' 7 6- ... '.4 Prico $4.00 PefYear, GONCOllD, N. 0., FRIDAY, JULY, 28 1899. Sicgle'Copy 5 Cents 'iSFSv lit" k- -JSX&L 5&&i j&zj&l K2 f? ?T1 imui await THE SUSPENSE BROKEN. THE TABLES TURNED. I ANOTHER BATTLE REPORTED. The Superior Court in Session Work Being Turned off as Rapidly as Possi ble Cases Disposed of so Far. The suspense is broken and the wheels of justice are now ;movinr along rapidly as pos sible. Judge VvT. S. O'B. Rob inson, of Goldsboro, arrived from Asheboro Thursday night. On account oi the delay court opened at 9:30 o'clock and every hit of time possible, will be util ized. The first impressions of his Honor were when he delivered his charge to the grand jury, before they start upon their work for the better keeping of the laws' of our Staj?e. .His charge was, plain forceful and pointed, and was directed to the follow ing good citizens of our county: Wm. Propst, J. D. Green, Jno. D. Bost, Jno. S. Hill, Jno. W. Cook, Jacob R. Barnhardt, F. P. Smith, J. M. Silford, Paul Eudy, Jno. R. Patterson, G. R. Wine A Young White Man Attempts a Foul Crime on a Negro Girl Near China GroTe---Goes to Jail at Salisbury. Victory Sail to Have Been Gained at Calamba. Another victory for our troops We ilearn by phone message 1 is reported from the Phippines. from China Grove that Floyd;1 was Gen. Hall who defeated Jtly, a white boy of 18 years, je iniipinos a. -aiamoa on son of William Utley, attempted ; W ednesday. it seems a desir- foul assault on a nero girl on able pomt and was taiven oy a Thursday evening about a mile ' strategic movement. About 70 north of China Grove. Young ! Spanish prisoners were held Utley was arraigned before i nere and 40 were gotten oft but Esquire Sitford this (Friday) ' 0mS morning and was bound m bondj Th American loss was four of 400 for his appearance at -filled and eleven wounded. The court. I enemy is said to have removed The young man being unable twenty-five of their killed and to give bond was taken to Salis V - He Obtained His Money. The white man who for. several days has been . confined to jail awaiting the necessary amount to pay his find and costs for be ing drunk and disorderly, was made happy Thursday evening. He is from Charlotte. - PERSONAL POINTERS. A Card of 1 hanks. I wish to say that I.fel under lasting obligations for what Chamberlain' Cough remedy has done for our family. . We have used it in so manv oases of coiighs, lun' troubles and whoop ing congh, and .t has r)w -Wo. yivea th luost perfect saiistactioD. fpel greatly indebted to th uhnu- lectures of .this rei Hf X Y- iJJ!' J! T" I . ...... w,.. .uu U-li Institute at " Raleigh, is here to- i tu i a t. ;.,"n bury jail. Charlotte Is Now Tickled. wounded. This report is not official from Gen. Otis but if it were it would seem to amount to little if he perverts and falsifies the news as is said by the newspaper corre bered by them, too. Rogers and LeGrande, of our team, assisted conyC. A. Isenhour, J. C. John ston, W. F. Goodman, J. Ed. Cline, A. J. Winecoff, G. T. Beaver and Jno. M. Kluttz. Mr. Wm. Propst was selected as the foreman. State vs. Jno. L. Bost, carry ing concealed weapon, plead guilty and judgement suspended on payment of the costs. State vs. Buck Harris, affray. Verdict of not guilty. State vs. Croff Propst, assault with deadly weapon, plead guilty and judgement suspended on payment of the costs. .ith deadly weapon. Judgement jewe short Rogers ment suspended on payment of I - " the costs I "' v - . "mmmm State vs. Will Hearne and! Stafilf News of Interest, Marshall Hearne, affray. Judge- j The following concerning us ment suspended on payment oi i appears in the Stanly Enter That was a great day for Char lotte Thursday when they met ispondents. We can only give it the Mountain Island team and as stated in dispatches, defeated them in a score of 7 to 3. - - . it, was a aay long to oe remem - The Cmmterfeiters Caught. Several weeks vUnited uneven irum u, rf learned that there nosed the OharlnttA fpam Ofi ... . ti j-. i i - x-i counterieiters tut) luiuiwx s p tay mg, me kju server say.: "Rogers (F. O.) one of Concord's noted run-getters, covered centre field for Char lotte, and did it in great shape." If Charlotte beats Mountain Island in a score of 7 to 3, and Concord beats Charlotte in a score of 7 to 0, what do you in fer ? Remember we did not have all of our team on "duty when Charlotte beat us in that score of the costs.