.' : Sea 6 Price $4.00 Per Year. 00NC0HD, N; 0., HTURS DAY, A DQUST-1T, r IfcM Single Copy 5 Cents i A ... . u . n C7 THEIR ANNUAL REUNION. The Surviving Members of the Company Again Exchange Their Experiences of Years Ago Entertained IJy Mr. Kizziah. . , t ; It's a genuinely jolly time when Co. A of the 52nd N, C, Confederate regiment -gets to gether in annual reunion. Today (Thursday) August 17th the Morris House was the scene of this brotherly hand-shaking and cordial greeting with put burst of laughter' with that gusto that flows so spontaneously on these occasions.. The hotel register shows the following names the recipients of the generosity of Mr. J H Kiz ziah : : ;.''.. Capt. J M Alexander, G "A Misenheimer, G R Suther, RW Johnston,' H W Isenhour, .R M Suther, ; Martin N Starns, ' J W Yates, George Rrice, . J H Kizziah, Jno. P Suther, Alfred H Smith, M C Walter,; Jas. N Brown, Columbus Blackwelder W H Blume, OF Walter, J W Blume, T S Vanpelt, Dan'l Stiller, T A Flemming. Geo. A Propst, Wm. C Dry, . , Jno. B Wallace, T 1 W Henry Blume," - .7 At 11:30 the group proceeded to the court house, where the business of meeting was tken' up. - Rey. W B Oney was. introduced; as the orator of the day.' He an nounced that he was not a veter an of that war Ipnt was proud to claim that he is 4a son of a vet eran that returned to his Vir ginia .home with surrendering when the, war had ceased. He was glad to look , in to. the eyes of veterans not only of that war but of those true veterans pf life's vicissitudes. These ,reun ions are the rekindlings of the memories of camp-fire scenes and a keeping alive the friend ships of those days. ; Why not have the reunions, it is like the sweet ointment on Aaron's heM than ran down on his beard and garments. It ,11116, the, demand of the noble heart 0 keep alive and ever fresh the f riehdsnips 6i former days. It .is (op, the em blem of that greater reunion to which we ..are moving and to .ward which we are passing .out one by one. His benediction' rested on the group. A vote of thanks was most heartily given Mr. Oney for his address. The company then - went into ; the election of officers. . Cajit. J i M Alexander , was unanimously re-elected as chairman and Mrl M C Walter as secretary. A committee of Messrs. J N Brown, C F Walter, W H Blume, J M Alexander and M C Walter were made a committe of arrangements for the next reun-: ion. . . , v The company, by resolution meets on the 3rd Thursday of every year, which fixes the time. The original roll of the com pany was slowly gone over after the business and it was very inter esting to note how many of the missing had faded out of the memory of some, but each was remembered by some one and some incident was related of each. The roll contained 118 and out of it it is believed " that 00 yet live, 27 of whom in the meeting. were A vote of thanks was extended Mr. J H Kizziah for the " enter tainment at the hotel for dinner.' Capt. Alexander then polled those present who were in cer as follows: GuhBoat on: Black Water 17. Tar River Bridge 13; Gettys burg 20 Bristo Station 8-J Wild erness IX. Five present were at the surrender. . , : - with Rev. Oney as an' honored, ciocf -.th1 fKQ fifao f &wvu kjuumiu xxxutu. uu take, notes,, were seated 'in the na-nap.ious din o-haH.ftf thdMor- tain battles which resulted ris" house, where a' sumptuous 'Swy. f o-'2-5n- dinner was served nndprbi;.Sbr'-ra1il"f prietqrship of 'Mr. P S Pfiarr had boon sick for some time . but and the matronly maiilpiatf.-toP going-; On of his daughter, Miss. Ne; To have seen; the "Vets" partak of that feast must -have suggested- .that no lack of exquisite enjoy- Imontwas there ahd .it was'' ev4 annual square meal! - , . : A cigar to each, the gift bf Mr. Q. E. Smith, was thin dis- pensed and enjoyed, enthe housed fuh pleasured o the day. A Moonlight Picnic. . "Wednesday eveninsr a party of young gentlemen took advantage of a;lovely mopnlight night and carried their best girls on a most aengnuui picnic to w nue naii. They wen put;in trpji'ggies; etc., doing away with the usual jolting of , wagons, which gen erally accompanies k a 'picnic. The young ladies had prepared an elegant duncf io Iwhich the usual justice, was ' done. About ten p'cjock 3 th party returned eacn' and all voting thanks to the other who had helped render them suoh! a charming evening! ,Those. who participated in the rotind of gayeties ,Vf$t$i Misses Cannon, Wadswof tn, "Browni Steven, Mops, ' (Qion Johnston.' and ' Messrs.