r t i Price $100 Per Tear; CONCORD, Ni 0., SATURDAY, JULY, 29 1899. Single Copy 5 Cents l.f '. COURT PROCEEDINGS Nathaniel Fulham Is Found Guilty of ' Shooting Jno. HoldbrooKs sentences i in flip rhftin Gang. - 1 State vs. Toney Morton, larceny. Not guilty: State vs. D; H. Plott, assault with deadly weapon. Plead guilty and judgment suspended on navment of the costs, State vs. Will - Thompson, . rrr ; UaJLiVlllS Luucaicu '"1"") . t u J5 J X J o . c pended on payment of the costs. State vs. Jno. Isenhour, re tailing without license. Not guilty. In this case Judge Rob inson reprimanded the jury con siderably for not rendering a verdict of guilty against the negro. Several otner cases were on the docket against the negro, though. State vs. Will Morton, carry ine a concealed weapon. Judg ment suspended on payment of the costs. Rt,a.t,A vs. Andrew Jackson, re tailine-without license. Pound t : . , -f i . I gang for three months. i4. X X - 7 1 State vs. John Holdbrooks, I assault. Flead guuty ana uage- ment suspenaea on payment oi the costs. A noi pros was enierea m casewnere ne was cuargeu 1 1" T .1 I with carrying a conceaiea weapon. 1 State vs. Esther Ried and Jim Ried, assault with deadly weap-1 ons. nisiner riiea noi guilty, i -Il i 1 T-? JI j i. i 1 1 I Jim Ried found guilty , ana sen tenced to the- chain gang lor six months. The case of Nathaniel Fulham for the shooting of Jno. Hold- brooks, which, affair occurred last Christmas m No. 6 town- ship, was tried Friday afternoon. J The iury returned a verdict of uilty. No disposition has been made of the case at this time.. . I State vs. Chas. Bost, carrying I a conceaiea weapon. r ounai i-i -m 1 I guilty and judgment suspended on payment of the costs. 4 I State vs. Anseline Ellis, rer tailing without license. Found - cj i guilty. Judgment continued. h rI ' V. r nncn rf I -It I no inn Kn H I Pearson was trid, ,.the former his son, Bud Pearson. The boy ",c'u Ui gu w V"TOlmi-.Tiwv.Aflfla will ho sent t t.Vift F.nr.sou, but.he has not yet cV&Z1m sentenced. -: State vs.. :L,evi Partee, receiv- lg stolen property' . ?ound no uilty. In the case -of retailing whisW irtf i; oo fnn-nrl ,;u Li ' x'- j "t.E" ri- " On Tt bale - It wUl be parsed from ex un account of the absence of I , , 1 some importaut , .witnesses foreman-Black case was con tlTllia nr!l vi..i ..X As we so to press the case .vx uuiawAt uuuit. I OI I Mr. J. Ed. Henderson,, for ob- Mmcung a public cart-wav was being tried., , Dr. S jkes will Preach Tomorrow. We received a, postal from Rev; IB. Lacy jLoge this morning. arom Matthews, where he is con- ii ... . ducting a meeting, stating that Dr. E. W. SvW nf WVo w. p,Rt rinlloo'o will -fill viiw,, ,yux 1JJ.X LXXU I J U 1 IJ 1 U Ul t- ii i . .A x the .Baptist church tomorrow morning and .tomorrow Rev. Hoge states that he is hav ing a fine meeting at Matthews. For Oyer Fiityt Tears Mrs. Wilislow's boothing Syrup haa been uaed for over fifty yeara by millions of mothere for their, child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It Boothea the child, eof tens the gams, allays all pain, cores wind -colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. 8old by druggists in every part of the world, Twenty-five sents a bottle. Be sere for 'Mrs. .Winslows Sooth ing rup," and take no other kindj L. D. DUTAL RESIGNS. His Resignation Superintendent of the Cannon Mills Handed in to TaKe Effect After Thirty Hays It Means a Loss to Concord. ? it will be a surprise to every one of our readers to learn :-itnat Mr. L. D. Duval, who is. now supermxenaenx. oi uw-vannou mills, nas tendered ms resigna- on oiuiav.pos uou waicn wui take effect in thirty days. This IS nfiWB inni Wl mOT. T TIM OVOK . r. of our people with regret as Mr. Duval is looked upon as one of our best townsmen and one who has the esteem , and respect not oniy oi tnose unaer nis supervis- ion but