Prico $4.00 Per Y5ar. CONCOR D, N. Oi, TH XJESDA Y , J TJLT, 20 1899. Single Copy 5 Cents THE SECOND GAME. Kings Mountain Paled Before Our lioys As the Stars Before the Sim Score 15 to 2. The ball game between Kings Mountain and Concord Wednes day afternoon was decidedly the weakest effort of any game that has been played on our diamond this season. However, the visiting boys struggled through to the last, hoping that some turn of luck would land, one ,i n ar more men wi.w vniori ,p. nTmv run nnmp fore our boys as the stars before Kino-s Mountain scored one : . r. a ? run m tne nrsi mnmg on enuia, , but their hopes faded into insig- j nificance when our boys piled up eiFht runs against them. Shu- ford was an easy victim for our . boys and they knocked him all to pieces from the beginning Miller and Graves did the bat tery work for the home team, and the easy delivery and grace ful movements. of Miller elicited great applause. His work was amazing to the men against him. LeGn ndewas conspicuous for his excellent work on second. He's a winner at all times. "Rpp.d has no Deer as a first baseman, and his playing is al ways appreciated. Caldwell at short' stop and Fisher on third were on their metal and held their good repu tation at par, or above. Mangum, Card and Dr. Paul Caldwell did what little outfield ing there was to do exceptional ly well and won fresh admiration from the spectators. Kings Mountain made one double play on second in the fifth inning, which was the only feature worthy of special men tion from that side. The boys were genteel in their manners and everything passed off pleasantly. Wyatt, the catcher, was over come towards the last of the game and was relieved by- the star, Johnnie Ferguson. Mr. Mclnnis, of Kings Moun tain, umpired the game and was fair and positive in his decisions. Following is the score by in nings: Concord - - 8 03 0 0 2 2 Ox-15 Kings Mt'n. 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 2 Batteries:. Concord, Miller and Graves; Kings Mountain, Shuford, Wyatt and Ferguson. Hits, Concord, 15; Kings Moun tain, 2. Errors, Concord, 6; Kings Mountain, 7. Struck out, lviuier y, lonuiora u; oases on balls, Miller 1, Shuford 3: earned runs, Concord 10; Kings Mountain, 0; three base hits, Dr. Caldwell and W. P. LeGrande; two base hits, Card, LeGrande, Graves, Caldwell, G. , Fisher, of Concord, and Ragan, of Kings Mountain. Tune of game 1:59. Mr. Will Johhstoir scored. Capt. Hill Assigned. Capt. Edward Hill received his commission papers to a lieutenancy in the regular pro visional army from Washington on Wednesday. He has been as signed to duty with the Twenty Ninth Infantry, with temporary Headquarters at Fort Meade. Ga. ' Lieutenant-Hill expects moving orders at anv til tt? w Mi J-1.KJ does not know just when he . will leave. At AMiite Hall Tonight. Society younsr rjeonle were all I SJ: o hlS teno?n' arrang - XrTiri Vt A1AVJU1i1111 Pi??lc iater on m the evening at Wh to TTnii The occasion will be one of de-1 light, given complimentary to! Miss Kyle, who is the truest of I Mrs. M. L. Brown. CURE A COLD IN O NTE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuin has L. B. Q. on each tablet. T Sensational Durham. , A correspondent to the Char-f lotte Observer writes the f ollow- in- from Durham : ' A deaf mute, C. C. Martin, has been arrested upon the charge of , seduction under promise of mar- riae ' The young lady, in ques- tioS sues for 10,000 for breach She Miss Ella Fuaua. also a deaf is mute. Martin's home is at Ruth- erford. He was employed here in the Durham Hosiery Mill. He ahI C1 Finn VnTirl TTa i in tViPs' custody of Sheriff Markham, but la uuu kjll iu , uuu wyxj.v. - has not been placed in jail. Mar- auction is concerned, but says he rlirl nmmieo tn TYinTTV the 2Tirl On -.,7 7, T ; r Vi condition that she should go J:o school two more years. .. This she promised to do, but failed to carry out. tne promise. iew tuiys au ti vvtJii-viiuwxx railroad man parted irom his wife under sensational