' ' ... . ' . . . - Price $4.00 Per Yoar. CONCORD, N. 0., THURSDAY; AUGUST 3, 1899. Single Copy 5 Cento WHO WON THE VICTORY? The Finest Game of Baseball In a While--Cliarlotte Stays With Us A Man Disabled and the Game Called Off It can not be said that , we did not get a chance to see some good baseball playing on the diamond Wednesday afternoon us. It was a beautiful game with but one objection we did not score quite enough. Only one time in the game there were three men on the bases and one time the visitors were struck out in succession, not one of them seeing the first base. It was good playing and Charlotte stuck up to us splend idly. Lattimerdid fine work in the box, ,and Jones could not compete against him when it came to strikes. Graves caught the former and Brake the latter. In the 'first inning Mangum -put a Dan against dux not over the fence, and scored it on Reed's . HI J 1 A J ball. We failed to score m sec ond inning and three of. our men were put out -on second base. Two of Charlotte's men were struck out. In the third inning Mangum reached third but died on the base. This time two' of our men; were -struck out. In the fourth the opponents put a double play on us, putting out - ' . - - mi - j ' lieect ana uraves. this . tune Charlotte scored for; her 'first timetwo runs. This irritated our pitcher "and; three Charlotte men dropped their bats as-fast as they struck three times. Ciphers only wtire geared in ,he. fifth.,-, In tfreixtn Mafiguin and IieG'rande were put out pn a double play at first and second. For the first time in the "' game three men were on bases in the seventh inning and then we had to let them ,die on their bases. Two visitors again struck out. Char lotte made another successful double play in the eighth. Now came the warm time when "down in front" was not heeded. Charlotte stood 2 to our. 1 : at thev beginning of the ninth inning. Graves made first and by Caldwell's . centre field fly was sent to third and then scored us one which tied the score. This was fortunate but the unfortunate -part came next, when Brake and; Thompson of the Charlotte team, 'attempting to catch a foul collided in front of the grand stand. It was a hard blow the former received, knocking the breath from him and giVing the latter a bruised eye. Brake -recovered . in a while but not sufficiently to play bis. part and as no substitute was on hand the game was called off. When this happened, we. had .one man on bases and only one was ' ut. ' , ,v, - ': Mr. Williamson Morris um pired the game. ' i CHARLOTTE-. K lB PO A E . " Robertson, ss. 0 0 6 4 1 Lambeth, 3b 1 0 1 0 1 Brake, c - 1 0 6 1 0 Allison, If - 0 2 1 0 0 Donnelly, cf 0 0 2 0 0 Thompson, lb 0 1 8 0 1 Ross, rf - - - 0 0 10 0 McAden, 2b - 0 0 1 " 3 1 Jones, p - - - 0 1 0 4 1 Totals - - ' 2 4 26 12 5 CONCORD. R lB PO A E. Rogers, cf - - 0 0 2 0 0 Mangum, ,lf - 0 1 1 0 . 0 LeGrande, 2b 1 l v 0 0 1 Reed, lb - 0. 1 9,0 1 . Graves, c - - 11 10 0 0 Caldwell, ss - 0 2 1 . 3 0 Miller, p - - - 0 0, 12 0 Fisher, 3b - - .0 0 11 1 Card, rf - - - 0 0 0 0 0 Totals - - 2 6 24 6 3 Two-base hits Allison (2) and Legrande. THREE IMPORTANT CASES. Capital Punishment Might Probably Be the, Result of Three Cases for the Al I 1 bemarle Court The Mob Was Deter- mined Delegates Galore. Written for The Standard. Shankle, " Aug. 1. Watermel- eral wreckage, but the rains are ons are in full blast now. . said to have been immense and At the Fark Academy Sunday the storm fearful. School last Sunday there were , Apalachicola is believed to be 57 delegates appointed to attend about the storm centre and is en the township convention, which tirely cut off. meets at Cedar Grove on Satur-: Much damage was done to day before the second Sunday in shipping as Well as to houses. August. If any school in the A few lives are known to be State can beat, this let-us. hear lost. from it, 1 :- ) ' - . Mr. Harris Maulden takes the CURE A