.'' MX jma' ( ; .??JsksJ 4 " (J. ' if)' ' Prico $4.00 Per Yoar. TO REPAIR MAIN STREET. Work to Ccmraence on the Macadamizing: .AltVh me . season wnen ine - of Main Street-To Commence - in S?8 I UiJ?-688 '--MtoOUie Cline is spending . , ramblers learn too late the tricks several days in Mt. Pleasant. Front of the Hotel nd Go Northward, of that nasty vine called "poison T A It will be good news when we; oak. t' Kerosene will cure it As . Jc:an DeArmond, of Uar tind that the old macadam on soon as' the eruption appears rub lotte s spending today here.: U Main street has been taken up j the oil dn liberally; you'll eu joy ' Mrs. D. B. Coltrane went to and a new and better one put'j it. Rub it in as often asyouteel Spartanburg this morning to down. This street, along in j like scratching. The poison will spend a few days. : on North Main street, is badly in need ; of re-pairs and - soon "XT xi- fr ' ' x-" - n Mayor Means will , haves, work commenced on it, as he is adver tising for-rock .for: .-it I atid later the reck crusher , will be placed when a location can be selected.; It has been decided irioti to .do' any work nov on the street , along in front pijthe stores tHjjtime is near - when an: abundance of traveling will f be done on this part of tjif, street whjetlcotf ton is rcoiumg 1 in in IsucMarg quantities. The crossties Jwhich yet- re- main uiid Macadam will'"Tbe taken out These 'btheir gradual decay , caused holes at many places in tne 'streetT The work vill bo let by- contract to some person, . M i i It idlbeQii,:Hnnded to ifui the rock crusheron-: the old &uin my lQnextyto Juge Montgom ery's residence but. thi fjplan;: has been changed. This Hyork when '? completed moans " kr great -Hmrovement to the mostJbeaU;.tiul street in his or in many!Bme:tow4.a3d Avill" add much to the street as a drive. d t . T . - (A.b.y V..' Work Being Rapidly PusUd, As rapidly '"as -possible 4s the work going on f o.rjb he wConcord CottodAlrej0' ginnery building is up a id also another buiWing "wqU.: qn.-the S'3rSr One!day there wrV f our teri. a'rpenters ' a'tc woflr'whicH nieanls thaj lumber) is f boing . placed rapidlyV It -will J'npt'TSe long before Concord' will "have a cotton seed oil mill. TJfie w&rk may i etarded ; on aepount ! 6f me scarcity oi lumoer Charlotte's Team No More. In the game Thursday;;-; wTth the If nion sbps, .Qrlgta's team sufte'recf a" defeat;" In a scorfcof 9 St 4- to 2:; The'game cancelled the other- two. . games that it 'had intended to pla' ;qii. Friday' and Saturday 1" The' teaml has gone to pieces, r, , , J s - Ifand Cut OffByaSaw. Mr. Flo we Alexander of No. 3 township had the great misfur tune to get his hand cut off by a circular saw today (Friday). As we understand it, the saw cut across the palm near the finger joints and in front of the thumb. The accident happened at Mr. W B Goodnight's saw mill. Mr. Alexander, we learn is a single man of some 30 years. .- ' A Fractured Roue Taken Out. Drs. Littleton and Whitley per lormed an operation on Herbert Honey cutt," Saturday, taking out fractured bone from his leg Uat was broken some time ago. He is able to be up now. Stanly Enterprise. i'ytluans Take Notice. The members of the Knights o f Pythias lodge are requested to meet in their hall tonight. Business of special importance will be before us tonight and every member is urgently: re quested to be present. C. L. White. C. C. Sale of Town Property. ; Two lots with three houses on them on Pine street; near Black vo1 .e?s store. . A bargain for asn- Jno. Creech. almost devoid of life aaid interest, a:id the' people'" 'careil not;;;' how ?Qon tlje gam e, was at an .ed -rte Vds tfead-llke ft1iat' ' 6narl'6ttev Cure for Poison Onk Vim si I time, sometimes in a 'day t and a half, at wiUie ou'entirelyi In ;J 'J a - : '. t n - V our. giddy and thoughtless youth we were several times yitdtiicjaad by Jthe ; I vicious i vinei 1 v IFooling along with cream and nightshade andv sugars of. lead, and 4 other stylish lotionsi gave us. raw jariri3 a, rawcas .beets, while the sheer desperation-'w-e USfhap-j' pened to try. kerosene .and dis- - cle,-. iat i least; I'M 1 IklvtaMi effectually on . the poison oak'a golar, plexus The BXplanation KBouis to oe mis : 4ie poisonous property of.thevine'or plant 19 &WZ:;"?, .""1 uuuiu5 oiu6 vcgoiauio it is.dUutedor, disorganized, or H oar VTrr.'i i -t 't In i--ittt o r m o urnrnH TUTi T"i rr -vi 1 Kmn - o irftfiPATn r r n i i - detrovedorlothrwise mastered H'Ti iTlf .TfT i oi tne oattieoi Moore's ureeiq Bfiftge .on ThursdaJCthe 17th. This was1 hot, htfVe ff - an anni-i versarv day or the battle was JohtiSn)JSe3.CS5ll776. It is T. . ,. xl: i cnAA f iU Messrs. -1 'Kobt. ;Keesler, It is estimated.that 5000 peo4 -..1 i. j; tvulti- pie. attended, ithe. celimlon of -- -ii the season suited f or celebrations -.Aditfed-Litakors, below town. . f though aiidtherjefwere speeches - . , . lt'unp ' r.