' V. v. .'V 1 IJ fiat tsMk Prico $4.00 Per Yean concohd, n. c, feiday; jult; 21 is99. Single , Copy 5 Cents- I : n .-is rVi-?M .' ATTEMPTED ASSAULT, A Vicious Xegro at Albemarle Brutishly Overpowered and Threatened a Little j Child of Mr. William Saunders. About 2 o'clock Thursday . ternoon when lUtle Mary Saun-1 ders the 10-year-old daughter of i Mr Villiam' Saunders, of Albe-1 marie, went frbm lier home to ; tho nilroad trestle near the pub- the raiiroaa tresxit, neai uiu puu lie road, to change the cow from its place of grazing a burly and ! vicious ne2rro. Henr Henry Hyatt by ; name, approached her and drew from his pocket a pistol, and :.after making his wishes known, brutishlv attempted to criminally assault her, at the same time threatening to kill her if she ; gave an alarm. Mary's little' brother had accompanied her, however, and when he' learned of the negro's purposes he began to scr-eam. The agonizing cries of the two children attracted the at tention of Mr. Lowder, who was passing, and as he came in view of the scene, the brute let go his hold upon the little girl and fled. The negro was foiled in his hellish intent, and succeeded in eluding tlie'range of bullets from Mr. Lowder's pistol. The alarm was spread over the town and community in a very little while, and within a short time quite a posse of men were in pursuit of the negro. At 3 o'clock this (Friday) morning a trace of the negro was found in a corn field and several shots were fired at the would-be rapist and murderer, but the shots went wide their mark. Hundreds of people from Nor wood and all .adjacent towns and from all over the county joined the posse at . day break this morning and are scouring -the country. From a party direct from that community the Standard learns that the people are indignant and that if the negro is captured summary punishment will be his lot. The child was uninjured except being rendered prostrate froin fright. She is of a highly re spected family. - ' The negro is a son of Henry Hyatt, a one armed negro who lives at Cottonville. At 3:30 o'clock this afternoon we learned by 'phone that Hyatt had not been captured, but it is thought the pursuing posse would , overtake him-' yet thisj evening. A lynching will veryj probably follow. ; A Very Harrow Esenpe. As No. 12 train was pulling ; out from the station Thursday evening, the 20th, the people thereabout witnessed what must have been a. very thrilling ex perience for the news boy. The boy had been on .the graded walk selling papers, and as his cus tom, it was his intention to catch the coach as it came by, but just as he reached for the railing his foot slipped and he fell under neath the train. His escape was wonderful, and the "blood ran old over those who saw him. The boy rolled off on the outside the rails and was picked up by Policeman Cruse and a stranger. He was uninjured and. his train stopped to take him. on. House Party Next Week. Miss Grace Fisher will enter- 1 M in nm'lo o nnmVtAT -f v-i.: j "7t 1 i T i .b The Coast Party, next week at a house party, j A . Among the guests who are ex- A coast party has been organ pected are Misses Hunt Springs ' ized and wiU leave tonight for and Thompson, of T,oYino-trS, I Wrightsville beach for a ten and T J- ? i., I Misses Thomoson and i Beulah Haden, of Salisbury. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION EOR 1 CHILLS ! 5 J?? ' a .bottl? cf Grove's .Taste- ! lees Chill Tome. Never fails to eure; ! ; ;TV Jn -.""cus witn wortmess luiiiauouor irrice money back if it fails to cure. ' 50 nAnfa Your THE HOBO DOCTOR. I JV 11i.au titmc III Ull Uiu uhuui i nr r. 4Y.n Til J I Was Caught and as Easily Escaped. ; 'station Thursday night it earned a passenger on tne Dima m ui person of one Dr. Moore, ot patent medicine fame. The doc- tor was booked for an engage- ment here on that night. When ctPTirpd from his oerch he he stepped from jrcn ne wasaKen into uu&iyuv uj Du- ial Policeman Kerns. Instead of , coming up luwn wim umx mother are visiting at Harris Dr. Moore asked permission to burg ' speak to Conductor M. P. Russ, ' and he was granted that privi-! Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Leslie lege. His business was to escape left for their home at Morganton the law, and as he approached this morning, the conductor, the doctor (?) , ... , 0 , , . xr , said: "What is the fare from -Attorney Bennett, of Wades Charlotte to Concord?" boro was m the city today on He was told $1.00, whereupon legal business, he passed the coin to the con- Mrs. J. P. Ailison and Mrs. ductor, and as a consequence j . B. Young are spending sev Policeman Kerns let him go. ' eral days in Salisbury. Dr. Moore took the next tram . for Salisbury and is now doubt- :' Miss Agnes Deal, of Green - lessinmore congenial company than he would have been here. Will Assist With the Ohio State Institute Prof. C. S. Coler, superin tendent of our Graded Schools, who has gone to Ohio to spend the remainder of the vacation, sroes to assist ' in the work of f holding their State Institute. This is an organization wherein school work pays one do.V toward the State organization, thereby making it possible for some of the principal educators of the State to be amply compen sated for their services. Prof. Coler has for several years been in this work and is compensat0d by a good salary during the time else it would be inexpedient for him tb go so far for this work. Will Leave Tonight. Lieutenant Edward Hill re ceived v. orders this (Friday) morning for him toj proceeds to his regiment, now quartered at Fort McPherson, near Atlanta, Ga. Capt. Hill has been busy during the entire day . arranging for his departure, and will leave tonight to take up his duties as an army officer at once. Jlis many friends regret to say j good-bye, and their very hest wishes go with him. v Dr. Herrii;?Haviiighills. , - Dr. Herring, who has been spending some time in the east- rn part of the State, is -home, and nas had several chills since Tiis return. ' He's ordered The Standard to start at once. - IVe surmise from his eagerness to get the paper that it is warm enough to break up the chills, a thing he very much needs as i indicated by the chatter, of his teeth while delivering the mes sage. Sprained Her Ankle. Mrs. N. F. Yorke, of this place, who has been spending a while at Misenheimer's Springs, had the .misfortune to sprain her ankle date Wednesday evening. It was at first thought to be ja bad sprain but nothing serious resulted; It happened at the spring and she had to be carried to the hotel. . t , . ,- . . . aaJs ' smy. me party consisxs of Rev. C. B. Miller, wife and child, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lowe I and 'Miss Maggie Castor. Mr. Lowe wiU join them at Charlotte. CURE A COLU IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. Soc. X ne genuin nas Jj u. . on each.taDlet. ' ' PERSONAL POINTERS. , TT Tl , . TT' T Point, was in the city, today. - x Mr. Baron Caldwell. arrived ,from Due West, S. C, last night, . Bennett and son apt. u. JN . Bennett and son Burt, of Norwood, are m the Dr Paul Caldwell and his ville, S. C, is spending several weeKs witn miss vv lima Worrell. Prof. Leonard, of ton, is stopping at the hoine of Mr. T. H. Cooks for a.Iew days. Misses Mamies and Lillian Ury have gone to South River, m Kowan county, to spend sev eral weeks with relatives. Dr. Richmond Harding and will leave tomorrow for Virginia. Mrs. W. R. Harris and children, and Mrs. E. B. Brower, Mrs. Harris' mother, have gone to Mt. Gilead, "Montgomery, to spend some time! , " Miss Maude Brown is at Cleveland Springs, having ac companied her friend, Miss May Gray,- of Gastonia. They will be there for some time. Mr. Ed Msienheimer re turned from Charlotte this morn ing. He sas that the Charlotte team that is playing States ville today is the strongest in the State. ,,' . . . . Mr. W. R. Odell and; family went to Charlotte today to spend a5 few days visiting at the home of Mrs. Odell's sister, Mrs. E. M. Andrews. Master Ralph Odell will o to Cleveland Springs. rMp. EL M. Barrow returned from King's Mountain last even ing. He says a great number of people from down the- country will be here next week for the Concord-Statesville games. Showers Tonight. A most pleasing piece of news is the forecast today, which reads: "Threatening tonight with showers; Saturday threat- enmg. NO CUBE, NO PAT. That is the "way 11 druggists sell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic fort chills and Malaria. It is simply .Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children ove it. 'Adults refer it to bitter, nan leatina Tonics. Price, 50c ' 2 FA 0 jfl A Fresh NCYiI -: .. r i A RUNAWAY TEAM. One Man and Two Children Bruised Up ana umermse Hurt. Wednesday afternoon, the 19th, r. Will Cannon, of Poolar Mr. Tent, was returning home and when he reached the bridge over' Austin's run in No. 4 townhip, his team became frightened and ran away. Two small boys of ivir. Jienry .Litaker Were sitting on the railing of the bridge and asthe wagon struck tle bridge a wneel caught the railing: and threw the boys oft. s One boy tell underneath a. mule and the wagon passed over his head, bruising hini badly and cutting his upper lip through to the teeth. l ne other boy was considerablv bruised about the body, but not feunuusiy mjurea. - i Mr. -Cannon was thrown from the -wagon and was hurt, how seriously is not known. None of the. victims are fatally hurt. f Baeklen's Arnica bbit, The Best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhdum, Fever Sores, Tetter .Chapped Hattds, . Chilblains; Corns - and all Sdn Erttptions, and posit?. vrj curt? Piles or no pay reqmred. It 13 gtisrantftd to giye". BUtisfaetib'fi- m isacusv rofundsd. Pric.- 25 cents per box Ftr. ssp si B Fe.tzf Drur f.tore. : The Score lOJo 0. Charlotte's game with King's Mountain Thursday afternoonon the Charlotte diamond resulted in a shut-out for the visiting team, the score being 10 to O. Messrs. LeGrande, Mangum and Card all received special mention for the excellent ball they played. Concord is Ipiite proud of the record of her players when assisting the weak teams of this section of the State. For Over Fllty Years ' Mrs, Winslow's Soothing 3yrnp has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect sac. oess, - It - soothes the child, softens the guraB, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and ; is the best, remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieye the poor little sufferer immediately. 8old by druggists in every part of the world, Twuty:fiYe 8ents a bottle. Be snre an1 H8k for "Mrs. Wioalowg 800th jne Hvrup," and take no other, kind: Is o Talaable for long- winded ads. Our customers are too bnsj to read tb em. We bave butiebt out at a PRICE tbat wonld mase you .smile the t - theT furniture and undertaking business ' OP THE LITE Samuel Sloop and Sons. If yOH want anythidgr In FURRITITRE made by one ne of tbe best mechanics tbat evtr Concord pro dncedi Call and see us WE HAVE TlliriHTTJIT. Five Car Loads ol Fnrnitnre and a Car, Load ol Chairs on tbe wby. We buy stufT to ? LL-we sell If. Call and see us we like you. .RespectrpIIy, BELL, IMIirS C0BP1BI. Last tall I sprained my left I hip while handling some heavy boxes Th j ooxes. lne doctor 1 called on said at first that it was a sliubt strain and would soon be well, but it grew, worse and the doctor then said I had rheunaati-m. It continued to prow worse and. I could bar dry get around to Work. I went to a drug, store and the druggist recommended me io try Cbatrberlain's Paiu Balm. I tiled it and ono-haif of a 50-cent bottle cured ijje enirly.r I now reconimend it to all my friends.-i A Jiabcock, Erie, Pa. It is for sale ry M L Marsh & Co.J drupsrist. s C ' V L SUMMER A rand collection of 15, 19 and 25c. Or gandie pn on one counter and priced at 10c. -per yard. They long so take tbe hint Some smart tilings mv Hosiery. Ladies fine Lisle, drop stitch, the 50c. kind, 2 pairs for: 75c. We ha-e the best 2 pairs for 25c. that's: made . Another lotVof those house SUppers at 25c. a pair. n. GOIPAK TYT7 COII IS. L. PARKS