- Doc Brown; Hugfi Pars; VlcMeasi Ralph 01ine? Bernard Ketzer and Archie Cannon; , capqf ohesj Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hatchett. ' The Papers Are Passed. It very often the ease that a trade is virtually made though the ;papers "have ridt: yet beii properly signed and exchanged." It will be remembered that Mr. WO Corell and . Sheri5 Peck have been on a trdide f or the property where Mr. Correll lives now, The papers have now been signed and the trade is closedi : p Game Here Tomorrow. . 'According o the baseball schedule we ' were tp have a game nere tomorrow afternoon with the Charlotte "Boys, but since dates have been iaade for the remainder of the week be tween the Charlotte aftd Union teams, the game here, has been called off. Qn next Monday our team goes to Mountain Island. More Space-to Be Gained. v Carpenters are at work at the rear of the Cannon '& Feteer Co. store. ,The frame work which holds the water tank., will be ninoorl wifh R"hipt iron and the VJLVUVyV , V p-r-ww v space utilised for storing away gooas. , x mere wiit oe tnre rdoms in the tower. :r v Tne soothinc and healing prop erties o! Chamberlain Cough Remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and ' permanent cures have made it a great favorite with the people evervwhere. - For sale byliL L. Marsh & Co., Drnggists. Sale of Town Property. Two lots with three houses on them on Pine street, near Black welder's store. A bargain for cash. : Jno. Creech. ; CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAT . t- - - . - ": Tal? TjftTfttive Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists-refund money, it-it faila to i cure. 25c. The genuin has Xj. B. Q. j each, tablet. MRS. COjCEY DEAD. She Drops from Her Chair and Dies Be- fore AnTone Reacher Her A f Resi dent 1 (at fJannonTille Had Heart Trouble. . Only, two - days beforehand Wfi the wife pf W lyl Coley.hp now lives at Can- w-rii. ovi -rv. a v.o v.k-n 1 1 n SJ at the OiUffalO ,mm. Went tO: fromrlr chai? P before "ffl'SS'-r'S r of E,tUlt 11?. hor. ?ho?,as dcad- : husband and five children fV to : we thef dath Aot ' motherland ife- -"2 -" was preacKed at m. me of Mr. Geo. : Coley by Rev. B Lacy . Hoge." The re mains were taken to , Rimer in No. 6 township for burial. i Isn't It Strange 4 How some persons anxiously ; wait until a paper is out - so that they can : read their neighb ors copy,. , :-V':-. ' ;' . . How some people whoe names f'f e not oh the subscription books are ever, ready to nnct ianiT wiin spme article in it. , : ; Sow, some people expect a Newspaper . . to" prosper rapi&ly spek iscQuragihgly of it ana yet never spend a, cent 'with it. PERSONAL rOINfERS. Q. W, Quid rtrrnect :here Jstmght. - . fcjilr. i Beatty, of ' New Iiphbn, was tqre this morning. . .; ;ivfiss I4l& Stafford; of Har rishrg, is visiting the Misses Sims. -Messrs. Joe Harty and W. F; Dowd, of Charlotte, are here tpday. Pfeks Freeze came in from his hbnie this morning to stay until Saturday; Miss Xjenna Stevens, .of feosts Mills, is, " visiting Miss Mary Ella Cannon. Miss Laura Wadsworth ar rived -here last night from Char lotte io visit Miss Nannie Gan non; ; . . -Jno. C. Wadsworth returned, home last night irom Connelly Springs a,nd elsewhere. .Dr. and Mrs, T. F. Costner, of Lincolnton, are spending to day here. They are registered at the St. Cloud. , rtr-Prof. and Mrs. Jas. P. Cook and Mr. Wm. Norfleet went to Asheyille this morning to spend a few days. Vitvni" - ' j I 1 OF IFAM AT a m lis. The Old JSorth Stated Hurrah 1 ' ' The tie betwee.ir tHe'tenis of lotte arid the 01dlNorth State is ahead. It is a victory of which we should all be proiid, for it! took some of the fiiiesVof ball! Xxiaying ever seen in Ciiariotte Vo utj u. ine two games ueiore- - fatad' furnished iii the .. , ir,. idi.