among our people. ren years ago lvir. jjuvai came terms place irom Georgia to ac- cept tne position ne now nas. At that time there were under his of 17,000 spindles and 520 looms, that This resignation means that Ooncord" will 'lose Mr. arid Mrs. Duval as Mr. Duval will later take oart in mill work in . A MVJ.AM Gone to AssisiMaxton. Messrs. Ernest Graves, Dolph Mnncrnrn and Rillv LeGrande: 1pft Frifla vniP-ht f or Wilminerton where they went to assist the j O . -- Maxton team in a game against the Wilmington boys. The Charlotte Observer says that the Maxton team made requisi .. . , rti . i i J tion on unariotte ior waves. Mangum, LeGrande, Lihibeth and Donnelly. This will do but Charlotte only furnished two of layers. , . ; .,;. John DeArmond Dead. John DeArmond, a young man 0f Charlotte; who 1 is -known by several in this place, and who spent Sunday here only a few weeks aero, died Thursday from an operation for appendicitis. TT 1 11. -f TV T. TIa ne is a uruiunr ui xvxi. oeau lArmond, who comes here each day m the interest of Wadsworth tfros. nvery business. . : . The First Bale; "VrsrAr ThItt OQ fornVovo , th G exchange WW OT1 'w v i mv.i x o:'- rHkj dwatdon ated to the ftlggM ii? if: ia : coiron nouse, wmcn piu:. a pre mium or one nuuuru uunaid auu the fuU market .price for the l ViiciJJ.gt3 tuiuugxxuuu uxxo vvuxxbxjr and'' it is expected that many thousands of dollars will be i reoiiii&eu uv ujutj&xvt? auuwuuo i; j -u , of the bale. - . Fell Into aDeep Well. ; ,The Shelby Aurora says the 2- year-old child of Mr. Adam Hord fell into his new well, 75 feet' deep,1 from which he! had just drawn the water, last Tues aa?; , .s?,uil as J,racxu,rea ana aeatn ionowea on inursaay, the 27th. . Last fall I sprained my" left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doctor I called on 6aid at first that it was a slight strain and would soon be Well, but it grew worse and the" doctor then said I had rheumatism. It: continued to grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. I went v to . a drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Cham berlains Pain Balm. : I tii3d it and one-half of a 50-cent bottle cured me entirely. I . now recommend it to all my friends. F A Babcock, Erie, Pa. It is for sale by ML. Marsh & Co., druggist. MORE BASEBALL. A Series of Games; Arranged With the "V Mountain island and Charlotte t eams Some nam wames Hooked wovr. ci '. r t. ' t l i ' I There is no doubt but that we wUl m the near -future see some "V ""sus uu me uiamuuu, since Manager Patterson, of our ..x, xx,a nxx.xxvx VVAVu- gf W1 muuuiaiu . ," games, to take place Qmnnlc fVin ran tnomc. The managers of the Charlotte, wwuxviiwo Ui iiiv ciiJLC. oncqru ana jyiouniam lsiana ball teams, got together Thurs- ay moping,, tne J7th, and 6w iuC xvuuwmS uuw games to be played on the ZSiTCIl -V--- - VY"". m vs. vnanoMe, august tain Island, August 25th. At Concord Concord vs. oncortt- Charlotte, August 2nd. Moun- tamisiana vs. ,Joncora, August 14th. CharlpUe .. vs. Concord,- A -i. 1 Oil. . At Mountain Island Mountain Island vs. Charlotte, August 7th. Concord vs. lflountain Island, i August zist.' unanotte vs VZZZl tr. , a""!: VT 1 " : All Sorts x)f Paragraphs. - The best remedy for an injury is fotgetfullness. Wise men are wrong much oftener than fools are right. Women in politics are about as graceful; as hens in swimming. No amount of ; culture will stop a man from snoring. IT A man of letters has but little to show m a breach oi promise case. In giving the devil his due you are liable to give yourself away. ; v. The'only way to curb a young man nowadays is to bridal him. The reckless balloonist is apt to take one drop too much. The ' owner sometimes dis covers that the- mar e makes the money go. 1 - ; It is a sign of spring when' the giiji clubs put forth their shoots. 5' ' ,. . - - . - f rt n xi At . l-jujiiy.