-V . Xi& i- yv- --v - - " w , .1 "7 Price $4.00 Per Yoan 00KC0UD, 0., WEDNESDAY AUGUST 2, 1899. Single Copy5 Cents 6 V7 77 o A CHANGE OF SUPERINTENDENTS. PHILIPPINE FIGHTERS RETURN. Mr. JC. Mathes, of Durham, to Fill the Vacancy Caused By Mr. L. D. Duyal's ResignationMr, Chas. W. Suther to Fill the Position at the Cabarrus Mill. , y : As previously noted Mr. L D Duval has resigned- as superin tendent of the Cannon mill, -which resignation will take effect about the first of Sep tember. Mr. J C Mathes, of Durham, vho is at present superintendent of a mill there, has sent in his resignation at that place and will lill the position here made vacant by" Mr. Duval. It will be re membered that Mr. Mathes was so badly scalded during the accident some months ago in Durham, at which time Mr. W H Branson was killed. Mr. Mathes has for many years been in the" mill work and is a man of competency. Mr, W B Cole, now superin tendent of the Cabarrus mill, has resigned his position to accept the superintendcy of a mill at "Rockingham. It is much more preferable to Mr. Cole to fill a " similar position at Rockingham on account of it being the )iome .of his mother. Mr. Chas. W Suther, who has charge of the spinning room in No. 4 mill of the Odell Company, will take the super in tendency of the Cabarrus mill. Mr. Gole's resignation - takes effect about the 15th of this month. We, together with numbers, regret to lose these two superin v t endents from our midst as both .are men to be desired. We gladly welcome Mr. Mathes to our town, and heartily congratulate Mr. Suther on his promotion. They're Contesting This Afternoon. Charlotte's team arrived" this morning and are on our diamond this afternoon facing our red, white and blue. There, is reason to believe that Charlotte will give us a good fight but our rdavers see no reason for 'our defeat. Not a very large dele gation came along with the boys to do the cheering from the grand stand, but tnougnt, as is risrht, that srood rlavers tav no attention to grand stand playing. The iollowms players com- pose the nine : Robinson 2b, .Allison If, .Lambeth 3b, Thomp son lb, Donnelly- cf, Jones p, McAden ss, Brake c, Ross rf. i More Baseball Rates for Us it can not be said tnat our manager of baseball is not mak ing every effort , to give us good games as dates are being ar ranged -with teams that have ex cellent reputations on the dia- mond such as Charlotte, Moun tain Island and Tarboro. Only a tew days ago a complete pro- . gram of games for the near fu ture was given you and here are some more for voii to stick in your hat, for it . behooves base- pan lovers to see tne coming First Nebraska and Utah Battery Come Home In Good Shapa What They Say of Ottis. Last Saturday night was a gala, glad time in San Francisco iRef. Plato Durham to Lecture Here. On Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock Rev-. Plato Durham, pro fessor of Biblical Literature at Trinity college, will deliver his lecture on 'Christian Educa tion" in Central , Methodist I for the transport Hancock glided church. He will conduct services i- 1- - -i .Ork J4-"U Ol --! j TT'ii J luiu- purt jxb i:ov witu on pii- ax r oresi xxui on ounaay mgni, vates and 40 .officers of the First the congregations of these two Nebraska Volunteers and 262 churches worshipping together privates and nine officers of the, on that dav. . - vf 4 Utah Battery. As Col. Mulford Rev. Durham is a young man said, the First JNebraska came of unusual ability and worth, and back a regiment. With all the our people had the pleasure of hardships, the regiment only hearing him some . time ago at a lost one tenth of her men. (Jt convention at Central M. E. these 66 were killed or died of churh. His address on "Chris- their wounds. Thirty died of tian Education" is highly spoken disease. No sickness or death of by all; who hear, it and we are occurred on the voyage home. fortunate in securing this oppor- There is considerable unanmi- tunity. ty in denouncing General Otis, ' - though there are those who have Gone to Attend a House Party. , the best of