m M - ' t . - Price $4.00 Per Tsar, CONC$P, N. 0., SATURDA X JULY, 22 1899. Single Copy 5 Cents HER STJFFEKIXGS EXDED. I 3Irs. Fred Cline Passes Away in Death. j Death came Friday evening at 6 o'clock and relieved the long 1 protracted sufferings of Mrs Fred Cline at her home in township. , For many ai invalid and a resigned and exemplary No. 4 - years most Chris- tain, the death angel come none too soon and brougnt no terrors to her whose sturdy faith illumm- he dark shadows of the ( ated the grave. Mrs: Clme leaves her lite com . - t . n children two i panion and four sons and two daughter, s one JA. each of whom is married. 4 The funeral services arranged for 1 o'clock p. ere j m. to- day (Saturday) at Center Grove E. L. church, of which the deceased was a valued member, conducted by her pastor, Rev. YV. B. Oney, and the remains laid to rest. " 'Tis well with the righteaus when they die." Superintendent Mathes Here from Dur ham. On the 24th day of March our readers will remember that a ter rible accident occurred at Dur ham, .resulting in the death of Mr. W. H. Branson and almost the death of Mr. J. C. Mathes, who was superintendent ot the mill there. Mr. Mathes was ter ribly scalded and life seemed to hang only by the smallest thread but at last he revived and is now able to again be at his post. He was here today (Saturday) on a business trip. His hands are yet very tender and his ringer nails are beginning to come off to give place to others. Only a part of one ear yet remains and his face is considerably marked. Mr. Mathes can but naturally feel afraid and uneasy when . around the pump house where he almost suffered death and where one of our State's best men and his own best friend met a most awful death. Mr. Mathes has been connected with the mill there for oveV fourteen years. Engine Off tlie Track. Friday evening about 5 o'clock while Conductor Ed. Patterson's engine was doing ome shifting at the Odell mills, the big steam horse jumped the track and sank one of the driving wheels into the ground. At 8 o'clock the work train came in from Harris burg and the force soon jacked up the engene . and pulled it into its proper position. The local freight was delayed only about four hours. Thousands of Little Fish. The mud-holes at Brown's brick yard near the station have neaiiy uneu up ana xne top sur- face of the slimy looking mud is i Messrs. uime, at forest lined with t.'hniicQ.ne r,f iufiiHlll are preparing to build an- fish. Men and boys have had ! ?th?T store room on their vacant considerable fun during the past ! . between the ones now occu few days catching the little fel-1 ?ie bLiey m.Son anf lows.' Some very nice perch - nave Deen picKea up. Notice to Veterans. Co. F 1st Ni.C. Cavalry: You are Hereby reminded that the second Tuesdav in August th oiu;istne aay of your annual , Bear's band in- South -Dakota meeting. You are expected to were committing depredations meet tit the court house at 12 'and the "cow boys pursued, giv o clock, noon, on that day to ing them something of a battle, transact necessary business. according to dispatches of the . Goodman Pres. Jno. Freeze,-Sec. EOR ' THE BEST PRESCRIPTION CHILLS fndfeverisa bottle GrnvA's TflRfA- fcS 0hlli Tonic- .Never fails to cure; i pen yhy experiment . with worthless imitations? Price 50 cents. Your I money back if it fails to cure. THE 3EGR0 CAPTURED. About Hayliglit tlie umcers isrougui iue Negro to Albemarle Evidences of roubIe- . , Henry Hyatt the negro who aLiempLuu as&ciuiu uu. aij ders at Albemarle Thursday, was captured in the neighborhood ot Ansonville Friday afternoon and has been lodged in jail at Albe marle, i The officers arrived with him -rlk oVimif. rlQ.-vrliO'Tit. tr- (Saturday) and he was taken before the little girl. The girl is j of course almost overcome with fright and did not have anything to say when the perpetrator ot There were some evidences of trouble even int daylight, some persons having laid hands on the neerro but the officers carried out the law and quelled the more excited persons. He was lodged safely in jail. Persons who live in Albemarle fear yet that there is trouble bruing before this matter is settled in the court room.- There is no doubt as to the negro and every one there knows him. He has confessed to the attempt of assault and of having threatened the life of Mr. Lowder, who answered to the screams of the girl. With the Churches Tomorrow. In the absence of the pastor, Rev. J N. Faust, there will be no preaching at Trinity Re formed church tomorrow morn ing, but tomorrow night Rev. Paul Barringer of, Mt. Pleasant, will fill the pulpit. There will Sunday school at 2 o'clock. There will be regular services at the Baptist church tomorrow morning and at night by the pastor, Rev. B. Lacy Hoge: Rev. J. E. Thompson and Rev. T. W. Smith will xechange pul pits tomorrow morning. At night they will hold their usual ser vices, Rev. Smith at Epworth M. E. church and Rev. Thomp son at Central M. E. church.- Rev. J. Simpson will preach afc Forest Hill "Methodist church tomorrow morning, . tomorrow night Rev. J. S. Nelson will fill the pulpit. - . ! ; Rev. W. B. Oney will hold services at St. , Andrews Luth eran church tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock. , ' Rev. Preston . Cochrane, the pastor, will preach at Forest Hill Presbyterian church tomor row morning at 11 o'clock, and at the Cannonville Presbyterian church tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. There will be services at the First Presbyterian church to morrow morning and tomorrow night by Rev! J. R. Bridges, president of the Presbyterian Female College of Charlotte. A New Store Room. nil -m w s4-9 v . vv auutsii. . x lie vvyrii win begin just as soon as the lumber can be obtained. v Cow Boys and Indians. Cow boys and Indians still get into it in the West. Swift 20th. No serious casualties have been reported, though at one time six cow boys seemed in danger of a Custer