vhlUT d 701.1 1. tMwmtm ' r r -1 '0.1 1MD t?V7 tU 11 Oil ill c i . on d'JO A Ova fOl a 9 A 60. ' i t I 11 ' " ' "77 c6nferenoe GLOMES. 1 Thr Annual -Sermon- DIivereS Sunday MorningThe Reports By Delegates Morning me Kepons uy ucicgaiw Continued-Twentieth CeaturxJUs Sionary Offering. STAUBDt H kOENIKG-S EXEBOISESr, Devotional exercii !:wre; vCbfi-; dacteduby Mrs. R -Brooka, of Salisbary. . - It was decided that the addresa of the pre8identnd Oonf ereoce secreu tary, Meadames Robertson nd Craw ford be published in the mmatea, also in the N. 0. Ohriatiau ' Advov cate.; ' r: . The morning was devoted to children's work In the ahsenca of lira. W H Leith lady manager for the 8tate, the-little people were BOinewhat orphaned until a new manager conM be appointed. Many regret! were expressed tjonceming Mrs . Leith's intention to give np the work, and petitions offered that the guidance of the Holy Spirit be had in selecting her successor . A number of visiting ministers were introduced at this time and helped with words 6f cheer. i Mrs. Brooks called the delegates from the children. Hiss Oharm Harris read a most gratifying report from Asheville. - Charlotte Tryon street, Miss Louise VTada worth, gave a very breezy, Y&ireshiog, -stirring reports This repor t was read in Miss Wads V worths most charming manner.' : Master Sneed Ogburn read aeryj fine reort of the work done toy fchej Lenoir Juveniles. This delegate liainc worker m ine mission vcaoee, lotte, read the report from Calvarj chorob. This report evidenced con siderable growth. Miss Graca Ardrey rread a ood report f rem fPineville . Trinitylchttrch, CharJtthadno representative, report j mdbjjKldisi; triot ttcretary. ; Matthews sent a .good 'report by Hisr Jbn la Williams :v : x v District secretary read report fron Brevard street ohttrch, Olrarlotte: A most creditable showing. Wazhaw, represented by Mrs . Litaker, had a very good report f fr vFranklin district not repMfer Qreensboro'distriot, West Market fltreet delegate,' Miss Mary Ferter, had a very fine report, as the.finaiice$ will show, y I "i " Centenary, i goody report readi " lij Mrs. Weaver of the Reidsyille dis trict. ' v - ' Reidsville had a good report.,, r, Asheboro, -idelegate Mrs7 E Blair reports' faithful work and much good done for the cause. Salisbury's delegate, Mica Grace West, reported a sad faot jhf that they lost $25 if their monejJrHeQ cupio were not daunted bv this, but worKonlyrthe iharderaf The reportt of Central church, Concord, read.by Miss Myrtle Day. Tult, was so;; good that your res porter's adjectives gave out in try ing to de8cribei'it. Forest Hill. Concord . .fh 'ub cnarming little snl. stitute was littloiw Jtrfia TB.rro ehghtfal treat than the aiiDg of this report; j : uvon;i t-im . r The.. pgUs Bearersf Salisburi Jave raised more money than any other district. . i dew Mi?8 Wlllie nkins f!l!!!!!lithat they were hoirwr ill u .1 v N (Conttnued inourth Pag e.) J THE NEGRO. ESCAPED. After fife Xejsri r-m hjifleiMi to tii a.sne. to Hands of the Law He enonpts Saye Troable-fiffieer To'wnBj4fhejail , Uld -BOC -TOnsTsltrof.tboiia " - -' Tirger wuBriea .ouiuargif -ui curiosity and wouidL nor av attfi ;Pe on iMrsdDaYid doBeohBbiiurw Wnfi . Black welder: : a - white :iwoman ;6f r , ,." , ? , q iio. 5 township. .iTheJevidoe!: SVNMX , var'clgar enough VgaiMt Mtt V- , 1 M I. mat ic wa.8 noi aaywauie 10 . lurn : "f "orasiix piei oror. him loose but confine him .. ;. -r : rJ'GBlIty Person. ' '. :.. ..