Price $100 Per Year. CONCOKD, N. 0., SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1899. Single Copy 5 Cents WE WERE DEFEATED. In the Tenth Inning Mountain Island Scores the Hun That Puts the Islanders Ahead For the Season The Score Tied from the Eighth to the Tenth. ' . , " Wo lost the game! " That's what we had on our lips Friday night when we re turned from the baseball game in Charlotte after playing a tight game with the Mountain Island boys. This was the third game this season v with the Islanders and this game makes them two to our one in victories. This was the last, game of the season and an unusually large crowd from here and Mountain Island, assisted by Charlotte, attended the game. - It was, as the score will tell you, a close game and good ball was played. Neither team scored until the fourth inning when Reed came marching him. This was when the grand stand, Concord's part at least, went wild and when Iceman, opened not that mouth of Ms. The Islanders had yet failed to make a straight line and our boys held them down until the eighth inning when Fox, cunning-like, slipped home. Then we were one and one. Now was the time when excite ment reigned and all wondered -what will the harvest be." Like billows the roar was inces xlrm the ninth and yet there jras no deciding vote cast. On tVey went over into the tenth and this step proved fatal to us for Meade in the tenth scored, after making a hit to first, steal -ins? second and third, made, home on a pass ball. .. : .' The following is the summary of the game: CONOORD B. H. PO. AS. E. Card, rf 0 .10 0 1 LeGrande, 2b 0 2 2 ,2 1 Allison, 11 0 0 i 0 1 Mangum, cf 0 0 1 0-0 Reed, lb . 1 0 9 0 0 Lambeth, 3b 0 3 3 ? 2 1 Grayea, c 0 0 10 0 Caldwell, ss 0 0 0 2 0 Latimer, vp - 0- - 0 1- 4 . . 0 . rr, 1 6 . 28 11 4 MT. ISLAND. R. H. PO. AS. E. Oldham, c 0 1 13 3 1 Kenna, p. . : . 0 . 0 ; 0 4 0 Meade, ss 1 1 0 0 0 Fox, 3b .,. , i . .a , .J - .'i; k Stewart 0.0 1 0 1 Jenkins, P. lb 0 1 1 0 1 lwr, lb 0 1 12 . 0 1 Yoimt, 2 b 0 0 1 3 2 Jenkins, rf 0 0 1 0 1 2 5 30 11 7 Hits Off Kenna 6; off Lati mer 5. Errors Mountain Is land 7; Concord 4, Struck out Kenna 12: bv Lattimer 10. Passed balls Oldham 1; Graves Wild pitches Kenna 1 ; Lati mer 3. Given bases by Kenna Latimer 5. Double play Davis 1. 'two base hits Le Grande 2; Davis 1.- This was all and we can' change it, and now we drop the A m i curtain closing until next year the view of our boys in baseball costumes. May they next year have well remembered their parts and repeat their good plays of '99. Mrs. Little Deadi For several days death has been expected to come to Mrs. Little, the wife of Mr. Winfield Little who lives on Buffalo street at Forest Hill. She died Friday evening.- She leaves a husband and several children. The re mains were interred at Love's errove. , THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOB CHILLS and fever is a bottle "c Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. Never fails to cure; Then "why experiment with worthless imitations? Price 50 cents. Tour money.back if it failsjtocure. . EXCITEMENT PREVAILS IN DARIEN. -Puy auu "- youngest child, of the ex-Post-othcr Assembled in SwampWill Be master-General,' John Wana Attacked. maker, of Philadelphia, whose Intense excitement prevails at.lps are famous, and who uarien, Georgia, some du miies south of Savannah, on the coast, T-hr, rioiooroi o. ci,nf. ivni TWnVr ciwifF tc : imuuu fvj xxxxx vxx Townsend and severely wounded Dermtv Hopkins, who went to ,rrWhimAfor Wr.h of the rjeace ' Tfie negro escaped but much bad spirit prevails and the ne- groes left the town and assem- bled in the swamp twelve miles away, armed and in defiance of law ' - - The militia was called, out and the swamp guarded. ' It is the r, to advance on them and disarm and arrest them. The 5:. tw mt, outcome will doubtless be most SiflrcStoS serious ll tney conxmue xo aeiy the law. A Recapitulation of the Baseball Season. The baseball season has now closed and the scorer's book is laid away until next , year when it now seems xnere win ue a league formed between our teams . which have this season, so well ; Tne soothing and healing prop managed their games both as to ertieS oi Chamberlain's Cough finances, good behavior, and Remedy, its- pleasant taste and oou win. . We have