Price $4.00 Per Tear. OONCOKD, N. 0., MONDAY, JULY, 17, 1899. Single Copy 5 Cents A GENERAL MELEE. XegocH, Razors, Pistols and Baseball Bats All "FlyinVThro' De AirWm. Clay Seriously Cut and Four Kegro Arrested. : A Sunday school picnic was the attraction at; Bell Mission church .in No. 5 township on Ratnrdav last, at which the ronA -rkrvrmlnfinn was out in VAIVJ. OU X X "LVV . . - - lUil IOrce, Uia ucxv4. X lushed music for the occasion! and a baseball game was one of chief events. i All went well until about 4 , o'clock in the afternoon, when , clock in tne arte , jonn saney duu vm ; to work upon the feelings of the men folks, and as a 'natural con saquence a general melee fol lowed a free for all fight, One William Clay, by trade a painter and by professin' on a sport, stepped to the fore and an nounced that he could lick any two negroes on tiie grounds, whereupon some blood-thirsty companion who craved this dis dinction, struck him on the nose with a bat. At the same instance some one from behind ripped out a razor and did the carving act, cutting a gash -seven inches in length, ranging trom the pit of the stomach to the right hip. Clay is in a precarious condition andls is feared that peritonitis will develop. Dr. Sam Mont gomery dressed the wounds. After Clay was stretched out the band ceased to play and the crowd disapersed, the partipants of Lthe row going in a dhosen direction. . . Crowell Foard, Noah Fo&rd, Luthor Barringer and Alfred Barrhiger were arrested and given a prelimnary hearing in 'Squire Pitts' court. Crowell Foard and Luther Barrincrer were feound over to court The other two were dis charged. m Inaccnraeies Noted. We sore sorry for :a iew inac- curacies in publishing the pro gram far the township Sunday School Convention of Ns. 2 and 3 in last week's issne. We should have !said Messrsr W J. Mc Laughlin and Charles Hamilton, township vice-presidents. Also we omitted to say tha Rev. Preston, the pastor at Pat terson's Millji church will make ;an address, subject: The Essen ttials to Success in the .Sunday 'School. The errors are probably due to receiving the messsage over trie "phone. IHtten On the Nose By a Dog. Dr. Young was called to No. 5 township Sunday, to lress a wound on the face of a small child of Mr. Mack Earnhardt. The child and the dog were in . the yard, and as the dog had finished - his noonday - meal he nabbed the child on the nose, inflicting a painful and ngly wound. It is not thought that the dog had rabies, but a watchful eye will be kept on his dogship and in case signs develop the child will-receive the attention of special treatment by experts. THE BEST PKESOKIPTION FOB CHILLS and fever y a bottle of Grove's i Taste. less Chill Tonic. Then whv J ever. : fails t to cure : imitation.,? Price 50 cents. Your money back if it fails to cure. FOE SALE-House and lot on on Buffalo street. Apply to C, A j- lirs BASEBALL TO-MORROW. Two Oarnes Boojed Wth King's Moun- tain Reinforcements. King's Mountain has no light I - - T weights on ner oaseDaii tectiii, Charlottee, . , i i i. n x on reinforcements since our ooys slaved them on their diamond Thursday and Friday last. The mountain Doys wm amve iuu force tomorrow morning and the P'aiTie will be called promptly at J3 - . j. j. - . v.lnr.k in the afternoon. - ------ . Loo her force a amoilg our peo- pie, in the person of Dr. Paul Caldwell, who will arrive tonight from Brooklyn,. :Y. .g an isitioll to the , K -pi nf. The admission fee will be 25 cents to the grand stand. The Mayor's Office. For many years the town hall in its ragged and uninviting condition, was an eye sore to the town. But old scores have been wiped out and the new admin- istration now has neatest and most convenient Quarters that can be found in anv town or citv the size of Con- j- . .. . - cord. The office" oF the mayor has been fitted up with as roller-top desk and other necessary furniture, while the floor is carpeted and as clean as a The office of the Chief of Police 1 ic Tint nrpt finiRVmd. hut will be completed within the next week or SO. TheTpretty front, together with the large court room in the rear, presents the appearance of thrift and a general good business. Let the good work continue. A Russian Jew Beggar. A Rijssian Jew was picked up by the police Saturday last charged with bQating trains and begging. He was given a pre liminarjr trial" .and in default of bond was sent to jail to await court, which convenes Monday next, ! i The Jew beggar indnced Mr. 1 Gaskill, the merchant s to con tribute 00 cents to his wants, and when the man was searched :at the jail iit was found that he had between-$8 and $10 in silver one razor and three pocket knives on his person. . . ; . The Ministers Meet. ; 1 The' Ministers Association met at Central Methodist church parsonage- ,Royi J. D. Arnold be ing absent the discussion' for the day was postponed till he returns. The Association ,was , iayored with several graphic and highly imagmatoe selections frorb sJhis wife and their daughter, mons. tub selections were read by brother J. E. Thompson, but, tney ti were, not xaKen,ipom ms sermons. SEC. J. IN. Jr., Slasonic Notice. Stokes Lodge No. 2 A. F. & A. M. Regular com- Installation f officers. If the mt V h short-ome ' Last tall I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy ! boxes. The doctor, 1 called on said at first that it was a slight strain and would soon be well, but it grew worse and the doctor then said I had rheumatism. It continued to grow worse and I could herdly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the drnggibt recommended me