-..-&.p(j 'flWy..'.w , . , Mrs Addie Blair, of Moil" Itis proposedTto tholdannual e. ?ej yM'. ft bebralSoS hreaftertie ' il gV- ex V1 tfNo. I'tQwnshipv -is visiting her l BnitalBerinre o!(Siiftinals.f their plantsel tHermfehueji offinArs rp.centlv. whereurjon thev'i . 7 X V destroved a phaeton for Mr.! James Davis and, put i thethroatl of - a - -gt)odsi,horse - belonging to , J.aiplvv 94-offjJBaxter Gilioh, - camo; , down from wuyxixi iuov ouojjcvu vx fStaterair-MkCrfr e :Sta,tejf air. isbeingtiitaliCejl upland it is promised that thefiather neglect the' whole .world :iaShis;faltwUl not be : second '. besides. - ' - ' to any previous one. There are'iv-Vr; a; romnrk n.t tho ltots to havS$r flyingmachine: expense felie otherit is'mean fonone of the special attractions., wit ; -v v ' ' a-FaiirReniaaB. - 1 ,u Never be i 'stubborn," but let . each strive to .yield of tenest to .0 Thursday, a family reunion, ' the wisbes 0f the other, or, in' other words, a big. dinners was givan to .the childiln of Mr. ! " Never part for a day without and Mrs. :cfe6: IVinecoff, who loving -words to think of du ring live on Meadow street at Forest j absence. . . Hill. All of the' children, except j Never find fault unless it is one was present, as was also a perfectly certain that a fault has nUmber. of the grandchildren. ibeen committed, and always Closed for a Week. On Thursday evening the committed go by until you have bleachery suspended work fora (frankly confessed it and asked week, a vacation being' granted' forgiveness. Ex. - Superintendent . (Stewart, who left that night for his-home in Providence. R. I. This is Mr. Stewart's first visit home since accepting v the superintendency ; of the bleachery. j I At Work on the Tax Eeceipts In regard to the discussion as to 'whose duty it is to put the lioWc nf fno tn.Y navfifs in the receipt books, the sherifi6 or the register of deeds, Sheriff Peck j has begun his work and . will be j ready to tear them out .wnen tne proper time comes. ... Harvey Lambeth, a member i of our baseball team now. came j over from Charlotte this- morn-, ing to stay with us until Monday when the team goes to Mountain', Island. ! CONCORD, N. C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1899. PERSONAL POINTERS. -Lloyd JhiUips, of Kock Hill;- is here today visiting ? his brother, Chas. Phillips. Mrs. D. D. Cochrane, who is v - - y. v -Miss Pauline Thorn, of China Grove,1 spent 'today with Miss i ' ' ''Mi Mo-i,. MlWr-rfMr .:TrMls? Maggie. Moser, o Mt. 1 Lucas Lehtz, who is clerking - iat Gastbriia"; is home' for a few aavs. ' . ' ; - - :p , miss feopma i-aui, 01 sorest :t,i : r?,: 7 -morning -to spend several days. - - v ' . - . " . - i i - wr 1 1 11 -ut v;iinL i . in I'lnn-.. r v t;.:' m Jl tvto t?. T1 T5Tv;n r.1'iT.ri -home thi.morningfrom (Jhar- i-rs.. Jno.-Yorke. SieTAW .f rau::. M iss Essie Ph r. Plumer. has ; re-lr - tUrnedr - to jMit ZJ E. Scott!-s after rsp ending I several- vdays'ithMr il otherMrBaxter Parks. - ' -Rpbto ;iWLeeler, . yho . hasia to; Kings i Mounua,n ;t mS r. . Vj-iMises" Pauline aiid-?BeUlah TnoniV of China Gyej?. and Miss 'IVIeta 'TOOmiSccbMpanied by Mr. VIlllla) jrlUVtJ tiiia, lxiui inug cvxxu. spentfn few hours.: larriage' Maxinis. Never neglect one another; speak lovingly. , , Never let any. fault you have jes . ' 1 ft . , line OF UXXX lUUUi XXUCl 1XWXXXU 'XO.i3U XXlii XX u J - fell t Ahull 1 11 A FPU I. AT i J. liu. Rids Receivable for the Location of North Carolina College. ' -The committee whose names are subjoined was appointed by the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina at its conven tion held at Salisbury, May 1899, to receive bids for the future lo cation of North Carolina College, and in persuance'of its commis sion, makes announcement as follows : - - - "'.'' - 1 : o Bids for the location of North Carolina College will be received and in due time,, and. in good faith will be ' referred f or 'fihdl discussion to the' Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North 0arO- lma, if filed ( with. ..the chairman 0f this t committee, on or beforUize 