circum stances and now it is said that divorce proceedings wTill be the next move. A well-known young hnsinfs; man is named as co-re- ; spondent in the case. Will Assist Charlotte. Billy , LeGrand and Dolph Mangum have gone over to assist Charlotte in a game with . King's Mountain today and will ! or Tcrih tliPTTi tn Rtatpsville to- morrow, tieea win loin tneni ai . Statesville tomorrow, and whatl they will do for their antagonists will be a. p. These men are with glory when in their own country, but from past ex-: perience they get little or no' credit for what they do wnen assisting outsiders. Messrs. Card, Caldwell, Reed , and Graves accompanied the irx M dii Charlotte this .morning and will assist them in the game this afternoon. Annual Picnic in No. 10. With the dawn of today (Thurs day) numbers another red-letter day to the history of that portion of the country known as No. 10 township and the community for miles around. Every year a basket picnic is held in the beau tiful grove at Mr, JohnCarriker's, and at an early hour people be gan, to flock there from all " sec tions. It was a great event and enjoyed by hundreds of people. ' Messrs D. P. Davvault, A. E. Lentz and others from the city were in attendance. Conference in Session. . . The Southern Conference of the North Carolina Synod is' in session at Prosperity church at Rimer, this county, having con vened this morning. The body will be in session for three days. Rev. W. B. Oney and daugh ter, Miss Sallie Oney, arid Mr. A. E. Bost, of St. Andrews chnrch, are in attendance. They will re turn Sunday afternoon. Rev. CB. Miller and Mr. C. A. Dry will represent St. James xhurch. The Mocksville Picnic. The twenty -first annual Ma-. .-picmcwii oe neia . a Mocksville Thursday, August sonic picnic will be held at iutn. it will be conductea, as usual, in the interest of the Ox ford Orphan Asylum. An ad dress will be delivered by Dr. Chas. D. Mclver. Special: ex cursion rates, good on all trains, ; have been secured from Concord and other points, NO CURE; NO PAY. That i3 the way all druggists sell ? Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonie for chilfs 1 and Malaria. It is simply Iron, and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children sove it. Adults refer it to bitter, nau leatino Tonics. Price, 50c. FB Ctl A S -weaKnesa enstty cured J3 nU54s jDrUes' Nev&SXssteiS liaaiy liruisea up. Mr. George Murr, an employee at the bleachery, is laid up at honie on North SPrin . street with several bruises on his arm, hip andankle, as a result of a fall. He is not able Jx be at work, but will be alright when he gets well. ' Sew Sunday Hours. Manager McConnell, of the Western Union Telegraph office, has received new . orders and thAv crivP! him lonccfir Rrmdn.v hours. His office hours on the o- . - o 1 Sabbath day will hereafter be 6 p. m. ' . i PERSONAL POINTERS Capt. Edward Hill is spend ing the day in Statesville. Mr. W. M. Stewart is spend ing the day in Charlotte. N Dr. - Marsh has returned from Misenheimer's springs. Mr.. Charles Phillips has re turned from Misenheimer's springs. Mr. M. Oglesby was in the citv this morning, but returned to Charlotte on No. 11. Misses Kate Means and Bes sie Campbell are guests of Miss Elizabeth Gibson-fot a weefcr " Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Odell are now in Halifax, Nova Scotia. They arrived thare several days ago. -Mr. L. D. .Duval is expected home tonight, from Georgia. His many friends will regret to learn that he is unwell. . TT. , Miss Fannie Hill has re- tu.rned from a pleasant visit to a friend in Boston. She had been i there for several weeks. Miss Daisy Sumrow, who has been employed at'Mr. W. M. Smith's law office, has gone to her home at Norwood. Miss Marine Lentz left for her grandfather's, near Norwood, this morning She will be gone until school ( begins in Sep tember. ; Mrs. W. G. Boshamer and Mrs. James F. Hurley and child will leave tomorrow morning for Hiddenite, . near Taylor sville, to spend