a- WE S3 if . $ -i i lJi Til . fcM m Prico $1.00 Per Year. CONCOllD.N. C, TUESDAY, AUGUST 29,1899. Sickle Copy 5 Cents mmSm w1 '- ' , .- ; A HEAVY-RAIN AT GLASS. A Suitable Place for North Carolina 1 lllUilLJAUXUm tASMIJiK "Jb.UAY.ES. Iff at- tlia First OnnrrAl The Savines and Trust CemnanY Solid G " exclaimed, w 4 r ( and College Miss Winecoff Goes t& David- son College-Of Personal Interest. .'. Written for The Standard: Glass, Aug. 29. Mr. 1 1 P W Glass beautified his Residence last week with a fresh jpbat of paint. . ; :! Miss Mary Winecoif, a trained nurse, is resting a while at W D Gillon's. She is spending a few days this week in Concord. She exnects to take work with Dr.. Monroe at Davidson College the i first of October. The advertisement in The Standard - last week of a mare Mr. James Ashby. had found brought Mr. John Harrill, oi Charlotte, here last night. He got his mare and returned to Charlotte today.. ; Mr. S W Winecoff's son, who is sick with the fever, is improving. Mr. Geneva Cline, of this place, left last night for Concord to take vrcrk in the bleachery. We hr.d a heavy rain here v t t 0,, wi. never speak to me again!" F He passed out into the unsym- $160. pathetic night, but paused when Mr. George Sloan, cashier of he reached the sidewalk and thA WnThi'riVtnTi-RaviTifffi Sr. Trust? drew something from one of his n i 4.1, o a inside pockets. As he did so the Company left the city on Sunday wZ, -, wun TOCTOt,wl A Laudable Work. f He Is Wanted In South Carolina. In our issue of Friday last we I On Monday Deputy Sheriff gave an account of the burning Townsend received papers from of the home of W W Townsend ?n rolma asking him to Patterson's Mill. The ; evening and his whereabouts beautiful girl, who was watching 1S him from the vestibule, uttered near aged tirely destitute of every necessity of life, but the neighbors and look put for a white fellow named i Henrv'McGraw. who on the 1 3th couple were thus left en-1 of this month cut a m-n nampd McKibben at Rock Hill. Officer Townsend spied the man Mon- friends have already taken iriday evening but-, while McGraw hand the work to rebuild the iLas efm? early breairfast today home and replace what furniture ' ut3i5Ua- aL axion iunn s a shrill scream and ran toward him. n v Pvn,r U-.iHii;may be needed. Already the yourself! 'Throw your revolver people of the county have done m i nuoii auu uuvv i.u.cj' cloiV irienas to aid m purchasing the so in vSimday mornings so much that there was no preaching the vicinity. Why, not build the North Oarolina College at Glass. Wei have the healthiest .and most: suitable place in theState. Mr. Marion Pethel and family, of Cannonyille, are visiting rel atives i at this place. 1 Mr. John Freeze, of Cannon-; ville, spent Sunday and Monday with his' daughter, Mrs. John Sims. . :v - -: .:- There is some talk oi running a private school here this winter.""' ' ' ' ' ' '' Mr. Abner Walter, one of our oldest citizens," spent -one day last week with T A Rogers. It was pleasant to hear them talk of old times. Mr. Charlie Murph's resi dence a mile above this place was built in 1830. It has itsirst roof on it yet and does not leak. Good material will tell. Mr. Ed. Winecpff, of Vera Criise, Mexico, has-been :Visitingj his mother for some months. He leaves this week .for, New York. Walked from New York Here. Late Monday afternoon a man having ' the w appearance of a tramp struck town and went to the town hall. Above each knee he had handkerchiefs ;tied tightly and his walkseemed ; burdenj some. .He was quartered at the Morris hotel that,, night by Mr. Pharr. . The man states that he was a paralytic and recovered after staying in the hospital some time in New York. As soon as cured he started for his home in Savannah and has come thus far from New "York on foot. He left New York on the 5th day of J uly. He intends -to keep going until he is completely exhausted or else reach home. Near the depot some negroes threw stones at him, he said, on account of his uninviting appearance. . t.: Electrical Storm at China Grove. On last Sunday morning quite an electrical storm visited China 'Aove.. making it for a while quite dangerous. The lightning sLucl; ioar diderent buildings in the town. A few brick were knocked off oi the smokestack of the cotton mill and some damage done to machinery in the build ing. A barn was