5 50c. "and $L Evorv bottle The committee hereby reserves m fae ,d'Svijod : ;fo carefully .and in the light ;pf the luture . welfare, ,01 tie college,, ; This college ' is under thei ! special care of ;the Evarfeelleal . .ntneran ynoa oi JNOrtn uaro:. nthfi-- .0 -nod of North rCaro: : j . :i i i n i i A1IUI ana "wnerever . locatea win command her loyahsupportand j-1 ij : i -i i the communitv securmsr the Jo - i'tho r.WiVmWiiW cDPnrino- Wo .lriili "..fy pabVMa,uv. presume upon the" Synod' s'heafty co-oper- atioh ' insecuring the -highest The" soothing and healing'prop-1 efficiencyyof theinstitUtioni perties oi f Chamberlain's Cough ' " KOB.V.;9ANDn - r . - -n i Vt i VJliAS. JD. iVllL.L.l!JK, r Good Heard -Again of Gen.' Lee. '..A special .from Chattanooga says that .General FitZw;Leey;i preparing, tosend . fif tyrgiris 'id f hat city frgm ihe.Tslahd 'pi Cuji to be educated theres:' ft ' seems that Mrs. JSiASteF-some: ago wrote General lie a Ifitie"rJ offeringsjto e. fifty girjs n .e orphan's Home,- .General,' Lee. took the matter up"5 with' ln.e Presbyterian minister,4 and hav-i mg satisnea Tiimself that the of --fer walsWll right' deterntihedVto' accept. ?; RED HO T FROM THE GUN : Was the - bull .that hit G. B: Stead man of-Newark, Mich., in the Civil War, n It caused horrible Ubers that no treatment helped for 20 "years. Then Buckle n's Arnic Salve cu red ' i h lm ; Cures Cutt?, -Bruises, Burns;-Boil,' Fel ons, Corns; Skin Eruptions, Bet Best Pi)e cure on earth. 25cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Solc3 by P. B. FetkerDrugist KjHas.js. miller, . , y ; have made it a great fvorit with Geo: "RrTCto,!-ff;j the rkofte ev&ywhre. For sale T; . - - 11 byfllMar9lr& Co., Driigsts. ' i m i . 1 . ; r A !. :. .5 : i ; , rr ,. m i very Time the Wind Shifts - you can find sjomething new at Bell, Harris & Go's Furniture Store. v- .This Lisk's Patent Apti' Rust Tinware. Now listen guarantee: We, the officers of the Lisk M'f'g .Co., limited, do hereby guarantee and warrant each and. every piece of our Anti-Rusting Tinware against 'rust., Should any piece be returned AT -ANY TIME we guarantee to replace ;each and every piece with new goods free of charge. We insist on this guarantee being given with every article sold. You are tired fooling with cheap 11; Sole EfflS Single Copy 5 Cents MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. It is certainly gratifying to tho public' to know of one concern in the land who tire u ot afraid to be generous to the nedy and suffer ing.. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con eumphon, Coughs and Col Js, have giAen away oyer ten million trial bottles of this preat medicine; and haye tbe'--sanstaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases, Asthma,Bronch . itis, Hoarseness and all dis eases ot, the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on; P. B. Fetzer, Drujicist. and get a free trial bottle. Regular g a aran teed , or pri ce 4re f nn d erl , Ten More'Regiments to Be Raised. A It has been . definiioly fixed upon by the war department to rase ten . additional volunteer regiments for the Philippines thono Tf;i which will raise Gen. Otis' force 1 V. "SMU all the troops at the seat of-war by ; the first of- December. It is H - Wfinnhn f Tv,rt a uxjj-.- . -.i . and..the.war department. its vpleasaDt-taste and- ;;rpirompp - i' ana. - permanent cures f lion. . J,C Ken nette, a member, of yie House of Representatives front GUilibrcfj-has been elected' to manager, the Greensboro dis- pensary. ,j , - The question ) now arises, netfier be can Hold: both -positions 'according to law. H f CURE !A COLD IIS ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money - if it fails to cure., 25c.: Theeenuin had L. B. Q. on'eachtabltetJ ' r Duiing the.ciyil war, r.p vell,.as in our 1 ate war .with Spain , d iar rhoea ' was one of the most troublesome diseases he army bad to contend with. In many instances it became chronic, and the .old soldiers still ruffer from it: Mr Dwd T ior. of Wind Ridge," 0rene cnoity, PA., is one .oi these.- He uses (-"j . rnKprlain's Polic, . Cholera. ?u d . Diarrhoea rteVndy and hjs ) - t cr found anything that kw. i- j jiy him . such quick relief. ! i-1 for sale , by M. LrMarsh & L-o., Drupgist. time it's J. R. McLaughlin, Pres. T. W. Martin, Vice-Pres. " L. A. Parkhurst, Sec. & Tres tm call and take a look. Agents. AND COMPANY, 1 1 r.. V ' ' ' 1 ' i : . " ' ... -i 4

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