J - - ti - t t : 1 Price $4.00 Per Tear. CONCORD, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1899. Single Copy 5 Cents I W W Z I I 1 1 1 TWO DEATHS KEAR ENOCHYILLE. One An Aged Lady, the Other An Infant Township Sunday School ConYenttim. Enochville, August 4.- Mrs. rwawa.c'h fV wifo nf Mr Allison UYVIVWUU, "" " " - : . O vercash . died Thursday and Was U Ul Itsvi. tlx lo axucx uuuu. muo had been sick only a week. A bereaved husband and five child ren are left. Mrs. Overcash; i a. i J fnv ' was awui 40 years uiu.. xjluj funeral services were conducted by Rev. V. R. Stickley. The iive months old - child of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Rogers was buried on Wednesday last. The little vchild had been sick eight weeks. The Sunday school convention of No. 4 township, will be held Thursday at Centre Grove church. A full program has been prepared. AH friends are invited-to come and bring: their baskets laden with good things. Among the speakers will be Rev. T. W. Smith and Rev.. W. R. Oney, of Concord. Mr, H. W, Ludwig is president and Mr. P. E. iPisher secretary. Still More Credit Giien Usv The Charlotte News has tha following nice remarks about us: 4 ' Charlotte people wil&not soon forget the handsome way Con cord treated our' boys-Wednesday. Concord was entitled to the game and her team showed a commendable spirit in calling it a tie. It was. Charlotte's mis fortune that the "double header" occurred. V 'Concord could "have by the rules claimed the game Wednes day because Charlotte -had no substitute to put in, but she called the game a draw &n& thereby won for herself the -admiration of the visitors for Iher great courtesy." This Hot Weather! In vain one looks atthe weath er report and finds only. a pre diction of fair tomorrow. The temperature is one degree higher this afternoon than it was yesterday. Dr. Gibson's -thermometer, wbich registers lower than most of them here, but which from-the past is found to be almost, accurate, registers 95 degrees, while yesterday at reg istered 94 degrees - - HUReslgnation ot Accepted. ,. , - Rev. Albert GilLon, who ..is pastor of the Presbyterian church at Lexington, " recently sent in his resignation. W see irom the Lexington Dispatch that the congregation held a meeting and unanimously re fused to accept the resignation ana ne will stay with them a o A Partnership Formed. On Thursday, the 3rd, a partnership was formed be tween two of our attorneys Mr. Morrison H. H. Caldwell and Mr. M. B. Stickley. The office of the two will be in the Morris building where a new apartment has just latelv been fixed. To Study Pharmacy. Mr. Walter M. Cook, of Mt. Pleasant, brother of our towns man, Ulerk Cook, has crone to Charlotte where he has secured a position in the. drug store of Blair Bros. He goes with the aim of studying pharmacy. I'ytiiians Take Notice. - ; The members of the Knights ! of Pythias lodge are requested to meet in their hall tonight. ; .Practice work in first rank. C. L. White. C. C. ! NO CURE, NO PAT. I That is tho viVLM 11 w drove s Tasteless Chill Tonic for chills ; fiU'l Malaria. T. ih aimnli- T. Q. . o-xwiji aiiu . uinine-m a tasteless fnrm iiKiii ' . w.. a 4 r Villltll Wil OVblt- A.lnHn refpr if. fr. XUt. ieatiric Tomna PrirsP KH. ) A Kubber-Neek from Stokes Takes . v Tumble. The Greensboro Telegram of J 3rd has the following: A man was leaning out over ECHO OF GALA WEEK. the madding crowd yesterday filled a -long-felt want by con Upon the court house balcony ! structin'g a portable habitation while the street parade was pass-1 for traveling circuses or earn ing. Gazing intently, his under paign parties who do not wish to lip fell low and his orbs of vision be at the mercy , of local hotel bulged at the magnificent pa- keepers. ' r geantry. He seemed to be ignor- j The hotel on wheels is madeof ant of the fact that the length of : aluminum, and is so constructed his neck was limited, and that as to fold up like ?a railroad car, his support did not extend more and to appear, When closed, to than a tew inches from his) sta-jbe an ordinary- baggage' car. tion. The scene waxed grander, ! When