Prico $4.00 Per Tear. CONCOHD, N. C, THUES DAY ; AUGUST 24, 1899. Single Copy 5 Cents TWO DEATHS. 3Iiss Hinson and Mrs. Bridges Con- - sumption the Cause of the Latter's Death Personals. Written for The Standard: Forest Hill, August 24. Miss Annie Troutman went to Char lotte this morning to visit her friends. , Miss Fannie Russell and her grandmother, Mrs. Mehaley, ' went over to Charlotte this ; morning. Mr. W R pdell returned home , home last night from a northern trip. Miss Ella Hinson, sister ofiThe -place was about half wav Mr. John Hmson, died this morning alter being m bad heaitn tor some time, csne uvea at tne home of her brother. The wrecked car of salt is still off the track," Mrs. Bridges, the wife of Mr. T F Bridges, died this morning. She had the dread disease con sumption. Behind her she leaves a husband and two children. The funerarwill be preached to morrow morninsr at the house. Cheap Rates Tomorrow. On account of the crowd that is likely to go to Charlotte to morrow to witness the last game of the season in which our base ball team will take part, the Southern has given us a rate of 85 cents for the round trip, good to return on Saturday. This ticket, ' however, is not good on the vestibuled train. The tickets will be sold for No. 11 tomorrow morning.5 ; s Two Popular Gentlemen. Messrs. A. W. Mangum and W. P. LeGrande, who Have been spending the summer in Con cord, leave in a few days for Bingham School, Orange county, near Mebane, where the former gentleman is Physical Director and the latter is a student. (iot His Leg Broke. Glass, August 24. Frank Alli son, a negro, got his leg broke here yesterday at the saw mill of Yorke, Wadsworth & Co;- His leg in some way got caught in the carriage and both bones were broken below the knee. He is in a bad condition. Knocked Out His Own lino- r rank Munday has a dog and Sid'Prestwood had a dog. These 1 dogs met, Sid's dog growled and Frank's clog growled. Then they "fib " and Frank's dog was doing the Jeffries act on Sid's, when Sid sailed in with a club intend ing to give Prank's dog a knock out blow, but made amiss lick and killed his own dog. They the air turned "blew" in that immediate vicinity and it looked like Sid , would vanish into red hot profanity 'before they could throw water on him to cool him. -Lenoir News. A Terrible Temperance Remedy. Parkersburg, W. Va., ! has al ways been a prohibition town. Recently through the develop- ?Hent of coal property the pop- j ulation hasancreased from 200 to 1,000 and with tM ihcrase came oar rooms This the old settlers (annot bYook and they are band 'd together to burn put all the i-quor houses it is said. Several have already been ' burned and the citizens do not turn out to ht the flames. For Over Fiityiers f Mrs; Winsiow's Koothms Syrnp h& baen u.d for over fifty yearb by million cf la others for sheir child reii wkik- twniin?, Tfith perfcot nud Pfss. It 8oobtscr ".he child s eoftua tb, pmcE, allays pain, cures vvmd colic, unci ia the beet remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little 3h2ert;r immediately. Sold by druggiHta io every part of the 9rld, Twenty -fiye eenta a bottle. Be Bure ask for " Mrs. Wioslowe Sooth mcj Syrup," aEd take no other kind THE TRESTLE GATE WAY. Julius Alexander Suffers the Death! PAnnu i v tv , Ci ' Penaltj-A Aegro Woman's Strange Deatn-A Policeman Accidentally Hurt. Editorial Correspondence. Charlotte, Augr. 24 -No. 11, the local southbound train, which was rlolavAfl hfnrA rnhincr nnnrorrl. and whiph nn.sRArl tWa at 12:30. was delaved narlv two VmnrQ va,woaT nnnr and ttot.. risburg by the giving way of a trestle. Fortunately the train flirl n of, trri nn i f, Kn f. wo Vi a1 f wn i f. nntil tho lofAPf wnc roTYioiori -between two stations. We reached here at 2 :45 this after- noon.