- prise: A large part of the time is be- Carjt. Howard will have charsre ing taken up on the case where- 0 vl&cine all the frames and in Nathaniel Fulhain is being WOod work on the new addition Tried ior snoomng jno. noia- to the Cannon factory in Con- brooks, which affair happened I c"0rd. last Christmans in No. 3 town- Mr J W TTnTxrlra fnrmorlv ship. spinner at the Efird cotton mill, as not aead. as .was . reported m these columns some time -since, but is very much alive, and has open I accepted a position as night Challenges the Whole State. That is certainly an challenge issued by ;the manager Overseer of spinning at the i .Ca- oi tne union, C5. w., oase Dan i barms Mills. Concord, team, wnicn appears ; m tne ; u d- i MMt M Xl server and reads as follows "This defy is aimed at the was a gang of in the cily. He reported the fact to the Secret Service agent of the Treasury Department at Washington, who has had agents here working up the case. The result of their work was that they last night bagged the game. The parties, all white, are: Mrs. C. R. Bradwell and daughter, Mrs. L. Eva Ozment, and J. E. Talley, A. W. Edwards and J. R. i Maynard. Four of the number were arrested at Mrs. BraclwelPs, near the Ging- ham Mi!L ; Maynard was ar rested on Soutii Graiiam street. The whole ganar was taken to the Federal Court room, vhere impromptu court was in session until 1:30 this morning. The men were sent to jail in default of $500 bond each . The women were allowed to stay in the Fed eral ; Court room under guard. District Attorney Moiton , was wired last night of the arrest of the counterfeiters and' asked to be here at the trial, which takes place at 2 o'clock in the Federal Court ; room. A ladle and 32 cpunterfeit coins, were found in Mrs. Bradwelrs house.- Char lotte Observer. Mrs. Joel Honeycult Dead State of North Carolina:1 Byde- ,NeTO Comosto las etf the death feating Piedmbnf 5 out of 9 ?! Mrs. HfiiieCutt, the of or anifta . .t TT-nr, cnKaii Mr Joel Honeycutt. of Mt has earnAri "n'M- uvf Pleasant. - For some time sne to claim : the chamTjionshin cf bas sickrwjth fever, v A de- South Carolyn vwo '0fvoted husbanav ana several nositionf m,r frtA avo lichildren areirobbed of this mem dor-mo iin-K 'cniftD tsJfcer of the home. The remains conquer. '-We challenge the State .wnn 'JTJZi threniasbTpiaye the funeral by Revf Paul Bar in .Charlotte during -the week rmer ' -: - ending August 12th, If neither ' ' mm Charlotte, nor Mountain Island, Last fall I sprained my left nor Cohcord. nor Ktatfisville ' tin while handling soma heaw feel equal to the task of taking I boxes. The doctor I called on up the gauntlet single handed, jeaid at first i that it was; a slight we propose that they all com strain and - would soon 'be well, bine, take the pick of all, make a but it grew worse and th6 doctor team of them and let such team then said I had rheumatism. It represent the btate of North nnn tinned to crow worse and I Mr. Kent Blair, of Charl otte, is spending today at Prof. Jas. P. Cook's. t Mrs. Jno. P. AUison re turned home this morning from Salisbury. Miss Maude Brown has re turned from Gastonia accompa nied by her friend, Miss May Gray. Mr. R. M. Williams of Aiken, S. C, is here today on business in regard to his patent washer and canner. Sam Sloop is at home for a day or two. The linemen of the Postal Telegraph Co. are now working at Winston. .Mrs. R O S Miller and niece, Miss Lucy Barrier, daughter of Mr. D, Frank Barrier, went to Monroe today to visit Mrs. Chas. Simpson, nee Miss Regina Brown. A W Line OF ffml CAKES nonrty Mrs. S Doty, .Des MGmes, Iowa. For sale by M Ij Marsh & Co., druggist. I -WW M ' 1 1 li's. l SUMMER OS ! A grand collection of . 