words for him. Maj. Misses Chassie ' and Pearl A Cake Walk at Pioneer Mills. rnim fli nlril war ne woll Last Monday night in honor of in our late war with SpaiD, diar- her friend, Miss Lieze Vose, of rhoea was one ot r toriaa, miss JUiia iia,rnnardt, oi trouDiesome diseases tne ' army Pioneer mius, tnrew open wide n ad to contend witn. in many tne doors of her home to wel-1 instances it became - chronic and come the function of the times the old soldiers still suffer fro cu a good old cake walk: Costumes it Mr. David Taylor, of Wind of the days of yore were used R? dee, Greene county. Pa , is one and it was a joy to look upon of these. , He uses Chamberlain the scene. Misses Marsraret nMn - ' I VVUU, VUU1V1 C U U V.I Hill U JI Urier and Ella Barnhardt re- R. ceived the prizes. - Little John Young Ritten. While attempting to part dogs Tuesday John Young, of Mr. Jno. M. Young, was ten ,by a dog three times on his body nd nis clothes were torn somewhat. There is no fear that the dog had hydrophobia. two son bit- anvthing that would give him such quick relief. It i for Bak by M. L. Marsh & Co., Druggist. Turkish Towels. NO CURE, NO the way all PAY. That is the way all druggists sell UroTe's Tasteless Chill Tonic for chills I and Malaria. It is sirrmlxr I "rnn on1 week or more Quinine in a tasteless form. Children i tfV 1 -W-T1 i 1 -f- it n " Arrant, oi tne utan mattery, saia Brown "have gone to Davidson to a New York World reporter : . countv near Linwood where "The Filippmo army is' whip- thftV will for a ped right now. It never will attend a house pary at the home eove it. Adults refer it to bitter, nan- maKe anouier open ugni. xne 0f Mrs. Barber mother of Mr. ieBUUs xouics jrnce, ouc. thing from this time on is to get Gray Barber, of Charlotte. Miss ; sufficient forces into the islands Grace Fisher of this" place, and Wilmington P. 0. Will Change. tonoia ine towns as iney are Mirsar Mvrtioe s. -and Pearl Th a Star eaTO-tW ic taken Gen Lawton says that Th ompson of Salisbdry, wUlbe.-be a change in the Wilmington 1 i j "y- in attendance. ivnsses rnomp- postomce. it further leads to me ibiciuub, dim x agree witn uiin. , son are exrectedto return home the conclusion that tliA nhnrfroc "Gen. Otis is a great soldier , th Mi rras Chassie and Pearl a, rain st Mr .HhalniirTi tut of. T . TT 1. ; ' - . "' w m J. u. tx anu a great governor. , xie lias ; Brown worked wonders in the time he f" A Towel Chase is What we Gffer Today. Twenty Dozen games as Arrangements have been follows : I Aug., 7th and 8th Tarboro gainst Concord in Charlotte. Aug. 9th Tarboro against vjnariotte m unariotte. AugJOth and 11th. Tarboro against Goncord in Concord. Aug. 12th Tarboro against Mountain Island in Charlotte. t i as has been in command, and if he ; Their tittle Infant Dead. i o lot Qinno thirnrc titiii nnma riit. i S itU UIUUO WiJLXXAji- tJ Hill VWJUV VMWI -,-7. J m M 11 J n rj A: For several d&vs the sad news HII liuril, 111 IIIH Hill). lillM lillMHI . r won't be far away. I want f ected his resignation are a mere pretext to vent political spite for the part he took in the campaign ot 'y. Tnis, however, is not deny another slanderthat there is friction between Gen. MacAr- thur, Gen. Lawton and Gen. Otis. They are working in abso lute harmony." Major Grant was m close touch with General Otis, also with Generals Lawton and Mac Arthur.' l A 1 J . 1 nW DUL It COTT1AS Trnm t,h Pontra to, Ui tll UtOlUU. UX yl-lVJ XKJXJLX. -i-LXWULUJLiO- - vy.v I - -. 1 .-. 