u I KMu.. -itt fc.j:'I rv. - Frroe $4.00 Per Tear. OONCOKD, N. O., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1899. Single Copy 5 Cents 3 THE TIDE TURNS. I KNIGHTS OF HONOR. i BARRINGER'S COMPANY MEETS. In the Second Gajne With Tarboro We Different Parts of the State Represented Gain In a Good Score A Close Game and Hard Fight AYeddinton In the Box. Different from the preceding day was the game of Tuesday at Charlotte between our boys and the East. We suffered a defeat in a score of 11 to 5 the day be fore but this - time a five-to-two feather went in our cap. Wed- Old Officers Re-elected Other Business -A Splendid Attendance Onenine Session Two Days Session. The explanation of the many : an's business day in Concord. It Considered. Tuesday was essentially Veter- Tarboro scored one run in the first and eighth inning. It was a fine game of ball not inter spersed with so much slugging and so many runs as the day be fore. This now puts . us even with the Tarboro boys but on Thurs day and Friday of this week we get two more chances at them. Mountain Island Next Monday. The long-looked-for game with Brinns Forth Fruits Meet for Repent ance. ; . Chicago, August 8. -A special to the Chronicle from Toledo, O.. says: On the eyening of August 15, in the middle Of the street in front of Memorial, United "Breth ren church, this city, the elegantly-bound volumes which com pose the library of Marshal Waggoner, formerly one of the most pronounced agnostics in the world will be burned. He was recently converted . to Chris tianity. -. . : - How That Cow Died. The Asheville Gazette tells of a striking little incident. We say striking with emphasis on man' ' presided and Mr. W. D. me Prt concerning a Jersey Anthony acted as secretary p,-o ! cow ' iiat was grazing witnout a tem. sense ui lear ..oi uemg eiec- On reorganization Mr. H. M. Itrocuted. She was tethered by Goodman was "re-elected Pred-!a chain. This chain was draggei dictator; Dr. X. A B'kle, grand dent, as was Jno. Fieeise as sec- J mto touch with a piece of wire chaplain; P C Carlton, grand re- retary and Messrs. G. W. Brown, ! careiessly thrown down m the strange faces seen on our streets was hoped, that there would be is that the Grand Lodge of more in th e way of a social event Knights of Honor is holding its in which veteran's families would biennial session here. Quite a enjoy a day off for social ming-j session this (Wednesday) after- and enervating, beside the noon and more are expected be threatening of ram, which ac to -fore the two davs' session has allv p.r.mfi in the fore no onv The dmgton went into the box for is heen completed. i essential objects of thecals were and did fine work. .1 The Masonic hall has: been se- fully attended to, however. Mangum scored for us in the cured as their meeting place, -' Capt. BarringerV Couipanv. first inning, Graves in the sec- where they hold morning, after- p, First North Ca.-olna Cavalry, ond, Graves and Caldwell m the noon and night sessions. All of met in the court house at 1 sixth and L.egrande m the ninth. 1 the representatives are stopping o'clock Preside t B M. Good- at the St. Cloud hotel. At the opening session the fol lowing officers were present ; Norman L Shaw, grand dictator; J J- ft j q 1 UiiU UOOtkJLUJ , BISMARCK'S IKON NERYB Was the result of his splendid? health.' Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not fonncl where stomach, liver, kidneys ancf bowels are out of order. If yon want these qualities and the sue- ce p they bring use Dr. -King's tfew.Life Pills. They develop every power of brain aod body. Only 25c. at Fetzer's Drug Store. Turkish Towels. 1 . u porter; C Scoheld. grand treas- R. y. Cope -vm?. Fj. G. I urer; K R Jones, 'grand, guide; . trustees''", , ; W H Carst.-:p-;on, .r and gar r- - T ie company-has a fund dian; F Boyette, grand sentinel. is500 b.Tjiatbf d b - ib, ovl: Among the arnvais are the Capui. Gen. Kufus Bar tollowmg persons: J T Lie- This fimd ha:r.2c-:'.:-iu-:!.tc as lot. It happened to be in touch jWith a guy wire which was 0f ; touched by a rather slack electric ; : '.vii e that swayed in the breeze. I The rest needs no telling here. A Towel Chase is Wha? wo Offei Tod ay. the Mountain islanders wii J, uu- . Grande, supreme representative, what and - after. ?n ,prop:-ir. : ,is j CHILLS n:, numcuuiip t;jto, j yi nuuKiiiguum; j. iitjw. x xviullz, now limae will aiuoUiiG to aoou u i aT1(j fever is a bottle Grove's Taste- Utly UXLt.TJJ.UUII. u.U UUUUL visitors will bring a good delega tion with them similar to the hereon the' diamond next Mon- i supreme reprosients.