Price $400 Fer Your. I OONCOKD, N. 0., 'MONDAY, JULY, 24 1899. Single Copy 5 Cents TOMORROW AFTERNOON. Statesville '.to Send a Good Delegation Here Tomorrow to Help Out Their, Boys A Twr Days Diamonds- ' Tnstle On the Tomorrow afternoon our vpeo-: will turn out to the Miller Park to ; witness the combat or our boys with the boys from Statesville. This promises to be some of the hottest base ball we have 4 had and besides our boys are aching to face their opponents as the last time they met neibiier-siue gameu. tuo torv. .VvV ... V i- - Th pta is no doubt but that Statesville will bring a - good team tomorrow, and they., have bfien firoiner against tfiams this season. -Malone and Fox will -pitch for them, rwhile the box for our 'side 'will be.occupied "by Weddington and Liattimer The Negro Taken from Albemarle. ; The negro, Henry , Hyatt, Tvho was last Friday captured and? on Saturday morning lodged ux. jail for the assault on a small-girl at that place, is now intother-quar; XerS unau 111 til xxiuejuj-ouxicj jaa.L. Trouble was feared; Saturday and he was taken away from there and is now behind; other.' bars, where' the public does not know: The negro was taken out of the jail in daylight4 but in such a way that the people knew nothing of i 'it. even the sheriff and his deputies having been on i , .ill' i - . e a i . J tne streets at tne time oi xner nu dinff of the iail. H A "crowd as sembled oh Saturday night there but in vain for IJenry Hyatt was many miles from there in safe hands. .-... . . .:. 1- , ' .' j . - ' ft . Mr. ffl. Cook Resigns. ilt wjlt pe; a surprise to a num . ber fef ourireaclers to know tthai Mr jtfrhp igBdihOsif or ojuit ; d t"he. carding departmetm3he position the same' having""" takeli effect last Saturday evening. Mr. Cook is yet undecided as to what position he will take but will continue in the mill- work - after en j oy inga vacaiticin: -iWst hopo that in 1 the consideration of a position .Concord will not lose Mr. Cook and - family :, .from our town, i J A Fortunate Find. On Saturday, the 15th; MrV'M. A: Boger, of No. 10 .township,-; lost nis large gold medal which he received at i North s Carolina college a number of years ago. He thought that he lost it in the rear of the Cannon' & Fetzer Co. store but several days after that it was found out on the streets in front of the store. Mr. Boger had scarcely any hope of ever seeing his prize again but good fortune came his way. ' ' A Young Lady Bead at Forest Hill. un last Jbaturaay a young. lady oi about eighteen years of age died at Forest Hill. She was Miss Sallie Sloop," the daughter of Mr. J. G. Sloop. She died of consumption. The body was interred, near China Grove Sunday after the preach ing of the funeral at Luther's chapel. Mrs. Hoyle Dead. Mrs. R. S. -- . Youmr and Miss lizzie Young spent Sunday iji Charlotte having gone to attend the funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth lloyle, an aged lady who died at the home of Mrs. S. V. Young. Ahe body was taken to Beatty's f or5 f or burial, which place was her former home. -h V ' THE BEST PRESCRIPTION for I p7-n S a ottle - Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. Never fails to cure; n- yo exVf T-imeilt with worthless irritations? . Price 50 cents. Your money back if it ifails to cure. i k)nf Account of a Very ; Important iyU - Case: at Asheboro Judge Robinson Is Detained-Court Opened In tht)sai -Form and According to the Law ;1a - Such Cases. : V H; b I ! .Something, unusual occurred . Kyuiuuv""" . here today (Monday) when tne crowds ofyopldftecounly had assemblecfat the courthouse with the -expectation of attend - ing court, aSd fdund'- that there oukibeourtntil Wednes : COURT POSTPONED. ' &l S fe in'-tho'. regular now at ork hauling logs to irimpWedHH 1 cburti; haying ' and.lumber ,pn .the made his annduhcelnent' 'fromiHjg1- ' j " , :' , the court house steps. A teleHThe Reformed people-: haye gram was! redeiyed from Judge . laISe UJ?P" - , , lk;ii0t.a, ,ri i The, Baptists, have a.; revival v.oo kW.a-r,f A-f o unr? nnrtn mviiWp: nt, fliri Ashe toreactfhere.b ,mornmg, ,1- . . 