- i Julius Alexander, the negro : who some time ago committed an assault on Mrs. Mullis, was hanged here this morning at 10:23. When the trap fell a po- liceman. vrho was standing too near, was; hurt by a falling tim ber, though not seriously. Ho was struck in the face. . ; A negro woman was this morn ing found dead at the Victor ! mill. Her clothes were torn from Mr James" McDonald re jher body and found some dis- turned to Charlotte this morn- tance away. ner nead twas mashed almost into a jelly. Noth- ing is at present known as to her death. , ' Splendid School Discipline. Neatness, order, obedience ! punctuality nnd self -dependence cv,i ,fn-ho "NT n vr'. ruie.nrdL-regIatlons prop: pensive- ;uMf oror, - heavy gun, severe : pennlties. - onerous me - chanical drill and restraints of military system. To the MooresTilie Picnic. Today is the day for the big An immense crowd' is expected tnD rn Vio D-rnnrtris- there to- day. Misses Rosa Mund and May Pitts, Capt. J. M. Alexan der, and Messrs Eli Goldston, Marshall Mabrey and H. P. Dea ton,.from this place, attended.; Took Adrautage of the Rate. The Southern gave a cheap rate to Norfolk and . return, theame from Hosts Mills this morn- parties to leave on the night of the 23rd. . Messrs jonn ttmitn, TJnnr.TT Pif-7 Tnn A "Rl n olrw a A pt John Bost, Frank Brown; Dr. L. N. Burleyson Jno. W. . Cook, Geo. L. Fisher and Geo Wme- coff, left here that night to re- turn on Saturday morning. Oil In Buncombe. j Buncombe county it seems is ! aoout to "strike it." The Ashe- ville Citizen says that Gen. Theo. ' F Davidson has been suspectm nr pi tjotjiiutj jx vjii Hi. tuo w"ux -c : nrt,nr,f.T cations of oil on the waters in time of freshets. Prof. Joseph Leiter in hunting for gold found ! some rocks recently that seemed saturated with oil and it now seeuls to betrgecL Coritrdctor Absconds . Drie .George Clarke, & bon tractor of Charlotte j Aio, it seems, is oacK wiui ms worn- j men and others to the tune of $2,000 is not to be found. Hei worked about one hundred hands 1 and had; contracts for good; buildings, Thei e is no little confusion among workmen who "owe bills that they expected to meet. But they can't meet Clarke. i mammm ; Too Late. "I've come to tell you, sir, that , the photographs you took of us -. the other day are not at all satis- j WAN f fiD-rTt buy 100,000 factory. Why, my husband looks j p junds of old c;i-iron scrap, de like an ape!" severed a& iu londry at ooce, for "Well, madame, you should i which we will pay a fair pric; No have thought of that before you : burnt iron warmd. had him taken. "Tit-Bits. - alttf. Concobd Foundry Oo. Mr. Chas. Harris Thrown From the OOJ , . .. On Wednesday afternoon while out iving I yChas. Harris nA u: a AvftTn when his horse became suddenly frightened and W a dash threw him from the " buggy. He kepi bis hold on the lines and was drasrered about forty feet on the ground. Fortunately he at last got the animal quieted and no damage was done more than that he was slightly bruised on the arms and a suit oi clothes badly 1111 Ured. It WaS a dangerous occurence and he was fortunate well as he j to come out of it as did. , , ; vV. ? pp.pronat; pointers . - C F Walter is today. in Charlotte Dr. N D Fetzer today in Charlotte. : is spending Sam Sloop returned home last night from Greensboro. . Mrs. Luther Biles returned nome lasi mguu irum ouux. i ;tx 0lilc,M iny. Mr. J D Barrier, of this paper is in Charlotte this after noon. -Mr. Morrison Caldwell re- turned home this morning from Albemarle. s' Mr, toot. wneeier rexurneai 'Jom U!1S g'. f: mii8B iviuuutaiij.. j ' Q -Miss Margaret Allison went Charlotte this morning to spend several days. Prof. Preston Lewis Gray, principal of the Biugham school is here today. - - W. G. Boshamer returned , home last mght after an absence I Ui ocvciai UWJ0 Mr. Dick Harris, of Salis bury, arrived here last night. He IS fciLUppiIlg clU XVXX . iVX JJ UiUVVUiS. Mr. Walter Ritchie, a sales man in the Ritchie hardware store; is off for a day or two at his home in Richfield. Mrs. Daniels, of Littleton, Mrs. Daniels, of Littleton,'? v"ai- uurriuie inff and will spend about a week!j;,r . ? - with her sister, Mrs. Jas. AY. j Mr. and Mrs. A S Dayvault 1 and Mrg Q A Misenheimer are endin today at Mrs. Day. vults father's, near Mt. Pleas - sant. ' NO CURE, NO PAY. 5 Tnat is tne way the way all drucrerists sell Grove. Tasteless Chill Tonic for chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Onildren buvexu auuns ICICI ll W UHll, XlttU- ; iea ting Tomes Price. 