also struck and the horse of Mr. Dan Archey killed. Will Go to Henrietta. On Thursday of this week Mr. LD Duval's resignation takes effect as superintendent of the Cannon mills. As before stated it was Mr. Duval's intention to Lake part in a mill in: Georgia, but he has since accepted a posi tion as superintendent of bhe of the mills at Henrietta. not definitely known, though thought to be in Baltimore. It appears that there is a small defalcation but the bank is in no HrmP'fvr nf trnnhlp. Thprfv will be no loss by. depositors, who aa and let us forget our quar are ottereatneir moneys once . , i lumber, nails, locks, and other. it tney: want it, ana iou per -.v -ul IT Cr ithings. Thev will do all the i Ait Dhed as hd caueht her m hisi imTB" x-y LLX -r- . 1 ; there is any on the market. So arms- a monkey wrench I there is noWger of a stampede, borrowed from you that aaymy It ,is surmised that cashier wheel' broke down. I have been Sloan may have become mentally soaring it next to my heart ever disordered through oppressive S1c , , duties ' : Then they returned to the par- : ' " lor and took ut the thread of Off On a Furiongh. work. Send cash or checks to Rev. Cochran; Preston, . Concord, N. C. Home For Waifs Burned. New York, Ausrust 28.- -St. Roman Catholic convent u -u i nv "xt at Sparkill, ne?,r Nyack, th( Columbus Hartcoll, son of Mr. . Jonah M Hartsell, spent Mon horn early for waifs, was this mornmor. the burned Three out near the Bala mills Mr. Townsend approached the house. McGraw saw him com ing and didn't take time to tell Mr. Dulin good-bye and started across the cotton patch. Mr. Townsend's pistol was leveled on the fellow just as he "was, looking back and it had the de sired effect for the fellow called out for him not to shoot, He was brought here to jail and will be taken back, to Rock Hill. Foul Assasi Capt. Calvin Barnes while traveling hem evT,rd from his day night hereon his way Another Contract for Cutting Timb2r. ; children- and one servant J farm near- Wilson; with two little vidUiicTrQ ni, T,pn in Rtnnlv Messrs. Davis Barrier and perished in the flames. Three . firrand-childr en Mondav vm-n no- visit his parents at Leo in Stanlv Messrs. Davis turner ana pensnea m tne names. Three county. This young man be- Lewis Misenheimer, of Rimer, ; Sisters of Mercy vere fatally in longs to the cavalry and is sta- who devote most of their time to . jured and four Sister were in tionedat Washington. For some cutting timber,' have started on a jured more or less severely, time he has been sick'with fever contract of cutting near Elmwopd, Many nuns and citizens made and is recuperating now. He on the Wexra rilror ou i.n2 iiorozc rescues, is on a twenty days furlough, land belongs to Mr. Will Day- The inmates were aroused from Had he not had the fever . he vault, of this place. There is slumbers by the flames. . One would have been in service in about three hundred acres of sister saw the flames start in the the Philippines. . ; timber, land there. They only ! dormitory, simultaneously with " contract to cut it in fco lumber an the chapel and boiler room. I .... ..... - a-n-. I mi 1 1 I T 1 1 The Shekel Earned. put it to the railroad. . Tne lum- rnree nunarea ennaren were griiuu-ciiiiaren ivionaay evening: about dusk -was .'oulijr shot in the back by an unknown assassin. His survival is very doubtful. Bloodhounds were sent for and a white man is suspected. The bachelors - iri' Hesse, Ger many, are taxed 35 per cent more than married people, and the unreasonable fellows are kicking against it. If they want That which we work for and .. "i'F , 1 - j. to enoy tne luxury oi sewing on witxjr . ,VOiC..' v thmr own. . hnttnn s nnd nil - tnnh win by earnest effort is doubly gr -' L -v ;- -our --own and carries with it its -: - T": wisdom.