1 r - -i - r: -r n n f lm rwrrl or? urn HHlrt Ctn al. n old cnua 01 ivir. ana lYirs. Luiner v-xvxAvy ,,iw6c- j-xic uiai imm 40x20 inches. Moose, of No. 7i townshib. was G- z- French would hardly ven- exrjected and Tuesdav afternoon rture ? come to Wilmmgtcn Ideath came, robbing them of j though armed with a United Worth 20c. apiece to go at their last born. The child had - states commission. been in.bad health for some time. 1 Had Troubles of His Own. . .1 On Tuesday Mr. Rich Hold- brooks, a resident of the west ern part of our county walked all the way from Charlotte, and in a hurry Jtoo. The cause of his hurried ex ercise was the fact that his wife, together with her sister had left him. He spied them in the woods near here and after Deputy Townsend was seen coming the whole affair was mutually adjusted and the troubles of the wifeless man were no more. Gone to Attend the Tournament. Concord has a good delegation at the Annual Tournament of the ' Firemen's Association at Greensboro this week. ;0n Tues day morning two delegates went on ahead and the following com passed the body ;that followed: Messrs. Marshall Mabery, Eli Goldston, R Will Johnson, Jas. Cook, Jno. S Hill, Victor Sloop, Henry ; Ritz, Robt. Walthall, Jno. Wi Propst, Robert White, Cecil Foil, Oliver Russell, and Luther Biles. They will return very probably Friday night. The remains Bear Creek. were interred at PEBSONAL POINTERS. A Large Force Out There Now. ; Superintendent Benfield has always been feeling proud when he had' thirty or more on his force of roadworkers, but he is all smiles now and feels that he can do some work sure, as he has forty men under his code of rules since Judge Robinson -replenished him. Mr. Riley Hartsell Bead.; On Tuesday evening Mr. Riley Hartsell, of Locust, Stanly county, died after living to be nvptv Riirtv : vflars nf a,P"A. Mr. , i five sons and one daughter. His wife, it will be remembered, died about a year ago. Two of his children, Mr. Alex Hartsell and Mrs. George Tucker, are resi dents of this place. All of Them Are Better. J The condition of Miss Edna Pitts is thought to be better. Her temperature is lower. Miss Mary Foil has recovered from her attack of fever enough to sit up. Miss Hattie Mehaffey is improving and is able to be up some. CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. "25c. Thegenuin has L. B. Q. Dn eachu tablet. V -Mr. Chas. Holmes, of Salis bury, is here today. Mr. Charles Brown, of Cleve land, is spending today here. ' -Misses Maude Brown and May Gray are spending the after noon in Charlotte. Mrs. Frank Patterson and Miss Ethel Patterson, of China Grove, spent today here. Mr. and Mrs. Brevard Har ris will leave tonight for Dun- more, Pa., to spend a few weeks. Morrison Fetzer came home from ;Corriher's springs this morning to see the baseball game. Rev. J. N. Faust . and wife will leave tomorrow forThomas ville, where Rev. Faust was re cently called as pastor. Rev. B. Lacy Hoge returned home this morning from Mat thews after conducting a most successful meeting there. He will leave again tomorrow for Friendship, v in Mecklenburg county, but . will return foF ser vices Sunday. HIS LIFE WAS SAVED. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliveranp.fi from a frightful death. In telling of it he says: "I was taken with typhoid fever that ran into pneu monia. My lungs became hard ened, i was so weak I couldn't J even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me.- I expected soon to die of consumption, wben I heard of Dr. King'a. New Dis covery. One bottle gave me re lief. I continued to use it, and and now am, well and strong. I can't say too much in its .praise." This marvellous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all throat and lung trouble. Regular size 50c and $1. Trial bottles free at Fetzer's Drug Store. Every bottle guar .nteed. t MllesMiff aVOMm are guarauvetxi to stoh y?wtMJ&a20intTn Y e cent the small price of OR $1.10 m This is a fine, large TOWEL and should be verv attractive to housekeepers. H. L. Parks & Com pany, OF m 17 R MOT 1 CAKES! AT J. Is too valaable for Ions wJmled ads. Onr wistonler are too busy to read them. We nave bought out at a PRICE tnat would maue yon mile tbe THE FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING OP THE ltTE Samuel Sloop and Sons. Ifyoa want any thins: In FURRITlREmade by one one of the best Mechanics that ever Concord daced. Call and see us AVE HAVE THE Fiye Car loads of Furniture and a Car Load Chairs on tbe way. We buy slnir to RELL-He sell li. Call and see us we like you. Respectfully, BELL, I R BUSINESS pro- . Jgg, NI1JFF. Of

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