the stopping place is and endeavoring to get closer to reached, and the travelers wish the imposing column, he trod to camn for th ithht. th upon the atmosphere. IThe law wi laviuatiuii btui wmK 111 ot a series of levers. " - ' force, the consequence rwas a. The inventor has divided his rapid transition of a heavy body traveling hotel Unto compart downward, which struck un- ments, so that the party, if a yielding terra firma with, a dull large Qne, can be separated in but mighty thud, eliciting no re- the various sections of the build sponseof pain from the man. : ;ngj occupying if they wish He pulled hnnself together very apartments en suite or a single unconcernedly and got closer to room. The rooms are to be fitted the -parade. He was from ( up in the modern style, with all A Good Crowd Accompanied Them. rcooking apparatus, and the in - Concord is splendidly rrepre-t ventoris even working on a sys resented in Charlotte this after- m that he thinks will enable' noon in the errand stemdrtotWit hotel to , ness the game between Charlotte and Concord, which promises - to - be one of the closest and 'most! interesting games that Gharlotte has in a long time had the chance to witness, uuite a large numoer, overunu use. vyueu mo siuppmg forty, went over this morning to show Concord's colors andinter est in the game.. The. following ladies are in attendance: Mrs. Gowan Dusenbury and her friend, Miss Annie Booth; Mrs. M. C Dusenbury and her friend, Miss Goodman, and Miss Mabel Means with her friend, Miss Spears. The Bell Telephone Co. has kindly consented to give the re sults of each inning to our people as, soon as the inning is fin ished. - Indian Graduate's Rash Deed. Eugene V. Takapuer, an. In dian graduate of the - Carlisle schogLwas thought to be good Indian, but lost balance and killed the girl he loved near Sprinfield, Mass., last week. .He was'employed by a widow lady and became infatuated with her pretty "daughter, .After presis jtent .wooings he shot the girl dead then told her . mother - what he hadione and further said he would burn the building Y.. and shoot himself. The barn was soon aflame and a shot - was heard within. It was presumed he was burned with it, though S3arching parties .scoured, the vicinity while the -building was burning lest ' he escape by trickery. .. Outlook hi Encouraging. The Vesta Cotton Mill, which is being operated at -Charleston, S. C, with colored labor, has made its first shipment of goods since the machinery was started under the reorganization. The shipment was made to St. Louis, and the goods manufactured were said to be of a very high class and quality. The mill has only been running a short time with ' colored operatives, though the! plan is working well, and is . the . and satisfaction to the manage ment. The president of the com pany, Mr. Montgomery, who is a practical mill operator, says he has carefully watched the work of the colored operatives j and is much pleased with what : has been accomplished. Balti- j more Sun. CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY 1 Take Laxative Bromo QuiDine Tablets. All drugrg:ists refund money if it fails to i care. 25c. The genuin has L. B. Q. j n eaclL tablet. 5 A Hotel of Aluminum. ' One of the most remarkable of I the recent inventions upon which the Patent Office authorities have been called to pass judg ment is a traveling hotel, the de signer of which thinks . he has 0f the car are let down by means reach the upper tory by means- ox an eiecxrio elevator. The furniture designed for the car is of course "most the folding variety, and can' be stowed away , in a very small compass when; place is reached the car is to be detached from 0 the "train ttnd taken to a convenient siding, whre - aniple rqomi1 for the spreading of the - sides 'and the elevation of the ' roof that form the hotel. Ex. Mr. Beaton to Be Correspondent. Mr. Harry P. Deaton will now be the correspondent from this place to the Charlotte Observer, this service having been given up by IVade Barrier, of this paper, who for more than a year has had the wbrk. Before that time Mr. Deaton was the cor