Price $4.00 Fej Yw. CONCOHD, N; C., THURSDAY, JULY, 27 1899. Single Copy 5 Cents Correction Apology. : We are exceedingly sorry that, in our noting on Wednesday that Dr. Young had taken two of his patients to the hospital at Phila delphia, we used phraseology that might be construed as neg lect on the part of the parents of the unfortunate little Louis Swink. We simply wrote im pressions we had gotten that the limb had become stiff from some lack of application of joint exer cise that is a part of the most skilful treatment of an injured joint, without for a moment in tending our words to bear a con struction other than that of pure misfortune without fault. Our chagrin is the deeper from the fact that Mrs. Swink, whose "wifely ministrations had stood for months between her afflicted husband and the grave and that when she had seen her devotions bearing the nch fruits of resto ration this very grievous acci dent to little Louis came as a second cloud over her home, tax ing again her strength and ,hor spirits we say that our chagrin is the deeper that she should feel that our statement might lead a single' reader to doubt her due care of her child. Such " was furthest from our purpose, as it was furthest from our convic tions. TheJBakery Pays Homage. Mr. Will Johnson, proprietor of the Concord bakery, had in his show window Wednesday evening a beautiful piece of work: as a tribute to the States ville Concord baseball .game. It. was a fine cake, on the top of which were the words, "Baseball, Con cord 18. Statesville 3," also bear ing the date. The baseball as sociation here admired tit so much that they purchased it and will probably present it to their de feated opponents. So Court Yet, This is the fourth morning that, Sheriff Peck has opened court and adjourned it until next morning on account of Judge Robinson being detained at Asheboro on the big railroad case. Each morning our farmers from different parts of the county are here to await the opening of court only to be relieved until the next morning. . Baby Born With Set of Teeth. A two-months-old baby born with teeth was brought to the office of Dentist Mapp, in Brook lyn, recently to have its front teeth extracted so that the mother, Mrs. Christopher Quinn, of No. 444 Bushwick avenue, could nurse the child with more personal comfort to herself. Dr. Hasbrouck, a prominent dentist; says that such cases, while, rare, are not so uncommon as to cause much of a stir. ; 'Teeth in' children at birth'," said he, are usually due to some constitutional trouble of the parents. Measles and scarlet fever often cause teeth to come in an irregular way They are usually the milk teeth. Of, course, they cause the mother much annoyance, but they are easily extracted." To Our Patrons. j Those having accounts with Drs. Caldwell & Stevens and de siring to settle the same will find all books with Dr. Caldwell. Caldwell & Stevens. A FRIGHTFUL J3LUNDEK Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Buck lon's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will till the pain and promptly ,- heal it. ; Cures old sores, lever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, -corns, all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. - Only 25c. a box. Cure guaranteed. , Soid at Fetzar's Drug Jdtore. We're on a Steady Move. It is a satisfaction to- know that contracts are awarded for work,, and are noted beforehand but it is still more gratifying to j each other's superiority on the see the work now being pushed ; diamond at the Latta Park. Le and new buildings being added Grande," t 'Billy Dee," went over each month to our town. Since to assist the Charlotte players. last noting our improvements in ' Messrs. Geo. L. Patterson, Robt. ! this line, Mr. J, A. C. Black- Keesler, Bichmond Montgomery, welder at Cannonville has started W. W. CM W- C. Correll and the erection of a residence Noah Correll went dyer to wit next to his present one and will ness it. , also add an nth er on thp. lntnt r- ' - the rear of his residence. Ground has been broken and the foundation started for another one for Mr. Cha. Wagoner on the lot opposite the residence of Mr. M. C. Walter. Already one can see that West Depot street will have a most valuable addition when the resi- dence of MrJno. Q. Leslie is finished. The 'frame is already UP-A, , " , .,, , T ""P standing on South Mam street on the lots of Mr. Geo. W. Brown. A great change and improve- ment is noticeable on the prop- erty of Mr. Zeb Morris on the same street. Where once was a valley almost like a precipice there will be a back yard and driveway to a barn. A Drunken Negro Pulled. : David Crump, a negro, while very drunk conducted himself in a most disorderly way today at Cannonville near Mr. J. A. C. Blackwelder's store. Policeman Cruse got news of the affair and met the negro. A tussle followed for. a little while but the officers wooden paralyzer brought blood flowing from the negro's head ana ne is soberness. now in jail awaiting Court Opens Tomorrow. The suspense as to when court will begin is now broken. Judge Robinson this morning - wired to Sheriff Peck that court would open tomorrow. As fast as possi ble the cases will be turned off now and the jail cleared of its prisoners. It is not likely that much can be done on the civil docket this court unless the criminal docket, which is consid erably large, . is cut short. , A Young Man Goes Wrong. Newport News, Va., July 26. W. F. Anthony,, a young man who comes from a good North Carolina family, is in jail here charged with a series of thefts, He confessed his crime to sev- eral officers and one or the men from whom he took some wearing apparel. Anthony is charged with stealing two overcoats, a watch, a pistol, a razor and other clothing: from young meti boarding at' the home of Mrs. Bostwick. He says this is his first crime and when he. realized' 4.1 a -ui the enormity of his offense he broke down and cried like a child. While in jail he received a letter from his mother in North Carolina