&uesuie aouiuern. The -city of Raleigh has entered Bjlit against ,the Southern;. Rail way: for $322. 27 which , is the sum of $3,000 'damage obtained j oy ;a laqyfwgexner wiLiii ine cosxs in a suit against the city for in juries sustained, in a lrunaway about a trestle which the city claims the railway did not con: struct according to requirements. - What is Good. - "What is the real good ?" I asked in musing mood. "Order," said the law court;. 'Knowledge, ' said the school; 4 if Truth," said the wise man;: Pleasure," said -the. fool; 'fLove," said the maiden; ' "Beauty," said the page; , "Preedomy" said the dreamer; "Home," said the sage; Pame," said the soldier; "Equity," the seer. Spake my heart full sadly, ' 'The answer is not here. " Then within my bosom Softly this I heard; "Each heart holds the secret Kindness is. the word." John Bovle O'Reilly.: A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDER Will often cause ,a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Buck Ion's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will fcill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, lever soresr ulcers; boils, felbiiS, corns, all skin, eruptions. Bestpile cure on. earth. Only zocva dox. cure guaranteed. .' Sold at Fetzer's Drug Store. With the Churches Tomorrow. Regular services both tomor row morning and night at Cen- raj g church bv the tiastor t t n rm No preaching tomorrow at Forest Hill or Cannonville Pres byterian churches. Rev. Pres ton, the pastor, will preach at Patterson's Mill church. Holy Communion .service will beT held tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock at i Trinity Reformed church by the pastor, Rev. J. N. Faust. ' -ir : .' . , Rev. Jas. H. Lippard- will preach at Forest Hill M. . E. church tomorrow morning.; Rev. T , w smith will conduct the services tomorrow night. Kev. T. W. Smith, the pastor' 0f Epworth M. E. church will: conduct services tomorrow ! . mornins Tomorrow nWt the FP ' Jt , Washinfftiin fttc a Tcta Even Washington City has had t A a taste of negro assaults on ' white women. Eight of a gangrv are are now in jail for outragrinsr a Mrs. Linkins, whose escort, a Mr. James Giles, some of the crowd dragged away and -beat" to' insensibility and robbed while ' the v committed .the fipnrliKK aM act. Be it said to the praise of a ne- &xvy ouvkii ij-xivT3xxxaxx txiciu iu was through him that the case wasgj woiKea up. . PERSONAL POINTERS. Archey Cannon went over to Charlotte this morning. Hons. Lee S. Overman and Thed: P. Kluttz, of Salisbury, are m the bar today. in i f 1 m M !A M 11 aS rh nnm-Trn X of r uu n u uu. x iiSt II l- PHiiKS X CO. AT A , . . v . tt ......... . . m-- U. Ui ; LI Mil Ui g In ten valoHble for Ions winded ads. Oar enstomers are too busy 10 read them. We hare bonght oat at PRICE hat would mane you smile the THE FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING BUSINESS OF THE Li ATE Samuel Sloop and Sons. IT you want anj thuig In FCBBITI RE made by one one of the best Mechanics that ever Concord pro duced. Call and see ns-WE HAVE THE STUFF. Fire Car Loads of Furniture and a Car Load of' Chairs on the way. We buy stnfT to SfiLI we sell it. Call and see us we like you. Respectfully, bell, wmn miw. j t A Card of Ihanks. - j I Tnsh to Bay that I feel under lasting obligations for what Cham oerlain V Oou ?h - remedy h as done for our familv We have' used; . in so ; many cases of couihBlun troubles and wbobp- , ing cough, and it has always given the most perfect satisfaction, we feel greatly indebted to thw manu factures of this remedy and wish them to please accept oui hearty thanks. Respectfully, Mr8. S Doty, Des Mcines, Iowa; For sale by M L Marsh & Co., druggist. :0 a fa i A 0$, F X m t m m m m t MEN ' S m IfiU nti& a MIGHT R asp AT NEW I Of UOLu f eh Hi'Vin vj : 0

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