CCKLp IN ' ONE DAY lead in " fine - watermelons this Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, y ear. He pulled one the , other All druggists refund money if it fails to day that weighed 44 pounds. t Tt,.f0ow Jfbe genuin has L B Q' .iv n. -P -i . -, L ... , i n eaclx. tablet. Over five hundred citizens vol-, a - unteered in the search for . the qt a t Dmwmpo v foul deed at Albemarle on Thurs day, July 20th. -One that was at Albemarle at the . time says that when the six ;olock train passed there going to Salisbury about two hundred; men were at the depot waiting for the sheriff to bring him from the jail to start.with him to Salisbury' Had it not been for the genius and the Sam Hose affair 'witK'all its,nere- horrors, for the angry mob said they., were going - to r burn JiMj alive, bo easrer was the moo that the sheriff had to dress ; the nocrrn in fo.mn.lft n.ttirft n.nrl r.fl,rrv i,i m t rnrr-n Qro wL boarded the train for another county until September court. This mesv three, caseslto be irieu. wnerem nanging may dall for shooting Lum Calson. The other is Harris Dennis for burning a house at Albemarle. On account of bad .weather Rev. J. A. Clark discontinued his meeting here on Wednesday night. He will hold, a meeting here about the first of October. Mr. Dan Shankle's family, who moved to Albemarle in the win ter, are nearly, all confined ,with typhoid fever. Mrs. Cole Resigns as Teacher. We are sorry ; to i dearn'; that Mrs. L P Cole, who has for sev eral years ; been teaching in our. graded schools and who, had intended" to "'teach "; thV coming year, has resigned her position. This resignation was handed in on account olv the illness ofi;.her mother, Mrs., Phillips,, of Hills boro, who received a fall some time ago and is .very ill from; the injury. It is hot thought that she, will, ever be able to walk again. Her hip was injured. Mrs. Cole will leave soon .to , stay: at the bedside of her mother. Jay Sims Home. 11 !jay Sims, Cbncord's member of the First regiment' band, and who will soon 'again be in the armv service, is at honie to spend several days. Hewilf join '.thel on their return from Greensboro and Hillsboro. The , members who Have enlisted in the Twenty ninth Infantry, will leave I the first of the week for Fort Mc Pherson. r - -: ' " We Play Them Again Friday. On Friday -our baseball team goesV ito pharlptte to do battle with s them - again and-to make a score different from the one' of yesterday more still dn our favor. Very, probably a crowd will go along with our boys and lend them all kinds of aid. , NO ofrRE, NO PAY. That is the way all druggists sell t Cxrove's Tasteless ChUl Tonic for chills and "Malaria. It is simply . Iron and Qninine in a tasteless form Children sove it. Adults refer it to bitter, nau leatin Tonics Price, 50c. FLORIDA HAS A STORM. Heayy Rains and Fearful Winds Destroy Life and Property , ' A teariul storm occurred along the Gulf coast - in Florida on Tuesday, the 1st inst. Communi- cations are hindered "by the gen- -Prof. Jay D. Lentz returned yesterday, IMr. Lee-Smoot, ofSalisbur, . visrtin at Dr. Smoot's. j Mrs. D. F. Gannon went to ' Salisbury this morningto spend while. - ; ,T A . . ' Sumter S..C spent last night i - i Mr. Baxter Parks and Miss Eula Parks : are spending today , in Alhpmarlft ' A TT . ' I Mrs. H. C. Raimer returned home this morninsr after visitins: . m ureensDoro ana oansoury. lRev. J e. Thompson went to:Bethel camp Wting.today to be: gone till Saturday evening. Mrs. Ed. Correll and chil dren went to Harrisburg this morning to visit their relatives. Mrs. Watson, of Salisbury, arrivedr .here , this , morning to visit her, daughter, Mrs. J. . E. SmoOt..; . - V " -i-Mr. Jacob Stirewalt, of Statesville, who has suffered an attack of typhoid fever, is here today. ' Misses Maggie Brown and Sadie Bencini went to High Point this 'morning. .They .will return Saturday night. -Miss Grace Fisher left yes terday evening , for . Lin wood, where she attends- the house party near there: Rev. Chas. B. Miller went to Rowan county this morning to spend a week of his vacation With his mother. Mr. Jno. B. Sherrill left this morning for the bedside of his father, Rev M. V." Sherrill, who has suffered another stroke of paralysis. ' 1 Mr.' and Mrs. H. M. Barrow went to: Greensboro this morn ing. Mrs. Barrow; is expected home tonight but Mr. Barrow will be gone some time A F OF 1 CAKES AT Fesn ifflDS. Yengeance Is Mine, I Will Repay,?. Saith the Lord.