Price $4.00 Per Year. OONCOKD, N. C, MONDAY, JULY 31, 1899. Single Copy 5 , Cente- CHOLOROFOM USED. Some Person Opens the Window and Pours Cholorform Into the MoutH of Will Johnson -His Probable Scheme Sot Accomplished. "For the last several nights. there .has been reasons to be- j lipvft that some mgnt imei is getting in Iris .work in our town and it has been hoped that he would be caught. Two different houses have been prowled about but he has not yet - been caught. "Worse than all though was the one Sunday night when some nerson went to the window at the home of Mrs. settie Johnson j on Spring street wThere Will Johnson was sleeping and 'poured so, me choloroform into h':s moutlTf-and nose. This was very "probably- done about 11 o'clock. A while afterwards he woke and found himself in this condition. . His blinds were found to be wide open and several things of small value were found out In the yard. It is thought that the perpetrator of the deed intended to ransack the room to find some money,' but he failed. - A Large Timber Deal. Mr. Geo. E. Fisher will soon have finished his large contract of cutting timber out in No. 6 township, but when that is fin ished he has another still larger undertaking before him." He has mK,a-m0 -vw.v v bought the right to cut pine and oak timber on. five hundred acres of land near Rocky River springs and will begin soon. He pur chased the right :from-3ar.. S.' J. Biggers, of Charlotte,' Messrs. Davis'Barrier and Lewis MAsen lieimer have comracted to cut the timber for Mr. MisenKeiiner and have purchased a new Engine and boiler for th work. iVLl. Misenheimer, who is now living I I ah Kimer win move: 10 itocKy River springs. I he lumber, af- ter cut, will benrmt on the cars at Porters, a station on the Aradkin. Mr. Misenneimer nas nretoiore sold to this place exclusively but will ship to several places from there. -- i OS Court Proceedings. State vs. Jack affray. Notguilty. 'irmstrong, btate vs. J. Ed. , Henderson, obstructing putihc-cai:.t-way. Not CT uutv. -. ' State vs. J. Ed. f Henderson, violating stock law. I Notffuilty. guilty. btate vs.. Nr.thn-, assault with Plead not guiii i i -x. uiiiuni. dearllv weaoon. J round guilty, j uugenient su..ip,-;i ment of the costs. i i led on pay- .av icr, larceny. Guilty and chain gang for four f months. - ov?xi wm ceu to - iiie I x. il.. ine case ot Mrs. Manie Davis vs. Mr. J. Mack D.kvis, wherein me iormer applied'for a divorce, was taicen up. Tha divorce was granted. i State vs. Sam Ei'tis larcenv of a screw-driver. Giaiity and sen - tenced to the chain foncr fmir months. An Old Lady at Canndniille Dead. un bunday night . at Cannon- ville at the hOirift of Mr John Shoe Miss Susan Harwood "dierl after having sefcn overninetv years pass, by. he was the last one of that fainily, all of her Ernest Graves and Dolph Man brothers and sisiters. having pre- gum the boys sent by Charlotte ceded her to thel grave. There- at the request of the Maxton mams will ;be takjen to the family uurying groUnu ill taniy county, live mnes oeiowMt. fleasant. xi irouDiea wuni rneumatisin, give Cxxamber!ai2'fi Pain.Balm atrial. 3twill I A 1 I 9 - 1 t. 9 not cost you a cent) if it does no good. One appliciiion vrVh relieve the pain. It also CUreS JSprauifcftTif, Timisps in nnn. third the time recjuired by any other quinsey, pamsinthe side and chest, glandular and othfer Kwfillinp-s arnnin. ly cured by applfinit. Every bottle Trranted; Prhfe, 25 vA ZQ cts.M L iuarsivac uo. DRILL THE TONGUE DAILY. It Is the Instrument That Makes the World Happier and Better, "Upon those who are ambi- tiousv4o make the world happier i j and better rests the obligation of M .the: tongue into lustrous kindness, purity, and refine-1 ment," writes -.Rev. Newell Dwight Hillis, D. D. .pf ' 'The Diffusion of Happiness Through T . TT , tKT . -. spasmodic