15, 19 and 25c. Or gandie put on one counter and priced at 10c. per yard. They will not be with us long so take the hint- Some smartx things m : Hosiery. Ladies fine Lisle drop stltchi the 50c. kind, 2 pairs for 75c. We hae the best ; 2 pairs for 25c. that's made. Another lot of -those house Slippers : at 25c. a pair. Editor Varaer Has Retm necL i H. B. Varner, editor of the Lexington Dispatch, has re- turnea xo nis name alter atiena ing the Naviaiaal Association of Editors, which met in Portland, Oregon. . He . .was given a de lightful trip by the different rail road companies by way of Wash ington, .Pittsburg and Chicago. Mr. Varner was elected one of the members of the National ex ecutive committee. The asso ciation meets next year at . New Orleans and 'an' excursion has already been , jdanned for the attendants to Cuba and Porto Rico. 'u ' WANTED Tt buy 100,000 pounds of , old cast-iron scrap, de livered at .the fotindry $i once, for which we will pay a fair pripe. Ncr burnt iron wantecU t-.- - -Sr Mil Concord FouhdbyCo Mm ' L. PARKS COIE3 Has Purchased One of Them. Carolina: We will play for money or marbles. . .Very respectfully, A. C. Miller, Manager Union B. B. C. 'Union, S. C, July 27, 1899. : For Over riHyilears Mrs, Wiufllow'e Soothing syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect sue. cess. It soothes the child, softens the i gums, "allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieye the poor little sufferer immediately: Sold by druggists in every part of the world, Twenty.fiye ents a bottle. Be snre m for 4,lrs. .Winslows Sooth- could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug storeiand the druggist recommended m0 to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I tried it and one-half of a 50-cent bottle cured me entirely. . I now recommend it to all my friends. F A Babcock; "Erie," Pa. It is for sale by M L Marsh & Co., druggist, v -v- - Regi ster of Deeds Turner has j purchased a comptometer at a cost of $15, and is making nis tax additions with it. The ma chine is accurate and additions can.be made very rapidly with it. It will also multiply, divide, sub tract and count interest. States yille Mascot. . If troubled with rheumatism, give OhamberlaiD's Pain-Balm a trial. It will not cost you a cent if it does no good. One applicaion will relieve the. pain. It also cures sprains and bruises in one third the time required by, any other treatment. Cuts, burns, 1 f rostbites,, nuinsev. rains in the side and chest. glandular and other swellings are quick-! Best pilft oure A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDEK "Will ofteii v cause a horrible burn, scald,. cut or bruise. Buck len's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will till the pain and promptly' heal it. -Cures old sores, viewer sores, ulcers, boils, felonsrcorns, all skin eruptions. on dearth. unly T Urn Tamable far Ion winded aiU. Onr ctomrs are tto bosrl read tHemr We Hare bough a PRICE tnat would mase yon smile the THE FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING BUSINESS ... .- . - - OF THE LTE I Samuel Sloop and Sons. If you want anything In FIJBRITURE made by one one of tbe oest Mecbanlca tbal Coucord pro duced. Call and see ns-WE HATE THE STUFF. ' ' T A.ri. nf rnrnltnre and a Car JLoad t IT V MJV& " Chairs on the way. We bny stnlT toSELL-we sell It Call and see us we like you. Respectfully, of ly cured by applying it. Every bottla25o. a box. Cure guaranteed. m ing Syrup," and take no' other kind Marsb'& Co. . . . Sold ateteer s Drug btore.