daring this season' had some one ball playing and 1, A :4- ,. UtJO U dUVCi tlOtJXlOi-l IXJi. UUi IUWU but has been a source of gratifi cation to our baseball lovers. Our team this, season played thirty games. Two games were tie srames, giving us xwenxy- eight games to get pur percen tage from. Concord's amount of games for the season was 53 per cent. The resume is as fol lows: With Statesville we tied once and our score with them is 1 and 1, With Cheraw we beat 3 out of 4 games. WTth the Greens boro team we ?beat 2 out of 31 With Charlotte we tied once and also beat them 2 out of 3. The Kings- Mountain -boys : 'lost 4 games out of 6 to us. We lost three straight games with the Union team. We lost ,2 t.out of 3 games with the ' Moun tain Island boys, and out of 4 games with the Tarboro boys we lost 3 games... - , : : " . . A Meeting of the Stockholders. A called meeting of the stock holders of the Lippards & Shealy mill was held Friday night. Nothing of srjecial interest was CJ J. ; done as apart of the business in tended to be transacted was not ready to be taken up. A meet ing will very probably be called soon again. Dr. L N Burleyson is now president of the company in place of Mr. D B Coltrane who resigned. Dr. W C Hous ton is a director in place of Mr. W P Shealy. The other four directors are Messrs. J C Lip pard, R T Lippard, Dr. L N Burleyson, and Geo. B Hiss, of Charlotte. A Death at Cannonville. . ( On Friday night death robbed Mr. and Mrs. Moses Clme, of j Cannonville. of their two year old child. The remains wilLbe interred at Ebenezer bunday; Duiing the ciyil war afe well in our late war with Spain, diat rhoea was one ot the uiDst troublesome diseases tho nrmy bad to contend with. In many instances it became chronic and the old soldiers Jtill suffer from it Mr. David Taylor, of Wind Ridge, Greene county, Pa., is one of these. He uses Chamberlain's i Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy and says he never , found, anything that would give him -such quick relief. It is for sale i by M. L. Marsh & Co.. Druggist , Patriotic Miss Wanamaker. Miss Lillian Wanamaker is the . rr. , . denc.. Miss Wanamaker is a beautiful society belle, attending balls and dinners, and wearing , curt,oi 7:nlr s er time both m this countryimd Europe. . She visits her brotner, 1 Rodman Wanamaker, m Paris part of the year A; Mr. Rodman Wanamaker married a beautiful frenc and has lived so TO& th.he ost a Frenchman. Miss Wanamaker came into prominence a year or two ago through heiv acquaint- V , ote Khedive of Egypt, Prince Me- nemet Ail; ' Tne prince, wno is a strikingly handsome fellow. educated in England, fell -deeply j . with Miss WnnamaW. in love with Miss Wanamaker, according to the story, andi pro- posed'for her hand. Miss Wana- maker has always declared she ! would marry none but an Ameri-; can, and sne retusea tne rnnce, like a patriotic girl- The Ind- dependent v . DromDt and nermanent cures wave made it a areat favorite with the people everywhere. ; For sale J ' r PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. Dick Harris returned to Salisbury this morning. Rev. J A Linn, of Mt. Pleas- made should never air his opin ant, was here early this morning. . ;ons ;n -nriblic Mr. Robert Sappenfield, of Charlotte, is visiting his broth ers here. i . " Mr, Frank Robbins, of Goldsboro, arrived here last night. Dr. and Mrs. N D Fetzer will return home Monday from their visit to Rockwell. ( v Prof. Jesse ' Oldham, of Mountain Island, is spending today and Sunday here. , '- Mr. Jay Harris returned this m orning after spen ding the week at his home near Harrisburg. -John Correll, who is staying at Southern Pines, arrived here this morning to visit his parents. Mr. Wm. Reid, of Salisbury, i arrived here this morning to visit his brother, Mr. Joel Reid. ; Mr. Frank Canton, of Char lotte, is expected here tomorrow to. spend the day with his friend, M cRee Anderson . v Mr. Ed. Correll passed through here this morning from Albemarle to Harrisburg to at tend the bedside of his wife who has fever. , mm !A Fres i .ii AT . Injured By Lightning. We learn Mrs. Love, near Lo-; Rev. W. B. Oney will hold cust was injured by lightning in ! services at St. Andrews Luth Monday evening's storm. Blood jeran church tomorrow night gushed from her eyes, ears and ; mouth. No.mark was made on the body. Stanly Enterprise. . . . Young Mr. Harkey Dead. me iveai-uiu &uu ui mr. The 12-year:old son of Mr. John Harkey, of N6. 