to try Obacberlain's Pain Balm. I tiled it and one-haif of a 50-cent bottle cured me entirely. I now recommend it to all my friends. F A Babcock, Erie, Ta. It is there Saturday. t necomeni f or sale by M L Marsh & Co.. plates visiting Concord before he 'druggist. PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr W;T pQ f Greens. boro, was in the city today. Miss Fannie Cook of Forest p. . . j " i , . . ! ; oia-fiTra" V1S1 r v. - - . .. ' j returned - Saturday night fromi Misenheimers springs, L ., . J as. xoimg nas gone to x oung nas gone to ;. to spend several days -ry 5ynum wifl, liic frMonri P,inC TTil Dollie Ritz has returned ffjSJ twQ weeks there friends. - . Misses Mamie and Lillie Ury are the guests pi Mr. and Mrs. M t TTPAmnn for sPVArnl dfl.vs Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lentz have returned home after a week stay at Misenheimer's springs. f -We were informed by a very conservated merchant 4that fully 3,000 water melons were sold at retail here on Saturday last. Mrs.Cnas. E. Stone returned , rh lovfft fM . ff to VlotieJ t1' a? n. vi kit, i,fi r H.r iih, rMii and , t n a i n . ' Mrs. J. M. Alexander. Robert Young has entered schoobat China Grove Academy under Prof. P. JE. Wright. The school began this week. - hisses Fannie and Bessie Boyte have returned to Charlotte, after a week's visit to Mrs. P. M. Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Mauney, of Yadkin Falls, are visiting at Mr. J.-Li-CrcWell's. ? They, will leave for their home tomorrow. Mr. Wade Barrier, city ed itor of The Standard, is spend ing several days at Misenheim er's springs. ; l- Miss Emma White who has been visiting Misses Kate and Belle Means for several weeks, left this morning for " her home at Belvedere. V Mrs. D. B. Coltrane: left this morning for a month's stay at Mt. Airy and White Sulphur Springs. Her children preceded her.. V iss Mabel Wilson, of Char lotte,x and Miss Caldwell, of Pop lar,. Tent, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. S. L. Carroll, on Spring street. The Sick. Mr. Paul Parks is thought to be very much- improved today. ; Esq. N. . Philips is able to Vii-v orroin "hn. ;wVfi "PTlillir- Miss Beulah, are still confined to their beds with malarial fever. Miss Lizzie Lipe, of Cannon ville,,is very low, suffering with a pulmonary trouble, i M iss Edna Pitts and Mr. Frank M-cGraw are both absent from the Racket store today, being too Miss May. Pitts is, substituting for her sister. iMr: Tom Barringer is.-slowly ) J. He hal fever. . 1 - T TITl. J , i-n 4- nTTTTl Ml I na VV 111 W3 WetS LU. HJVVXJ. today, but did not report for duty at the .Cannon & . Fetzer Co. store. Miss Dora Hix, - of the millin ery department at .. Day vault's, has returned to her home at Turnersburg to spend a month. Miss Lizzie Kincaid accompanied her to spend the month with her. Mr. Walter Ridenhour, who is employed in a bank at Greens boro, is visiting his relatives in Stanly county, having arrived returns to ms worn. Malarial Nose Bleeding. Travis Eudy, the young son of Mr. W D Eudy, who lives on North M ain street, and who has been troubled with chills for several .weeks suffered a VPrv severe attack of nose bleeding Sunday Several of the most ex perienced of the medical fraterni ty were called in and after several hours of untiring- efforts: th a flow was checked. The case is defined as malarial nose bleedi j the flow :of blood beginning with a chill and usually lasts until the fever has died away. A Mob Works a Ruse. A mob at Gainsville, Ga., de ceived the sheriff last Saturday morning and shot to death a negro, Si Smithy the murderer of Judge W, B. Snell, of Atlanta. It was a shrewd trick in which they, pretended ijo be bringing in a culprit. When they got in they quickly found Smith and xiuuieu mm wixn Duiiets. For Over Flity Tears Mra. Winslow's Soothing Syrap has been used for over fifty years by millions of wothers for their child- reu while teething, ifh pprfecfcanc, ceea. It soothes the cmid, eofteLa the gums, silaya all pain, cures wind oolio, and is the beet remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relive the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggiflte in every ..'part of the world, T wpntv-fiye sen t g a otle. Be o re and aak for "Mrs. Winslowg ooth inc: 8yrop," awd take no other kind. OF m m AT S.J. PAKESI Ml WARMEST V IN.TOWN. - TCaafa what CONFERENCE SAID about the BED HOT line of , M Furnishing Goods, Sewing Machines, '. X Etc. Etc. .... they met with at ........ cell, Harris & Go. 's Well, we buy to sell. We buy direct from the BEST Factories in' the United States in Car Lots and if there BE an insUe on prices we get it. When in need of anything in our hue all we askgyou to do is give us & call and we will do the rest. Respectfally, Bell Harris & Companv N. B. Onr Uodertaking Department, under the management of W L Bell, is complete in every department. Calls answered promjjt ly day or night. Store 'Phone 12. Kesidence 90. OB. mOFFEn'S TEETHISS &t firC' tit ft Pf r j-aVTf Baekient Amies MMYe. Tbt- Be i aive in t&t world for OT3t8. BroiB. Sorea, Ulcers, ?H Rhnum, Fevr ioreg, Tetter Capped Hands, Ohiiblaing, Corna and all 8 on f nptions, nd ositivc ly cure Pnt ir no pny renmred It ia ga&ranJeed to give aucigfa ciur. or money refunds. Pric 5 c nt ber' ' lrni LOT OF WHITE P. 0 1118, BETTER QUALITY ID HE 1 TT Y Regulates the Bowels, MakssTes&IagEasy. -TEETHIM . .Msm tta. ;j t Bowel Trofecf I Y Qulorea cf l POWDEES Ash. Your HIIED. El. I PRICES. SEE IE WE'RE KOT CORRECT. L. PARKS & "B

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