efforts, not with occa sional hints and words of good cheer, are men prone to use the tongue in the interest of happi- ncss. The daily drill of the .tongue as an instrument of hap- piness and influence is to enter into the fundamental conception of lr ring. Nor is this law bind- ing only upon those happy per- c'ri .vu rt PO, A nnA tertainers. Some there are who are so fortunately organized that they exhale benefactions upon any company into which they en-. ter. Unconsciously and without " any set purpose, they oil the bearings of life, lessen friction, provoke laughter and good cheer as naturally as flowers that do uot struggle to throw off sweet-, ness, as tne ceaar woou inai without thinking gives off fra-1 grance. rii tne law or nappi- ess-making is not confined to a -I i il T ? fow gifted individuals. It is bind ing upon all of every rank, sta tion and temperament. On high festal days, days m Athens, when processions formed at stated intervals, m the pro cessions marched men with in struments of music, and also incense-bearers. When one J I I II I I I II! Ill I I I I i I fi I I n II tim. lUfll vvl lrjLi v nT1(1 tho smmd of music was dvinff out of the air, another fri11T, tnn-ir llri tVm sweet strain. WPT1 fiictaripp. hnrl removed far the incense-bearers - another OTY11 f;n io aiV wiii ,ftl11s nf smftvfi frnm the sweet aromatic shrubs. Too oft our world marches forward to the sound of sad notes and requiems. Happy are those whose sweet and gentle speech nils the com mon life with sweetness and light as did the ancient ministers of j oy and music. For their whole some tongues are indeed 'trees of life' and their words like 'apples of gold in pictures of silver.' " Last tall I sprained my left hip while bauclhcg some heavy boxes. The doctor I called on "I - X H X xl L, - X ..i n nK,.V.t ..n R, wnnH-sonn be well.' -V " 1 but it grew worse and the doctor then said I had rheumatism. It continued to grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist .rec ommended me to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I 1 tll9d " and one-half of a oU-cent bottle cured me entirely. I now I T " 1 i 11 Z - ,1 rocommena ii iq au my ineuus. F A Babcock, Erie, Pa. It is for sale by M L Marsh & Co., druggist. Maxton Was Victorious. Messrs. Billy LeGrande, team have returned here after piaymg wirn ine maxion uoys last baturaay in tneir game against the Wilmington boys. Maxton was victorious in a score of 8 to 4. CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative BromofQuinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuin has li. B. Q. on each tablet. ffx AUles'lxf n fills are guaranteed to stoii Obserrations; One variety of t He cricket has its ears in its hind legs." Icebergs sometimes last for two hundred years. The total value of gold in the world at the present time is about S3,000,000;000. Gunpowder dates from A. D. winie smokeless gunpowder dates back to 1845. The brain of an ant is larger in proportion-to its size than that of anY other known creature. any other known creature. A caterpillar is so greedy that in one month it usually devours six thousand times l its own weight in food. ln China, "the land of oppo- sites, " the dials of clocks are made to" turn round, while the hands stand still. Ex. ; PERSON AL POINTERS. T . Mr. J . Lr. Meiil?, 'OI fcaiis- bury' 1S heTe s. F. Stephens, of Charlotte, Was here -this morning. Mr. Horace Freeman, of Lexington, is here today, Lander Gray, of Gastonia, nt yesterday with 'Louis grrown ' . . ( miss ressie vaiupuuii is spending a few days with Miss iviauQe 5rown. Paul Barnhardt. vof Salis bury, spent yesleraay anal today with Louis Brown. Mr. L. D. Duval went over to Charlotte Saturday evening to spend a few days. . Mr. Jones Yorke went on a business trip to the eastern part of the State this morning. ' Mr. Frisby Thomas, of