Price $4.00 Per Yoar. HIS SIXTIETH BIRTHDAY. I He Ccmes from Alabama Hereto Cele brate It-Stopped in the Same Buil ding He Bid Three Score Tears Ago. On the 14th day of July, 1839, Eixty years ago, there was born in Concord a child, who on that ,kv this celebrated his pass- in-ofthesixtiethmilepostinhis v nnwoeW.iTithP j" Harris house, which house was run bv Mr. Kiah P. Harris, who was the father of our townsman, Mr T? s- Harris. In the sixty hv the years which have passed by the building has gone through many changes as to proprietorship but the man found the same building first slent he last . j v no When a vounsr man he left Ca- barrus and went to ' Anniston, Ala., where he has accumulated .wealth' sufficient to keep him jaost comfortably the balance of iu ms vvuo auu ivu uiux. . w . wVsmttl, hv trade . - ' n . . i, -u,i vio surplus amount, though now he lives on a farm where he has everyting he wants and is a bird- hunter in about four or five dif- ferent counties. He is a most typically happy man and says that he wants nothing more than he has. Tho man's ratlin s Mr. Wm: J. EdmoaSon) and he arrived here iiiursuay miiu iium ixniatuii, Aia., ior tne purpose oi ceie- Unfinn. ;c -nVi A rr TPrirlpTr I TTo hno arvmp rplntivps nftar 1 ii.y.' xxuiu j vj.- v-'am w. r,wc a Vr.rvare . fow T,io'iTiio-,iT,Tr TTo 1 1 , happily surprised a lady of our town whom he .knew, when a rr,-, . . I young man. Tne joy oi seeing him caused tears to flow which for some time could not be sup- pressed., The person was Miss Clarisa Raimer, who lives at Forest Hill. him a fine cantaloupe from his i own natah irMlahama, a,r,rt arlprl i.i i ,-uu rB lu ax, wxxx axc trvjiv in tuts uunuiiig uu w i called the Morris house, and which in the days of his birth was known as the Harris house. Capt. Hill Receives An Appointment. Or, Mnnrln.v iha .1Hh rawnvri TTm nf fc -nioa r, to Washington City on a business trip. Ever since Capt. Hill re- tnrnprl hnmo frnm tia nrmv recently he has been desiring to return to the armv service which was found to add quite much to his health. On Friday afternoon a telegram came from Washington stating that he had received an appointment as first lieutenant in the provisional regular army for the Philippine war. Mr. Hill is "to be congratulated on securing his appointment, which was no doubt granted him cm account of his popularity and ability while in service as cap tain of Company L in the First North Carolina regiment. The dispatch did not state to what regiment he would be signed. as- CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All driiersists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. Thegenuin has L. B. Q. irn each, tablet. FOR SALEHouse and lot on on Buffalo street. Apply to "C. A. Pitts. CONCORD, They Were Too Rough, Entirely. It was a srjlendid battle that was fought Friday afternoon be- tween Charlotte's "Kougn xu- ders " and our "Wheeler.s Uav- airy." The Riders were iounci to be not rough, but tender too tender to hit and catch balls like the cavalrymen, who could mount and dismount most easily. j They mounted upon the Riders and gave them a defeat of 7 to 1. Neither side scored, until me innine. Tom Smith k ocked a three-basrfirer. Our team made three runs in the sixth inning, one in the seventh, and three in the ninth. Uhar- run was made by Emmitt Gray in tlie ninth inning. liOV(i Withers, of the Charlotte team, did some nice fielding dur- insr the game, but several of the team were found wantiug when it comes to playing ball. . J With the ChurchesTomorrow. There will be regular services at Trinity Reformed church to morrow by the pastor, Rev. J. 