4 Six - 3SS CONCORD, N. 0., TUESDAY v JULY; 11, 1899. Price $4.00 Fer Y5ar. SiDgle Copy 5 Cents 8. 4 fife jl isli Ci 0 STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. The Semi-Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Odell Manu facturing Company Amount of Work Done During the Six Months A Four Per Cent Dividend Declared. The Odell M anuf acturing. Com pany held their semi-annual meeting today (Tuesday) at their office. j The report of the presi dent, Mr. J. M. Odell, and the report of the secretary and trp.snrfir. Mr. W. Odell, was found satisfactory to the stock holders, showing that good work had been done. We are permitted. to publish a part of the report made to the stockholders, which will no doubt interest our readers and probably surprise them to find, such an amount of work being done. From January 1st to July 1st this company has manufactured 2,989,729 pounds of cotton, equal to about 6,350 bales - of 470 pounds each, 11,530,522 yards of goods, and 44,399 seamless bags. . '.. For their help during these six months they have paid out 92,551.38, which makes an average of $15,435.23 per month. The usual semi-annual dividend of 4 per cent, was paid. m mm We Lost the Game. Our baseball team when they left anticipated meeting a heavy team and it seems that their sup position was correct. When such a game as this comes up we are informed that the best play ers of Union, Pelzer and . Pied mont combine, so the game must have been a good one and one in which some fine players took part. The game - resulted in a score of 18 to 8! in- favor of the South Carolinians. A Fire Near Gold Hill. On Sunday night fire broke out at the McMackin mine hear Gold Hill, destroying the office, engine house, tool house and hoister and some of the timber in one of the shafts. It is not definitely known how the fire originated but it is thought to have been caused by a lamp left in the tool house. The mine belongs to the Whitney Reduction Co. , of which Mr. E. B. C. Hamblev is manager. An Aged Lady Dead. Mrs. Bost, an aged ladv, and the mother of Messrs. George, ivranK ana wiinam ost, oi our county, died Monday night at the home of her son, Mr. Frank Bost, in No. 3 township. She was the mother too of Mrs. J. L. Hudson of Cannonville. The funeral will be conducted at Centre ethodist church Wednes day. . Miss Crowell Married. On last Sunday morning Miss Maggie Crowell, of Richfield, . -i i was marriea to a young man named Godfrey, from South Carolina. The marriage was a surprise to the relatives of the bride, They spent Sunday at Crowell is a niece of Mr. J L. Crowell and has visited here. Baseball. There is prospects of Salisbury and Concord hitching on the aiamona at Henderson next week. Arrangements are being made now for the game, says the Salisbury Sun. Backlen'i Arnica naiTe. i ae Ueet Salve m the world ot Cute, BraifirtB, Sores. Ulcers. Sal Rheum, Fever tfores, Tetter Chasped u.juaa, unuDiams, Uorns ana a &un irruptions, &nd odtively care- risea or no pay required. It is gaaranteed to gi?e statisf action or fcionef refunded. Price 35 cents per box For sate at P R Trotva Umt, .re. ,..L . In Eulogy of Rev. C. A. Rose. Memorial services were held It will be remembered that a in St. John's E. L. Church, Salis- number of months ago several bury on last Sunday night, says manufacturers of iron bridges the Salisbury Sun. Rev. L. E. had representatives here en Busby conducted suitable relig- deavoring to secure the contract ious serviqes ana aiaresses oi iui a uiuugc uvci j.wj mvei. eulogy were made by Mr. Jno. The lowest bid was put in by M Julian and Prof. R. G. Kizer. the King Iron Bridge Co., In the death of Rev. Rose was a which company was represented loss so general and marked that byC. C. Morrison. Mr. Mor none who knew can but realize rison has been here several times that loss But it is a special since that time in regard to the pleasure to testify to his noble life. The Sun's report indicates the fullness into which- these speakers entered into their The National Union. On Monday night the National Union met and transacted some of its business vet unfinished, ir T in Rmnnt.