Prico $4.00 Per Year. CONCORD, N. G., FRIDA.Y. ACJGUST 25, 1899. Single Copy 5 Cents A FRIGHTFUL OCCURRENCE. A Person Enters a House on West Depot Street and with a Large Knife in His Hand Orders a Young Lady About in the IJoom The Young Lady Faints. Considerable excitement reigned on West Depot street Thursday afternoon about 2 or 3 o'clock on , . orvrv,0 account of some personentering ine nuuio ux mrs. auupiiik ana badly frightening Miss Mamie Lentz, a young lady who lives there. ' First, a man having every ap pearance of a tramp, called at the door and in his broken lan guage asked for a needle . and thread to fix his clothes. This ex cited the young lady, and think ing at the time that he asked for a nickel, went and got him a nickel. The f ellow thanked her kindly and bowed and came on up town. While she was at the parlor window watching the fel-' low as he went up town, another fellow, a younger man, stepped to the other parlor window and ordered her to come to the win dow to him. Instead she started to run out of the door but by that time he had entered the hall and was standing at the parlor door with a large . knife in his hand. In succession he would order her about in the room and ask her questions. In order to evade him, she answered some one call ing her and quickly ran out of the room. While running through one of the rooms in the rear part of the house it seems that she fainted. After consid erable time she became conscious and awoke to find that the bureau drawers were taken out, a trunk thoroughly ransacked and things in the house turned.about as if wholly in search of money. Noth ing has been missed, so far. While straightening u p the things in the room a noise, was heard and soon the fellow made his escape. This is the account of the affair as Miss Mamie Lentz recalls it. The man who was first at the house, ''but'whb went only to the door, was arrested and brought to the mayor's office. On account of the probability that he was a partner of, the fellow who entered the house,- ne was puM in jail to await trial the next day. Officers were in search of the other f eK low Thursday night and followed auspicious person over about KuiTisburg but he was not cap tured. The old man, who was confined to 4 j ail, and who was begging fronTthe houses on the street, as he himself confessed; was sentenced to the chain gang for thirty days. . Floyd Utley Sent to the Cha'ngaig. It will be remembered that some time ago a boy' named Floyd Utley, who is known by quite a number here, was put in jail for an assault on a colored girl near China Grove. He was found guilty of only a simple as sault and was sentenced to the chaingang for thirty days. To Rev. Gannon's Funeral. Rpv t r TUnnn i left Thursday for Mill Grove - cnurch where he takes nartin a 1 camp meeting there for several hoQ1 North Carolina. There days and also went to assist iu?fenme fulL graduates in the the funeral on Sunday of Rev, - j Faculty and officers. Henry Garmon, who died a num- i nmln . ?i m 'r 11 , ao pal U. J ' I Splendid School Discipline. j Neatness, order, obedience punctuality and self-dependence are secured at tho Ti no-ham Schonl:. 'TiMT'MnW. tvj n s wise rules and regulations prop- j eriy eniorcea, without the ex pensive uniform, .heavy gun severe penalties, chanical flM "-.r.d military system. onerous me restraints of KILLED UY THE TRAIN. A Negro Falls Asleep by the Railroad Track and Raises His Head to Be Al most Instantly Killed No One Can Identify Him. On Thursday night at nearly 12 o'clock as the .stcond section of No. 72, a freight train north- bound, arrived near the crossing Qn ; ths;side of Harrisburg, -it struck a negro, who was sup- posed to be sleeping by the side of the track. It is supposed that the negro, XX IX VXXXXti M & WU UlilUUUU VX at that place lay down to sleep and just as the engine neareS him he rose, knocking one side of his head almost off. His body was not bruised as it lay ' from thecrossties : Coroner Lentz was called to the scene and held his inquest hnt. nn Tiorsnn fViprAahnnt. wa,s -.xx - w . able to identify the negro. He was of a medium size, and ap peared to be between 30 and 35 years old. In his pocket was found an open knife and sixty six cents. Off For the Game. I - , " v A large crowd took advantage of the cheap rate today to wit ness the baseball game between Concord and Mountain Island, j This is the tie game between