'I'hQ T3aStOr, xteV. U. Jt. ivllliei, i?JS K.mA tenr i-xkjx. xwx v, . U.r on.! inmnrrmv night at St. James Lutheran church. Regular services both tomor- row morning and night at Cen- tral M. hj. church by tne pastor, itev. j. jjj. inompbuu. Rev. W. B. Oney will hold services at ttt. iinarews iutn- eran church -tomorrow evening u L R?V: W. A Gillon, pastor at tomorrow morning at the First! jresbyterian cnurcn. mere will he nn services at nierht. 1 tjommunion services will be held at Cannonville Presbyterian cnurcn tomorrow morning oy tne pastor, Rev. Cochrane Preston. He will conduct regular services at Forest Hill Presbyterian 1 1 X ' 1 X cnurcn tomorrow mgnt. Tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock Rev. W. T. Moose, for- , fiu the pulpit at Central M. E. church. At nisrht Rev. Thomrj- It ' : x son will hold his usual service. Rev. W. J. Moose will preach at Epworth M. E. church tomor Mow night. The pastor, Rev. T W Smithj wm .preach tomor- row morning. A Card q 1 hanks. I w;sh to say that I feel cinder lasting obligatioDs for . what Chamberlain s Couh remedy has uvuo 1U1 UUi muiujr. - : f nave rf f V r frm mm ma Z 1 m T V. u" " so many cases oi ?ouShs Inng troubles and whoop- wuftu, xiu ib xiab mwaa givtu tne most perfect satisfaction, we 1001 KreawJ mueDiea 10 tne manu- aciures oi ims remeay ana wifn them to please accept oui hearty thanks. Respectfully, Mrs. S Dot Des Moines, Iowa. For sale by M L Marsh & Co., drug gist. To the People of Concord. Give us your patronage and we will guarantee to supply you with the nicest fruits and creams that can be had anywhere. Concord Fruit and Cream Parlor. For Over Filty. Years Mrs. Winsiow'e Soothing 3jr,ap has been accd for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess.. It soot-ces the child, softens the gores, allays all pain, cores wind colic, and is the beat remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five eenta a bottle; Be sare and ask for "Mrs. Wjcslows Sooth ins; Byrop," and take no other kind. r r i ir - N. C, SATURDAY JULY, 15, ReUef For a Child. Widow. The Young Ladies' Foreign Missionary Society of the First rresDyxenan cnurcn neia its session ior tnis montn on Mon- aay, juiy ytn. m tnis meeting the society resolved, in addition , to contributing to the foreign mission fund of the Southern Presbyterian church, to assume the support and education of a child widow m the Home for uimu wiuuw au neuudum, luma. This Home was founded by a con- verted Hindu woman, Pundita Bamabar, for the protection and education of the child widows of India, thousands oi wnom are not more than four (4) years of age; Their pitiable condition touches the heart of every Chris- tian woman, and the Young La- dies7 Society deserves commen dation and substantial encour agement in their labor -.of love. The sum of $45 will support a child for one year in the Home at Kedbaum. Secretary. mm a ' m a -m The Methodist Bistrict Conference. 1 After finishirur their work.Fri- , ,4 . ,-. j j, o day W Me&odist Conference of tViifi iiicfrirt wh ph -mot, at Sail tms aismcv wmcn mex at Odll bury, .adjourned to meet next year at New London. Mr. Chas. T) Rnhhins was elected as a rPcPrpd rleleatp. Licenses as i . . . were renewed to p wiiKm.n .Wnd lTr J Homer . Barnhardt. who live near Mti Pleasant. As members Qf the Board of Education Mr. W. R. Odell and-Rev. T. W. Smith, oi misuiaw, aiiu xvbv. x. Cordell, of Mt. Pleasant, were Masonic Notice. .JLV yVy v, 0 Sf & A- M- m m T m- Regular com munication j uiyitn at oociock. Installation of officers. If the brethren be prompt, the session will be short come. Jas. C. Fink, Sec. Will Attend the Tournament. The Concord Hose and Reel Company met in their hall Fri day night. It was decided by the company that fifteen or more of the members will attend the an nual tournament at Greensboro in August. They will attend for three days. Am E?K2Srirlslnf? These a e few men more wide a wake ard enterprising than P B Fetzer, wtti epat no ptits to se core