-i;,.. oeat. Tne two eames before ninth inning but this ttoe? the surprise did hbt come but each stuck closely ti the; other: Tar- boro made pie run' iii the first inning, ttiree in the flftfi, dM I Coliniaiis madS 6ne itfthe first, third 0fiB ifl th two in the" sixth. ' The South one in tne tnlra, one in seventh, one m: the ninth'. Rogers and LeGrande played in the' game; the former making two runs and the latter one run. Newman struck put 3, Kenna 9. Droye a Nail Into His Fingert Mack flitchie, one of the sales men n the Yprke & Wadsworth hardware stPre, .hd an experi ence Wednesday while driving a nail into a shelL He not only drove the nail into the box but also .into his finger. It was very painful and he soon fainted. After recpyering from the faint he became very sick for a while. i Will Ko,t Acieept the Call. It will be remembered some time ago Bey. 13 that Hoge received a call irom a Baptist church at . Wnmintpn. Ttere h as. been , pme uneasiness on the part of his congregation that the call would be accepted j Ut Key. Hoge informs us tht he will not accept the call. Charlotte Tackling Union. , . j . , Today, Friday and Saturday the Charlotte team, after being very much reinforced, -will play the Union boys in Charlotte. Charlotte has an idea that by these additions to her team she can beat the boys of the Palmet to State. Mangum and Graves of our team, are playing: with them today. BED HO T FHOM THE GUN Was the bill thai hit G. B. Steadman of Newark Mich., in the Civil Waiv It caused horrible Ulo ers tfaafi pp; tretm er b elped for 20 years. Then Buctieh's Arnip Save cured him, Cures Cuts, Bruises, ;Bpi:nsrbiKJel pns, Corns, Skin EruptionSr Best Best Pjle ciirei pp artji. 25cis. a box, t Cure gnarnteeii. 6jd by P. b! Fetzer, Drqggifet. Tarbord ahd Unibii was' played' Wednesday, the IBih, in v Char Every Time the Wind- Shifts i i . . .y6ti can find something new at Bel I , Harris & Gp's Furniture Store This time it's ...... . '' - . ; f ' . . m&'$ Patent Anti Rust Tinware Now listen guarantee. We, the officers of the Lisk M'f'g 'Co.,, limited, do hereby guarantee and warrant each and" every piece of our Anti-Rusting Tinware against rust. Should any piece be returned AT .ANY TIME we guarantee to replace -each and every piece with new goods free OF charge. We insist on this guarantee being given with You are tired foonngi with cheap ' . - f Sole 3ARR1S A MOTHER TELLS HOW SHE SAEJBPAIJGHTERS LIFE. I axn-tHe mother, of eieht child reii'aiidhave Kad agreat deal ot f xperjiice WitH iedicines. Last summer my little daughter had, the dysentery m its worst form 'l We thonght she wouM die. X tried every thiuK I could think of I saW by an advertisement in our paper that Chamberlain's Lolic, .Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy; was highly recoca, mended and. sent and got a hottle at once. It proved to be one of the very best medicines we ever had m lle house. It saved' my little daught er's life: I am anxious for every mother to know what an excellent raedicine it is. Hal t known it a,t first it would byw; saved me a. great d?al of aiTxietv and my little daughter ranch cuflfering. Yours truly, Mrs. Geo. F. Bur di:c5f. Liberty, Li. I. For Sain by ML. Marsh .'& Co , rrug-i8t. Black Ants hi Demand. A plague of small ants is wor- -ryiug the good housekeepers in the lower part of town. The little pests get in the sugar -bowls, play havoc with cakes. " and pies, and drown themselves in the jelly and fruit preserves. It is well known that the larger black ants devour the little ones; and one bright lady introduced several of the big black ants into her home in order that they might eat the little ones up. The-., blaqk ants id. their .work nobly, and nbw tne house is free of the small -pests. Since the bright woman made her successful ex periment her neighbors freguent ly run over and ask: Mrs. , , will you please lend me your big blact ants for a day or so ? I want to borrow them to eat my little ones. Breckenridge, Ky. NeWS; . - 'v. ;', ' During the ciyil war, as weir as in our late , war wittr Spain, diar rhoea was one . of the most troublesome diseases the army to contend with. In many? instances it became chronic and the old soldiers stilt suffer from : it. Mr. David Taylor, of Wind Ridge, - GreVn cnuuty, Pm., is one, of these. He usee", ty-- m t'erlain V Colic, Cholera d Diarrhoea Keqaey and syn ) uer found anything that w..ul4 uivft hin ucn quicfe "elief . It i - tor sale by ML Marsh & C:. Druggist. every article sold. - Jl R. McLaughlin, Presr; m TTT -m jr J"r TT " t- vy. martin, y.ice-irres A. Parkhurst, Sec. &Tres tin'call Sird take a look.; ' PAN! Agents. con i: $ i 'I -.1 ! 4 ' .1 i i i