- ' ; ' 1 Marie Voksra, a ' Hungarian who followed the murderer of of her husband 4,000 to : miles avenge his death byher own hand, herself met a tragic death today onv the Pennsylvania Railroad near Altoona. ' After leaving this city three weeks ago nothing was heard of the woman or her strange mis sion until this morning, when the engineer of a Pennsylvania Railroad train saw her on the tracks in front of his locomotive. The engineer opened the whistle wide, but the woman failed to hear. She was ' struck and hurled to one side of the track with . both legs and an arm crushed. The woman maintained con sciousness until her arrival in this city. At the Municipal Hos pital she realized that-her death was near and gasped out: "God was .not with me, as I thought. He will avenge.' These were her last - words. A few, minutes later she died. In the folds of her dress the murderous dagger, which she declared she would sink into the heart of hef .husbahd's murderer, was found. It. and a f e w silver !oins. her sole r wordly posses- i'sj bns, were turned over to the coroner, says an' Altoona, (Pa.) Dispatch of J uly 26th. To Our Patrons. Those: having accounts with Drs. Caldwell & Stevens and, de- v. .... . uaiawelt tttevens.T HIS LIFE WAS SAVED. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it he savs: "I was taken with typhoid fever that ran into pneu monia.- My lungs became hard ened. 1 was so weak T o.mi In't even sit up- in,: bed. Nothing helped iner I expected soon .to die of consumption, when I heard of 'Dr. King's New ; Dis covery. One bottle gave me re lief. I continued to use it, and and now am vell and strong. I can't say too much in its praise.' This marvellous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all throat and lung trouble. Regular size 50c and 81. Trial bottles free at Fetzer's Drug Store. Every bottle guar .nteed. Ctdboay seed Jbave Kearaigla. Qea Dr. MUe? PiU" from drtujelsts. Qnece1 doea it Every Time the Wind Shifts you can find something new at . Bell, Harris & Go's Furniture Storey : . . . , r... This time it's...... tisk '$ Patents Tinware, Now listen guarantee. We; the officers of the Lisk M'fg Co limited; do hereby, guarantee and warrant each .and every piece of our ' Anti-Ruting Tinware against rust. 'Should ny piece be returned AT ANY TIME we guarantee to replace each and every piece with new goods free of- charge. We insist on this guarantee being given with every article sold. You are' tired fooling with choap tin c-sill and take a look. - G 3 BELL, HARRIS Sole During the civil war, as irell'&s m bur late war with Spain, ; diar rhoea Mwas one of the moat troublesome diseases th armv bad to contend with. In manj instances it became chrome nnl the old sold iers still suffer from it. Mr. David Taylor, of Wind iiage,.Ureene county, Pa., is one pf these.' He uses Chamber iain7g Oolic, Cholera and Diarrhoe;t KenJerly and says he never found anything that would give him such quick relief. It is for sale. by M. Li. Marsh fe Co., Druggist, A Towel Chase is What we Offer Today. Twenty Dozen 40x20 inches. .Worth 20c. apiece to go at ... tne small-price or . r. ( OR- Thi? is a fine large TOWEL and should be very attractive to housekeepers. H. L Parks Com- pany, J. R. McLaughlin, Pres. T. W. Martin, Vice-Pres. . L. A. Parkhurst, Sec. &Tres Agents. Turkish Towels, 1:10 11 . .--1 m 7 V