Price $4.00 Per Year CONCORD, N. 0., THURSDAY, JULY, 6 1899 Single Copy 5 Cents t i THOSE TEXAS FLOODS Great Destruction of Life and Property Along the Brazos River. The horrors of the Texas floods along the Brazos river grow as Cheraw boys treated our team recorded m his office. Clerk more of the details come in. The most sumptuously as a compen- Cook, assisted by Mr. James valley for the distance of 500 sation for the nice time we gave Ervin, has been indexing the miles with an -average of five them when they were here. The wills ill', his office and has fin miles in width was submerged. ! Charlotte Observer gives the ished. Jills have been recorded In places it was over the tele-, ffrra-hh noles and the toos of houses Thirteen bodies have been recovered but it is feared that the death list will run up in to hundreds. , Where a few days before there was fine crop prospects and a beautiful valley of fair prosperi ty there is a grewsome spectacle of mud and slime on the car casses of every kind of domestic animal with Q a mixture of hu manity. . There are many cut off oh high places and great suffering must ensue before they can be rescued. t. The Excursion to Asheyille. 1 At an early hour today (Thurs day) about forty people were at the depot to go on the excursion given by Dr. Henderson Miller for the benefit of Mont Amoena Seminary. At last the train pulled up to the station and friends bade friends a pleasant adieu antl the excursionists were off for the land of the sky to en joy the exhilirating mountain breezes and to partake of water which knows no equal. Seats were suitable arrranged for the different parties and Signor Ritz had neatly furnished his refresh ment car and was preparing to serve lemonade, parched goob ers, peanuts and pinders. . It was a lovely trip and every one . enjoyed the beautiful scenery, as they passed different points of interest. They almost reached Buffalo mills but they would not be put off there so were brought Back to the station and their excursion was o'er, as tvev. Mil ler was compelled to announce to them that the excursion proved a failure and if he were to run it he would lose still more. It is unfortunate that Mr. Mil ler failed to secure the necessary number thereby losing $150 be sides sacrificing his efforts to wards its success. Had he gone on with the train though he would have lost not less than $250. By telephone and tele graph he obtained the actual number of tickets, knowing exactly how much he would lose. It was necessary for Mr. Miller to pay the railroad company nearly $120 even when he dia, not run the excursion besides his other expenses, such as advertising, etc. I A Change to Be Made at the Depot. Mr. Chas. Kimball, who first came to this place as a freight clerk and who was afterwards made chief clerk in" the freight department his resigned . his position which will - take effect about the 16th of this month. Mr. "Billy" Weddington has accepted the position and will get acquainted with his work until that time. The Bridge Finished. j For some time travel j over the railroad bridge has been stopped on account of the carpenters be ing busy lengthening it. It is now considerably longer and three railroad tracks, besides a wagon-way, go under it. If troubled wifa rheumatism, eiye Chamberlair's Pain-Balm a trial. twill not cost you a cent if it does no good. One i apphcaion will relieve the pain. It also cures sprains and bruises in one K? tlm eled by any other oiHnSf1 V Ct8' A, burns' frostbites, 2??f?,'I1?8-2-the- Slde and chest fi and 0t? sweUings are quick Jo Ure? lF ffPR'it. Every bottle WANTED4-A house Apply at this office. to rent. .' One Victory from the Cheraw Boys. I fPKtt flrof rratno wifc'h tVlf fThp.ra,W I vrwc rociiltorl iri nnr dfiffiat 1 but 1 on Wednesday the compiunent was returned. No doubt the wv j ju -.----- v - following full account of the nw o o -Pv 1 1 rTTTc i 'The game Wednesday was won by Concord by a score of 9 to 4. The double umpire system was used, which was more satis- uu v single umpire, as Concord at- the number j per year is more tributes her defeat of Tuesday to now than when wills werexfirst the umpire. recorded. : ; : v . Both teams played snappy Lo0king Towards inroiement. ' aU Thp Svffl Mr. T. fePrown, who is con Mangum, Concords crack third ducting a barber shop oiext door baseman, after running against to Mr..:; J. orrSP livery sta- John Donnelly, , of Charlotte, played left field for Concord. LeGrande, Concord's catcher, brought the grand-stand to its feet several times by his sensa tional catches of foul flies. Hall, Shaw and Bennette, of the Union, S. C, team,4 played with; Cheraw and played good ball, news comes : that over in Italy Hall and Shaw composed the ' storms are being intimidated by battery, and Bennett played first. I firing blank' catmon shots at Concbrd only made two errors in ine enxire game. nings: Concord 0 1 3 Cheraw 0 0 0 Jl i 1 CI - T i Score by in- 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 4 0 0- -9 4 R. H. E. 9 9 2 4 8 9 Concord - - -, Cheraw - - Struck out by Hall, 2; Oldham, 3. Bases on ball, Hall, 2; Old ham 1. Two-base hits, Concord, Reed, Donnelly, Oldham; Misen heimer; Cheraw, Malloy, Duvall, Burnett. Umpires, Hoover and Pollock, Sam Brumley." Today and tomorrow our boys are on the Charlotte diamond baffling with the King's Moun tain team, v They will return home tomorrow night and will recuperate for the games of next week. I He Parts With One of His Dogs. There is not a man in! all the towns around who thinks more of dog sense than Mr. Will Bing ham, and he. takes a pride in teaching this family. Nothing scarcely would make him part with Rex, his setter, ;but on Thursday he sold his fine white one, Bang, to Mr. Milton Brown, of Salisbury. , The dog had be come quite ba4 to bark at passers-by, and Mr. Bingham feared a dog funeral, hence sold him to Mr. Brown. Mr. Bingham in