our boys and the Islanders and we . of course hope for and expect a ; victory, which will close the baseball season. Besides a large number of boys, young men, and others we noted Mr. and Mrs. C vv bwiM, mf ana ivirs. r-uiK Misenheimer, . Mrs. A E Lentz, Mrs. .: Ed. Hall, Mrs.' Robt. S mrs. JJ-a. -. nan, . mrs. . wui. o x oung, nu mi rw": u , building up the healta 0nly 25c Myrtice Thompson with Missesjper b d by p B X CCtX X Olx.',CL VliaOlC JLJ A J VV XX, xx iouvu Mary Skinner, Mary Virginia Wadsworth, Agnes Moss, Fay Brown and Janle Ervin. Wedding Bells to Ring at China Groye. The following wedding invita tion has been received: Mrs. I. Frank Patterson, invites .you to be present at the marriage of her daughter Ethel ' to- : ' Mr. DeWitt Clinton Swaringen, . Wednesday evening September sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, at half after six o'clock, , St. Mark's Lutheran Church, China C rove, North Carolina. Miss Patterson is one of China ftrnvft's most admirable and popular young ladies. She is a sister of Mrs. M. L. Stevens, of this place, who is now living in Asheville. Mr. Swaringen is a worthy young man and is a drug - gist at China Grove. . : Their Delegates Elecled. At the meeting of the United Daughiers of the Confederacy Thursday afternoon the society elected Mrs. H M Barrow and Mrs. D B Coltrane as their dele gates to the annual meeting at Henderson, N. C. The ; meeting will be about the middle, of October. A Strong Faculty. There are a larger number of , j college aiiu uuiversiLy gi-auucttes in the f acuity of the Bingham ' T W$? ? 7' &lA w,, one oi tim most troublesome diseases the army i had to contend with; In many! instances it became chronic and - the old soldiers; still suffer from 1 it. "Mr. David Tavlor, of Witid RSe Greene county, Pa,, is onei i of these., He uses Chamberlain's i Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and says he never found ' anything that would give him j such quick relief. It is tor sale i by M.X. Marsh & Co. Druggist J How to Protect Piants and Fruit from ... : -, A Frost. Washington,, Aug. 23. The Department of Agriculture has prepared and will soon issue farmers' bulletin No. 104, en titled "Notes' on Frost," as a means of furnishmg informaUon as me protection oi crops from frost. It was prepared by E. B. Garriett, professor of meteorology at the Weather Bu reau, and defines frost and the conditions which favor its forma tion and states the methods of protection which have been found . - , , - . " , sayMkaVexperi. ments and observations seem to S?abilsh the following, facte : Th? d.a?ger, rpm, frost can be materially lessened by. placing early and tender plants on high T A " plants in low grounas ana noi - lows. When ground can be se lected in the lee, or to the south and east of considerable bodies x 'ii.- j -n e ui water tne uauger wm uo ther lessened. fur- Pythians Take Notice! All members of Concord Lodge No. 51 Knights of Pythias are requested to meet in Castle Hall tonight at 8 o'clock promptly. a l. white, a a T'TAum a xrr. tav WORKING NIGHT AND DAY The busiest and mighties little thin that ever was made is Dr. Kind's New Life Pills. JSvery pin 9 a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into , Btrength, lisjilessness aiito hrain-iae into menial ?TvT wrne5l1is SiHM ss trouble 18 not QWej. They're wonderful Druggist. PERSQNAL POINTERS- Mr. H L Thurston, of South ern Pines, is here today. . .Rev. C L T Fisher, of Eliza beth college, was here today. Mr. J W Pharr and little son, of Charlotte, are visiting here to day. ' ; . ' -" Mr. . Bruce Templeton, of MooresviUe is visiting at Mr. Joe Reed's. Miss Jessie Deaton went over ! to Charlotte this morning to visio her brother, ! Miss Wilma Correll went to , Charlotte this morning to spend ; several days with Mrs. Chas. Stone. Mr. Edgar B Sherrill, who j has ben visitmg his brother, Mr. Jno. B Sherrill, will return to Washington, D. C. tonight. Mr. J B Baylor, of Washing ton, D. C, is here. Mr. Baylor is here for the purpose of put ting up the meridian posts con tracted for by the county some time ago ; ' A 1 1 HID - OP - mmm I r I CAKES f AT Ui u. Ii't till ci A SHOOTING AFFAIR. Mack Roger Pulls the Trigger On Jesse Koontz-Only a Few Shot Take Effect Mack Boer Gone. Great interest is being taken by. the colored people in their revival meeting at Price Me morial temple but two of the at- tendants, Mack Boger and Jesse Koontz, departed from that straight and narrow Dath Thurs-1 day night, changing the situa- tion of things in Love Town. Shortly before 12 o'clock in J the nierht Mack Boerer in front of . Jesse KoonVs house drew his shot gun on Jesse and fired two tunes. Only a few shot took T - I effect in- Jesse's leg and he is able to walk about as before. . But Mack- Boger's presence here is no more. too soon as ne Ishot both loads of his gun he ; , . , , , hurried home and after grabbing a lew necessary articles of cloth T tLove ing tor traveling ne left tne town, probably to love withm lis borders no more.. A woman is the cause of the trouble.