Bal timore, spent today herewith Mr. Ernest .Fetzer. Miss Grace Brown, and Archey and Leonard Brown spent yesterday in Salisbury. Mr. C H Richmond has re turned to Danville after spend ing a few days here with Mr. G G Richmond. Mr. D. B. Coltrane returned home this morning after spend ing Saturday 'and Sunday with relatives at Greensboro. Rev. M. G. G. Scherer and family are spending today here with their friends. They will leave tonight for Newberry, S. C, where Mr. Scherer has ac cepted a call as pastor. It Goes Without Saying. Clara One can't believe a word the men say any more. Maud Why not ? . Clara Well, there's Jack, he promised faithfully not to tell anyone if I would permit him to kiss me . just once, and in less than a minute he had repeated it. AW to J vfmcy -- IcAkEs I : I Program Greensboro Gala Week. TUESDAY) Meeting of the North Carolina State Firemen's Association in the forenoon. Meeting of the Road Congress rand the State Horticultural So- ciety in 5 the afternoon and even- j mg. I WEDNESDAY. Street parade and spectacular trades display. Quick steaming contest. " Horge racing in the afternoon. THURSDAY. Bicycle parade. Hand reel race. Grab reel race. H6rse hook and ladder race. Junior hand reel race: Hand hook and ladder race. FRIDAY. Championship reel race. Individual foot race. Horse hose wagon race. Special races. Industrial display and band and orchestral concert at the Banner Warehouse each day from 9 a. m. to 12 m., and from 2 to 5 p. m. Art display each day. They Collide Wednesday. The Charlotte and Concord boys are preparing to gird their armors on Wednesday afternoon here and pitch a hot fight. Charlotte has it in her head now that Concord will yet yield the spoils to her but Con cord still boasts of her baseball superiority and will make a most desperate elf ort to sustain her self. The Charlotte contingent will be here Wednesday expect ing a hard fight, and no doubt our people will be largely in evidence. ' HIS LIFE WAS SAVED. , Mr. J. E- Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it he Bays: ' "I was taken with typhoid fever that ran into pneu monia. My lungs became hard ened. I was so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected soon to die of consumption, when I heard, of Dr. King & New Dis covery. One bottle gave me re lief. I continued to use it, at d and now am weil, and strong. I can't say too much in its prais6. Tins marvellous medicine is the' surett and quickest cumin the world for all thrt)at and lunor trouble. Rpgular size 50c and $1. Trial bottles free at Fetzer'H Drug Store. Every bottle guaranteed. Is too vnlnable for long: .winded ad. .Our customers are too busy o read them. We have bought out at n PRICE that would mKe yn smile the THE FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING BUSINESS OF Til K X ATE . Samuel Sloop and Sons. If yon want anything; In FURKITIJRE made by one one of the best Mechanics that ever Conecrd pro duced. Call and see us WE HAVE TUB WTUFF. FlT.e Car Loads ol Furniture and a Car Load ot" Chairs on the way. We bay stuff to SLL-we sell If. Call and see us we like you. HespectfuIIy, -- - ... . BELL, A Card of lhanks. , . I wish to sav that I feel under lasting obligations for what Chamberlain's Couth remedy ba& done for our family. WoN Lave used it in so many cases of coughs, Iunr troubles find whoop- in cough, and it has always given tb most perfect satisfaction, we feel greatly indebted to the manu- a. v. fficture3 of this remedy andN .wish them to please accept om hearty thanks. Respectfully, Mrs. . S Doty, Des Mc-nes, Iowa. For sale by M L Mirsh- & Co.j drug gish fJ v& & EOlPil m . m ' 0 0 . - a m ' . m. m 0 m a liny mi nr & m RtW LUi lit a M : .a m : 1 ME N ' S I 0 - 0 1 MIGHT ROBES fi ' fa -ess- nria Ml f' rtv ,m . 0 0 '. . . . 0 1 v . f I h i iis i do f m lit l. i niiivu u uu m 0