affair. . CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuin has L. B. Q. :n eaclUablet. GUILTY, SAYS THE JURY. Julius Alexander, Colored, To Hang August 24th for Outrage On Mrs. Miillis. ' ? Charlotte is to have another hanging. Julius Alexander, colored, was found guilty in the criminal court at Charlotte Friday of foul outrage upon Mrs. Julia Mullis, about 60 years old. From the first ;it was evident that the testimony ; was convinc ing and it took the jury only 18 minutes to reach a verdict. Judge Battle seemed quite tender in his counsul to Alexander and advised h'm to prepare for death as there is no power to save him. He then designated August 24th as the day for execution - Tl:e Imajre of Thrift. - Mr. P. M. Faggart brought us in a stalk of cotton today (Satur day) on which there is no sign of drought, thotigh he says the season is so dry" that it is a won der that everything is not parched. This ' particular stalk is of very ordinary height, just two feet, but it is vigorous and contains 48 bolls, blooms and squares. It is of the Hawkins Prolific variety. It is the image of thrift. NO CURE, NO PAY. That is the way all druggists sell Grove's Tasteless 3hill Tonic for chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children fioveit. Adults refer it to bitter, nau leating Tonics. Price, 50c. PERSONAL .POINTlS&S. Mr. James Younexh'as re- turned from Byniirh. Mrs. Winchester and Mrs. Bookshire. of Charlotte, are visiting Mrs. Luther Bost. Mr. W. A. Foil, of Charlotte, who is living at Roaring Gap, where he is conducting a hotel, is here today. Messrs. Sam J. Ervin; Earle Brown and A. F. Sartsell will go to Misenheimer's springs this evening and will : return tomor row. ; Rev. and Mrs. J. N. Faust went to:Lexington this morning. Rev. Faust is to preach for Rev. Holshouser. Mrs. Faust will as sist him by singing. . Esq. H. C. McAllister passed through the city to his home in Mt. Pleasant to pay his family a ! visit. He will return, to Rock ' Hill,S. C, tomorrow evening. Editor J. B. Sherrill and family left this morning for Ma rion, Hickory and other points in western North Carolina. Mrs. Sherrill and children will be gone for a month. , Mr. Jno. , McNeely, one of Mooresville's business men, spent today here. Mr: Jay Lentz returned home with him this afternoon and will spend several ! days, though he will be here to ball games next week. m ffMC i 1 fei In ' 1 LJ . T7 W i 'u in v "frsrWM U. U, LI I III. Ui & ALMOST TOO HORRIBLE TO TELL. Two Negroes Rob a Man and His Wife and Then Humilate Her Before His Eyes. The most revolting crime that news currents, venvey is reported from Decatur county, Ga. The story is that two negro toughs robbed one Mr. J. E. Ogletree, a white merchant, at the point of pistols: They then made him lead him up" stairs to where his wife was and obtained four dol lars. But worse than all and to $ne. shame of manhood that did not die in the effort to protect her, each one in turn outraged the helpless woman, one covering him with a pistol all the while. Gov. Chandler has offered $500 reward for their delivery to the sheriff and the whole force of the community is in pursuit. It is needless to say that if caught and identified there will be quick retribution and nobody cares a whit. What will be the public verdict against the husband that he did not sell his own life at the high est possible cost in defense of his wife is yet to be learned. Tht Beet Saie ic tVe orld Cats, BruiBs Sores, Ulcers,- for UhcUfn, Fever Sors, Tetter Qhapped Hands, Ohilblaina, Corns and ail tin Eruptions, and positively curee .Piles cr no pay required. It. is gaaranteed. to give sttifaotioi: or mone? refunded. Price 25 cents per bx Kur Bale at P B.Fetze-' Dreg e tore. k Five Italians Lynched. Five Italians were lynched at ,Tallulah Thursday oiisrht last. It seems iney - wem suxouoiesome,:. disorderly characters . and one shot Dr. J. Ford Hodges who is expected to die from his wounds. There is strong evidence that the five were in a conspiracy to murder the doctor and the pop ular feelings became resistless. The legal authorities-were over powered and the wretches were strung up. For Over Flltr f ears Mrs. Winaiow's Soothing Syrap has bern ufced for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren wbile.teething, with perfect suc cefiB, It soothes the, child, softens the gums, allays all pain, enres wind colic, awl is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five sents a bottle. Be anre and ask for "Mrs. Winslows 6ooth insr Syrup," and take no other kind Is too valuable for long winded ads. Our customers are too busy 10 read them. We nave bonght out at a PRICE tbat would matte you smile the THE FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING BUSINESS OFTHEL1TE, Samuel Sloop and Sons. you want anything: In FURRITUltE made by one one of the best Mechanics that ever Concord pro duced. Call and see us WE HATE THE STUFF. -Five Car Ijoads of Furniture and a Car Load of Chairs on the way. We bo j stuff o s ELL-we sell It. ' Call and see us we like you. . - .. Respectfully, - ... Last tall I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doctor I called on said at first that it was a elioht strain and would soon be well, but it grew worse and the doctor then said I had rheumatism. It continued to "prow worse and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Cbanberlain'8 Pain Balm. I tiled it and one-half of a 50-cent bottle cured me entirely. I now recommend it to all my friends. F A JBabcock, Erie, Pa. It is for sale oy M L Marsh & Co., druggist. - ff! ORGANDIES. A grand collection of 15, 19 and 25c. Or gandie Spilt on one counter and priced at -10c. per yard. They will not be with us long so take the hint Some smart things m Hosiery. Ladies fine Lisle, drop stitch, the 50c. kind, 2 pairs for 75c. We hae the best 2 pairs for 25c. that's made. Another lot of those house Slippers at 25c. a pair. L. PARKS' -4 ' . .... .... .. . -