1 ' Nevertheless,' thV sheriff .opened and adjQurned court un til Tuesday mornmsr. as tnisy is vu . "i': ,'0. bases: ' The jurornd witnesses 15 P!P. ere- .Rowan piove'their iiclcetslor their at-County hance wiir be in Bes- tendaicV thsame as if, court;Spn-,anA Pn wlll. was:ih progress, :and whUeHhere the big day The ' Ladies Aid is no need!of them .being, here ; Sf iety; willhaye. ice "cream and 'on Tuesday, stiU it? their "duty Pther refreshments i onthe LuthT to be here subject to a call on O From the Buffalo Mills. : c B. L. Still, boss carder and and spinner at Buffalo Mill, Con cj3rd, NrC, took a vacation this week, spending 4it mostly at his home at Greenwood,' S. O.t where his parents live. He was to be joined at Greenville by His Supt. , Robbins, they together. takirig:,;in. many mills thrbugl that regiont The 'Buffalo mill K3topjii s. for jlOays to .putin Stiie I Hawleyt Down df a t i uriiaqe ! gives! thenf this opportunity. Textilei celsior.. ' . " v ' . I Is It True? ! V; The 'following news, which we suppose is true, comes from the Textile Excelsior in regard to a bright young man who is known by ouipeop& here:l Jk .. "Supt.' C. M. Cooke of the Southern Cotton Mills, feessemer City, N. C, has nearly finished a pretty 8-room residence for him self.!. HewiU;tiioO 'occupyj it!in bachelor solitude,, a young lady in" Eastern Carolina having prpiriised;to. become ?Mrs; C Cooke m October." ' Clarence Ledhetter in Texas. . . Mr. Clarahce Ledbetter, the young man ,who some months ago had t .difficulty t ;Mt.Pleas ant with another one of the stu -dents of the college, is . now in Texas! He j failed to be here to attend the. trial at court. His father informs us that he is, very uau un wnn rneumaxism. ; The Mce Rain Missed Us. On Sunday afternoon several parts of the county were visited by a nice rain but our lot was only a layer of the dust. At China Grove they had a nice rain, the water having run in the ditches considerably. .. Add These to Your List. ' Telephone subscribers are re quested, for their own con venience, to add the following ! names to their telephone list: 108 Jno. Smith, Residence. 109 Geo. E Fisher, Residence. THAT THROBBING HEAD- :V. ' ACHE Would quickly leave vou if you used Iir. King's New Life Pills. j Thousands of suffers have proved tbeir matchless merit for sick and nervous hea3achfs. They make pure, blood and stroDg nerves and j build up your health. Easy to ; take. Try them. Only 25o. 1 "Mnnfiv Har!r 'f Tint nnrpH RnlI of. ! Fetzer's Drug Store. . . INCREASING FAITH. hei Alliance to a Di Daapre Building Going On In the, Tillage. Written for The Standard. Faith, July 22. There is more Remand for the Rowan county nfynnitn than utoc attah iT-Mrt-rrr-M ""T - . .-who J"118 filled up , full . ViTwPt . ' , . u , , L LnM.-.edoa hlranue te meetings gomg.r;pii here under a l?r?? gospel tent.. : - Rev. J. N. Stallings and'Bey: G. T. .Pinch rnwr ii - n Wua ""J -"V T " On;: the 28 and .29 of July we expect to see several thousands eran cnurcn lot to neip raise funds ' for... helping to build the Lutheran f church.. On Saturday from l"p. m. to 8 p. m. every body is invited to come out. , "." ? 5 J. T. Wyatt has been awarded the contract to get out the large Bngme beds that go to Chapel mil, in . : i Two houses, two stories high, are goingtup now. IJaith is grow ing rapidly, Mr. Wash Brawley Kijlled I JOn last i Saturday 4 Mr. i Wash Brawley, who' liyesval few smiles from vMooresville,' met his -death by histeanf Mn'fiifigawith1 a load of wood ; on the-Lwagon. The entire loadwent r over his stomachs and he onlylive4? a short Awhile. He leaves a wife and. '"'four ;;'!childr.enlj;,,His'V.'wife feached him Defore4iei diedri I CUBE A COLB -IK ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure., 25oI" The genuinhas lu B. Q. 3tt eaoh tablet. ' Very White. Rev Miller,pastor of Rocky Rive r Presbyterian charge, preached at Zion church last Sunday, we are told, to a congregation of more than forty men, women and children who were white both in color and name. The preacher was the only one present whose name is not White. . SPAIN'S GREATEST NEED. Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, spends his winters at Aik6n, S. C. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in th hack of hid head. On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest blood and'nerve remedy, all soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney troubles, purifies tbe blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor . and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle is guaranteed, only 50c. Sold at Fetzer 's Drug Store. A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDER "Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, crft or bruise. Buck len's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old 'sores lever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, all skin eruptions. ) Best pile cure on earth.v Only 9 a hnt HnrH criirori'f pari I JSoldat Ftzer's Drug iStore. PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr, Sam. Perkins, of Char- 1 : t: . v. . - ! 4 iulwj, was nere yesteraay. Mr. J.- L. Kendall, of Gaft- tonia, arrived here this - morn ing. Mr. Henry Propst and wife, nf Durham, are visiting at the home yjx iix. onu. YV. ITOpSIl. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Odell and Arthur Odell returned home this morning from Charlotte. Mrs. Emma1 Wriffht went to Mt. Pleasant ' today to spend some time visiting friends. ' " 1 -v- vi-' I .v. '- ; Buford Corl returned home this morning froni Misenheimer's springs after spending several Messrs: Edl " Correll and Harry Swink went to , Albemarle again this morning to paint the town ; Mr! A. B. Mclver, who has no troubles of .his own, is here looking after the interests of the Raleigh Post. ' " Messrs.' Luther Brown, Earle Brown, Gus Hartsell and Sam Ervin ' spent yesterday 1 at Misenheimer's spring, "fv- - t Mr; D. B: Coltrane returned home fthis; morning after 1 "spend ing Sunday with : his ! daughter Mrs. Garrison, at Bessemer, nv I Mr. P; B. ' Fetzer ahd Ber nard Fetzer returned honie d this morning froin Cprriher's springs after spending Sunday there. , Dr. R. S. Young, MriFn& A. Cline andlittle Louis Swihk "son of Mr. "Fred - Swink.- will leave tonight for Philadelphia.,! AT ; S. J, CttESl Is too valuable for long: winded ads. (Inr cmtomers are too busy 10 read. tbem. We have bonht ont at a PRICE hat would maKe you smile the THE FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING BUSINESS OPTHE LiTE 5 ' . Samuel Sloop and Sons. If you want anything? In FURRITURE made by one one of tne best Mecbaulet tbat evrr Concord pro duced. Call and see ns WE HAVE THE NTTJF Five Car loads ol Furniture and a Car 'Load of Chairs on tbe way. We boy stufif to KfiLL-we sell it. Call and see us -we like you. .Respectfully, BELL BIBB ! Laet tall I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doctor I called pn 8aid : at first that it was a slipht strain and would soon be well, but it grw worse and the doctor then said I had rheumatism. It' continued to grow worse and I could Hardly get "around to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Charrberlain's Pain Balm.' ' I tiled it and one-half of a 50-cent bottle cured me entirely. I now recommend it to alLmy friends. t F A Babcock, Erie. Pa. It ia for sale by M L Marsh & Co., ZlSt. '" A! grand cpilection of 15; .19 and 25c. Or gandie Ipnt on one bqte price d at , 10c. peri yard.- They iongV;?satalre Someismart things in Hosiery. Ladies fine ! JLiipip) Ul U U SU' tUIl tilt? WWW. JkAAim W O ' 1V1 rr l . r,A i r x . . -u. P.-.npfirsi for Pr t.hfl.t'Q made m: Another lot of those house Slirroers uOHrAfli .CE3IS2,-,' 'Jl , - T

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