forms us that the consideration was $100. ,. , ..... ; m ' - Out at the Chain Gang. Superintendent Benfield now has a force of twenty-nine . on duty on his road. Two men are in jail that he claims, too, but cannot get them on account of their condition. One, Tom John son, is suffering yet from his wounds made by being shot and cut. The other one is badlv dis eased. A white fellow who was put on has been released oh ac- count of having a bad case of consumption,, so much so that he could work scarcely any of the time- For Over FUty Years Mra. Winslow's Soothing Syrap haa been uBed for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the ch!d, softens the gum., allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five sents a bottle. Be snre and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Sooth- Jing Syrnp," and take no other kmj The Indexing Work Finished. As h Profnf rvra - cfof 4 enacted bv the last. To-iciaiiTv , w -wv- v ui vy tnat tne cierfe of the court of each county index the wills m this county mce about 1820, ann nn Ti T,niR nmft- thoro morfl 585 to be Indexed. This shows an average ot only about seven wills per year. It can be readily seen thatronly a small number of nrrmnim been finished and soon an elec trie fan will be placed , in the room. - ' ! -' Adyised to Lad Their Guns for Bear. Last week we printed an ac count of a storm out West which was fatally wounded by a cannon shot being fired iito it.' Now the them. We have our doubts I , . , -r-ri , I ' whether a Western cyclone can be bluffed that yay or not, and we would respectfully advise our Western friend when they see one coming to pad their guns for bear, if it does cost a little more. The Mascot;! . j A Goltpn Dream. A tenant on one of Sheriff Blackwelder's farms in the lower part of the county the other day picked up a piece of gold worth $6.00. The sheriff had been dreaming of gold on that place for several nights before he heard of the find. All, sorts of figures are flitting through his head. Newtoii Enterprise. , Would Hot Suffer So Again for Fifty Times the Price. I awoke last night with severe pains in my stomach. 1 never felt so badly in all my - Jife. When I came down to work this morning t felt so weak I could hardly work. I went: to Miller & Mc Cardy's drug ' b tore and they re commended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It worked like magio and' one dose fixed me 'all right.; It cer tainly is the ! finest thing I ever use! for stoin&ch trouble. I : shall not be without 4t in my home hereafter, ior V should not care to endure the sufferings of Jast night again 1 for -fifty times its Drice. G H Wilson, Liyeryman, BurgettstownJ Washington Co., Pa. ThSi et edyH3 for sale by il Ii Mf i &&o,-9 druggist, f Another Page of Blood. , Another page in the history of the Hatfield-McCoy feud - on the borders of Kentucy and West Virgina was Written in blood on the 3rd insty when young Ellis of the McCoy side drove a Win chester ball t'lrousrh-'thft. head of Alias HartfielH Jr. The two srot . into a quarrel on the train about 'the old feud Matter.. Each had his gun and bach attempted to i shoot but 19-tear old EUis was me quiCKer snot. xitj tj&uapc; into Kentucky and it remains to be seen how nany will be killed on account oi this affair. . Baelclen' Arnica saire. The Best Salve in the world for Outsi Bruises,! Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheumj Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblains; Corns and all Skin Eruptioni, and positively cures Piles or V no pay required. It is gaaranteed to 1 give statisf action or J monev refunded, rnce cenrs per box For sale at P B Fetzer'a Drug store, f PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. S. J. Lowe was here to day. Mr; Jas. Heilig, of Salisbury, is here today, n Mr. Dan Summey, of Char lotte, is here today. i Mr. Jno. B. Sloan returned home this morning from Ches ter. -Miss Florence Eddleman, of China Grove, is visiting her sis- fr Mro n,', xrWn i AriVA1' ndib. ivimuaii. Mr. Young Caldwell, who is staying at Mr. Fred Glass's, is Spending today here. ; .. Mr. Jno. Miller went over to Charlotte this morning to wit ness the Concord-Kings Moun tain game. V Prof. Jesse Oldham, who is staying at Mountain Island this summer, with the baseball team there, is spending today with his friend, Dr. R. Si Young. ' I CAKES I AT S. J, VICTOR and OF IfamI :nii i BICYCLES REDUCED FROM Sno0(O to 5SEopcno For Seventeen Years the Standard of excellence inonstrac tion.t style and .finish. New '99 Models. The chs .u, r . a lifetime to get the Best Wheel at a nominal Pbic-, Yorke, Wadsworth & Co THE WARMEST BABY IN TOWN. That's what CONFERENCE SAID about the RED HOT line of Furniture, House Goods, Sewing Machines, Etc. . ..... . they met Well, we bny to soil. We buy direct from the BEST Factories in the United States in Car Lots and if there BE an inside on prices we get it. When in need of anything in our line all we askyou to do is give ns a call and we will do the rest. Kespectfally, , . Bell, Harris & Companv N. B. Our Undertaking Department, under the management of W L Bell, is complete in every department. Calls answered prompt ly day or night. Store 'Phone 12. Besidence 90. 'PIE 1 QIIIIYI I I! Our business keeps in- " . . . creasing all the time. . . ' Negligee Shirts. New colors just in-up-to-date shirtsno plugs, do hold-overs. Eery Shirt brim full of spick and span new ness and stylishness. Assortments and val ues like we hae been sho wing this week has brought throngs to our Shirt counter. Why shouldn't it. No such Shirt values were ever shown in Concord as we are showing today at 50, 75 and 98c A new lot of Collars, la dies' and men's. Night Robes 50 and 75 cts. I. PARKS ft VICTORIA Etc. with at . , . . . . . . IN THESE DAYS OF CLOSE ffillllllifi . . . . . COiPAM Furnishing Harris & Co. 's

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