- Thus a man who inner- Negro Trusty Commits a Foul Sape. its a fortune seldom puts it to the j A 'negro trusty, named Melville best or' wisest uses. In order toPa;rkof thejhaingang of Dur learn the wise andbeneficient use th h.rtimtt a ranp -late Mon. of money one must have toiled d' v,evemneona little: white girl, for it com by coin, must nave: the-S-year-old: daughter of Wm. some times suffered the want of Hurdlestonf axespectable farmer, it. Aman?born with a golden rr; indignations ran high and h& maV be lynched. .He did not Escape the guards. r . first.' spoon in his moutb never pastes either pairibr hapmiiess asjnese are known to the common .man. He has not felt the great danger of, desires which gives Nonfulfill ment its exquisite flavor. Not having struggledanrihQfigJit,; Ite' knows nothing of the jqof vic- t.orv WbmnnJst Home 'Compan- lOn.n c.r :r;r? ' i Ompan- v !Ybu assume no risk when yon buy Chamberlain's Colic, "Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy M. L. Marsh & - Co. " will reund your money ifr jh ul are not satisfied after using it "It is everywhere admitted ito.fee the most success ful reme dy in use for bowel com plaints o and , jhe: only ' one th at never fails. It is pleasant, safe and reliable. Fined for Trespassing : x On Monday morning a white man named Will Smith, of near the Bala milli was brought be fore Esq Pitts f or trespassing.- It seems that Mr. Smith had been ordered out of the mill and did not heed -the order and hence, he had to.be fined ten dollars besides several dollars pi: costs. ft Exchange Wanted. A person owning a life inter est in a r -small but comfortably furnished apartmc nt, in a well lighted weli-ventilated stone building, will exchange the same for a blanket, a yellow dog and a cave in the side of a hill situ ated in ,any desert country on the face of the globe. ' Address Life Larry, Clinton P. PERSONAL POINTERS. Morrison King is spending today in Charlotte. -Fred Odell returned homo j yesterday evening from Bcssr-i mer. I Duiing the civil war, as well as in our late war with Spain; diarr rhoea wasv ofie - of f the most troublesome- diseases the army had to contend with, -In many instances it became chronic and the old soldiers still suffer from it. Mr. DaTid Taylorr of Wind Ridge, Greene cbiinty;:PaTi is one of these. He uses Chamberlain's Cplic, Cholera and Piarshpea Remedy and says he never ifound anything - that would give him such quick relief ' It is for sale by M. L. Marsh & Co., Druggist kind of a thing they should be willing to pay it Morning Star, RED HO T FRO M THE GUN Was the ball that hit G. Steadman of Newark Mich., in theiCiyil vWar. It; Caused horrible tfjeers $i at no treatmeriij ; helped tof 20; . years. . Then Bucklen's Arnic.4 Salve cured bim. Cures CutsrBirues, Burns, Boils, FeJ tJns Corns, Skin Ertip t!o s, ' Best Best Pite cure On earth ; 25c ts.: '- a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by P. B. Fetzeri-Druggict. , - ". " r.y 1111 ft' Mfles'jnifn VUUi ate gu amcwtxl to Stoto One STR IKE. Tw"STRlKES I And you have made a safe hit and a home run, provided you make straight for the Furniture House of Mr J M Etldleman, one of j China Grove's merchants, spent today: here. D J Bostian a vl Ch . - F morn ing from Miser g's springs. Mrs:- Jno. Hr' , . Misses Kate Archibald izd Uri Lentz land Mr. Will vv .:. ..e ent today out at Miss Pearl Morrison's. tt TrvTM rtTtrnvr A TXT A It is tertainlv sratif Ting to the ! . . W .,w i A Cnnoh a li con public to know of one concern in the landwho are not afraid to bet generous to the needy and suffer ing. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Coughs and Colds, have giAen away oyer ten million trial bottles oi tnis great mecucine; ana have the saiistaction of knowing f it has absolutely cared thousands I of hopeless cases. Asthma.Bronch- itis,: Hoarseness and all; dis 1 eases ot the Throat, Chest and Langs are surely cured by it. Uall on i . jlj. jreizer, 'Jruggisc, and get a free trial bottle. Regular size 50c. and $1. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. OF m BELL HARRIS & CO. Whee you can find EVERYTHING you need in the house keep ing line from the CRADLE TO THE GRAVE. Our three floors are crowded to the doors with goods bought before the advance and we bought them to SELL and we are going to SELL them, see if we don?tv Do you need any of jour kind of stuff ? If you rln P-ivfvus a call. Don't forget our Star Leader and Iron King .1 Ccok Stoves they Bake the Cake. Our Lisk Anti-Rust Tinware i is the talk of the town. uvery piece vv akkajntj-;l. axu auu,. ! us. we will do you good. , ' , ' giai 1 CAKE AT -V' W ' J . ,, . .... T ri tTT. IRS . o i BELL, 5 mm pmmm 11 'j "PA t HARRIS & COMP km. SI nn fintsrriT'e .1 1 1 rmmrm 91 W fm to TEETU1H8 POWDERS y in liUliUU A I ! i Regulates the Eoels, Hakes TeetMn Easy. . TEETHHiA Relives lb Boud Troubles cf -CMldrea cf l6m Costs Ob" Acfe Tour