tLd tea: cf everything in bie line for hia mdny cnstomers. They now hae the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption coughs - and colds. . This is the wonderful remey Hat Pr0 ducing sacn a. fnror all over the country ry its many startling cures It absolutelv crfS Asthma, Bron chilis, hoarseness and all affections of the Throat, Chest and Luns. Call at above drug storw nod get a trial b( ttle free or a regular bize for 50 cents and $x. GuaranUei to curt or piicft refunded Is the laundry hard on your goods ? Some are. Examine your goods as carefully -when you send them to us as when you receive them back again and you will find that we sew. up many a Tip, mend many a button hole, put new neck bands on shirts not too badly worn (when requested), and in many ways try to prolong the use of your linen. One trial is not a test. Often damage has been done in previous laundering and we get the blame. Give us your steady patronage and we will guarantee your, linen to last longer than when done at many other laundries. and DCJE WORKS. 'Phone No. 2 1 H Al II ! H in 1899. A Better Score the Sedond Day. ) On Thursday the Kings Moun tain team defeated our boys con siderably, but on Friday our boys stuck to them to the last and met defeat only by 'one run, the score being 6 to 5 against us. Probably we will yet make that back on them next Tuesday and Wednesday, when they come here. Our boys will play today to a good large , crowd, of course, in Charlotte. Last fall I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doctor I called on said at first that it was a slight strain and would soon be well, bpfc it grew worse and the doctor thensaid I had rheumatism. It continued to grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Charrberlain's Pain Balm. I tiled it and one-half of a 50-cent bottle cured me entirely. I now recommend it to all my friends. F, A JBabcock, Erie, Pa. It is for sale by M L Marsh & Co., druggist. x 1 mimn PERSONAL POINTERS Mrs. F. S. Starred e, Moores ville, is visiting at Capt. J. M. Alexander's, -Mrs. Rufds L'ppard went to Rowan county tins morning to spend Sunday. ; i : --Vrs. H. M. Caldwell returned home today from a visit to rela tives at New London.. Misses Dora Hix and Lizzie Kincaid, and Mrs. W. A. Day vault will leave tonight to spend Sunday at Spencer. From the: e t aey will go to Statesville. OF 1 FARCY J Mm I l m wm . AT Si jf !fflD i TTTT?. w A T? MT.SiT "R A "RV IN TOWN. That's what CONFERENCE SAID about the RED HOT line of Furniture, House Furnishing . Goods, Sewing Machines, Etc. 1 bell, Harris & Co. ys Well, we buy to soli. "We buy direct from tHe BEST Factories It the United States in Car Lots and if there BE an insiJe on prices we get it. When in need of anything in our line all we askjjToa to do is give us a cail and we will do the rest. Respectfally, Bell, Harris & Companv N. B. Our Undertakinji Department, under the management of W L BelJ, is complete in everv department. Calls answered prompt-i Single Copy 5 Cents Backleni Araiea mutn The Best Sam in the world for Out, Bruises, Sores, TJ'cers qalt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tettfr Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corz,4 and U S dn Eruptions, and positiv j riret Piles or no pay reqairer it is guaranteed, to give ti8f :.-cr mon refunded. Pric.25 c nn prx GIRL The Summer Boy wilL be when they fit them selves with the ex quisite Furnishings that we are showing in Fancy Shirts and Neckwear m all the latest no8l ties of the season Eerythinis newand up - to - date no did ) plugs. Fancy Sox of the latest stripes and polka dots. Mr. fas tidious we have just ree'd a new lot of Col lars in all- the best summer style. Call in and see about it. U t TIIBFct ft Etc. i mrw i i nan mm COMPAM ........ they met with at ... . .... i