several weeks. J Mr. Frank Cannon returned to the city last tight from Misen heimer's springs. He was ac- cnmnnnipH hvl his friend. Mr. Clarence Brown1, of Salisbury. Misses Lillian and Elizabeth Kestler will return to the city to morrow from Hopewell, Meck lenburg county Jand will remain here for a month, visiting among relatives and friends. Mrs. W. iL Branson and children, who have been visiting at Mr. W. R. ' Odell's, left for Greensboro this porning. They will return to i Durham, their home, in a few days. i 1 n 1 1 ' A- r MM 1 1 lift m m .1 9 II II UU1I JUIUV 5& 1 fa AT - i J. Eli's,! RET. HOGE CALLED TO WILMINGTON He Has Made a Good Impression There In a Protracted Meeting. The Wilmington Star has the following: At a conference of the m am bers of the Sbuthside Baptist church held Sunday, the "clerk of the church was instructed to extend to Rev. B. Lacy Hoge, of Concord, -N. C, a unanimous call to the pastorate of that con gregation, his acceptance to take effect October 1st. "Rev. Mr. Hoge at present has a very flourishing church at Con cord, but it is very probable that he will accept the call from" the Southside congregation He has just closed a very successful meeting at this church, and ' thej congregation feel especially en-' deared to himself and wife for the faithful work done in this direction. ' 'At the meeting Sunday the hand of fellowship was extended to twenty-eight new members of the church as the result of this meetings referred to. " Are, Yon Among Them ? Ex-Sheriff Buchanan and Mr. John K. Patterson are revising the tax list and they find that there are hundreds of people throughout the county who hay o noglectod to intilve any returns, some not within the last .two years. Ex-Sheriff Buchanan has a long list of names that will be submitted to the solicitor at court next week and some action will be taken in regard to the two year delinquents. To Our Patrons. Those having accounts with Drs. Calcjwell & Stevens and de siring to settle the same will find all books with Dr. Caldwell. Caldwell & Stevens. Beats tbe jU-lonuike. Mr. A C Thomas, of Marysville Tex., has found a more valuable discovery than has yet been made in tne Klondike. For years he suf fered untold agony from con sum p tion, accompanied by hemorrhages; and was absolutely curei by Dr, King's New Discovery for ConN sumption, Coughs and Colds. He declares that gold is of. little value in comparison with this marvelous cure; would have it, even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and lung affections are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Trial bottles free at P 1j Fetzer's drug store. Regular size 50 c-nts and SI 00. Guaranteed to cure or pric refunded. . i THE WARMEST BABY : INTOWN. ri. That's what CONFERENCE SAID about the RED HOT line of Furniture, House Furnishing Goods, Sewing Machines, " Etc, Etc. ........ they met with at Bell, Harris & Cp.'s Well, we buy to soil. We buy direct from the BEST Factories in the United States in Car Lots and if there BE an inside on prices we get it. When in need of anything in our line all we askjyou to do is. give us a call and we will do the rest. Respectfally, Bell, Ham N. B. Our Undertaking Department, under the management of W L Bell, is complete in every department.;;Calls answered prompt ly day or night.' - Store ' Phone 12. Residence 90. Last tail I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doctor I called on said at first that it was a sliyht stiaiu and would soon be well. but it grew worse and the doctor then said I had rheumatism. It continued to grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. I-went to a drug store and the druggiat recommended me to try Cbarrberlain's Paiu Balm. ' I tiled it- and one-hajf of a 50-cent bottle cured me entirely. I now' recommend it to all my friends. F A Babcock, Erie, Pa. It ia for sale by M L Marsh & Co., druggist. i e 1. I m- 0 "rr1- h 0 . ' r& m 0 0 H. L. PARKS & COMPAM.

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