, Vinegar, Snuff, Tobacco, Rice, Potash, Spices, bottled ; Pickles, Washing Powders and anything in the Grocery line. We also carry : Rope, Crockery, Glass-ware, Wooden vware, Dry Goods , Shoes Hats, Tin vware Etc. Etc iiiiiii B 11 Offers the business public a reliable, per manent, conservative and accommodat ing banking instution. We solicit your patronage with the. assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. If we can serve yoa any time we will be glad to have you come and see us. , LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS J TO CUSTOMERS. - - - - ;- - Capital ana MM - - J70 000. D. B C014TKANE, Chashier, J. M. Odelii, President. We close our store at 8.15 dur ing the summer months. We de- x m. M, L. Brown & BRa , LIVERY, FEED AND SALEJ STABLES, Just in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. Oa nibuseB meet all passenger trainr. Outfits of all kinda furnished promptly and at reasonable pricefy Horses and mule3 alaya on hand or sale. Breeders of noroughbred Poland China Hp???- U Y 1 i i