- , Turbulent Cuban's Killed. Blood has been shed in Cuba over the matter of payment of Cuban soldiers. At Cuevitas, near Santiago, the soldiers whose names were not on the rolls be came turbulent and a mob at tacked Capt. Beliat, when his men fired and killed five and wounded ten. The "Whole trouble arises from imperfect rolls. . The humor. ; of the native - sbK anucipaieu. Bingham's Latin Grammar. This. book, which was written by Col. Wm. Bingham, at the Bingham School, Orange county, near Mebane, . has a very large sale in the United States. It is used in the Latin course in Bing ham School, Mebane, RED HO r FROM THE GUN Was the ball that hit G. B. Rteadman of Newark, Mich., 4n the Civil War. It caused horrib le Ulcers that no treatment, helped for 20 years. Then Bucklen's Avnic Slv cnrd hira. Cans Cats, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Fe -ons, Coras, Skin ErnptioDP, Best Best Pile cure on earth. 25cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by P. B. Fetzer, Druggist. One STRIKE, And you have made a safe hit and straight for the BELL, HARRIS & CO. Where you can rind EVERYTHING you need in the house keep--ino- line from the CRADLE TO THE GRAVE. Our three floors are crowded to the doors with goods bought before the advance VimifrVif t Vi om tn RET jTj and we are sroinsr to SELL them, SEE if we DON'!'. Do you need any of our kind .of stuff i If yon do give us a call. Don't forget our Star Leader and Iron King Cook Stoves they Bake the Cake. Our Lisk Anti-Rust Tinware ic niv fVio tnwn Everv riece Warranted. Call and see lO jLXD UCIIxXl. vx Ui.iv W IT xx. l X. us, we will dp you good. s BELL, T-A nnin CONSUMED BY THE FLAMES. The Residence of Mr. William Townsend Burned to the. Ground Everything Lost They Barely Escape Before the Houie Falls In No Insurance. f Similar to the case of Mr. Ab ner Misenheimer a few weeks ago, is Mr. William Townsend's fate now by a disastrous fire Thursday night at his home about three-fourths of a mile from the Bala mill in No; 2 town ship. About 2 o'clock, the family awoke and found their residence on fire and they discovered . it none too soon to save their own lives, as the building was well on X 1 ' "I 1 TTTMI it us way xo asnes, ana vv ill tne young son of Mr. P P Town- send, of this place, barely stepped out of the door before the building dropped down. Everything in the house was lost, including a quantity of wheat which was stored away in the garret. Not even all of the clothes worn the day before were saved. No cause is known for the fire, unless that it was done, by rats coming in contact- with some matches. Mr. Townsend carried np insurance and it is a total loss to him. Mr, Townsend is a brother of our townsman, Jailer Townsend, and is crippled. A Scare on West Depot Street. Thursday night some one was seen at the window of Wilson !ycMbre,; colored, oh "West 'Depot street, opposite Scotia seminary? The small ; boy sleeping at the window discovered the man,. yho he says was a white man, and gave the alarm to that part of the town. The prowler dropped out of the window when line boy screamed and ran across the field toward Wagoner's grove. You Assume no rink when you buy Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy. M. ' Li. Marsh & Co. will refund your money if you are not satisfied after using It. It i everywhere, admitted to be the mo&t success ful remedy in use for i owel com plaints and; the uly one that nwer fails. It is oipsnt, bafe aud reliable. Sale of Town Property. . Two lots with 11 iree hou ses on them on Pine street, near Black welder's store. . A bargain for cash. Jno. Creech. Two STRIKES a heme run, provided you make-. Furniture House of - . GO

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