- . , .' until court. . , -y --d v.ty o-.vi On Saturda( - ni hi Bherifl --e P86 f FT aroused , , . from their elumberf shortly after 5 Peek was adyieed to take the clock 8undayr inorniiig by the the nego from jail and he did so. riDging of the 4re bell and the About 9 o'clock Deputy Sherifi, usual cry if fire. r'y: Townsezrd took: the negro down It was found that the cotton-plat into a hollow baVk -of the Boyd form wa burning dt the west end sbopi between 12 and 1 o'clock 11 Weigher Props t was about tr K m ; ; , , t ; the first to give the alarm, a negro Mr, Townsend heard some one ; , . . . -, v , : ; cook having informed him. ojmins? aown mere. it was Sheriff Peck-' coming and he signalled to the officer by whist ling. Mr. Townsend, fearing that it was not the: sheriff, thought .it beet' to fasten his oricunal and go arid investigate. . He took his wa belt fro m around hifi ; waist and buckled the negro to a tree, hamng : als3 the ecWon him. In only a few. minutes. Mf, Townsend returned to his tree and the negTo had made his escape. : About dayliilrinday: iniQrn ing Officers Townsend and . Hess were watching about the home of thaV-negro-'s : father -near ' :lltr Abner Misenheimer's and saw the negro and his father coming from the direction of a blacksmith shop where it is thought the handouffs wero taken off.; They men ttooffiffifc distant; to hit munity was out in search: of him Snndaybttt to no avql About ie ime thej; negro escaped trouble was bruinc here in town . n ear the .- , ja ;j-at the intersection of Corbin and Church Streets. Sl fcrqwd of frhfr P pH, fenppolid to numbertbetween assembled, and on the pavement in vfront cAfc'iJIftjJiiA Oline's residence a considerable .'crowd of c(iiored ppU werV xonaVegated. pie were lined up here 'jdid not "nfateTTaffrtOok yery well and a gentleman,v fearing that trouble would result, went and asked that iS 'mk there Wff notgoing to be any fynching VeSfe&a18 not in jafl. They did not obey and a rOck was hufled by some persons into the colored crowd. This did not do the work arid a . straighworward charge was made and the-ioolored population were made Ao turn their heels and flee to other parts. Sey(erQjsnDts: er -firedkbuKno oieuri. To an onlooker it seemed ioWhil i$ i & Hoi was on hfldyIlIJ n loi iL' u il The wnite pfrspjsjrfceli hot- ine; aj)outhe jail that night until 66enSf1ttf told them that he would take sev- eral of their representatives through the jail and show them that Charles Barringer was not there. ' This was done and noj trouble -resulted.- In i-SfiVa fn where the crime scom it Ui W- v l j i ghduld be Boated that th., mob , 3at people but mosfcholly iof , some: Of .Otrr own eonfo -rfrIvnnmhArfi - , " - Bix bales of cotton which- be longed to the Lippards & ' Shealy Manufacturing Co. caught fire and were badly! burneid,T theugh some of each bale can be saved. ": ' 5 There can scarcely be any ' doubt but that this was 'the) work of some person. Who it was we Will Beyer know.i From the appearance' there about the torcbr must have been applied at the bottom of one o! the vfooden posts of, the foundation.; No insurance was carried on the cotton while on the platform. Baekiea'a jurniea iYev : The Beat 8alve in the world for Chta, Bruises, Sores, TJlcerv Rheum, FevejLores, Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblans, , Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay , required. It is guaranteed to give statisf action or monev refunded. Price 25. cents per box For sale at P B Fetises Drug store. Untlrf ag 1b Tltotr JEfiorl. i : ; Mrs. Jno; & Brooks, rording secretary of the missionary confer ence here, in writing to "the Char lotte Observer,0 saysV : uTheladies of Central -cburoh-and -Forest Hill are untiring in their efforts tb make their gufestal at ibomiij ii:''tiefr midst," :Jj JPr;pyrf lltyi lean --'-'j '-!" Mrsiisiow'f been vugediiifor .; overtfifty years by cegs;j,lt? OQthea heichildeoftens the gtft&, allajs all tmin,' Cnrea,ind Dirhoea,, jRs.WAjlIiX littleanfferer immediately Sold by 'he Mayor's court Monday morn our town lor noiiowing loudly on the! the streetS!duHnfthe ;t imevh en' 1 V lObWaB1orme;fr, A negro and a white man were trlfiH fnr hpatinff the triin. Both wrWitS Eihlbaintahone V - . - . i. . j Atv- foi- fifteen aavs , or moxf - ana we Tf tronbled-withf rheumatism, eive Ohamberlaip's Pain-Balm a tiial. 3 twill notcost7yon1a.ijent u liuoeino gooa. Otiel applicaion will relieve the pain. It also cures sprains and bruiles in one third the time required by iny other treatment. Cuts, burns, frostbites, quinse", pains in the side aid chest, glandular and other swellings ere quick ly cured by applying it. Eve y bottle warranted. Price, 25 and 50 ts. ML Marsh & Co. t ren Mile teething, with perfeol sue-- aruggista'iff every-pari or ine worian CXCl J Siln -eviw riMcCih'deVbfPrdW vilte, lahereoalaf. PfintLiyfktexda heroi xliaofaiiioo sdb r-Mr. H C Henderson, of Char- 1 Pf. ftobt. g ' YoVnWttended the Chartbtte-Concordf Rime this s TT-Mr J.M Cochrane tand Mrs. R S Cochrane, of Due West, havn re-x turned homefterrrvieiting Mrs. 8 -Hi VY rnarr. i.... vt i i ? H-MessrVj Wads worth and G L Patterson went to Mica&bei trier's ! ! springs last Saturday evening to spend a few days. -is . ax : T1 six) v. :oiriJ:i-.v l w l vjrc ANr .i) f.y.i?:'-vy;tf to Fresh lii V' .. . L OF ' '" V..,-. 1 ; .i "r ,f . : . i . i : i i . . -'. v For Seventeen "Years tne Standard of excellenee in c .SO- i.- i ) 4"" '' ' " ' t i -' ' ' " tion. style nd ltnisH. 1 New '99 lifetime to, ?ttbfi mTMJ&m m ii i r TTfAii I lr- 101 1 JWesbid 'you welcome anc s? ii ? nIiji HViia tiinoeq iao jo fun UVUUV XAi U UVUVL V J L4.J. ' ,lW1 doiav nr i.7 j ?:inilauvTjoiU.uj.:i: TxDSnf, Wh ile within pur gates la tnat you give tne of BELL, HARRIS & CO. a call and use us to your advantage. Bell; Harris & Company 1 - 1,111 " !ii!ilii-i-4i4T'f twui.trixi ol femivr. .11 , .0 M: .LioDaoO h -Dom . . 4 W "J Leather.' The priie is' '8.00. v' r "SI. Welted extension edge 3 Die. t -: - ' C?- f'i.: ; ;. . ''.3 ' For Ladies we have alltos. v from I to 7 in'the1 latest style : ..... . i . i j .. ...... 1 r toes, black or 4Jn, of the nicest Kid. The best you can get for " . cl s udi lit l: f 1.25, 160, Oio and1 Sof 5 If ': 1 ' y on have trouble' getting ,a fit;- txybnrffur rr.'i HI 11 .if; i--- ... i i - . - ' v 1W 1 kia i r iltV. oftY ojnho adi asiiv ri;t i i i nose tyjsin-. . au.-w itiayi ruw Lira .. hi. I . V ' v 1 0-! JOS Models. Tbeii chi cnp t zl - lie; V1 ui n UKji&iiIji 10 ll lo tiua Xltrr itel dc&L ifw .miiarrixedi lo Hiobsl 8PtIIf)0i H bui tdarr rai 'iioaJ lai .iiooooua blcoxife sdeaz mhriosi bicir UtakM " " . n6H vnol tU tlOfV tohs furniture EOJ! 1 J" 's ;ai- dihr,'1 i.

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