-tive, of Sal- $520. lsbury; K K Jones and W .-F, Considerable timer and thought rvhen experiment with worthless Rountree, of Newbern; J M was bestowed on the appropria-' imitations? Price 50 cents. Your biiraggms, of Tarboro: H C tion of this interest tunc! to the crowa mar always accompanies j Foscue, of lJolloksville; W H needy members of the company. J tnem to unarioue. j.l nas oeen Johnson, of Hcokerton; Dr. and i ' i. ; (1 .1 M "A T I our mieiiuoii lo iick viuuiilmiu Island this season and it is our full expectation to do this Mon day afternoon. On Friday of next week the Charlotte boys will be back over "here to try us again, and w ) will return the party call on the 22d. On the 25th we play the 'Moun tain Island boys on the Charlotte diamond. . An Investigation Made.' For fear that the negro cap tured at Mt. Pleasant Monday might be John Monroe instead graphing to the sheriff at Lum berton, went into the jail Tues day afternoon and investigated matters. The reward for John Monroe (Geo. Ridenhour) says that there is a iscar in one hand. No scar is found in Charles' hand and he says that his brother, George, has a considerable scar Mrs. F Boyette and child of Goldsboro; W J Newbold, of La PERSONAL POINTERS. Died From Hydrophobia. A correspondent of the Dan-' Mr. L. D. Duval spent last! Twenty Dozen rn iiri f 8 IJ i! . 3 i a w id W K 40x20 in cues Grange; PCCarlton, Statesville; burv fN. C.. KeDOrter. writinsr nisht in Charlotte'. T" T XT TTT-n TN t " ' ' - . , i ' rtev. yv-jtr vv imams. 01 uaviason; from Tulip, Blokes county, tells G L Kilprtrick, of Kinston; I B VjS follows of the horrible death rei ncme I Fdi Lin in one of his hands near the lit-1 tie fingeri The negro in jail is i uny- also of a different color from J Miss InecilTDcRaT .junn ivionroe. iNevermeiess tne j M. e. ul again teiegrapnea 10 noia ; , -eta the to the crime. houvielle, of Golciuooro; Dr. U from hydrophobic of Mrs. Cath SHassell, of James ville; W " H erine Simmon aii estimable Carstarphen, of Williamston; lady of Stokes coinuy: 4 'Three Geo. JN Harris, ot Wilmington; ; weeks ago she vvas bitten by a from Charlotte J L Wilkie, of Lincolnton; S C ' mad doir. The rabid animal was ! Scofield, of Davidson; Dr. F j 'tied in the yard a-nd had wound 0 Hawley, of Charlotte; H Scott, itself around a bash. Mrs. Sim- 01 , Statesville; R J Stokey, of !m0ns went to elieve the -dog Asheville; J W McCrary, of from its confinement, when "H Lexington, ana J 5 vvnitauer, otimade a leap at Lor and bit a ter rible place on her arm. The dog was not suspected vo be mr.d, but a madstone was ent for and ap plied, but alas, the dog had made a deathly leap. She attended preachinfir at Piny Grove and -y returning home her arm began to pain. It was hoped that she would not go mad, as several days had elapsed since she wnsj bitten by the rabid animal. Sev- j eral doctors were sent for, bui-; I they wo aid not at Lend. She con- j ! stantly grew worse. She ;tob- i Jgy Winecoti, an aged ! bered, sire bit her ls and ;,vo s c of Mr. Aaron Wine- terribly strong, ne was given ' cofF. 'dlpd Tiiftsdav nUrht n.t, W a stick to bite. C owds ox peo-, Hon. Kerr Craige, of Salis bury, is here today. Worth 20c. apiece to the small price ol go Misses 'Alice and "Delia Sims' OK th'.s me: "Winston. To Porforni a Marriage Ceremony. Rev. and Mrs. J C Davis have gone to High Point, where he performs the marriage cere: mony for Mr. Frank J Fortier, of Washington, and Miss Virgina Hamner, of High Point. Miss Hamner is a daughter of Mr. C A Hamner, of that place. Mr. Davis will be at Lexinerton on OF 1 1 AM? I S'-2 b 11 11 Baa . Wl?? te 'J? i- J!S This is a .fine, larsco TO WEL - AT should be very all ac! to housekeepers'.- H. L. Parks 8c Com- 1 (T 1 They Ciiwroa Vt'ell. f home a short distance nhove the pie flocked in to r;ee the suffer worn a n a nor r : e s 1 g nt t o ! 