50o. I T , f : - h mill LI.' un s I CAKES i -AT- ". . UNVEILING CEREMONIES f The Woodmen of the World to Unveil 4UC uuiuwaeirr auen isroxner. Sunday Afternoon. . I On Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock the Woodmen of the World of this place will assem-, ble at Elm Camp at the town hall ana will marcn m a body to the uevuiuw-nenii oi xne nia;;mn- v cemetery where the monument cent water power on the Ca which now stands to the memory tawba river, two miles xrom of Mr, S C Alexander, who died Hickory. This is one of the several months ago, will be un- finest idle water powers in the veiled. State. It will ere long be turn ip ; ing members of this organization J will be present. An appropriate ' n . J address will be delivered by Mr. L D Duval who will also read the poem prescribed by their ritual. The public will of course at- tend these exercises. It is prob able that the cornet band will attend and take part in the ex ercises. We Must Conquer Tomorrow. Tomorrow dur baseball team to goes to unariotte where they play off the tie with the Moun tain Island-boys. This promises to be a warm game of ball and well attended too, as Char lotte, together with all of Moun tain Island and a large part of Concord IS vajjxj iiitciootcu. m land will come over prepared to win the game if there is the least possible chance and Kenna .will do his best, Ibut Concord wul be there and the red, white and blue will figure prominently. CURE. A COLD IN ONE-DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drugrgists refund money if it fails to care. 25c. The genuin has L. B. Q. on each.,tablet. - , . . A Strong Faculty. There are a larger number of College and University graduates m xne iaeurcy oi ine uingnam School of. Orange county, near Mebane, N. C, than in any high school in North Carolina. There ! are nine full graduates in the Faculty and officers. RED HO T FROM THE GUN Was the ball that bit G. B. Rteadman of Newark, Mich., in r. '1 TTT Tl ' J l J -LI. i ,uiee Jnac DO l?imeD. Df Pe, LUiKj utJLu' i U u t s . 15 ru 1 ses. .Burn s . 15oi l . t el- s or.s, Skm EruptioDS Best est ,e cnre on f Q25- a ; box. Cure guaranty. Sold by ! p- B- Fetzer' Druggist, I ' One STRIKE, And you have made a safe hit and straight for the BELL, HARRIS & CO. Where vou can find EVERYTHING you need in the house keep id-Kffillie.ORADLB TO THE GRAVE. Our three floors are crowded to the doors with goods bought before the advance and we bought them to SELL, and we are gomgo SEL L them, SEE IF WE don't. Do you, need any of our land of stuff ? if . you do give us a call. Don't forget our Star Leader and Iron King Cook Stoves they Bake the Cake. Our Lisk Anti-Rust Tinware is the talk of the town, uvery us. we will do you gooa. BELL HARRIS Splendid Power. J N Bohannon, that excellent business man and Drinco of a. gentleman, of Hickory, spent last night at the McAdoo and left this morning for Winston, Mr- Bohannon is interested with tne Messrs. Odell, of Concord, a,nd B N Duke, of Durban, in liner thft wVipaIk nf a. kr mi 1 nnrl fiiKninlV J - miil ana furnishing for Hickory and other near-by towns. Greensboro Telegram. You assume no rink when you buy ChamberlHin's Colic, Choiera and Diarrhoea Remedy. M. L. Marth & Co will refund yonr money if you are not aati-tied after using it. It is evtrv where admitted to be the most socevss ful remedy m rise for i owel com plaints and ihe nly one that nver fails. It is pleasant, safe and reliable. We Sell Them Goods. The Treasury Bureau of Statis tics in Washington has iust giyen ' out an interesting statement in OUi-lXltJO t IU 11 Willi UU1 UdUe WltJl ; United States. It appears from ! this that to Mexico the United J States supplies 49 per cent of the j total imports for consumption; to 1 the Central American States 37 per cent; to AJOiumoia 66 per " J. J i 1 rr cent; to Venezuela 37 per cent;, to the West Indies 20 per cent; Dutch Guiana 23 per cent, and to French Guiana 6 per cent. Dining the ciyil war, as well as in Our late war with Spain, diar- ' rhoea was one of the most troublesome diseases the army bad to contend with. In many instances it became chronic and the old soldiers stilt suffer from it. Mr. David Taylor, of Wind Ridge, Greene county, Pa , is one of these. He uses Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and says he rover found anything that would ive him Buch quick relief. It' is for sale by M. L. Marsh & C - , D i legist Sale of Town Property. Two lots with three houses on them on Pine street, near4 Black welder's store. A bargain - for cash. Jno. 'Creech. Two STRIKES a home run, provided you make Furniture House of piece vv akka.u. a ee GOMPAIY.