inclosing; j him $5. His father was, during the Civil War, colonel of a North Carolina. regiment. ! Short Sermons. The greatest wrestler in the world is truth, and it never gives upmi n wins. ; v':!Sverages between thirty-live and There are manv neorjle who . . r x i x y, v a ,t . ! can, stand adversity better than they can stand prosperity. . The best men are those who attend to their own business and never meedle with their bor's unless invited. Ex. neigh- If troubled with rheumatism, give Ohamberlaiu 's Pain-Balm a trial. t will not cost you a cent if it does no good. One' appficaion will relieve the pain. It also cures sprains and bruises in one third the time required by any other treatment. ; Cuts, burns, frostbites, quinsey pains in the side and chest, glandular and other swellings are quick, lv cured by applying: it. Every bottle warranted. Pricej 25 and 50 eta. M L j Marsh & Co. i (For the Mountain Island-Charlotte Game. This afternoon Mountain Is- land and Charlotte are testmsr j Original Observations. The hotel keeper is a host in himself . Women make the best skirt supporters ... , Nothing tries the sole more than a shoe peg. A straight flush on an Grange maiden's face will beat four v dudes. I The brilliancy displayed by s people is the reflection of 1 ' eircne We dont object to a little girl giving us the mitten if she will omy nine nana m u, . Of all the sad words that man ever spoke, the saddest are these, 'I'm dead brok Lovers' quarrels are said to end in kisses. It must be awful nice to have a quarrel very fre quently. ! Booker T. Washington, the noted colored citizen of Alabama. is favorably struck with that town, but thinks it is ruled rather too much by fashion. He couldn't get a pair of shoes large enough for him in the shoe stores, and was lniormea tnat large snoes were not fashionable, for which reason they were not kept in I stock. Morning Star. "The outlook of all this ac tivity in the South'' says the Chicago Tribune, 'is not encour aging to Kew England manufac turers; If as they say, they have been unable , to compete with that section during the last two or three -years, what will be the condition in the . next two or three"? Pass. We are too busy in the South to stop to guess at conundrums. Louisville Courier Journal, Dem. Last tali I sprained my left hip while .handlinu some hvv boxes. The doctor I called on j Bai(j at first that it was a slight strain and would soon bo well, but it erew worse and the doctor then said I had rheumatism. It continued to - grow worse arid I could hardly get around to 'work.. I went to aidrug " stpr and the, drneeist recommended, me -to , try nhamhfirlain'fi 'T?fii Balm. ' I mait t mnt , ... . -aA flnf-j t bottle cured me entirely, l now recommend it to all my friends F A Babcock, Erie, Pa. -It lis for sale by M L Marsh &. Co., druggist. Tihtnmer caused the death of 367 persons in the United States last year, and a property loss of $1, 441, 880. Few of the deaths occurred in cities. The annual number of : thunderstorms at given localities in this country iortv-nve. ine maximum ia m &011llc0 ,tntp.-Bailv ; t" r Kenector' ... THAT THROBBING HEAD ACHE Would quickly leave you if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of suffers have proved tbeir matchless merit for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25c. Money back 5f not cured. Sold at Fetzer's Drug Store, PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. A. S. Beaman; of Co lumbus', N. C, is here today. Miss Annie Kerr, of Clinton, is visiting Miss Lidie Smith. ' Miss Maggie Bell, of Char'-jirig W. L. lotte, is visiting at Mr. Bell's. Mrs. P. B. Fetzer returned to Corriher's springs yesterday afternoon. Mr. J. A. Means, of Char lotte, of the firm of the Ritchie Hardware Co., spent today here. Miss Ada Holmes, of David son county, is visiting Mrs. Du senbury at the St. Cloud hotel. Mr. Roy Hunter and Mrs. Pettis, of Charlotte, arrived here this morning and are visiting at Mr. J. B. Caldwell's. ' Mr. H. P. Deaton and 'Miss J essie Deaton went to Moores ville today to attend the big pic nic. Mr. A. F. Cleveland, of At lanta, general agent: for the Chicago and Northwestern rail road, is here today. - Mrs. Elam King, Misses Mary and Nora King, and Miss Addie Lore went to Charlotte this morning to visit at Mr. R. M. White's. Mrs. A. S. Day vault re turned home last night from a visit to Barium Springs and Turnersburg. She went out to her mother's near Mt . Pleasant this morning to spend a day or two. . A Fresh tine AT I FANCY I CAKES I Ji Jli Yifl hi Is to valuable for Ions' winded ads. Our customer are too Imajr fo read them. We bare bonght out at a PRICE tnat would make you smile the THE FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING BUSINESS OFTHELATE Samuel Sloop and Sons. If yon want anything? In FTJCItlTTItE made by one one of the best Mechanics that ever Concord pro duced. Call ancf see us "WE HAVE TUB NTUFF. Fire Car Loadt of Furniture and a Car Load or Chairs on the way. We buy stun to SJLI we sell It. Call and see us we like you. Respectfully, 1 Bfl1, nannis t . r .? a -fm y. A Card of 1 banks. I wish to say that I feel under lasting obligations for what Chamberlain's Coujjh remedy has . done for our family. Wo have used it in so many . tases of coughs, lunz troubles and whoott- cough, and it cms ahvuys j;iven tht uiost rierfect salisf action, we ree; greauy mueutoa t tins manu factures of this remedy and-vied-' them to please accept om hearty thanks. pespeetfuliv, Mrs. ' S Doty, Des Moues, Iowa. For sale by M L Marsh & Co., drng gist. J . . --. mrnian&tBBiiirraxei'MSHm, A grand collection of 15, 19 and 25c. Or gandie Ipjit on one counter and priced at 10c. per yard. Tfrey long, so take the hint Some smart things in. Hosiery. Ladies fine I .ISIH. I1I IJL) I,llt-T 50c. kind, 2 pairs for 75c. We ha-e the best 2 pairs for 25c. that's made. Another lot of those house Slippers, at: 25c. a pair. II. parks t t mwi . .- 7 a CI 1K 5r A.

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