00 k ; 1 1 Ervin's. j cemetery. panyrc !old liad reached an age. The remains were in- r I 1 ill? i S.' m- n ' r. l , f n'1 -mm,! ! 4V "to consislin- br-elv of ladies too 1 teiTed in the old Lutheran ceme" w -t tw. f . f tG1T today (Wednesday). v. the depot ready to con-f J J A graluiate and lend praise to 'our j It Speaks For Itself. base h;dl boys for their victory! Concouu, X. C. Ju'y-9, J99. thai ihjy. At last the train rolled ; Mr. John A. Sims, Age at Aetna I" - iui tne people began to cheer i (Accident) Insurance Company . V !y and loudly for the red, I Dear Sir : On June 21st I upon. The thought or sight of l- water, or cirait o . air wouia cause violent convulsions. She suffered j paroxysms oi excruciating j pain. . She said she felt like she) could eat her friends and wanted j to so to the woods.. xYiier live y Time the Wind Soif- 'days of unuiteivrlo suffering an angel came an; 1 f o 111 :;d the signal of death. She vv.y two fearfid Another 3Iill for Albemarle. Mr. Jas. W Ca:i; ;! ' in 'about two 1 check for 10. rjavment in fn weeks commence on the -hosierv claim mill at Albemarle. Already the i Thanks to you as agent for contract has been given to Mr. ' prompt payment. K A Brown, of this place. An I V " M. D. Sen ltbekt. experiment has been made with vn r nXo P R it pttV vnt this kind of machinery in the VOLOAMC ERUPTIONb mill at Albemarle and havirur ! Are Rrand, bat skui upturns proved successful they decided ! !ltd of BncKlen s-Armca to build a mill of thi V?nd' The '' balve cnres them h1so old' ru?" name of the mill will be the j "lDf fld fever soresi ulcers Windemere Hosiery mill. It will ! bcnis feloaR corns, warts, cuts be a -two-story building. j bruises, bnros, scalds, chapped - mf" . ' 1 hands, chilblains; bet pil cure CUBE a;G()LU! IN ONE DAY on earth; drives out pam and lake Laxative Bromo QniDine TabJets. aches. Only 25e. a box. Cure h .nlte and blue. Alter the ex- j applied to you for an Accident A . r" u "CiVA mtu via x-oiicy ojl. ?sj,u;ju wiin weeKiy sc earns ana tiioiiii-was over. yymn stepped off the train and ( indemnity. On the following I Messenger iv-ui -iellj fencer, Jntormed us that the boys wete ; Tuesday I received an injury of! - noi on the train and would not ' the eye that disabled me for one j HIS LIFE WAS SAYED. 'H-home until morning, so Mar- ; week. ' j Mr. X E. Lilly, a prominent vn 1 took ail of the cheers. j On Monday, July .24th, my i citizen of flannibal. Tvlo., lately j claim was forwarded by you to , had a wonderiui deliverance the home office, and on July 29th ; f rom a innhi ful daih. In teibng .on in f f , ,. : jr-. i, : . - . . . . jilts . jl.- iUUUlVi-l llOIll VULU l.-tliiUSs ct 19 14- 1... nn-,. M mosfoton writh u.-3 tL'.r.u v ex. jtv. vv j l in ri i it ill i two i i r Trv i -rn Trm onr. m m I rr 1 a i - i - - i i ; 'njonia. My lung3 became hard-j i enea." i was so we .as jl couian i even sit np in bed. Nothing helped me. I .expected soon to die of consumption, when I heard of Di. ' King's 'New Dis covery. One bottle gave me re lief. I continued to use it, and and now am weil and strong. I can't say too much in its .praise." This marvellous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all throat and iutig trouble. Regular size 50c and $1. j Trial bottles free Feizer's Drug j Store.' Every bottle guaranteed. Ovi ft ...... you can find something new at . . . Harris & Go's Furnitur Store. .This time it's List's Patent-Anti-Rust Tinware Now listen guarantee. . We, i-ai. cvs cc the Lisk M'fgCo li-mif rlr Vioi'hTr t', TT A T?. A NTEE aUCl . WAUi'AT eaCil UIlU"Ovtu' L illl IV. VA. - d - - - w pieceof our Anti-Eusting Tinware against rust. Should any piece be returned AT .ANY TIME we grantee t and every piece with new goods free' op charge this guarantee being given with evc.y article sold. J. II. McLaugiilt:;, P -es T. W; Martin, Y-ce-?res. L. A. Par'khurst. Sec. &Tre 1 You are tired fooling with cheap tin call and take a look. replace each "We iudst-cn a 'A All drnfrgistsreinnd money if it fails to 5 onaranfceed cure. po. The-gennin has Ij. B. Q. aranteeja. Sold at Fetzer's i Dru Store. BELL HARRIS AP COMPANY, Sole Agents. 7