7 township, ,. , Wr-ht - . OT. , )hn Harkey, of N ed Friday night c f ZiT remains were buried at Bear Creek church today (Saturday.) I The Cheekiest Man. The cheekiest man on record has been located "out West." TheChenoa (111.) Gazette office was recently destroyed by fire. Lditor Hedge recouped himself and started again. Then he ad vertised for copies of the paper to replace the ones which were lost The story is thus told by the Gazette : 4A suhscrihor took the Gazette : "A subscriber took, the paper, took it for five years without paying for ic, and then offeredr to. sell v the old papers back' to the editor for cash when tne tatter's nie naa oeen aestroyea by nre." And yet there are peo pie who prof ess to believe "Bob" ,1Ui w i u -a was rjght when he said n h Wfl'tpr pT on nereaxter. :HiX. lngersoll there is no Pointed Paragraphs. A lawsuit is the proper court dress for an attorney. Curiosity has a peculiar way of getting the better of discre tion. The dog that chases his own tail tries his best to make both ends meet. The man whose mind is not : A. bacneler always reels sorry for a pretty girl who marries some other man. When a man of mature years j. acquires the cigarette habit it is easy to see his finish. Possibly r : the world may owe every man a living, but it has too many preferred creditors. Noah was evidently in the pick ing business at least he filled the ark with preserved pairs. Selected. Attention W. 0. W ! I You are hereby requested to meet at Elm Camp . tomorrow afternoon promptly at 3 o'clock to prepare for the unveiling of Sovereign Alexander's monu ment at cemetery at 5 o'clock. Jno. D. Hatchett, -Consul Commander. One STRIKE, And you have made a safe hit and straight for the BELL, HARRIS & CO. Where you can find iVJi;Kixaii.r yuu.uKu m v in" line from the CRADLE TO THE GRAVE, Our three floors are crowded to the doors with goods bought; before, the advance and we bought them to SELL and we are going taS E L L them SEE IF WE DON'T. JUO you neeu iiiiy ul uui rvxxxv at. . do sive us a call. Don't forget our Star Leader and Iron King Cook Stoves-they Bake the Cake. Our' Lisk Anti-Rust Tinware is the talk of the town. Every piece Warranted. Call and .see us. we will do you good. . HARRIS With the Churches Tomorrow. at 8 o'clock. Rev. J. D. Arnold will hold regular services at Forest Hill M. E. church tomorrow morning and night. xvev. 1. Rev. T. W. Smith, the pastor ' will hold S ' lar services at M. E. church tomor row. Regular services both tomor row morning and night at Cen tral M. E. church by the pastor, Rev. J. E. Thompson. The pastor, Rev. C. B: Miller, will hold regular "services tomor row morning: and tomorrow night . at St. James Lutheran . . ... . i cnurcn. Rev. Cochran, Preston the pastor, will preach at Forest Hill Presbyterian church tomor row morning at 11 o'clock, and at the Cannonville Presbyterian -church tomorrow night . at 8 o'clock. , There will be regular services at the Baptist church tomorrow morning and night by the pastor, Rv. B. Lacy Hoge. Subject for 1 Xtm -Rnu-t TPnitii 11 (a. ,m, Mhe baptist laitri Q,i -nui. cs,w:4- q w "The Forgiveness of Sins." The Rector, Rev. J C Davis, will conduct services at All Saints Episcopal church tomor row morning at 11 o'clock and tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. There will be regular services' at the First Presbyterian church tomorrow morning and tomorrow nigljt. Dr. J Y Allison will preach at the morning service. The picture of health is often a genuine work of art. RED HO C FROM THE GUN Was the ball that bit G. B. Rteadman Of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It cm used h orrible Ulcers that no treattnent helped for 20 years. Then iJueklen's Arnic Salve cured him. Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Fel ons, Corns, Skin Eruptious, Best Best Pile cure on earfn. 25c ts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by P. B. Fetzer. Drupgi t. Sale of Town Property. Two lots with three houses on them on Pine street, near Black welder's store. A bargain for cash. Jno. Creech. Two STRIKES a home run, provided you make Furniture House of COIPAM