-. and 'Messrs. Fred Swink and Jno. W. Cook were taken through the 'initiatory work. Dr. J. E. Smnnt, was filleted Council Derjutv for the lodge. The or- iivirriii rr,oof W odx(K Am -trill moat, rn thft second Tuesday night of each month, and it is very probable that they wiilmopt, in .thfi Masonic hall, Two more members are to be iTiitinW at, thft next meeting. Used a Saw On Him. We were told Saturday of a difficulty down at Millertown, this county, m which a negro was almost decapitated. Mr. McAhster, the storekeeper at a distillery, struck a negro in the back of the neck with a saw and the negro's head fell for ward on his breast. The neck was almost cut in two, and, of course the wound was a danger-. ous one, but, we understand, it is thought the injured man will get well. Salisbury Sun. Some Trustees Omitted " n jeowjiu Mu-y an enui. appeared as to the trustees of schools in No. 9 township. The In yesterday's Daily an error numbers of the townships were incorrectly arranged and hence we insert the last three in order to satisfactorily state it: No. 9 C F Smith, Geo. C. Shinn and R. F. Biles. No. 10 H. C. Cook, D. W. Turner and F. P. Boger. No. 11 Wm. L. Morris, A.' H. Litaker and R. C. Blackwelder. A Contract in Charlotte. Contractor Hamilton informs us that he has a contract to build a residence for Mr. M. W. Bar ber, in Charlotte. He will com mence on the work next week. Lightning Cured His Arm. A remarkable freak of light ning occurred here yesterday when a sudden shock restored to its old-time vigor the left arm of Eli Forbes, which had been use less for thirteen years on account of rheumatism. While he was sitting at the window yesterday a thundershower came up and with it were two sharp flashes of lightning. With one. of the tre mendous crashes Mr. Forbes felt a sharp pricking of his flesh and tingling in his bones and with a jerk his left arm shot violently forward from its cramped posi tion. The shock was over in a flash and Mr. Forbes felt his left arm bristle with -I vitality and tingle with vigor. To his delight he found he could user the arm as well as ever. East Brookfield, Miss., Dispatclr, 7th. NO CURE. NO PAY. That is the way all druggists sell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic for chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children sove it. Adults "refer it to bitter, nau leatin& Tonics. Price, 50c. , THE BEST PRESCRIPTION EOR s CHILLS and fever is a bottle of Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. Never fails to cure; Then "why experiment with worthless imitations? Price 50 cents. Your money back if it fails to cure. Bridge Question Unsettled, placing or tne onage out nothing definite could be reached, It has now been decided to cross the river at another place msteau. oi at . uluhi liio jDiauji. mill and hence other jdimensions will be necessary for the lwidge M r. w orrison, together with Surveyor Q. E; Smith, have been out there arid have: taken a ! measurement necessarv beiore i i j i contracting for the .bridge, JKssionary Institute. ' ai mo iamrgueidi uuuipieuuo OI v1- ivietnoaisT cnurcn was j ordered that eacE' presiding : elder hold a missionary institute in his district once aiyear. This institution began m Salisbury day uesday). r ev. J. D. Arnold, oi sorest nuir cnurcn; j Rev. Nelson, of the Concord l i ij. i j t- mi .c circuit, and Rev. Thompson, of Central church attended. The First Country Melons. For some weeks we have had on our:. market melons trom (jreorgia and boutn-uaroima but we now have country melons. Mr. Tom Litaker, who lives only a tew miles oeiow.town, Drougnt Mr. Walter Hess, of Salis the first load. There were eighty bury, who was a member of Com- m tne lOl. ' . Nearly Three Acres to Tend. A 'superintendent of one de partment in our largest factory plants jdnds himself busy with 2.84 sqbare acres of floor to traverse Thfc iccunied with , -SSsScd P It is certaiaiy gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffer ing. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coaghs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the satis faction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat Chest and Lungs are surely cored by it. Call at P. B. FetzerV drug store and get a trial bottle free. Reg ular size 50c. and $1. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. Father's SkSnto Save Child. Next week at St. Joseph's Hospital, in Marsfield, Wis., doc tors will perform a delicate ope ration on the five-year-old daugh ter of John Beickman. It will be the grafting of a large area of skin on the child. The fatter will submit to have the skin removed from his body to save her life. The little one was almost fa tally burned four weeks ago, when her clothes caught fire. On nearlyone-third of the surface of her, body only the raw flesh remains. Atlanta uonsutution.s ' - , mm","- ' Xellow Jaanaice Cared. Suffering humanity " should be supplied with every means possible for its relief. It is with pleasure we publish the following: "This is to certify that I was a terrible suf- Iferef from Yellow Jaundice for ovef six months, and was treated by iome of the best physicians in ou city and to no avail. Dr. Bell, oui druggist, recommended Electric Bitere; and after taking two bottles I vas entirely cured. I now take grpat pleasure ' in recommending them to any person eaffering from ttia terrible malady. T am grate f illy yon rs, M. A. Hogarty, Lex- gton, Ky." Sold by JP B Feizer7E rug store A Sharp Rejoinder. Some years ago Eev. E: Klumph, now of Elmt Wayne county, Mich., - while seated in a village store, accosted by a saloon keeper. with the remark: "Oome over to the church to night and hear me lecture on temperance." The Teply was: "I won't, you said whiskey sellers were rob bers. "I didn't," replied Rev. Klumph. "Why did you say?" "I said you were worse than a robber. I said you took my in nocent boy and sent him home a maudlin fool. I said you took an intelligent man, and sent a lunatic to the asylum. I said you took a respected citizen, and sent a criminal to prison. I said v. a . . . i 1 Ji - n J ,yuu iuuk a mini iaitner, ana sent a fiend to throw his family into the street. I said you took a loving husband, and sent a you took tne immortal soul, ana sent it to hell. I said your were worse than a robber." Sharp, and yet terribly true. Moved to China Grove. . The household goods of Mr. 1 Chas. Kimball have been moved rruj i i m to China Grove where he will probably live. Mr. Kimball will not leave for several- days yet. They will very probably board there, We regret to lose this i family from our town. PERSONAL POINTERS. imnv Ti is hevrA tnrin.v Mr. L. J. Foil, of Mt. Pleas ant, and Messrs Jno. A Barnhardt and M onroe Melchor, of Pio i nee Mills, attended the meeting of the Odell Manufacturing Co. today. OP AT S, J. Tl 71 Mm J 1 f&mi CAKES Ml THE WARMEST BABY IN TOWN. ' i" That's what CONFEEENCE SAID about the BED HOT line of Furniture, House Furnishing Goods, Sewing Machines, Etc. Etc. ! - i they met with at ....... . tell, Harris & Cos Well, we buy to soil. We buy direct from the BEST Factories in the United States in Car Lots and if there BE an inside on prices we get it. When in need of anything in our line all we askjyou to do is give us a call and we will do the rest. Respectfally, ' Bell, Harris & Companv N. B. Our Undertaking Department, under. th,e management of W L Bell, is complete in every department. Calls answered prompt ly day or night. Store 'Phone 12. Kesidence 90. For Over FlUy fears r Urn tVinajo.w'a fcootmni Syrup has bestir ubctf for aver tif t yrar8 by ariiiona of uiOther3 tor 'Jfir child- re' whlie tefhiiii, jfb -rUe sue- tt- urap ailayA all pain, eur? wind GQtt na IB ch bet .'reined v for srrhfH'! "It will re ve iU poor Ah p Hnfferer imroediAtely. ;..old by dMiggisis.in eTry oarrof th1 world, fVpfctr fivft eenra a bottle. Be swre and HRk for " Mrs. winBlowe tooth ing 8rnt),'' ad Qkp no othr kijnd." OIRLi The Summer , Boy will be when they fit them selves with the ex quisite Furnishings that we are I showing in Fancy Shirts and Shirts and Neckwear in all the latest novel- ties oi tne season. Everything is ne w and up - to - dateno old plugs; Fancy Sox of the latest stripes and polka d ots. Mr.) fas tidious we have justx ree'd a new ) ot of Col lars in all the best summer style. Call in and see about it. 1 SUMMER IT Li i L. PAR OOMPAHT