rgspondent. ; PERSONAL POINTERS. Mrs. Roxie Barrier returned liome this morning from Mount Pleasant. Rev. V. R. Stickley and Miss Emma Lipe, of Ehochville, -were here today. Mr. J. L. Crowell will leave tonight for Wrightsville beach to spend a while. Mrs. C. B. Miller and son went to Rowan county this morn ing to visit Rev. Miller's mother. Judge Montgomery is spend ing the afternoon m Charlotte He went on business not base laall. Mr. Jno". W. Propst returned Iiome this morning from Greens boro. The weather was too hot for him. i Fresh Line OF Imcy 1 CAKES I ' ' AT u. J. UTrlll S, Strikers Boycott Against a Dyeing Child The Cleveland, O., street car strikers failed to prevent the cars from running, as help that they call "scabs" are running the cars; but the affair 4 has taken" oh the shape of a gigantic boycott in which citizens are taking a part. The merchant sympa thizers are asking prohibitive prices of the "scabs" and the strikers are making it so un: pleasant and threating that few people ride on the cars as they run. The wild extremes to which the strikers carry their: terroriz ing methods is iUustrated 4nfthe story that a prpniinent'physician going to treat a child of a "scab'' was ' met by two strikers - and warned not to go and- treat it. The doctor told them they would do well to warn the Almighty that they , were not going to heaven, where the child, He said, would s6on be. It Speaks For Itself. ConCord, N;' C, July 29, '99. Mr. John A. Sims, Agent Aetna (Accident) Insurance Company. Dear Sir On-June 21st I applied to you for an . Accident Policy of $2,000 with $10 weekly indemnity. On the following Tuesday I received an injury of the eye that disabled me for one week, "Vr . ."' l ; On . Monday, July 24th, my claim was f orwarded by you to the homo oceV and on July 29th I received "from your hands check for $10, payment in fuU of claim. - Thanks to you a as agent for prompt payments '' . M. D:' Schubert. a HIS LIFE WAS SAVED. Mr. J. E.i Lilly, a prominent j citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance M from a frightful death. In telling of it he says: 4tI was taken with typhoid fever that ran into pneu monia. My lungs became hard- even sit up in-bed. Nothing helped me. I- expected soon to die of consumption, when I heard of Dr. King?8--New Dis covery. One bottle gave me re lief. I continued to us9 it, and and now am well and strong. I can't say too much in its praise." This marvellous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all throat and lung trouble. Regular size 50c and $1. Trial bottles free at Fetzer's Drug Store. Every bottle guaranteed. Aooody tiered faav Neuralgia. Gev Ir. Mlle Every Time the Wind Shifts you can find something new at Bell, Harris & Go's Furniture Store. This time it's Lisk's Patent Anti Rust Tinware. Now listen guarantee. We, the officers of the Lisk MTg Co.,. limited, do hereby guarantee and warrant each and evecy piece of our Anti-Rusting Tinware against rust. Should any piece be returned AT .ANY TIME we guarantee to replace each and every piece with new goods free of .charge. We insist on this guarantee being given with every article sold. You are tired fooling with cheap 1 MIS Sole HUM ') Bming the civil war, as wellras iirlmrlate War th; Spain, diar rlioea , '.was .one . of the most troublesome - diseases the wrtkj . h ad to con ten d 1 with. In many instances it the old soldiers still 8 nffer from it. Mr. David Taylor, of Wind Ridg Greene county, Pa., is one of these. He uses Chamberlain uouc, Cholera and Diarrhoea. Ketney and says he never fonndil anything that would give him such quick relief. It is for sale- uy iii. u. juarBD & uo., JJruggist A Towel Chase is What we Offer Today. Twenty Dozen 40x20 inches. Worth 20c. apiece to go at the small price of 4 OR- Thiis a fine, large TOWELand should be very attractive to housekeepers H. L Parks & Com- pany, J. R. McLaughlin, Pres. T. W. Martin, Vice-Pres. L. A. Parkhurst, Sec. &Tres. tin call and take a look, m COMPANY Agents. Turkish Towels TURKISH TOILS It A 1 -in n 1 1P.1 -iu . ; - u v

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